The purpose of this study is to
determining the organizational objective and plan for the planning period.
determining the organizational objective and plan for the planning period.
Secondary defines the manpower
requirement for planning period because the success of any organization requires
that even one perform at his optimum level this call is part of determing and
meeting the specific need of each, which should be translated in training.
requirement for planning period because the success of any organization requires
that even one perform at his optimum level this call is part of determing and
meeting the specific need of each, which should be translated in training.
The objective of manpower and
training development is to help yield operational result that will bring about
meaningful changes in the output of an organization. The study of the input of
manpower in the training development in the achievement of organizational goals
in College of education, staff has moved to be useful and reasonable insight
into the ideas, view and the feelings of the employees about the organization. Actually, the research work came up
when an organization has a technologically change and experience a lot of
competition. This informs the right choice of the research topic. In carrying
out the research, various methods were adopted to achieve the desired goals
training development is to help yield operational result that will bring about
meaningful changes in the output of an organization. The study of the input of
manpower in the training development in the achievement of organizational goals
in College of education, staff has moved to be useful and reasonable insight
into the ideas, view and the feelings of the employees about the organization. Actually, the research work came up
when an organization has a technologically change and experience a lot of
competition. This informs the right choice of the research topic. In carrying
out the research, various methods were adopted to achieve the desired goals
Title Page
Table of contents
Background of the study
Statement of the study
Purpose of the study
Research Questions
Significance of the study
Scope of the study
Definition of terms
Manpower planning
Development and training
Types of training and manpower
development programme
development programme
On the job training
Information presentation method
The need for manpower planning and
Meaning of planning and evolutionary organization
Research Design
Sample and sampling Technique
Collection of Data
Method of Data Analysis
Presentation and Analysis of Data
Decision rule
Summary Conclusion and
Training is the factor that
contributes to the success of any organization these factors include: capital,
equipment, manpower etc. All these factor are important but the most
significant factors is the human factor. Since it is the people that will put
other rescues to work. It should be view as such by management by giving it due
attention in order to achieve its organizational goals and objectives.
contributes to the success of any organization these factors include: capital,
equipment, manpower etc. All these factor are important but the most
significant factors is the human factor. Since it is the people that will put
other rescues to work. It should be view as such by management by giving it due
attention in order to achieve its organizational goals and objectives.
Training is a process of intellectual
and emotional achievement through providing the means by which people can grow
on their jobs. It relates to improve its managerial an organization would
embark upon to improve its managerial capacity.
and emotional achievement through providing the means by which people can grow
on their jobs. It relates to improve its managerial an organization would
embark upon to improve its managerial capacity.
Manpower development is important in
any discussion of strategic human resources management.
any discussion of strategic human resources management.
Manpower planning aimed at ensuring
that the right person is available for the right job at the right time. This
involves formulating forward looking plan to ensure that the necessary human
effort to become imperative to develop employee.
that the right person is available for the right job at the right time. This
involves formulating forward looking plan to ensure that the necessary human
effort to become imperative to develop employee.
Training can be influenced by the
belief that it is now desirable to focus more attention on areas which in the
past has been relatively neglected because every organization regardless of its
size must provide for the needs, interest and desire of its employee within the
work environment if it is to earn loyalty, dedication, involvement and
commitment necessary to compete effectively.
belief that it is now desirable to focus more attention on areas which in the
past has been relatively neglected because every organization regardless of its
size must provide for the needs, interest and desire of its employee within the
work environment if it is to earn loyalty, dedication, involvement and
commitment necessary to compete effectively.
The human factor (manpower) is the
main stay of the organization in order words, the success of an organization
depend on the ability and expertise of those who operate it both at the
managerial and lower levels of operation, such ability and expertise usually
seems from the knowledge they possess and training relieved.
main stay of the organization in order words, the success of an organization
depend on the ability and expertise of those who operate it both at the
managerial and lower levels of operation, such ability and expertise usually
seems from the knowledge they possess and training relieved.
According to Harbinso (2007) in
Onuka A.O.U and Ajayi (2017) human being proposition applies to the organization,
which hyphens that with daily increase and complexity in the organizational
activities and the problem ensuring optimum productivity which fact is becoming
challenge as well as imperative for the management of organization. Thus,
training and development of staff on who the huge responsibility of furthering
these goals rest, must take top priority if the organization must continue to
enjoy maximum performance from the staff.
