Head of Department
…………………….. ……………………..
Angela N Okolo External Examiner
Dean, School of Business Studies
This research work is dedicated to God Almighty whom through his grace and inspiration made my research a success and also to my parent Mr. And Mrs Richard Ameachi Edeh and my siblings together with my well wishers.
Title– — — — — — — — — — — -i
Approval- – – — — — — — — — — -ii
Dedication- — — — — — — — — — -iii
Acknowledgement- — – — — — — – — -iv
Table of content — — — — — – — — -v
Abstract – – — — – — — — — — — -ix
- Background of the study- — — — — — — –1
- Statement of the problem- — — — — — — –6
- Objective of the study– — — — — — — –7
- Significance of the study- – — — — — — –9
- Research question – — — — — — — — –10
- Hypotheses — — — — — — — — -11
- Scope of the study — — — — — — — -11
- Definition of terms. — — — — — — — -12
2.1 Brief introduction — — — — — — — –13
2.2 Reviewer of current literature– — — — — — –16
2.3 Summary of literature review. — — — — — –21
3.1 Research design — — — — — — — — –27
3.2 Area of the study — — — — — — — — –28
3.3 Population of the study — — — — — — –29
3.4 Sample of the study — — — — — — — -29
3.5 Instrument for data collection — — — — — -30
3.6 Validation of the study- — — — — – — -32
3.7 Distribution and retrieval of instrument — — — -32
3.8 Method of data analysis — — — — — — -33
4.2 Discussion of findings — — — — — — — -43
5.1 Summary of the findings — — — — — — -44
5.2 Conclusion — — — — — — — — — -46
5.3 Recommendation — — — — — — — -48
5.4 Limitation of the study – — — — — — -49
5.5 Suggestion for further research — — — — — -49
Reference- — — — — — — — – — — -50
Appendix A — — — — — — — — — -51
Questionnaire — — — — — — — — — -52
This study is designed to find out the role of public in consumer acceptance of pure water in Anambra State. It retrieved how to establish and maintain mutual relationship between and organization and Rock Tama Water Industry was used as a company or reference for the study should be use to judge the activities of the company in the consumer goods industries. The researcher makes use of questionnaire which was divided into two sections.
Section A: Is for personal data collection
Section B: Is for the questionnaire consists of 20 questions collectively and they were administered to all categories of employee in the Rock Tama Pure Water Industry.
The researcher also made use of interview method and this was mainly a personnel manager. A critical examination of the data collection showed the significance of the public relation department of Rock Tama Pure Water Industry.
No matter how quantitative an organization’s offering may remain over unsold if the producers is not in the good books of the various public Calfred I. Okafor (1996).
There are no organizations whether profit oriented or non profit making venture can thrive in isolation of public relations goodwill. The role of public relation in an organization which aimed at creating good relationship, establishing understanding and good image in the eyes of organization. Recently, many companies have recognized the need to explain their activities, in order to gain public factor, support and also to correct fall impression.
The public relation serves as a form through which an organization exposes, promotes, explains its policies, in order to obtain public goodwill.
Public relation also functions primary in organization as a whole to the public. Public relation objective is directed towards the creation of better corporate image. It is however, believed that once an organization is able to create good books if its publics, that when it comes to the purchase decision time the potential buyers are likely to pack the firms product brand among various rated outlets. It is an effort of an organization to motivate people to think well of an organization in terms of buying, also to respect, support and stick to the organization in time of trouble. Organization should know what people like and do it the way they like it and finally to accord premium to interest of people in all matters, relating to the organization existence of life.
This study is designed to explore and keep afresh on the reader’s mind the role which public relations can play in consumer acceptance of pure water in Anambra State.
The basic value of the including all other relative factors that will offer audience to the study under review. The fact here is that for an organization to thrive the goodwill of its customer’s paramount and if this goodwill is deficient or adverse, consequence may arise or pose problem to the existence of an organization.
Really the inevitability of public relation, man in an organization is to improve readers digest. Nigerians are adopting to circulating formalities and procedure.
The average organization is characterized by a great deal of zigzagging pleasures from all sides and mutual sycophancy in public life and public opinions are reloaded in the mass media can often be grossly misleading. To complicate the problem, target publics are closely interwoven that they are in most cases unpredictable in the reaction to situation and events.
