This study investigates errors analysis of the writings in
senior secondary schools students in Ikere Ekiti. The main aim of the study is
to identify the errors, their causes and
proffer pedagogical solutions to the five randomly selected secondary schools were
used for the study, the study used a survey design of descriptive type of
research for the study. Findings from the study revealed that that most of the
students commit tense errors. Also the students were found to represent past
expression with present tense. Following the analysis and findings of this
study, the following recommendation are
made. There is need to accord emphasis on the teaching of grammar. It is
therefore necessary to review the English language teaching syllabus of senior secondary school students
to accept the importance of grammar teaching and accord it the right
place in the syllabus by increasing its scope, coverage and instructional
activities. Also there is need to increase contact hours for English language
teaching. There is also a need to Adopt appropriate teaching method. It was
also recommended that training and re-training of English teachers in the
selected schools in order to keep them abreast of current development in second
language learning research.
senior secondary schools students in Ikere Ekiti. The main aim of the study is
to identify the errors, their causes and
proffer pedagogical solutions to the five randomly selected secondary schools were
used for the study, the study used a survey design of descriptive type of
research for the study. Findings from the study revealed that that most of the
students commit tense errors. Also the students were found to represent past
expression with present tense. Following the analysis and findings of this
study, the following recommendation are
made. There is need to accord emphasis on the teaching of grammar. It is
therefore necessary to review the English language teaching syllabus of senior secondary school students
to accept the importance of grammar teaching and accord it the right
place in the syllabus by increasing its scope, coverage and instructional
activities. Also there is need to increase contact hours for English language
teaching. There is also a need to Adopt appropriate teaching method. It was
also recommended that training and re-training of English teachers in the
selected schools in order to keep them abreast of current development in second
language learning research.
Title page i
page ii
page ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgements v
Abstract vi
Table of Content vii
Introduction 1
Background to the study 1
Statement of the problem 4
Objective of the study 5
Research Question 5
Significance of the study 5
Scope of the study 7
Writing In Second Language 8
Grammar 10
Grammar 10
Inflections And The Basic Word Class 15
Inflections And The Basic Word Class 15
Theoretical framework 22
Analysis 24
Analysis 24
Second Language Learning Theory 26
Second Language Acquisition and Error Analysis 29
of literature review 31
of literature review 31
Research Design 33
Area of study 33
Population of the study 34
Sample and sampling techniques 34
Instrument for Data collection 34
Validation of the instrument 35
Reliability of the instrument 35
Administration of the instrument 36
Data Analysis Techniques 36
Data presentation and Analysis 37
Statement of findings 43
Summary 45
Conclusion 46
Recommendation 47
Suggestion for further study 48
References 49
Appendix 51
Background to the
was from the colonial era that the importance of English had been emphasized.
Today, the English Language has become so indispensable in Nigerian life that,
according to Bamigbose (2001) “It could perhaps be regarded as the most
important heritage left behind in Nigeria by the British, at the end of the
colonial administration”. Efforts made by the colonial administration to
encourage the teaching and learning of the English Language in Nigerian schools
included the introduction of a system of certification into the country between
1882 and 1926 through a series of education codes. This system not only
attracted Nigerians to lucrative jobs but also ensured that priority was put on
English Language in all schools, for instance, a credit pass in the subject was
a pre-requisite to obtaining a certificate in all examination.
was from the colonial era that the importance of English had been emphasized.
Today, the English Language has become so indispensable in Nigerian life that,
according to Bamigbose (2001) “It could perhaps be regarded as the most
important heritage left behind in Nigeria by the British, at the end of the
colonial administration”. Efforts made by the colonial administration to
encourage the teaching and learning of the English Language in Nigerian schools
included the introduction of a system of certification into the country between
1882 and 1926 through a series of education codes. This system not only
attracted Nigerians to lucrative jobs but also ensured that priority was put on
English Language in all schools, for instance, a credit pass in the subject was
a pre-requisite to obtaining a certificate in all examination.
The poor performance of students in English calls for urgent attention
especially when we consider the crucial roles English plays in the country. The
fact that (Nwogu 2003) “English Language is arguably the most significant, but
most controversial subject taught in Nigerian secondary schools” need not be
over-stressed. Apart from English being instrumental to getting a good job in
many cases, it is a pre-requisite for post-secondary education in Nigeria. It
is also one of the four official languages recognized by the 1999 constitution
of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. It is again the medium of instruction right
from the “later” stage of primary school up to the university level Federal
Government of Nigeria (FGN, 1998). In view of these and many other roles it
plays in the country, it will be difficult, if not practically impossible, for
any person to be socially reckoned with in all spheres of life without a
functional knowledge of English. If English is as important as we have pointed
out above, it becomes necessary for us as teachers, curriculum planners, policy
makers etc. to help, in various capacities improve students’ and users’
performance in it by studying all its aspects, i.e. lexis, phonology, grammar
semantics etc.
