THE EFFECT OF ICT IN TEACHING AND LEARNING OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AMONG SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENT ABSTRACT The study examined the effect of ICT in teaching and learning of computer education in secondary school in Ekiti. Descriptive research design was used for this study. The population for the study consisted of students in Ado – Local Government of Ekiti State. One hundred and twenty respondents were sampled using simple random sampling techniques. Questionnaire was used to collect relevant information from the sampled subject. Validity of the instrument was established by given the drafted questionnaires to project supervisor whereby correction and suggestion were made. The reliability was adjudged established. Test –re-test method was used to established the reliability, the questionnaire was administered on a set of ten student outside the sample twice the set of scores collected, this is high enough to determine the reliability, the instrument was administered personally and all were collected back. The scores generated were analysed using frequency count and percentages.
Findings shows that utilization of ICT has significant impact on students’ academic performance, ICT can be used to empower student with skills and prepare them for global competiveness are used to keep students records and grades using computer data base
Based on the findings, it was concluded that conventional methods of teaching have been more or less similar around the world, the adaptation of teaching strategies and styles to different social, economic and educational contexts has been always an issue for consideration. The tremendous growth of technology and computer applications affected almost every aspect of everyday life, worldwide. This is also the case in the field of education; the latter has changed dramatically by endorsing applications that help students improve their written and verbal abilities as well as help them develop new skills that broaden their potentials.
Based on the findings of this research work, it was recommended that: ICT equipment and facilities should be made available to all secondary schools, Only qualified and competence computer teachers should be employed to teach in our secondary schools. Those teachers that are not ICT compliance should be encourage to study further in order to meet up with the new demand. TABLE OF CONTENTS
Title Page
Background to the Study
Statement of the Problem
Purpose of the Study
Research Questions
Test of Hypotheses
Significance of the Study
Delimitation of the Study
Concept of Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
Teaching Method of Information and Communication
Technology in Computer Science Education
Teaching by Using Information and Communication Technologies
Application of Teaching Methods for ICT in Computer science
ICT as aids to Teaching and Learning
ICT as for Educational Management
The use of ICT in Computer Science Education
Obstacles to the use of ICT in Secondary Schools in Nigeria
Prospects of ICT in Computer Science Education
Summary of Literature
Research Design
Population of the Study
Sample and Sampling Techniques
Research Instrument
Validity of Instrument
Reliability of Instrument
Administration of the Instrument
Demographic Section of the Respondents
Testing of Hypotheses
Discussion of Results
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background to the Study
The application of a modern technology has brought easy information gathering, recording, processing and communicating of business information by means of electronic media. Most commonest tools for application is the computer and it involves all the transactions processing management information system.
The role of technology in teaching and learning is rapidly becoming one of the most important and widely discussed issues in contemporary education policy (Rosen and Well, 1995; and Thierer, 2000). Most experts in the field of education agreed that, when properly used, information and communication technology hold great promise to improve teaching and learning in addition to shaping workforce opportunities. Poole (1996) has indicated that computer science illiteracy is now regarded as the new illiteracy. This has actually gingered a new and strong desire to equip schools with computer facilities and qualified personal necessary to produce technologically proficient and efficient students in developed countries of the world. There is no doubt that computer can aid the instructional process and facilitate students’ learning. Many studies have found positive effect associated with technology aided instruction (Burnett, 1994, and Fitzgerald and Warner, 1996).
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) encompasses a range of applications, communications and technologies which aid information retrieval and research communication and administration. These include: Internet access, electronic mail, CD-ROMS, telephone, on line databases, library services and fax machines. It has become a global phenomenon of great importance and concern in all aspects of human endeavour, spanning across education, governance, business, labour, market, shares, productivity, trade, agriculture, commerce and others. Haddad and Draxier (2002) indicated that ICT contributed to effective learning through expanding access, promoting efficiency, improving the quality of learning and improving management systems. According to Obeng (2004), ICT is now regarded as a utility such as water and electricity and hence has become a major role in education, learning and research in general, agriculture, health, commerce and even in poverty alleviation by generating or creating new jobs and investment opportunities. ICT is an indispensable part of the contemporary world. The field of education has certainly been affected by the penetrating influence of ICT worldwide and in particular developed countries. ICT has made an impact on the quality and quantity of teaching, learning and research in the tradition and/or distance education institutions using it (Kwacha, 2007). According to Ololube, Ubogu and Ossai (2007), the introduction of ICT usage, integration and diffusion has initiated a new age in educational methodologies, thus it has radically changed traditional method of information delivery and usage patterns in the domain as well as offering contemporary learning experience for both lecturers and students.