There are some reason why there is some much confusion and significance of public relation and why the profession is injected with too much quack and imposters. The changing social, political and economic climate accordingly call for greater expertise and professionalism in dealing with the mass media, the government, the various public which is an interviewing manner constitutes local consumers voters customer.
Public relation is not as new as it often suppose organized public relation data back (1984) when both the public relation was formed.
Most modern example belong to the new for business and governments to communicate, for instance, the house journal has been used for nearly a century and a half with covered offering of (1942) I. M. Singer and companies, Gazette of (1985), while in Britain it was published by liver brothers toward the end of the nineteenth century.
Better less was leading public relations for U. S coal and railway interest in (1906).
The author was writing and publishing new releases in (1938) when he was a teenage publicity assisted in the London store.
In Nigeria, modern public relation (P.R) is introduced on January 8th 1954 with the establishment of the ever public relation embracing, linked was propaganda. This is because, the new office was intended to present a picture of Nigerian to the outside world as well as to assist the government in an activities requiring propaganda for want of better term in one form another. Growth of the complexities of society and economic consideration.
Some problems facing the industries have been attributed to lake of offensive public activities. Among such problem are:
- Lack of trust: Consumer lack trust or confidence on the companies. Reasons been that most companies shower them false or conceptive advertisement or advertising publicity. Poor product brand and poor services of these products.
As a result, collection of response from the consumer or user’s becomes an uphill task.
- Poor internal relationship: This relationship between different departments in the company is very remote. This is in relation to the management and the workers.
- There is communication gap: There is no communication between the industry and the buyers of their products, the consumer were not informed about companies, modelling and new method of using their products and companies. Most time don’t know the problem of the consumer.
There seems to be a big gap between the industry and retailer. The consumer sees industries as oppressors to hinder their progress by not carrying to adhere to consumer concept regarding advertising publicity and sales promotion for instance, interviewing questionnaire, observed as to be as tedious is climbed on Iroko tree. A whole lot of force as employed, it is not only that of forces as employed, it is not only that there is complete non-challant and individual establishment. The industry on its own part its own part is and conversely with consumer claims to sell their products.
Small business operating as small commodities where there will be demand upon peoples mental time respective power did not use the skill of professional communication for their message to be acceptable and understandable.
This type of atmosphere does not urge well for the progress of any industry. There should be mutual understanding between the companies can give information about progress and plan of companies.
No industry can fulfil their grave responsibility without the support of well informed customers.
There is a true statement because public understanding is the way by which marketing production are used especially in overcoming the portly consumers of their product.
Therefore, is aimed at enlightening how effective public relation could help in bringing the gap between companies in the importations of consumer in marketing products between the offers the company and the consumers said meaningful suggestion.
The public relation department of Rock Tama pure water industry Nnanka Anambra is not in co-existence with the institute itself and need to standardize to make the role of public relations effective.
This project on the role of public relation is Rock Tama pure water industry Nnanka is aimed at pointing out the area the public relations department has performed very well towards enhancing cordial relationship and public goodwill at the sometime expose the areas it has failed so as to know where to give helping hand. It might want to write on similar topic.
Public companies have staff, workers who need to have a cordial relationship between them and the organization in which they exist, for this goodwill to exist there must be effective public relation department, it is true that the practice of public relation properly, you must have to like people but it is much more of their shoulders.
It depicts that the function of the publication department include measuring option on that a particular product maintaining or changing it was beneficial to all organization.
In symposium, the public relation has to be department of an institution has to be public support so as to achieve the goals of maintain good internal and external relation.
The questions inherent on this study are stated as the quicker and out of research the questions are:
- Does Rock Tama pure water industry advertise their product?
- What type of media do they use?
- Why does Rock Tama pure water industry prefer advertising through the above media?
- Does the consume company with the product through advertising of other competitors?
- Does the use of advertising increase the sales turnover?
Ho: Advertising does not positive effective of profit of the industry.
Hi: Advertising has a positive effect on the profit of industries.
Hypothesis 2
Ho: Advertising does not increase the demand of the product by the consumer.
Hi: Public relation increase the demand of the product by the consumer.
The research work covered the entire area of Anambra metropolis. It was the consumer and research of Rock Tama water within Anambra metropolis that recovered the question.
In a pilot study, conducted before conducting other main research survey, 20 questions were being asked to consumer. In Anambra areas one out of the question is: “Do you think that having heard or seen its advertisement message of the product Rock Tama pure water.
