The study investigated the assessment
of impact of instructional materials on students’ performance in selected
secondary schools in Ifedore Local Government Area of Ondo State. These
research questions were reviewed and answered. The research design is
descriptive survey. The population of the study was 100 students from secondary
schools. The instrument used was questionnaire. Data was analyzed using simple
percentage. The result showed that schools are not frequently make used of
instructional materials, The extents of usage of these instructional materials
are very poor. It was recommends that teachers should endeavor to improve on
their method of teaching, adequate use of instructional materials in the
lesson, stimulating the students’ interest towards accounting education. Also,
the monitoring of teaching activities in the class should be the concern of all
stake holders in education in order to curb poor teaching methods.
of impact of instructional materials on students’ performance in selected
secondary schools in Ifedore Local Government Area of Ondo State. These
research questions were reviewed and answered. The research design is
descriptive survey. The population of the study was 100 students from secondary
schools. The instrument used was questionnaire. Data was analyzed using simple
percentage. The result showed that schools are not frequently make used of
instructional materials, The extents of usage of these instructional materials
are very poor. It was recommends that teachers should endeavor to improve on
their method of teaching, adequate use of instructional materials in the
lesson, stimulating the students’ interest towards accounting education. Also,
the monitoring of teaching activities in the class should be the concern of all
stake holders in education in order to curb poor teaching methods.
Title Page
Title page
Table of
CHAPTER ONE: Introduction
Background of
the Study
the Study
Statement of the
Purpose of the
Significance of
the Study
the Study
Scope of the
Definition of
CHAPTER TWO: Review Literature Review
The Concept of
Instructional Materials
Instructional Materials
Needs for
Improvised Instructional Materials
Improvised Instructional Materials
Challenges of Instructional Materials in
Strategies for Effective Use in
Instructional Materials
Instructional Materials
Advantage of Using Local Available
Teaching Response
Teaching Response
The Role of the Teacher in Effective
Method Used in Teaching / Learning
Characteristics of Instructional
Summary of the Literature Reviewed
CHAPTER THREE: Research Methodology
Research Design
Population of
the Study
the Study
Sample and
Sampling Technique
Sampling Technique
Validity of
Reliability of
the Instrument
the Instrument
Procedure for
Data Collection
Data Collection
Method of Data
CHAPTER FOUR: Presentation and Analysis of Data
Discussion of
the Findings
the Findings
FIVE: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
FIVE: Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
Background of the Study
Learning resources are the
instructional tools ranging from elementary improvised device to highly complex
and sophisticated machines especially needs and other printed materials,
charts, pictures displaying models, community resources as well as audio visual
aids and equipment’s. Farrant, (1995).
instructional tools ranging from elementary improvised device to highly complex
and sophisticated machines especially needs and other printed materials,
charts, pictures displaying models, community resources as well as audio visual
aids and equipment’s. Farrant, (1995).
Ajakaye (1998), defined instructional
materials as the process of providing of constructing adequate and necessary
learning resources for effective teaching in the school. The purpose of
teaching is to facilitate positive changes in behaviour. The best way by which
pupils could be assisted to learn effectively is to make the teaching learning
process a pleasurable activity through the use of appropriate learning
materials as the process of providing of constructing adequate and necessary
learning resources for effective teaching in the school. The purpose of
teaching is to facilitate positive changes in behaviour. The best way by which
pupils could be assisted to learn effectively is to make the teaching learning
process a pleasurable activity through the use of appropriate learning
Alarapa (1999) defined organization
of learning resources as the judicious arrangement of learning process to
achieve the desired goals and objectives. Adeboye and Afolabi (2002) assert
that assessment of learning resources is a crucial issues which must be
carefully examined by the teachers depending on the form of learning resources,
the teacher must determine whether such resources will be used on individual or
group basis. Since poorly organized learning resources can cause disorderliness
in the classroom, the teacher must organize the resources in such a way that it
will enhance optimum learning. The level of instructional materials in Nigeria
are lagging behind, particularly in Ifedore local government area of Ondo
State. In many
of learning resources as the judicious arrangement of learning process to
achieve the desired goals and objectives. Adeboye and Afolabi (2002) assert
that assessment of learning resources is a crucial issues which must be
carefully examined by the teachers depending on the form of learning resources,
the teacher must determine whether such resources will be used on individual or
group basis. Since poorly organized learning resources can cause disorderliness
in the classroom, the teacher must organize the resources in such a way that it
will enhance optimum learning. The level of instructional materials in Nigeria
are lagging behind, particularly in Ifedore local government area of Ondo
State. In many
learning resources are not available at all; in areas where some exist they are
poorly utilized. This investigation will therefore look into the best way of
assessing the impact of instructional materials on students’ academic
performance in secondary schools.
learning resources are not available at all; in areas where some exist they are
poorly utilized. This investigation will therefore look into the best way of
assessing the impact of instructional materials on students’ academic
performance in secondary schools.
