The purpose of the study is to ascertain the problem of poor reading
habit and consequences on academic performance of students in college of
education in Ikere Ekiti, Ekiti State to be professional accountants. It also
determines some measurer to be taken to facilitate the success of the students
both in school exams and their professional exams, the sample of the comprised
of 50 students in four tertiary institutions in Ekiti State. A self designed
questionnaire tagged “the problem of poor reading habit and consequences on
academic performance of students in college of education in Ikere Ekiti, Ekiti
State. The validity and reliability of the instrument were ensured before the
instrument was used. The findings of the
study revealed a number of difficulties relating to accounting syllabus, lack
of motivation of students, adequacy of teachers, poor reading habit (Quantity
and qualification) were encountered by the students in training for their
professional examinations. It was therefore concluded that poor reading habit
style adopted by the students, non-coverage of syllabus for the students by the
lecturers, non-availability of instructional materials, inadequate qualified
lecturers and crossing of science graduates into accounting field are the major
contributing poor to the failure of accounting students in their professional
exams. It was recommended that the authorities of school training accounting
students must take appropriate measure to correct these factors.
habit and consequences on academic performance of students in college of
education in Ikere Ekiti, Ekiti State to be professional accountants. It also
determines some measurer to be taken to facilitate the success of the students
both in school exams and their professional exams, the sample of the comprised
of 50 students in four tertiary institutions in Ekiti State. A self designed
questionnaire tagged “the problem of poor reading habit and consequences on
academic performance of students in college of education in Ikere Ekiti, Ekiti
State. The validity and reliability of the instrument were ensured before the
instrument was used. The findings of the
study revealed a number of difficulties relating to accounting syllabus, lack
of motivation of students, adequacy of teachers, poor reading habit (Quantity
and qualification) were encountered by the students in training for their
professional examinations. It was therefore concluded that poor reading habit
style adopted by the students, non-coverage of syllabus for the students by the
lecturers, non-availability of instructional materials, inadequate qualified
lecturers and crossing of science graduates into accounting field are the major
contributing poor to the failure of accounting students in their professional
exams. It was recommended that the authorities of school training accounting
students must take appropriate measure to correct these factors.
Title page
Table of contents
Background of
the Study
the Study
Statement of the
Purpose of the Study
Significant of
the Study
the Study
Scope of the Study
A Review of the
Theoretical Frame
The Reading
Word Recognition
A Development
Perspective on Reading
Perspective on Reading
Factors which Influence
Physical and Intellectual
Emotional Development
Social Cultural
Education Factors
A Modern, Technology-Driven
The Relationship
between Reading Ability And Academic Performance
between Reading Ability And Academic Performance
Reading Comprehension
and Academic Performance
and Academic Performance
Reading Skills
and Achievement in Mathematics
and Achievement in Mathematics
Language Skills,
Reading and Academic Performance
Reading and Academic Performance
Cognitive Skills,
Reading and Academic Performance
Reading and Academic Performance
Reading Instruction
and Academic Performance
and Academic Performance
Studies Showing
Contrary Ridings
Contrary Ridings
Effectiveness of
Remedial Reading Instruction
Remedial Reading Instruction
around Reading Remediation
around Reading Remediation
The Research Design
Area of the Study
Population for
the Study
the Study
The Research
Sample Technique
Sample Technique
Research Instrument
for the Study
for the Study
Method Data
Data Analysis of
Reading Ability
Reading Ability
Results of Data
Descriptive Statistics
Discussion of Results
Development Factors
Reading Remediation
Reading Behaviour
Suggestion for Further Studies
Background to
the Study
the Study
For most people living in
today’s modem world, reading is an everyday, ordinary task to which little
thought is given. Yet reading is one of the most important skills that we can
acquire (Grove & Hauptfleisch, 2002). Reading is not simply about
mechanical skill. It helps us understand our world by enabling us to learn
about our past and plan for our future.
today’s modem world, reading is an everyday, ordinary task to which little
thought is given. Yet reading is one of the most important skills that we can
acquire (Grove & Hauptfleisch, 2002). Reading is not simply about
mechanical skill. It helps us understand our world by enabling us to learn
about our past and plan for our future.