You can make a pure chase of the new Rock Tama pure water 17 people answered No. It was discovered that their percentage relationship are: 85% for people that answered No. It is consideration of the problem stated and objective of the study enumerated that the writer propounded the follow hypothesis.
- Public Relation: Is the deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain a mutual understanding between an organization and its public.
- Consumer: Is an individual who purchases or has capacity to purchase goods and service offered for sale by making institution in to satisfy personal or household heeds, wants or desires consumers are sometimes called final uses.
- Consumer Behaviour: can be defined as the activities of people engaged in actual or potential use of marking items whether products, service, information or ideas.
Published works public relation are few until recently works on public into the area were not given or occurred or appropriate work treatment.
This is ironical that the first set of published workers on public relations that went into the side circulation was those written for us about foreign scholars.
Today, however, many scholars have manifested their interest in the study of public relation as planned and conscious efforts to influence opinion.
Joseph Geobels while reading on the effecting in creating attitudes on really evolved uses, such issues to him includes new law, polities’ techniques and regulation.
According to Charles .S. Stanberry in his book, the mass communication, “a public relation man is a specialist in techniques of analyzing new ideas interpreting and influencing public option”
He is therefore an important company in the activities of business and industry, education the art, labour or any social, political or economic in another development, clip and center in. EFFECTIVE PUBLIC RELATION
While house office of managerial and definition of public relationship which seen public relation as the publicity to companies of an activities. Public relation companies are taken as complementation of public new method of advertising new sales agencies activity to its public and mobilization to support of the agency itself.
Berelson in his book, effect of communication on public opinion, said in influencing public opinion on new or instructed attitudes.
U.S.A research, in public relation catering. Bendy in one of the book, talked about it published in 1982 showed that “it was a break down dialogue that causes in decision and wrong decision making business”
The study showed that in business; approximately 90% of the failures were due to breakdown ineffective communication with people while only 10% were due to technical failure.
Most fraises in his book, public relations principle, causes and problems said that, “The relationship of the public relation in business is built upon two. Firstly, the public has all right to know, hence, marketing managers’ official to report to customers participating and support”
Secondly, it was only through two ways of communication that companies can achieve a positive sense of unity.
In the effects of lack of public relation department in the house, Blessing Osunagwu noted the duty of monitoring and surveying public opinion. The enlightenment of public opinion and publication of the legislative were left performed.
The legislative were left electorate due to lack of feedback for electorate and to lack of public relation department to achieve by planned and under spread information fulfilment of their common interests.
Another population definition is that international public relations association London the definition is popularly known as “The Mexican standard” “as agreed at the world Assembly of public relation association held in Mexico in August 8, 1987”. It reads furthermore, H. Kanu Offonry defines relation as a continuing contructive inter-change between those who are affected by or interest in that business” in order words, to create goodwill for ideas with group of people which can be affected.
Lack of understanding and information can bring about downfall of governments, organization, business enterprises and individual, while essential information and proper interpretation of plans and programmers can result if public acceptance and goodwill.
It is surprise that prestige and public goodwill are the most valuable assets of any business organization.
Again, public relations effective in maintain employers and employee’s relationship of relations in lacked, there is generally lack of trust and low productivity.
I should however, be routed that business organization rely upon many people for the skill material component and market for their products, social welfare.
Organization trade union, business and professional association rely upon their member financial and government depends upon people for voluntary services and financial and government depends upon people for voluntary service and financial aids.
Government depends upon financial support manpower and public approval.
The relation of institution on people is one mutual dependence of people and business organizations has created the need for a new philosophy and function of management, which are referred to as public relations.
According to website Dictionary, it says general public relations in relation with general public as through publicity specially, these function of a corporation organization etc. concerned with attempting to create favourable public opinion for itself”.
The international public relation association (IPRA) defines the practice of management function of a continuing and planned character through which public and private organization and institution seek to win and retain the understanding sympathy and support of these with whom they are or may be concerned”.
This is by evaluating public concerned about themselves, in order to co-ordinates as far as possible, their own policies and procedures to public relation are needed more in handling youth of the present generations. This is as a result of change taking place in a quicker succession in this modern world due to scientific and technological advancement. It was friend mention who said that, public relation is the art and science of analysis trend predicting their consequences counselling organization leaders and implementing planned programmers of action which will serve both the organization on and the public interest.
