The study investigate impact of laboratory for effective teaching in learning physics among secondary school in Ikere Ekiti. The study is a descriptive research design and the population of the study comprises students and teachers in three randomly selected schools in Ikere Local Government Area of Ekiti State. A total of (100) students were finally selected as respondents to the questionnaire used together for the data study. The questionnaire was design by the researchers in consultation with the supervisor of the project. The distribution of the instrument (i.e. questionnaire are to the respondents was carried out by the researcher. The analysis of the data was collected and was presented and analyzed using percentage and mean. The result revealed that students performance in physics is basically depend on how well they can perform in laboratory work. Also the result revealed that teachers only perform experiment in physics class. Also most of the students understand theory better when performing in the laboratory. The study recommended that the teaching of practical physics needs urgent improvement by having more trained and qualified teachers to teach practical’s. Also the government should assist and support all the secondary schools by building standard laboratory and by supporting and supplying practical facilities.
Title page
Table of contents
Background to the Study
Statement of the Problem
Objectives of the study
Research Questions
Research hypothesis
Significance of the study
Scope of the study
Definition of term
Concept of laboratory
Role of Laboratory method of teaching in improving quality education
on Nigerian
Strategies for effective use of laboratory method
Problem facing the effective use of laboratory in teaching science
Effect of science in modern technology
Laboratory work in science teaching and learning
Importance of laboratory work
Effect of teaching physics science in Nigeria education
Research design
Population of the study
Samples and sampling techniques
Instrument for data collection
Validation of the instrument
Reliability of the instrument
Administration of research instrument
Data analysis
Analysis of Research Questions
Background of the Study
The importance attributed to practical work, aligned with the main beliefs shared by experts in science education can illustrate its impact. Practical work can motivate learning, develop scientific and analytical skills, enable an improved acquisition and comprehension of concepts, develop a solution-driven pragmatic mindset, develop discussion and critical analytical skills as well as introduce more rigors in science research.
Laboratory has been described as a room or a building specially built for teaching by demonstration of theoretical phenomenon into practical terms. With the laboratory experience, students will be able to translate what they have read in their texts to practical realities, thereby enhancing their understanding of the learnt concepts. Farombi (1998) in Yara (2010) argued the saying that seeing is believing is the effect of using laboratories in the teaching and learning of science and other science related disciplines as students tend to understand and recall what they see more than what they hear. Laboratory is very important and essential to the teaching of science and success of any science course is much dependent on the laboratory provision made for it. Lending credence to this statement, Ogunniyi (1982) in Yara (2008) said that there is a general consensus among science educators that laboratory occupies a central position in science instruction. It could be conceptualized as a place, where theoretical work is practicalized and practical in any learning experiences involve students in activities such as observing, counting, measuring, experimenting, recording and carrying out fieldwork. These activities could not be easily carried out, where the laboratory is not well equipped. There is usually a strong move to emphasize the dependence of science teaching on the existence of a well-equipped science laboratory.
It can be realized with the help of researchers in physics education that students at secondary and even university levels continue to hold fundamental misunderstanding of the world around them [Tamir 2004]. Science learning remains within the classroom context and just a small percentage of the students are able to use the knowledge gained at school for solving various problems of larger physical world.
In most cases, students hear lectures without strong connections to their everyday experiences. Students do not usually have opportunity to form their own ideas; they rarely get a chance to work in a way to be engaged in discovery, building and testing models to explain the world around them. Jeskova (2000).
Results from research in cognitive science and physics education shows that activities in laboratories increase students’ learning, positive attitudes towards physics and permanence of knowledge Koubck (1997). The one of the main goals of using laboratories in physics education is to teach students the philosophy, branches, topics, theories, laws of physics, the other one is to gain steps of the scientific method namely science process skills while learning the philosophy, branches, topics, theories, laws of physics. One of the researchers Tamir [2004] listed the aims of widely using laboratories in science education as follows laboratories provides.
To get students to comprehend abstract and complex scientific concepts by using concrete materials. To gain students problem solving and analyzing skills by comprehending the nature of science. To develop practical experiences and special talents of students. To enjoy students with laboratory activities and by this way to develop positive attitude towards scientifically working.