especially when we consider the crucial roles English plays in the country. The
fact that (Nwogu 2003) “English Language is arguably the most significant, but
most controversial subject taught in Nigerian secondary schools” need not be
over-stressed. Apart from English being instrumental to getting a good job in
many cases, it is a pre-requisite for post-secondary education in Nigeria. It
is also one of the four official languages recognized by the 1999 constitution
of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. It is again the medium of instruction right
from the “later” stage of primary school up to the university level Federal
Government of Nigeria (FGN, 1998). In view of these and many other roles it
plays in the country, it will be difficult, if not practically impossible, for
any person to be socially reckoned with in all spheres of life without a
functional knowledge of English. If English is as important as we have pointed
out above, it becomes necessary for us as teachers, curriculum planners, policy
makers etc. to help, in various capacities improve students’ and users’
performance in it by studying all its aspects, i.e. lexis, phonology, grammar
semantics etc.
Nigeria today, English is the usual language of government, business and
commerce, the mass media and inter-ethnic communication among educated
Nigerians. Besides, it is the principal medium of formal education in the
country. And it is perhaps in its role in Nigerian education that the
importance of the language is felt most.
Nigeria today, English is the usual language of government, business and
commerce, the mass media and inter-ethnic communication among educated
Nigerians. Besides, it is the principal medium of formal education in the
country. And it is perhaps in its role in Nigerian education that the
importance of the language is felt most.
The English language is widely recognized as the most commonly used
language in the world today. As a result, it is very important for people who
travel, conduct business, do academic and scientific research or study in an
international setting to be able to use it correctly. Although
language in the world today. As a result, it is very important for people who
travel, conduct business, do academic and scientific research or study in an
international setting to be able to use it correctly. Although
many people spend a
large amount of time studying English in the classroom, a large number of them
continue to have significant difficulties using the language correctly while
communicating with others in real-life situations. These errors in accuracy are
often related to the system of English language and some other environmental
common factors.
large amount of time studying English in the classroom, a large number of them
continue to have significant difficulties using the language correctly while
communicating with others in real-life situations. These errors in accuracy are
often related to the system of English language and some other environmental
common factors.
In order to understand how and why these types of errors occur and to
find ways to alleviate this problem, research into errors of English language
inflection should be conducted. The findings can then be used to reduce the
number and frequency of errors in inflection and to make the use of the English
language more correct and accurate. Ultimately, revised methods of instruction
and error correction could be applied to English language teaching programs.
find ways to alleviate this problem, research into errors of English language
inflection should be conducted. The findings can then be used to reduce the
number and frequency of errors in inflection and to make the use of the English
language more correct and accurate. Ultimately, revised methods of instruction
and error correction could be applied to English language teaching programs.
Error analysis is ‘a technique
for identifying, classifying and systematically interpreting the
unacceptable forms produced by someone learning a foreign
language, using any of the principles and procedures
provided by Linguistics. Errors are assumed to reflect, in
a systematic way, the level of competence achieved by the learner;
they are contrasted with mistakes which are performance
limitations that a learner would be able to correct.
for identifying, classifying and systematically interpreting the
unacceptable forms produced by someone learning a foreign
language, using any of the principles and procedures
provided by Linguistics. Errors are assumed to reflect, in
a systematic way, the level of competence achieved by the learner;
they are contrasted with mistakes which are performance
limitations that a learner would be able to correct.
field of error analysis in second language acquisition was established in the
1970s as an alternative to contrastive analysis. Error analysis is an approach
that is applied in linguistics to predict areas of great difficulties for
second language learners by using a formal distinction between the learner‟s
first and target languages. However, contrastive analysis was unable to predict
a number of errors in many difficult areas in which errors are expected. Thus,
Error Analysis is an important instrument in first and second language
learningacquisition research. It sheds the light on the fact that learner‟s
errors reflect a gap in their competence, order of acquisition and accuracy
order of learning. The intralingual and interlingual factors determine the
source of errors. The former involves difficulties faced by the learner because
of different linguistic features of L2 itself; however, the latter involves the
direct influence of L1 structures and other features on L2 (Olaoye 2012).
field of error analysis in second language acquisition was established in the
1970s as an alternative to contrastive analysis. Error analysis is an approach
that is applied in linguistics to predict areas of great difficulties for
second language learners by using a formal distinction between the learner‟s
first and target languages. However, contrastive analysis was unable to predict
a number of errors in many difficult areas in which errors are expected. Thus,
Error Analysis is an important instrument in first and second language
learningacquisition research. It sheds the light on the fact that learner‟s
errors reflect a gap in their competence, order of acquisition and accuracy
order of learning. The intralingual and interlingual factors determine the
source of errors. The former involves difficulties faced by the learner because
of different linguistic features of L2 itself; however, the latter involves the
direct influence of L1 structures and other features on L2 (Olaoye 2012).