In all the definition of public relations should be noted that public should embrace some of the following aspects, public relations in planned and concluded as a business like any communication and used to build goodwill and profitable relationship with the public.
According to Frank Jackings, he says “public relation is involved in every aspect of the marketing, since the marketing director is constantly, school authority should know the present in thinking pattern of youth adding that:-
- Youths believes that a decision is an illegal something that people affected by it take place in deciding it.
- Students believe that how one lives today is more important than how one live tomorrow. They are not goat oriented.
- They plan conventions and identify individual.
- Modern youths seek upon and honest relations and fight what they form on own reciprocal personalities.
It is clear from above, that public relations means institutions have numerous roles to play. In this book, Brown Rich, through persuasion Nepolen Hill pointed out that the most important job of learning is how to negotiate with others without friction, we should therefore, see public relation as “fuel of harmony” spreading peace and understanding in institution and organization.
An earlier study by R. I. Arinze in 1982 on internal communication gap in I. M. T between the management staff and the students of the institution.
According to him, the gap was causing dissatisfaction among the people.
From what have been said so far about public relation to this situation the researcher recommended the establishment of a public relations department for the problems of communication gap and to ensure good understanding gap and installation and its various public.
A study by cash and French showed that adult and children alike hits to be told to do things.
In resistance to being to do things, the co-worker just clamp-up and income passive, refusing conversion and participation.
Student and workers want to know that the management has their interest at heart in taking official decision affecting them.
Therefore, Moris Philip Woff MD Robert, answer and said “if you are sincere and can show your subordinates you have something for him, you break down the wall between yourself”. What obtain in educational institutions can be linked to the lower society.
A survey by David Yaike Lovied in USA agrees with the view when said, both the Gerald and Jimmy latter agree that when the slash crept between the government and the people. They are caused by a break down on communication between the government and its people.
Students and workers asset the amounts of interest government have in them by the amount of interest shown on their values.
Feed backs helps to determine what is right and what is wrong about a particular communication.
It can serve to stimulate change through stick and carrots in view of these Edward Bsckey assets when the boss listen supportively, employee can develop confidence to participate with helpful suggestions and listen carefully in return when work is delegated on policies handed down.
The opinion research co-operation, USA conducted on exclusive survey on employee communication. The survey revealed that 86% of the employee complained that by the company out of information, they would have reserved it from other sources.
70% of the hourly workers lamented that they were not adequately informed about the company’s place while 68% of the technical staff said they rely on “gape-line” for information about the company.
Situation like the above bound to lower employee morale and could lead to dissatisfaction and lower productivity.
In this study, more in USA have shown in action “inefficiency reduces output, loss of morale, costly strike and other personal problems that adversely affects sales profit and the organizing public image”. Promise Okolie found out that improving the services of PHCN without adequately informing the public would not improve the image of the organization.
He observed that, public relations department of PHCN was not fully utilizing the services of the mass media to enlighten the people about the activities of the organization order to achieve success.
The president of the public relations Consultations Association of Nigeria, Mr. Tony Okeke, also ranked that public relation is the effective.
The public relation serves as a form through which an organization exposes, promotes and explain a policies in order to obtain public goodwill. Public relation also functions primarily in organization as a whole to the public relation objectives are directed towards the creation of a better corporate image.
It is however, believed that once an organization is able to create a good image and continues to that when it comes to the purchase decision time the political buyers and likely to lick the firm’s product brands among various competing branches at the various retail outlets.
It is the effort of an organization to motivate people to think well of an organization in terms of buying also to respect; support and stick to the organization in time of trouble. Organization should know people like and do things the ways they like it and finally to accord premium to interest of people in all matters to the organization’s existence or life.
This study is designed to explore and keep affectively the readers mind the role which public relation can play in consumer acceptance of pure water in Anambra State.
The basic value of the topic including all other relative factors that will offer audience to the study under review. The fact have it that for an organization to their goodwill of its customers paramount and if this goodwill is deficient or adverse consequences may arise or pose problems to the existence an organization.
A Brief Introduction of the Chapter
This chapter deals with design of the study it deals specifically at the sources of data and information, research population as applied in this work, sampling methods used and data analysis and its critics
The design of the study are operated to a researcher, some of those design includes interview opinion sampling, sample observation, survey library searchable questionnaires.
