The aim of the study was to look at the Nigeria education and together information on the training that science students undergo in an institution.
A review of related literature was conducted for the purpose of having varied concise and reliable data to aid the study. The data for this study were gathered mainly from copies of questionnaire, which were completed by students of sciences Department College of education Ero-Akure.
The principal findings of this research gave room for students to have full details on the training Biology/ Chemistry in an institution the study was conducts with recommendation to institution on ways of improving teaching methods and knowledge of Biology/ Chemistry students.
Recommendation was presented to them on way of improving their knowledge.
Table of content
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Purpose of the Study
1.4 Significance of the Study
1.5 The Research Questions
1.6 Delimitation of the Study
1.7 Limitation of the Study
1.8 Definition of Terms
1.9 The Classification of Drugs
2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Definition of Drugs and Types of Drugs
2.2 The Classification of Drugs
2.3 Why People Abuse Drugs
3.0 Methodology
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Area of Study
3.3 Population of Study
3.4 Sampling Procedure
3.5 Instrument for the Study
3.6 Validity for the Study/ Instrument
3.7 Administration of the Questionnaire
3.8 Method of Data Analysis
4.0 Data Analysis and Discussion of Findings
4.1 Research Question 1
4.2 Discussion and Findings
5.0 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
5.1 Summary of Procedure Used
5.2 Principal Findings
5.3 Conclusion
5.4 Implications of the Study
5.5 Recommendations
5.6 The Preventive Measures of Drugs Abuse
5.7 Summary
Drugs are chemical substances which modify the physiological and biochemical substance other than foodstuff used in diagnosis, treatments, cure and prevention of diseases.
Advanced learner dictionary defined drug as a substance used in medicine. Drugs is a substance that acts on nervous system e.g. narcotic or stimulant, especially the one that causes addition.
Therefore, substance such as alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, beer, ligour, heroine, daga, alabukun, panadol are all drugs.
Ogunsusi (2016) said that drugs should be used according to doctor’s prescription. He started further that drugs are abused when taken in excess of prescription and when they are indiscriminatory used. Advanced learners dictionary defined drug abuse as wrong use of drugs or a bad use of drugs,
In (2010) Obinegbo stated that student preparing for examination and burring midnight oil, often resort to psychoactive drugs such as amphetamine to keep them alert and overcome fatigue. If not carefully used may lead to addition.
Willeler Smith (1994) Observed that in the early twentieth century, only a few medically effective substances were available:- Morphine, Antitoxin, Smallpox, Vaccine, Iron, Quinine, Ether, Iodine, Alcohol and Mercury.
After the Second World War, many new drugs have emerged, making chemotherapy an important aspect of medical practice.
The antibiotics act against fungi and bacteria, while quinine and other synthetics act against malaria and other parasitic infections.
Cardiac agent acts on heart there are many drugs that can stimulate and activate the users and the activity of the user. The stimulant are mostly used by the students to aid reading and the rate of concentration.
Drug of any kind are classified according to the pharmacological language.
Udohetal (2017) classified drug according to the purpose for which they are used. These are drugs for medicinal social cultural and non-medicinal purpose.
The medicinal drugs are those considered as pain killing, preventive and curative drugs.
The socio-cultural drugs are those for social and religious purpose, such as tobacco, wine and those used for social as well as traditional purpose such as coffee tea, and kola nuts.
The non-medicinal drug are those used for neither medicinal, non socio-cultural purposes e.g. cannabis, hashish, marijuana, amphetamines, barbiturates, cocaine, heroine, opium, lysergic and acid diethylamide (L S D)
The psychoactive drugs are classified by the way they influence the users.
Stimulants make a person work or play for several hours or even days without rest or sleep Hallucinogens produce hallucination in the user. Depressants lower person activities some times causing sleep. Euphoriants cause a great feeling of self being. However for regression, projection and over work.
However, some people believe that drug can solve every problem, so they can be taking drugs.
Malamo (2008) contended that use of the drugs is common to all societies. He explained further that drugs have been used in the past to relief human sufferings, but when used compulsively it becomes a social problem.
Ajala (1978) stated that the reason for abuse of drugs could be psychological. According to him, abuse of drugs is a symptom of mental or emotional illness. It may be away of coping with insecurity or feelings of inadequacy many young people think it will enable them to overcome shyness and fear.
He also observed that drug abuse could be a sociological factor, such as broken homes, frequent conflicts in the homes, lack of parental care may contribute greatly to this.
Olayemi (1982) stated that the problem of drug abuse goes beyond the individual abuser’s level. It extends to the whole society in which the curiosity, peer group, pressure, boredom expression of independence and the need for relaxation. He statted that the availability of drug and drug acceptance, attitude of the family towards drug and mobility are sociological or environmental factors involves in drug abuse.