Onuka A.O.U and Ajayi (2017) human being proposition applies to the organization,
which hyphens that with daily increase and complexity in the organizational
activities and the problem ensuring optimum productivity which fact is becoming
challenge as well as imperative for the management of organization. Thus,
training and development of staff on who the huge responsibility of furthering
these goals rest, must take top priority if the organization must continue to
enjoy maximum performance from the staff.
The main objective of sitting up an
organization is to take profit and to achieve the organizational goals;
adequate manpower planning and development programme should be put in place to
enhance performance.
organization is to take profit and to achieve the organizational goals;
adequate manpower planning and development programme should be put in place to
enhance performance.
The human resources (manpower) is
considered the most critical to any organizational survival of a truism that
adequate supply of material and financial resources. That utilizes these
available resources to bring about the desired goals
considered the most critical to any organizational survival of a truism that
adequate supply of material and financial resources. That utilizes these
available resources to bring about the desired goals
Most organizational plans
meticulously for either investment in physical and capital resources and these
plans are review with utmost attention to detail while rarely do such
organization pay attention human investment in which the capital and equipment
will be in vain not many organization consider the necessity for a well be
defined and sustained training and development of staff in order to upgrade
their performance or they are not able to cope for ancially with training and
development programmes.
meticulously for either investment in physical and capital resources and these
plans are review with utmost attention to detail while rarely do such
organization pay attention human investment in which the capital and equipment
will be in vain not many organization consider the necessity for a well be
defined and sustained training and development of staff in order to upgrade
their performance or they are not able to cope for ancially with training and
development programmes.
The very few organization that give
thought to this very important aspect of staffing function do so with lack of
seriousness, all round attention and continuity the programmes are curried out
not only once in a blue moon but are also lopsided in terms of content and
staff participation. As a result of this, lackadaisical attitude of management
towards training and manpower development. These had been a progressive decline
in the ability of manpower to cope with the challenges that attend the over
unfolding new dispensation in the organization. It is the opinion of an organization
observes that the poor performance of the organization-workers follows from
their inability to kept abreast with the new technological current as a result
of the absent of appropriate and sufficient staff training. It is against this
background that the researcher considered the impact of performance training
and development on organization performance of this mission, however, the
researcher used Ikere College of Education (COE) as a reference.
thought to this very important aspect of staffing function do so with lack of
seriousness, all round attention and continuity the programmes are curried out
not only once in a blue moon but are also lopsided in terms of content and
staff participation. As a result of this, lackadaisical attitude of management
towards training and manpower development. These had been a progressive decline
in the ability of manpower to cope with the challenges that attend the over
unfolding new dispensation in the organization. It is the opinion of an organization
observes that the poor performance of the organization-workers follows from
their inability to kept abreast with the new technological current as a result
of the absent of appropriate and sufficient staff training. It is against this
background that the researcher considered the impact of performance training
and development on organization performance of this mission, however, the
researcher used Ikere College of Education (COE) as a reference.
The purpose or the objectives of the
study are as follows:
study are as follows:
correct the belief that in this age of computerization and technological
development, all that business units need to survive in the acquisition of
up-to-date capital equipment to the neglect of the power management of it human
correct the belief that in this age of computerization and technological
development, all that business units need to survive in the acquisition of
up-to-date capital equipment to the neglect of the power management of it human
highlight the need for manpower planning and development in an organization.
highlight the need for manpower planning and development in an organization.
access the staff recruitment, selection and training programmes and it,
establish some relationship between these programmes and problems enumerated.
access the staff recruitment, selection and training programmes and it,
establish some relationship between these programmes and problems enumerated.
identify some techniques of manpower training and development in the
organization and their relevance to the organization needs and the organization
at large.
identify some techniques of manpower training and development in the
organization and their relevance to the organization needs and the organization
at large.
the employees of the organization satisfied with the quality of the selection
and interview procedure?
the employees of the organization satisfied with the quality of the selection
and interview procedure?
the employees of the organization utilized after their training?
the employees of the organization utilized after their training?
there training programmes for the employee?
there training programmes for the employee?