Specially, the researcher made use of questionnaire which was divided into two sections.
Section A is for personal data collection and section B is for the subjection matter of the research study. Both section of the questionnaire consist of 20 questions collectively and they were administered to all categories of employee in the Rock Tama Pure Water Industry Nnanka.
The researcher also made the use of interview method and this was mainly a personal managers. The history and other information concerning the organization were also obtained through interview method. Equally, the researcher made use of interview design in directing some of the company’s drives, security guards and messenger, respectively who could not express themselves very well through reading and writing.
A sample of employees was taken from the company. The essence was to contain the opinion of employee in this area. Both the questionnaire and interview were conducted between third weeks of September to October ending.
The study was carried out in the role public relation in consumer acceptance of pure water in Rock Tama Water Industry.
The populations of study used are the consumers of Rock Tama Pure Water Industry Nigeria Limited. The consumer of this company is made up of one hundred thousand (100,000) which the researcher used as the population figure.
The figure was made available to the researcher by the sales department. The researcher used this category of people as the population because they were the most suitable and the constant consumer of the company as revealed by the company’s record.
The sample size is five hundred and fifty, selected from the population, the sample sizes were selected through stratified sampling techniques. The sample size was obtained from both the lower and higher class heterogeneous population has a sample frame that allowed for statistical analysis. The study adopted the probability sample method. This method enables every element in the population to have equal chance of being selected.
The study involves the use of stratified random sampling techniques. Here the entire heterogeneous population was divided into strata after stratification the investigator has to employ random sampling techniques. The sample of this method ensured greater degree of representatives.
The collection of data for this study was from both primary and secondary sources.
- Primary source:- face to face interview and questionnaire were used for obtaining data necessary for this research. The questionnaire consisted of mainly multiple choice questions. The respondents are requested to air the view by way of chucking the response that best described their feelings.
However the face to face interview method was used mostly to obtain the needed information from some respondents like personal, general manager respectively. Again the oral interview method was used to obtain information from the buyers, sellers and distributors in the company.
The oral interview was mainly used because these employees who could explain themselves very clearly in reading and writing.
The affords the researcher sample information that could have otherwise being obtained from them.
- Secondary source:- The secondary data gathering was conducted through library research which comprises of necessary text book, magazine, articles by eminent scholars, business and psychological journal were used.
A valid study measures what is supports to measure. The study used here had validated in terms of:
- Content
- Predictive
- Empirical
It made possible the instrument serving the specific purpose to it was designed for.
The instrument used for the study of questionnaire. The researcher himself to the respondent distributed the questionnaire but only one hundred (100) questionnaires were returned.
The researcher is on the analysis of the import of public relation in the marketing of beverages, the researcher used statistical data analysis tool in the research work i.e chi square is used to that whether the discrepancies between the observed frequencies (oi) and the expected frequencies (ei) significant of whether the choice.
This is the chi-square formula.
X2 – (oi – ei)2 x (oi – ei)2 + (oi – ei)2
e2 e2 ek
X2 = k
Under this chapter a comprehensive presentation and analysis of data are made. In other words, it is interested readers will be able to assimilate the various factors and under discussion as it effects Rock Tama Pure Water Industry of purpose of representation, the main objectives of the study is to analyze the role of public relations in consumer acceptance pure water in Anambra.
A total of 160 questionnaires were distributed to the respondents out of which 140 questionnaires were returned. Below are the tabulated ones and analyzed for space and convenience.
Distribution of questionnaires and returns made
Returned | 140 | 87.5 |
Not returned | 20 | 12.5 |
Total | 160 | 100 |
Observation: from the above table, a total number of 160 questionnaires were distributed of which only 140 (one hundred and forty) were returned which means 20 were not returned amount to qualifies in percentage, 140 returned accounted 87,5% of the total questionnaire distributed the remaining 20 were 12.5%.
Note: in the chapter three, 140 respondents were returned including 20 respondents from the oral interviews conducted for those who cannot read and write. The total respondents are now 160.
Age and sex distribution of respondents
10 – 24 years | 20 | 10 | 30 | 18.5 |
25 – 34 years | 50 | 25 | 75 | 47 |
35 – 44 years | 30 | 10 | 40 | 25 |
45 – 46 years | 10 | 5 | 15 | 9.5 |
Total | 110 | 50 | 100 | 100 |
Observation: – It should be observed that most of the employees and buyers are made up of males in Rock Tama Pure Water Industry which the total 110 while female are people in the questionnaire as well as their corresponding answer?