Umeh (1982) attributed ignorance, fraustration, search for identity, peer pressure and problems in the home as factors influencing the use of drugs. However, there are still more additional reason why people go into drugs such as to fight depression, to be lose weight, to increase alertness and to get away from worriedness.
He also observed that drug abuse could be a sociological factor, such as broken homes, frequent conflicts in the homes lack of parental care may contribute greatly to this.
Adeola (1981) on drug abuse argued that drug were used for this category. He held that addition may result from too frequent use of curative drugs. This however shows that drug abuse is associated with usage in excess of prescribed dosage. Emphatically, it is considered that drug can be classified a addicting and habit forming.
Donald (2010) stated that curiosity is one of the strongest reason why people take drugs. Pleasure is another motive of abusing drugs.
Ray 2008) declared that student used drugs to keep them awake at night during examination periods and many feel that drug can improve memories and therefore aid them in passing their examination.
There are series of problem of drug abuse which had continued to threaten our social order, such as inflicting severe blow on the family structure, enriching a few undesirables and sending many people to asylum, jail and death.
It has increased the existence of secret cult activities in higher institutions as well as in our secondary schools nation wide. To engage in nefarious activities, they must have been under the influence of psychoactive drugs.
Social activities, such as sponsored assassination, political violence, organized crime, raping e.t.c. are all associated with the problem of drug abuse.
Due to broken homes, many have become victims of drug abuse due to lack of parental care and peer group influence. Despite the fact that Government regulation on the sales on psychoactive drugs. One can still find them sold on the counter, streets and motor parts all over the country. Due to easy accessibility of these drugs, so many youth that are not cultured had indulged themselves in drug. The direct and indirect effects of this social disorder had continue to exert a colossal toll on the physical, economical and psychological well being of the people.
In considering the problems identified above, the purpose of the study is divided into the following,
- To find out the causes of drug abuse.
- To find out the effects of the drug abuse on the students.
- The reason for drug abuse.
- To enable drug abusers attain stability psychologically.
- To comply with peer group pressure.
- To suggest or prefer solutions to this dangerous habit on our youths.
Drug abuse has been the most hazardous health problem and the source of untimely death of this generation worldwide. Therefore, the significance of this research is in no small measure to assist and contribute its quotation in fighting against the practice that may lead to disability and even death of the student, it will enhance other learners as well as Government officials see the need and importance of making more researches on the topic. This will enable numerous people to know more about preservation of our health.
As a result of this study, fact will be added to part of information gathered by the researcher. More adequate plans and programmes can be made to intensify Government effort to prevent drug abuse among the students.
The result of these finding will also be useful to all those concerned with the planning and execution of school educational programme to enlighten student on the effects of drug on their well being.
This research is expected to provide answers to the following questions.
- What are the causes of drug abuse?
- What are the effects of drug abuse on?
- What are the reason for drug abuse
- To enable drug abusers attain stability psychologically.
- To comply with the peer groups standard i.e. peer group pressure.
- Unhappiness about academic performance and pressure from parent to achieve academic weight or excellence.
This study is delimited to selected students from ten secondary schools in llesa West Local Government Area of Osun state.
Some limitation of this work include inadequate finance and time factor at the disposal of the researcher. These factors did not permit the researcher to cover more than ten senior secondary schools during the course of study
In order to understand the purpose of the study the following terms will be defined operationally. This is necessary in order to understand the concept from the same point of view.
DRUG: Any chemical or bio-chemical substance that is capable of producing change in the body alter mood perception and consciousness
DRUG ABUSE: This is the use of emotion modifying substance in excess of those used medically and over length of time that cause damage to individual society or both clement it. James 1978 p. 24)
TOLERANCE: The situation that arises when the same amount of the substance can no longer produce the same effect.
DEPENDENCE: The need that develops through habit resulting from continual use of the substance in order to avoid discomfort or with drawl symptoms.
EUPHORIA: Exaggerated sense of well-being or temporary feeling of happiness.
A synthetic drug which stimulates the higher nerve centre, so increasing mental alertness and abolishing fatigue. It is a controlled drug and may lead to addition if not carefully used.
Taken Drug By Student Were:- Unhappiness about academic performance and pressure from parents to achieve academic excellence. Some youths are denied of adult or parental guidance and the emotional security of the home this make them to succumb to emotional problems and peer pressure, as a result of these, they demonstrate deviance and socially unacceptable behavior such as smoking and drinking consequently, the purpose of this study is to form a baseline data for further researches on the incidence of drug abuse among senior secondary school student in ilesa west local Government Area of Osun State.

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