The purpose of this study is to
investigate the causes, effects of examination malpractices on students
attitude to learning in our education system in Nigeria. The study also examine the
problem and solution to examination malpractice as an issue that has become a
menace to the education system in Nigeria.
investigate the causes, effects of examination malpractices on students
attitude to learning in our education system in Nigeria. The study also examine the
problem and solution to examination malpractice as an issue that has become a
menace to the education system in Nigeria.
descriptive survey research design was adopted in the study. The instrument
used is a structured questionnaire which were distributed to the teachers and
students selected from five (5) randomly selected public secondary schools.
Simple random technique was adopted to
select ten (10) teachers and fourteen (14) students from the five (5) schools
to make the sample one hundred and twenty.
descriptive survey research design was adopted in the study. The instrument
used is a structured questionnaire which were distributed to the teachers and
students selected from five (5) randomly selected public secondary schools.
Simple random technique was adopted to
select ten (10) teachers and fourteen (14) students from the five (5) schools
to make the sample one hundred and twenty.
collected were analysed using frequency counts and percentage score to answer
all the research questions raised for the study. However, the findings of the
study were summarized as follows;
collected were analysed using frequency counts and percentage score to answer
all the research questions raised for the study. However, the findings of the
study were summarized as follows;
cost of books, shortage of equipment lack of qualified teachers, shortage of
textbook, lack of teachers motivation and the desire of students to succeed at
all cost are some of the causes of examination malpractice. Agent, within the
school such as teachers and other staff, also parents contribute to examination
malpractices in schools. Hiding of question papers and smuggling of it by the
examination officials, hiring of examiners by students and their parents also
contribute to the issue of examination malpractices in school.
cost of books, shortage of equipment lack of qualified teachers, shortage of
textbook, lack of teachers motivation and the desire of students to succeed at
all cost are some of the causes of examination malpractice. Agent, within the
school such as teachers and other staff, also parents contribute to examination
malpractices in schools. Hiding of question papers and smuggling of it by the
examination officials, hiring of examiners by students and their parents also
contribute to the issue of examination malpractices in school.
on the findings of the study, the following recommendation were made;
Government should provide adequate equipment for school laboratories,
libraries, good teacher and textbooks to assist the students in learning. The
school communities should be encouraged not to participate in examination
malpractices. Also principals of secondary schools should resist efforts by the
community pressure for allowing machines in the examination halls. Teaching of
moral standard, moral teaching and establishment of guidance and counseling
units in school as well as efficient conduct of examination in school will help
at reducing examination malpractices in secondary schools.
on the findings of the study, the following recommendation were made;
Government should provide adequate equipment for school laboratories,
libraries, good teacher and textbooks to assist the students in learning. The
school communities should be encouraged not to participate in examination
malpractices. Also principals of secondary schools should resist efforts by the
community pressure for allowing machines in the examination halls. Teaching of
moral standard, moral teaching and establishment of guidance and counseling
units in school as well as efficient conduct of examination in school will help
at reducing examination malpractices in secondary schools.
Table of Contents
1.1 Background
of the Study
of the Study
1.2 Statement
of the Problem
of the Problem
1.3 Purpose
of the Study
of the Study
1.4 Research
1.5 Significance
of the Study
of the Study
1.7. Delimitation
of the Study
of the Study
1.8 Definition
of Terms
of Terms
2.1 Review of Related Literature
3.1 Research
3.2 Research
3.3 Population
of the Study
of the Study
3.4 Sample
and Sampling Techniques
and Sampling Techniques
3.5 Research
3.6 Validity
of the Instrument
of the Instrument
3.7 Reliability
of the Instrument
of the Instrument
3.8 Administration
of the Instrument
of the Instrument
3.9 Data
4.1 Result
and Discussions
and Discussions
5.1 Summary,
Conclusion and Recommendations
Conclusion and Recommendations
5.2 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations
1.1 Background of the Study
is hardly any issue in education that has generated a more serious discussion
and raised more concern in Nigeria
today than the issue of examination malpractice in our public and private
schools. This is because apart from its frequent and increasing occurrences,
examination malpractices has eaten deeply like cancer worm into the fabrics of
the nation’s educational system.