The use of instructional materials in
teaching and learning plays very important roles in education all over the
world. According to Tamakloe, Amedahe and Atta (2005), a teaching resource is
“a material which a teacher uses to facilitate the learning, understanding and
acquisition of knowledge, concepts, principles or skills by his students”.
Instructional resources in education are the use of equipment and materials
that are relevant to motivate, inform, instruct, and present the subject matter
to the learner as well as making learning easier than it would have been
without it. The use of instructional resources can adapt to the ability and
preferences of individual students and increase the amount of personalised
instructions students receive. Many students benefit from the immediate
responsiveness of the interactions with instructional materials and appreciate
self-paced and private learning environment. Moreover, the use of the
instructional resources often engages the interest of students, motivating them
to learn and increasing their independence and personal responsibility.
Although it is difficult to assess the effectiveness of the use of
instructional resources, some studies have reported that the use of
instructional resources is successful in raising examination scores, improving
students’ performance, attitude and lowering the amount of the time required to
master certain materials Kurland, (2008).
teaching and learning plays very important roles in education all over the
world. According to Tamakloe, Amedahe and Atta (2005), a teaching resource is
“a material which a teacher uses to facilitate the learning, understanding and
acquisition of knowledge, concepts, principles or skills by his students”.
Instructional resources in education are the use of equipment and materials
that are relevant to motivate, inform, instruct, and present the subject matter
to the learner as well as making learning easier than it would have been
without it. The use of instructional resources can adapt to the ability and
preferences of individual students and increase the amount of personalised
instructions students receive. Many students benefit from the immediate
responsiveness of the interactions with instructional materials and appreciate
self-paced and private learning environment. Moreover, the use of the
instructional resources often engages the interest of students, motivating them
to learn and increasing their independence and personal responsibility.
Although it is difficult to assess the effectiveness of the use of
instructional resources, some studies have reported that the use of
instructional resources is successful in raising examination scores, improving
students’ performance, attitude and lowering the amount of the time required to
master certain materials Kurland, (2008).
{2008} observed that instructional materials constitute the longest materials
and activity base on teaching and learning process. This stems from the
relevance of some aspect of business in which environmental problems and human
challenges (health, food housing flood, space, earthquakes etc.) are solved. The
school environment becomes a learning system providing available information on
human success and material which can be depends in promoting learning.
{2008} observed that instructional materials constitute the longest materials
and activity base on teaching and learning process. This stems from the
relevance of some aspect of business in which environmental problems and human
challenges (health, food housing flood, space, earthquakes etc.) are solved. The
school environment becomes a learning system providing available information on
human success and material which can be depends in promoting learning.
environment is perhaps the largest classroom and laboratory ever imagined. If
knowledge is acquired in school and is not used for the betterment of the
environment in which the school is located, then the knowledge has not served
its purpose, education in particular should be geared towards improving the
quality of life of the nation.
environment is perhaps the largest classroom and laboratory ever imagined. If
knowledge is acquired in school and is not used for the betterment of the
environment in which the school is located, then the knowledge has not served
its purpose, education in particular should be geared towards improving the
quality of life of the nation.
{2008} painted the picture correctly when he affirmed that quality of life a
nation depends on the quality of the available food and drinking water. It also
depends on whether or not services like qualitative education health and
transportation and communication system which are available and accessible to
all citizens. In attempting, it is necessary first and for most to create
awareness among the relevant parties that this can actually be done. The
concept of environment begins from home when the child grows and extends in
circle of every increasing complicity of the playground, the City Street,
parks, grocery stones and factories up to naturally occurring situation in the
{2008} painted the picture correctly when he affirmed that quality of life a
nation depends on the quality of the available food and drinking water. It also
depends on whether or not services like qualitative education health and
transportation and communication system which are available and accessible to
all citizens. In attempting, it is necessary first and for most to create
awareness among the relevant parties that this can actually be done. The
concept of environment begins from home when the child grows and extends in
circle of every increasing complicity of the playground, the City Street,
parks, grocery stones and factories up to naturally occurring situation in the
{2008} noted that the learners are therefore constantly coming into contact
with activities the performance and phenomena surrounding most of which are
{2008} noted that the learners are therefore constantly coming into contact
with activities the performance and phenomena surrounding most of which are
{2008} noted that the use of instructional material as a learning system, the
teacher has to carry out a careful identification and selection of local
resource that has relevance to the approve curriculum and use them for
{2008} noted that the use of instructional material as a learning system, the
teacher has to carry out a careful identification and selection of local
resource that has relevance to the approve curriculum and use them for
Statement of the Problem
over the years have been faced with various problems ranging from the absence
of instructional materials that are relevant in the class to teacher factors.