To many researchers Jones, (2009), laboratory in physics education has not achieved its main goal, not provided meaningful learning and not developed positive attitudes towards science in recent years. As a result, it has been stated that more essential resources and time have to be allocated in order to enhance the effectiveness of laboratories in science teaching both in primary and secondary education Azar (2011). It was emphasized that the laboratory activities in science teaching were put into effect in 1960s (Roth 2004), however, students could not reach the desired levels by using these activities. Yager and Engen (2008) concluded that laboratory experiences are not meaningfully adequate for students and therefore they do not make a significant contribution to their conceptual understanding.
Teacher’s provision in the sciences Jones (2009] were examined in many countries and found that 45% of the schools surveyed indicated insufficient laboratories. This finding agreed with the finding in Saudi Arabia barrow [2007] which indicated inadequacy in the provision of laboratory facilities in schools. The findings were also consistent with those found in Uganda black (2004) which indicated that science education is faced with the problem of lack of resources with half the schools having no real laboratory. Few opportunities are provided for the students to discuss both experiment and its results, make and test hypothesis or design an experiment and finally perform them. Beside, these some physics experiments in secondary level are very difficult to be performed due to the time consuming, being harmful and expensive, deficiency of laboratory equipment, not representing the related concept or event precisely, teacher’s anxiety about the complexity of the curriculum Kurt (2009).
Statement of Problems
The relevance of laboratory activities on students in Physics cannot be over emphasized. Several researches stated earlier indicate the need for effective practical lesson using appropriate equipment. Yet many Physics teachers tend to avoid organizing laboratory lesson to their students. Some of the reasons for poor performance of students in examinations include poor science teaching due to teacher’s incompetence. Furthermore, most secondary schools teachers of Physics concentrate on meeting the demand of West African Examination Council (WAEC) practical examinations. This has drawn the attention of concerned individuals on the genesis or causes of the situation.
There are evidence of effective teaching of Physics practical in School and this has affected the performance of student in Physics. This could be due to lack of equipment and materials or lack of proper training of the teachers handing the practical.
Objective of the study
The major objective of this research work is to find out the Impact of Laboratory for Effective Teaching in Learning Physics among Secondary School in Ikere local government area of Ekiti State
The specific objective are
- To determine the condition of Physics Laboratory in Secondary Schools
- To find the factors influencing the use of laboratory in teaching and learning of Physics in secondary school
- To determine the attitude of students towards Physics practical class
Research Question
The following research questions were formulated to guide the study
1; what is the condition of Physics laboratory in your school
2; what are the laboratory factors that influence the teaching of Physics in the school
3; what are the student’s attitudes towards Physics practical class.
Research hypothesis
The following hyothothesis was formulated to guide the study
- The condition of Physics laboratory in schools does not have significant different on the teaching and learning of Physics
- There is no significant different on factors affecting teaching and learning of Physics
- Students attitude does not have significant different towards Physics practical
Significance of the study
The findings form this study might assist the Physics teachers in understanding how to teach laboratory work. The result of this study mighty also help Physics teachers to change their attitudes toward laboratory work in the teaching and learning of Physics. The findings of this study might also contribute to new knowledge that might help Physics teachers to find solutions to the problems of learners who are not performing well in the practical examination paper in Physics. Physics teachers might also benefit from this study by finding out whether the practical work that they do at their schools is adequate to make their learners ready for the Physics final examination.
Scope of the study
The major objective of this study is to find out the impact of laboratory practical in teaching and learning of Physics in senior secondary schools. The study cover five selected secondary schools in Ikere local government.
Definition of terms
Laboratory: A room or building equipped for scientific experiments, research, or teaching, or for the manufacture of drugs or chemicals.
Investigation: Is the action of investigating something or someone; formal or systematic examination or research.
Roles: The function assumed or part played by a person or thing in a particular situation
Academic Achievement: refers to a student’s success in meeting short- or long-term goals in education. In the big picture, academic achievement means completing high school or earning a college degree. In a given semester, high academic achievement may mean a student is on the honor roll.
original work of Oyewole Grace: A project work submitted to the department of physics, college of education ikere ekiti

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