In Rock Tama Pure Water Industry public relations receiving require attention on consumer acceptance of pure water?
Yes | 80 | 50 |
No | 80 | 50 |
Total | 160 | 100 |
Observation: – From the observation, we can see total of the responses are equal.
How often does the consumer receive information from Rock Tama Pure Water Industry on consumer acceptance of pure water?
Informal | 85 | 53 |
Informal often | 20 | 12.5 |
Informal often | 45 | 28 |
Total | 160 | 100 |
Observation: – Note that the number of the consumers informed exceeded others by 810 numbers which is not enough for promotion of sales in the company if only 85 are informal and the rest are informal often and the never, these is a tendency that not all the consumers will know about the company’s product which will result to low level of sales.
Can communication gap between the company and the consumers cause of low level of sale?
Yes | 160 | 100 |
No | Nil | Nil |
Total | 160 | 100 |
Observation: – All the respondents in the above tabulation agreed that communication gap between the company and the consumer can cause the low level of sales.
If yes to the above question, how often have you begin hammering on the problem of communication gap to the manager of rock tama pure water industry?
Always | 52 | 32.5 |
Once in a week | 78 | 48,5 |
Not at all | 30 | 19 |
Total | 160 | 100 |
Observation: – Greater percentage here shows that employee do complain at times.
While the trust which consumers have in the company affect the relationship?
Yes | 130 | 81 |
No | 30 | 19 |
Total | 160 | 100 |
Observation: – it should be noted from the above table that those who agreed rated highest than those who disagreed.
Can you use consumer awareness to the change in your products cause them to stick to your product?
Yes | 124 | 77.5 |
No | Nil | Nil |
Not quite sure | 18 | 11.3 |
Don’t know | 18 | 11.3 |
Total | 160 | 100 |
Observation: – The record has shown that consumer awareness to the change in Rock Tama Pure Water Industry’s product can cause the consumers to stick to the option “yes” recorded 77.5% remarked to those who are not sure.
In “Don’t Know”, option which recorded 11.3% which is equivalent to “Note quite sure” option.
What will be the level of sides of your company shows true public relation to the consumer?
Increase | 136 | 85 |
Decrease | Nil | Nil |
Partially increased | 24 | 15 |
Total | 160 | 100 |
Observation: – from the observation, it should be noted that those who agreed to increase are more than those who disagreed.
Does lack of attention and qualified staff of public relations hamper effective public relations in rock tama pure water industry?
Yes | 112 | 20 |
No | 20 | 12.5 |
Not quite sure | 28 | 17.5 |
Total | 160 | 100 |
Observation: – from the assumption, 70% of the respondents were of the view that lack of attention and qualified staffs hamper effective public relations. In rock Tama Pure Water Industry and the rest were not of the view but saying that the problem is that of poor finance and lack of trained officers.
When the public relations officers (information officer) of Rock Tama Pure Water Industry was interviewed, he complained about of sales-manship, sales promotion, advertising goods, media house to work which information from Rock Tama Pure Water Industry.
Generally, from the finding, the research was able to gather accurate information as needed from the respondents.
Furthermore, it shows product innovation and it also contribution to high rate of turnover.
A critical examination of the data collected showed the significance of the public relation department of Rock Tama Pure water industry.
It was observed that the company’s authorities recognized the important, hence it able to live up to expectation in relation to achieving goodwill to the internal communicates order it was observed the majority of the customers were really informed about the existence of new product.
Besides, the observation base on information that is disseminated is quite inadequate.
Majority of the public of the Rock Tama pure water industry rely mostly on rumour or grapevine for their information about the existence for their information about the existence of the company project and pride.
It was also mention from the data based on direct observation and interview that apart from poor finance which appears to be major problem facing department.
All these have explained why there were the problems of study that is lack of recognizable indenting incompetent public relation services and poor images for Rock Tama Pure Water industry.
From the observation made from assumption, it states the more competent the department, the better the image of the company from the data collection from direct observation and interview upholds hypothesis concerning the finding of the competent staffing of the department on the basis for effective performance award improving the image of the institution.