Therefore, one can say that lack of instructional resources in school affects
students’ performance, interest and attitudes of students towards learning.
This forms the premise on which this study is undertaken, to accessing the
impact of instructional materials on students’ performance in secondary schools.
over the years have been faced with various problems ranging from the absence
of instructional materials that are relevant in the class to teacher factors.
Therefore, one can say that lack of instructional resources in school affects
students’ performance, interest and attitudes of students towards learning.
This forms the premise on which this study is undertaken, to accessing the
impact of instructional materials on students’ performance in secondary schools.
Purpose of the Study
purpose for carrying out this study was to assessing the impact of instructional
materials on students’ performance in our schools, therefore the specific objectives
of these studies are to:
purpose for carrying out this study was to assessing the impact of instructional
materials on students’ performance in our schools, therefore the specific objectives
of these studies are to:
examines the significance of teaching
aids on student’s academic performance.
examines the significance of teaching
aids on student’s academic performance.
to determine the creative nature of
teachers in improving materials in order to enhance teaching and learning
to determine the creative nature of
teachers in improving materials in order to enhance teaching and learning
examine the lack of instructional
materials that is affecting the student’s academic performance.
examine the lack of instructional
materials that is affecting the student’s academic performance.
Significance of the Study
significant of this study will make teachers to be aware of the importance of
instructional materials not only to the state of approach but also the immense
potentials interest in the use of instructional resources on the teaching
significant of this study will make teachers to be aware of the importance of
instructional materials not only to the state of approach but also the immense
potentials interest in the use of instructional resources on the teaching
findings will also provide information to the government of Ondo State on the
way and means of enhancing better relationship between the teachers and the
students, the researcher result will furnish educators such as teachers and
administrators with more reliable information on the availability of
instructional materials in the teaching and learning of mere meaningful
relevant and functional.
findings will also provide information to the government of Ondo State on the
way and means of enhancing better relationship between the teachers and the
students, the researcher result will furnish educators such as teachers and
administrators with more reliable information on the availability of
instructional materials in the teaching and learning of mere meaningful
relevant and functional.
Scope of the Study
study focused on the assessment of impact of instructional materials on students’
performance in some selected secondary schools in Ifedore local government area
of Ondo state.
study focused on the assessment of impact of instructional materials on students’
performance in some selected secondary schools in Ifedore local government area
of Ondo state.
to the time limit and financial constraints this study was narrowed down to
secondary schools in this area alone.
to the time limit and financial constraints this study was narrowed down to
secondary schools in this area alone.
Research Questions
following research questions were generated for the study.
following research questions were generated for the study.
What are the impacts of using teaching
aids in education system?
What are the impacts of using teaching
aids in education system?
Are the schools under the research area
well equipped with instructional materials?
Are the schools under the research area
well equipped with instructional materials?
Can instructional materials influence
student’s academic performance?
Can instructional materials influence
student’s academic performance?
What are effects of non-usage of
instructional materials in the teaching?
What are effects of non-usage of
instructional materials in the teaching?
Definition of Terms
following terms are defined as it specifically alpines to the study.
following terms are defined as it specifically alpines to the study.
– can be defined as providing a substitute through innovation and production in
the absence of the real things.
– can be defined as providing a substitute through innovation and production in
the absence of the real things.
– materials is a communication medial that information between the instruction
and the learner with the internets of facilitating learning.
– materials is a communication medial that information between the instruction
and the learner with the internets of facilitating learning.
– curriculum is bodies of value co-oriented learning contents existing as a
reading discover or in the mind of the teachers taught when give out as
instruction result in change in pupil’s behaviors.
– curriculum is bodies of value co-oriented learning contents existing as a
reading discover or in the mind of the teachers taught when give out as
instruction result in change in pupil’s behaviors.
teaching is the conscious and deliberate efforts or matured or experienced
person impact information and knowledge and experienced person with the
intention that the later will learn or come to believe on whether he is being
taught on ground.
teaching is the conscious and deliberate efforts or matured or experienced
person impact information and knowledge and experienced person with the
intention that the later will learn or come to believe on whether he is being
taught on ground.
Syllabus is a context outline or statement of the main point of a course of
study spring up from the board of curriculum of the school.
Syllabus is a context outline or statement of the main point of a course of
study spring up from the board of curriculum of the school.
Learning is a change of modification in behavior of organization as a result of
experience or reaction to stimulus in this environment.
Learning is a change of modification in behavior of organization as a result of
experience or reaction to stimulus in this environment.

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