is hardly any issue in education that has generated a more serious discussion
and raised more concern in Nigeria
today than the issue of examination malpractice in our public and private
schools. This is because apart from its frequent and increasing occurrences,
examination malpractices has eaten deeply like cancer worm into the fabrics of
the nation’s educational system.
malpractices have become a pollutant which is having a serious depilating
effect on assessment of curriculum objectives. Some people see the increasing
rate of examination malpractices as a sign of gradual decay of our educational
system, Infact the behaviour of candidates toward examination and their
eventual performances could be a rational based on which to assess the standard
of education in any society. No wonder why examination has become a topical
issue and has promoted the government in enacting laws to impose punishment on
malpractices have become a pollutant which is having a serious depilating
effect on assessment of curriculum objectives. Some people see the increasing
rate of examination malpractices as a sign of gradual decay of our educational
system, Infact the behaviour of candidates toward examination and their
eventual performances could be a rational based on which to assess the standard
of education in any society. No wonder why examination has become a topical
issue and has promoted the government in enacting laws to impose punishment on
malpractices have consistently remainded a bane of Nigerian educational system.
most foreigners say that the academic certificates being issued to graduates in
are no more valuable than the pieces of paper on which they are printed.
Examination malpractice is a cankerworm that portends grave dangers for the
malpractices have consistently remainded a bane of Nigerian educational system.
most foreigners say that the academic certificates being issued to graduates in
are no more valuable than the pieces of paper on which they are printed.
Examination malpractice is a cankerworm that portends grave dangers for the
examination to secure certificates is to many people the main goal of going to
school rather than acquiring useful knowledge
with which to cope with the demand of modern life. Hence , passing
examination has become a thing of “life and death struggle”. This attitude of
an average Nigeria
has made some people to doubt the validity and authentication of certificate
issued to candidate at all levels of education.
examination to secure certificates is to many people the main goal of going to
school rather than acquiring useful knowledge
with which to cope with the demand of modern life. Hence , passing
examination has become a thing of “life and death struggle”. This attitude of
an average Nigeria
has made some people to doubt the validity and authentication of certificate
issued to candidate at all levels of education.
societies also get affected and destroy it. The menace of examination
malpractices if not checked, will bring about social disturbance and people
being employed for jobs which they do not have the knowledge and qualification
for it.
societies also get affected and destroy it. The menace of examination
malpractices if not checked, will bring about social disturbance and people
being employed for jobs which they do not have the knowledge and qualification
for it.
apparent consequences of persistent checking behaviour calls for action which
will help to determine the factors that predispose people to cheating. The
academic cheating among the students is universal. It is then imperative to
study the problem and suggest likely solutions. It is assurance that the future
of any nation depends largely on the youth of the society. It would appear thus
that this monster has been growing each day and becoming uncomfortably because
people are apparently ignorant of the consequences.
apparent consequences of persistent checking behaviour calls for action which
will help to determine the factors that predispose people to cheating. The
academic cheating among the students is universal. It is then imperative to
study the problem and suggest likely solutions. It is assurance that the future
of any nation depends largely on the youth of the society. It would appear thus
that this monster has been growing each day and becoming uncomfortably because
people are apparently ignorant of the consequences.
the unwholesome tend have since engaged the attention and the condemnation of
concern citizens who feel disturbed about the unsavory effect of examination of
examination malpractices on the continuing dependable condition of the nation
educational system and development.
the unwholesome tend have since engaged the attention and the condemnation of
concern citizens who feel disturbed about the unsavory effect of examination of
examination malpractices on the continuing dependable condition of the nation
educational system and development.
malpractices has now become a vicious circle and once student get involved and
go through undetected, they easily become addicted and therefore tread this
critical path” as a means of attaining academic success from secondary to the
tertiary levels.
malpractices has now become a vicious circle and once student get involved and
go through undetected, they easily become addicted and therefore tread this
critical path” as a means of attaining academic success from secondary to the
tertiary levels.
this study was therefore designed to investigate the causes and effects of
examination malpractices and possible solutions to it, in our education system.
this study was therefore designed to investigate the causes and effects of
examination malpractices and possible solutions to it, in our education system.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
information from the background explained that examination malpractice is an
illegal behaviour by a candidate before, during or after the examination so
that he/she can attain success easily and cheaply. Hence, the worth of the
examination is violated.