Statement of the problem
It is also observed despite the fact that the learning of English
started at the primary and secondary school levels, many learners lack the
ability when it comes to the use of basic structures in both spoken and written
forms. However,
despite frequent studies done on grammatical structure of English, the teaching
and learning of second language, students are prone to commit errors in their
writings. Based on the educational context in Nigeria, there is a need for
English language learners to be equipped with good grammar knowledge since the
educational system relies very much on written examination as compared to other
language skills.
started at the primary and secondary school levels, many learners lack the
ability when it comes to the use of basic structures in both spoken and written
forms. However,
despite frequent studies done on grammatical structure of English, the teaching
and learning of second language, students are prone to commit errors in their
writings. Based on the educational context in Nigeria, there is a need for
English language learners to be equipped with good grammar knowledge since the
educational system relies very much on written examination as compared to other
language skills.
However, learners in secondary schools, especially, despite having learnt
English language since their primary schools, tend to commit common grammatical
errors in speaking and writing. Those errors are thus believed to be caused by
several factors including first language interference, lack of grammar
knowledge and ignorance of learners of the grammar rules. As for narrative
writing, students are supposed to be aware of the appropriate tenses that they
should use. Despite all that, there are still many students who are not
concerned about the choice of tenses which suit the nature of narrative essay.
English language since their primary schools, tend to commit common grammatical
errors in speaking and writing. Those errors are thus believed to be caused by
several factors including first language interference, lack of grammar
knowledge and ignorance of learners of the grammar rules. As for narrative
writing, students are supposed to be aware of the appropriate tenses that they
should use. Despite all that, there are still many students who are not
concerned about the choice of tenses which suit the nature of narrative essay.
Objective of the
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Research questions
What grammatical errors committed by English language
What grammatical errors committed by English language
What are the major causes of the errors among
secondary schools students in Ikere Local government area?
What are the major causes of the errors among
secondary schools students in Ikere Local government area?
What are the solutions to be proffer to the
identified tense errors?
What are the solutions to be proffer to the
identified tense errors?
Significance of the
This study is significant as it gears towards informing educators and
language study material developers about the kind of inflectional errors that secondary schools students of the study make, and to show the errors’
frequency of occurrence. It is believed that if educators and study material
developers become conscious of likely problem areas that face specific groups
of students, they would be in a better position to put appropriate strategies
in place.
language study material developers about the kind of inflectional errors that secondary schools students of the study make, and to show the errors’
frequency of occurrence. It is believed that if educators and study material
developers become conscious of likely problem areas that face specific groups
of students, they would be in a better position to put appropriate strategies
in place.
Thus, this study, even though in a small scale is hoped to be useful for
teachers to find out the the causes of
inflectional errors
which are commonly committed by the students so that possible ways for learners
to improve their grammar as well as language competency based on their writing
might be later considered. In addition, the learners’ performance in English
examination paper is expected to be improved too. As for the school, it has
always been a healthy competition between the boarding schools that they
compete to be in good positions in the schools ranking. This implies that this
study might also contribute to finding alternatives and remedial
implementations in increasing students’ language performance in the written
examination and place the school in a good ranking especially for English
teachers to find out the the causes of
inflectional errors
which are commonly committed by the students so that possible ways for learners
to improve their grammar as well as language competency based on their writing
might be later considered. In addition, the learners’ performance in English
examination paper is expected to be improved too. As for the school, it has
always been a healthy competition between the boarding schools that they
compete to be in good positions in the schools ranking. This implies that this
study might also contribute to finding alternatives and remedial
implementations in increasing students’ language performance in the written
examination and place the school in a good ranking especially for English
For syllabus and curriculum designers, this study might be a useful
additional reference since it is hoped to be able to extract the grammatical
aspects which need to be emphasised on the students learning in school. The
same goes to educational book publishers who might want to revise their publications
by publishing grammar books on certain grammatical aspects according to the
students’ needs. This is due to the finding which reveals that different
students encounter different difficulties and problems in various grammatical
aspects. Workbooks or references published with standardized quality could also
be the additional materials for students to work out on their respective
aspects of grammar problems.
additional reference since it is hoped to be able to extract the grammatical
aspects which need to be emphasised on the students learning in school. The
same goes to educational book publishers who might want to revise their publications
by publishing grammar books on certain grammatical aspects according to the
students’ needs. This is due to the finding which reveals that different
students encounter different difficulties and problems in various grammatical
aspects. Workbooks or references published with standardized quality could also
be the additional materials for students to work out on their respective
aspects of grammar problems.
of the study
of the study
The focus of the study is investigating grammatical errors among secondary schools students in Ikere
Ekiti. The study is
limited to five (5) selected
secondary schools in Ikere Ekiti.
Ekiti. The study is
limited to five (5) selected
secondary schools in Ikere Ekiti.

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