The implications of this research finding are that a further research would be necessary to investigate the effectiveness of public relation on the public of the organization.
In an inquisitive society like that of ours, it is necessary for the organization like the other industries readily published its activities so as to neglect deviation.
Even an employer and employed about what the organization is doing as to improve the product, brands and techniques initiate them with new policies and the progress of the organization.
According to public relation officers of Rock Tama pure water industry, the department is denied of some vital information of the buyers and sellers of marketing product (i.e consumer durable goods) especially where it has to come through others department in words, the harmonies between the public relation department in Rock Tama pure water industry is questionable in fact this is not what it should be.
The consumers are about what they are doing to improve product life cycle (Plc) parking and branding intimate them on the new techniques of the company.
The indication of the finding of the work is that Rock Tama pure water industry’s public relations or sales of consumer durable goods have both been receiving the required attention. In fact some department is not informed about most of the things going on in Rock Tama pure water industry.
As a result of this service of the department are not felt by the workers in Rock Tama pure water industry.
This resulted in the frequent misunderstanding between the company and the employees especially in the area of media workers.
In recommendation, Charles S. S, in this book the communication said that “even those who were once option of public relations now empty these pact that my organisation must have traffic with the public relation whether it like it or not”
So the problem of Rock Tama industry relations on consumers acceptance of pure from the result the research is not that of exist but it border or lack of attention, lack of free hand to operate.
At times it looks as if Rock Tama pure water industry’s public relations department have no defined objectives.
Public relations are relation to communicate that requires the process that involves feedback. Note it also recommended that, “a more critical study must be done to elicit the departmental courses of inadequate attention to the public relations on sales of consumers durable goods in Rock Tama pure water industry.
The researcher encounter some limitations such as time, there was not much time to the study, and getting very bit of information that would have really give more light into the particular study, limited time was very big constrain to the work.
Finally, there was a limited financial resource to help on research question to more people than effected and other material that is involved in the research study.
Following the research of this study, the researcher suggests that further research should be made in the area of.
- Internal organization i.e public relations.
- Business ethics.
- Investigation of the effectiveness of the public relation on the public’s of the organization based on the role of public relations in consumer acceptance of pure water both within the department and other departments within the organisation and consumer.
Benby, C. (1982): Let’s talk about it, 1st Edition Donald Press, Washington.
Charles S. (1973): Persuasive Communication in Marketing. Homeward Illeones, Richard D. I. Ivalin Inc.
Friendman M. (1970): The social Responsibility of Business to increase Profits. New York Time Magazine, 3rd Edition.
Kalu, O. H. (1985): Guide to Publish Relation Practice in Nigeria 1st Edition Model Academic Publication Limited.
Moore, T. (1985) Basic Marketing Richard D. Irwin Illrons Inc.
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Department of Marketing,
School of Business Studies,
Federal Polytechnic, Oko,
Anambra State.
Dear Respondents,
I am a postgraduate student of the above name institution; I am carrying out a research work on the role of public relation in consumer acceptance of pure water in Anambra State.
Your response will be treated in strict confidence and for this research work only.
Yours faithfully
Section A
Written answers will be treaded industry in your choice of answer.
- What is your sex?
- Female [ ]
- Male [ ]
- Which age bracket do you belong?
- Less than 15years [ ]
- 16years to 30years [ ]
- 31years to 45years [ ]
- 46years to 60years [ ]
- 61years to above [ ]
- What is your marital status?
- Married [ ]
- Single [ ]
- What is your job title?
- What is your qualification?
- How long have been in the content with this industry?
- What is your station in the industry?
- How many people depend on your product?
Section B
- Is Rock Tama Pure Water Industry Public relation receiving required attention on consumer’s acceptance?
- Yes [ ]
- No [ ]
- How often do the consumer’s receive information from Rock Tama Pure Water Industry on consumer acceptance of the product?
- Very often [ ]
- Informed often [ ]
- Never informed [ ]
- Informed steady [ ]
- Can communication gap between the computers used on the consumers cause low level of sales?
- Yes [ ]
- No [ ]
- If yes to the above question, how often have you being hammering on the problem of communication gap to the manger of rock tama pure water industry?
- Always [ ]
- Once a while [ ]
- Not at all [ ]
- Will the trust which consumer’s have in the company affects the relationship?
- Yes [ ]
- No [ ]

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