information from the background explained that examination malpractice is an
illegal behaviour by a candidate before, during or after the examination so
that he/she can attain success easily and cheaply. Hence, the worth of the
examination is violated.
malpractice are now a regular phenomena in secondary schools. These are
examination leakages, irregularities and cheating during class test, at the end
of the term or during final examination.
malpractice are now a regular phenomena in secondary schools. These are
examination leakages, irregularities and cheating during class test, at the end
of the term or during final examination.
there is need to investigate into the issue of examination malpractices in
order to let people known the effect of it, to our education system and to our
society at whole.
there is need to investigate into the issue of examination malpractices in
order to let people known the effect of it, to our education system and to our
society at whole.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
purpose of this study is to investigate the causes, effect of examination
malpractices on students’ attitude to learning in our education system in Nigeria.
purpose of this study is to investigate the causes, effect of examination
malpractices on students’ attitude to learning in our education system in Nigeria.
study will also examine the problem and suggest likely solution to examination
malpractices as an issue that has become a menace to the education system in Nigeria.
study will also examine the problem and suggest likely solution to examination
malpractices as an issue that has become a menace to the education system in Nigeria.
1.4 Research Questions.
order to investigate the issue of examination malpractice in our education
system, the following research questions are raised for the study.
order to investigate the issue of examination malpractice in our education
system, the following research questions are raised for the study.
are the causes of examination malpractice in out education system?
are the causes of examination malpractice in out education system?
are the roles being played by parents in encourage examination malpractice?
are the roles being played by parents in encourage examination malpractice?
are the contributions of the examiners in encourage examination malpractices in
our education system?
are the contributions of the examiners in encourage examination malpractices in
our education system?
are the effects of examination malpractice on the students learning attitude?
are the effects of examination malpractice on the students learning attitude?
are the possible ways to curb examination malpractices in our education system?
are the possible ways to curb examination malpractices in our education system?
1.5 Significance of the Study
results, findings and other outcome of this study is expected to contribute to
the appropriate methods of combating examination malpractices which in effect
is damaging the recast of the education system.
results, findings and other outcome of this study is expected to contribute to
the appropriate methods of combating examination malpractices which in effect
is damaging the recast of the education system.
the study will alert the society, the parents and guardians on social decadence
that examination malpractices brings to our society and the certificates being issued
by our education system.
the study will alert the society, the parents and guardians on social decadence
that examination malpractices brings to our society and the certificates being issued
by our education system.
also believe that this investigation will assist the government particularly
the education ministry to see the reason why they should motivate teachers to
work and stocked our education system with material resources in order to curb
the issue of examination malpractices in the secondary schools. To crate
awareness also the part of parents to
inculcate right attitude into their children.
also believe that this investigation will assist the government particularly
the education ministry to see the reason why they should motivate teachers to
work and stocked our education system with material resources in order to curb
the issue of examination malpractices in the secondary schools. To crate
awareness also the part of parents to
inculcate right attitude into their children.
1.7. Delimitation of the Study
study will be limited to some selected secondary schools in Ado – Ekiti Local Area of Ekiti State, even
through the problem is nationwide and even in all levels of our education
system. the researcher will have achieved much information if all local
government Areas were studies and even all states in Nigeria.
study will be limited to some selected secondary schools in Ado – Ekiti Local Area of Ekiti State, even
through the problem is nationwide and even in all levels of our education
system. the researcher will have achieved much information if all local
government Areas were studies and even all states in Nigeria.
1.8 Definition of Terms
following were operationally defined for the sole purpose of this study
following were operationally defined for the sole purpose of this study
EXAMINATION: This is the process of
sitting for a formal written, spoken or practical test, especially at school or
college, to see how much someone at school or college, to see how someone know
about a subject or what he/she can do
sitting for a formal written, spoken or practical test, especially at school or
college, to see how much someone at school or college, to see how someone know
about a subject or what he/she can do
MALPRACTICES: This is the careless,
wrong or illegal behaviour while in an examination or in a professional job.
wrong or illegal behaviour while in an examination or in a professional job.
ATTITUDE: This can be defined as a
way of feeling thinking or behaving. It can also be a way of thinking or
way of feeling thinking or behaving. It can also be a way of thinking or
LEANING: This can be defined as a way
by which knowledge can be gained by someone.
by which knowledge can be gained by someone.

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