adequate in term of content and relevance are these training programme
adequate in term of content and relevance are these training programme
the employees of the organization satisfied with the placement and promotion
the employees of the organization satisfied with the placement and promotion
Training constitute the backbone of
the economy of a great organization like college of education Ikere Ekiti; no
wonder it is always the most active sector in an organization. It is upon this
premise that government monitors the activities of the organization through the
staff and provides the necessary infrastructure s for optimum service to the
the economy of a great organization like college of education Ikere Ekiti; no
wonder it is always the most active sector in an organization. It is upon this
premise that government monitors the activities of the organization through the
staff and provides the necessary infrastructure s for optimum service to the
In spite of all efforts geared
towards improving the service of the organization, there are some doubts as to
quality of service rendered by the staff to their customer in particular and
the organization in general. It is in
high of this that the researcher through the work intend to look into the
factor initiating against the organization in achieving its sets objectives by
this, the study will look into the manpower base and quality of staff of the
organization and assess their suitability with the aim of development training
programmes to enhance their performance since the progress of an organization
are international standard complaint. It therefore behooves an organization to
plan and train its workers for the best quality of work to be relevant in the
scheme of globalization.
towards improving the service of the organization, there are some doubts as to
quality of service rendered by the staff to their customer in particular and
the organization in general. It is in
high of this that the researcher through the work intend to look into the
factor initiating against the organization in achieving its sets objectives by
this, the study will look into the manpower base and quality of staff of the
organization and assess their suitability with the aim of development training
programmes to enhance their performance since the progress of an organization
are international standard complaint. It therefore behooves an organization to
plan and train its workers for the best quality of work to be relevant in the
scheme of globalization.
This is particularly directed to
establishment that are phone to think that the intractable problem of the
organization is finance and not manpower planning and development. It will also
evaluate aspects of the recruitment, selection and training process, which bear
strong relevance to corporate objective, productivity efficiency and morals.
For the management of an organization, the benefit of training and development
is that quality of work. Life of the employees will reciprocate with increase
performance on the job. This will go along way in providing job satisfaction
and service as motivation towards the realization of individual aspiration, it
will also be relevant tot the human resources.
establishment that are phone to think that the intractable problem of the
organization is finance and not manpower planning and development. It will also
evaluate aspects of the recruitment, selection and training process, which bear
strong relevance to corporate objective, productivity efficiency and morals.
For the management of an organization, the benefit of training and development
is that quality of work. Life of the employees will reciprocate with increase
performance on the job. This will go along way in providing job satisfaction
and service as motivation towards the realization of individual aspiration, it
will also be relevant tot the human resources.
The coverage may give time
representation in the economy and the organization private sector.
representation in the economy and the organization private sector.
The study was also limited to
employees of organization. The problem, the researcher encountered was that
some officers were either too busy for interviews or cleverly avoided certain
question for the fear that the information given might put their jobs in
jeopardy. Those who responds to question tend to make their answer to reflect
what ought to be rather what is, this undoubtedly affected the quality and
accuracy of information collected during the study. A large population of the
staff falls among the junior staff and as such, it is difficult to really get
their opinion as regard manpower development as they are shy to respond and do
not really appreciate the importance of development.
employees of organization. The problem, the researcher encountered was that
some officers were either too busy for interviews or cleverly avoided certain
question for the fear that the information given might put their jobs in
jeopardy. Those who responds to question tend to make their answer to reflect
what ought to be rather what is, this undoubtedly affected the quality and
accuracy of information collected during the study. A large population of the
staff falls among the junior staff and as such, it is difficult to really get
their opinion as regard manpower development as they are shy to respond and do
not really appreciate the importance of development.
A lot of finance was also required in
making this project a reality, thus the researcher was faced with the problem
of finance and time. These difficulties not with standing the researcher made
concert effort to ensure that the project was comprehensively carried out to
meet the desired needed.
making this project a reality, thus the researcher was faced with the problem
of finance and time. These difficulties not with standing the researcher made
concert effort to ensure that the project was comprehensively carried out to
meet the desired needed.
Effects were made at defining the
following terminologies use din this study to avoid ambiguity and elicit proper
following terminologies use din this study to avoid ambiguity and elicit proper
Development: This is the process concerned with
people capacity in a defined and over a period to manage and involve positive
change, and reduce or eliminate unwanted change.
people capacity in a defined and over a period to manage and involve positive
change, and reduce or eliminate unwanted change.
Manpower: The human resources of a business
concern, this includes: unskilled, skilled supervisory and management staff of
an organization.
concern, this includes: unskilled, skilled supervisory and management staff of
an organization.
Planning: Setting objective and deciding on
the best ways of achieving the objectives.
the best ways of achieving the objectives.

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