The American Computer Association defines computer as the process of identifying, measuring and communicating economic information to permit informed judgment and decision by users of the information. Computer is also the establishment, maintenance, collection and analysis of financial position of an organization and any changes that have occurred or may occur overtime.
Omolehinwe (2009) defines computer as the collection and recording of financial data about an organization whether in the private or in the public sector and analyzing the data so collected to suit the decision that needs to be taken and reporting the relevant information in a summary form to the user in a form that is meaningful to him or her.
Chionye (2003) defines computer as the art of identifying, recording, classifying measuring and interpreting in a significant manner the financial transaction of an organization for decision making. Summarizing from time to time the information contained in the record, for its significant presentation and interpretation to interested parties as an aid to decision making.
The Millennium Development Goals Report (UN 2005) acknowledges that quality assurance in education is yet to be adequately addressed in terms of teachers, curricula, teachers’ support and teaching and learning materials. Igbuzor (2006) noted that the process of learning and teaching do not lead to production of analytical, critical and engaging products; the teachers do not have the competence and skills to use pedagogies, and that the content of education in Nigeria is irrelevant to the needs of prospective job seekers. Various studies conducted in Nigeria have also shown clearly that there are low academic achievements among pupils in literacy, numeracy and life skills (Lawal, 1995, Aderinoye 2002 and Afe, 2006). There are also proposal on how ICT should be deployed for effective acquisition of these skills (Haddad, 2002; Salawu, 2008). In all these, has Nigeria been able to recognize information communication technology (ICT) roles in educational policies and therefore committed to its practice and implementation, especially in the context of achieving among others development of skills – numeracy and life skills – translating into ICT in computer . Statement of the Problem
A key requirement for the future is the need to prepare students to participate in the information society, where knowledge is the most crucial factor in the social and the economic development of a country (Spathis, 2004). The adoption of new Information Technologies and Communication has led to significant changes in both the structure and the functionality of education. The introduction of new technologies led to the development and dissemination of Electronic learning (e-learning) and distance learning courses thereby offering a new dimension to the provision and content of education. This is evident across Universities and Open Universities in particular where new technologies now play a dominant role in teaching and learning.
Indeed, the use of new technologies of Information and Communication technology transforms traditional teaching and assists the adaption of new curricula and new courses in existing applications (Petridou & Spathis, 2001; Mohamed & Lashire, 2003). The study was therefore out to investigate the effect of ICT in teaching and learning of computer science among secondary school students in Ado- Local Government Area of Ekiti State. Purpose of the Study The main purpose of the study is to examine the effectives utilization of information communication technology in teaching and learning of Computer science among selected secondary schools in Ado Local Government in Ekiti State. Research Questions For the purpose of this study, the following research questions were raised.
Can the use of information communication technology improve academic performance in computer science education
Can the use of information technology communication enhance computer science education
Can the extensive adoption of information communication technology help improve learning and student performance?
How efficient are the ICT Facility in your school?
Test of Hypotheses
H1: Information communication technology does not improve academic performance in computer science education
H2: There is no significant relationship between Information technology communication and students’ learning in computer science Significance of the Study
It is a clear fact that the world we live in today is ICT oriented and only those that are ICT oriented will survive and be relevant to their environment and the world at large.
Therefore, the findings of this research work will make the students see the benefit of surfing the internet for class assignment. Introduction of ICT will also improve students’ academic performance
It will also help in producing quality secondary school graduate
It will help parents to know the importance of ICT in students’ academic performance and see reasons why they should buy some of the facilities for their children.
Information and Communication Technology will aid information retrieval and research communication for the society at large. Delimitation of the Study
This study will be restricted to four (4) secondary schools within Ado Local Government Area of Ekiti State. The study will consist of one hundred twenty (120) respondents among four selected secondary school in the above named local government. Definition of Terms Computer: A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information, or data. It has the ability to store, retrieve, and process data. ICT: Information and Communication Technology Teaching Effectiveness: When we talk about teaching effectiveness, it’s usually in the context of evaluation. Student ratings are frequently described as measures of teaching effectiveness, and that makes our understanding of the term important. InformationTechnology:- Refers to the use of information system apparatus to process and disseminate information or data. It plays a major role in the performance of cooperate organization in Nigeria. Network System:- It is having a certain number of computer and intelligent peripherals interconnected for the purpose of sharing of sources and exchange of information. Local Area Network:- (LAN):- This is a network of computers with different officers but in the same environment or building Internet:- This is an acronym of internetworking system, it is a process of packing and transmitting data, text and voice or video information among users. It is the ability of two independent users to communicate over internet using combination of technologies such as MODEMS. LANs, Satellites etc. E.-mail:- This is an abbreviation of electronic mail. It means letter and document typed or scanned in one office is deliver quickly to another office irrespective of its distance.
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