Understanding what we are reading is far more important
to us than the mechanical skill of reading. Without comprehension. Reading
would serve no purpose. Likosky (Libretto, 2005) notes that readings help us into contact with our
culture and the values and principles adhered to by our community. It can help
us develop our own ideas about relationships (Smith & Robinson, 2000). It
includes the world of thoughts and emotions (Frank, 2000). “A person who
can read well, can function more effectively in everyday activities and can
satisfy his emotional and intellectual needs more effectively” (Grove
& Hauptfleisch, 2002:1). Many of our day-to-day tasks require reading,
including the simple tasks of banking, following directions and shopping. For
an illiterate person, many of life’s seemingly mundane and ordinary tasks,
which many people take for granted, become insurmountable hurdles.
to us than the mechanical skill of reading. Without comprehension. Reading
would serve no purpose. Likosky (Libretto, 2005) notes that readings help us into contact with our
culture and the values and principles adhered to by our community. It can help
us develop our own ideas about relationships (Smith & Robinson, 2000). It
includes the world of thoughts and emotions (Frank, 2000). “A person who
can read well, can function more effectively in everyday activities and can
satisfy his emotional and intellectual needs more effectively” (Grove
& Hauptfleisch, 2002:1). Many of our day-to-day tasks require reading,
including the simple tasks of banking, following directions and shopping. For
an illiterate person, many of life’s seemingly mundane and ordinary tasks,
which many people take for granted, become insurmountable hurdles.
Living in the 21st century with its rapid advancement
in technology, we are faced with the so-called ‘information explosion’ or
‘information overload’. Some of this information comes to us via the electronic
media such as television and radio, for which reading is not required. But much
of the information comes to us in the form of the written word such as books,
newspapers, magazines and computers. The worldwide web, specifically, has made
masses of information easily available to people who have access to the
internet. E-Mail has transformed the world into a global village by making
electronic media an effective global form of communication. Advances in
computer technology have been, and continue to be, rapid. An array of software
packages provides information on a wide variety of topics. In order to be able
to process all of this information, reading is a prerequisite skill.
in technology, we are faced with the so-called ‘information explosion’ or
‘information overload’. Some of this information comes to us via the electronic
media such as television and radio, for which reading is not required. But much
of the information comes to us in the form of the written word such as books,
newspapers, magazines and computers. The worldwide web, specifically, has made
masses of information easily available to people who have access to the
internet. E-Mail has transformed the world into a global village by making
electronic media an effective global form of communication. Advances in
computer technology have been, and continue to be, rapid. An array of software
packages provides information on a wide variety of topics. In order to be able
to process all of this information, reading is a prerequisite skill.
The value of reading is
unlikely to be challenged by many people. It ~ so much a part of modem society that most people would
acknowledge its important:. Reading is well integrated into our education
systems generally, such that educational success is almost synonymous with
reading success. It pervades almost all work that is done in the classroom and
according to Greyling and Joubert (2008) there is a direct relationship between
successful studies and good reading skills. Reading is probably one of the most
important skills that a student learns at school, if not the most
important. It forms the foundation for all further learning and without the
ability to read effectively, a child will experience difficulty learning.
“Success in reading very often ensures success in other subjects, as a
sound reading ability is the gateway to the acquisition and expansion of knowledge
in all the school subjects” (Grove & Hauptfleisch. 2002:1). An
inability to read will impact negatively on the ability to achieve in all other
school subjects, as well as on the ability to succeed in life beyond school.
This will have a strong influence on the child’s self-esteem and on his
perception of himself as a student which, in turn, will have an influence on
his subject choice as well as on his choice of career (Brown, 2002). Anderson,
Hiebert, Scott and Wilkinson (2005:1) describe reading as “a basic life
skill. It is a cornerstone for a child’s success in school and, indeed,
throughout life.” This sentiment is supported by Grove and
unlikely to be challenged by many people. It ~ so much a part of modem society that most people would
acknowledge its important:. Reading is well integrated into our education
systems generally, such that educational success is almost synonymous with
reading success. It pervades almost all work that is done in the classroom and
according to Greyling and Joubert (2008) there is a direct relationship between
successful studies and good reading skills. Reading is probably one of the most
important skills that a student learns at school, if not the most
important. It forms the foundation for all further learning and without the
ability to read effectively, a child will experience difficulty learning.
“Success in reading very often ensures success in other subjects, as a
sound reading ability is the gateway to the acquisition and expansion of knowledge
in all the school subjects” (Grove & Hauptfleisch. 2002:1). An
inability to read will impact negatively on the ability to achieve in all other
school subjects, as well as on the ability to succeed in life beyond school.
This will have a strong influence on the child’s self-esteem and on his
perception of himself as a student which, in turn, will have an influence on
his subject choice as well as on his choice of career (Brown, 2002). Anderson,
Hiebert, Scott and Wilkinson (2005:1) describe reading as “a basic life
skill. It is a cornerstone for a child’s success in school and, indeed,
throughout life.” This sentiment is supported by Grove and
Hauptfleisch (2002:1) who state that “Reading to
learn is becoming more and more important in that it creates almost limitless
possibilities for achievement.”
learn is becoming more and more important in that it creates almost limitless
possibilities for achievement.”
Statement of the problem
Further to the above, during
the course of assessment and remedia1 work carried out by the researcher
amongst a group of student in college of education it became obvious that a
number of these students had below average reading ability at this school, at
some point during their Foundation Phase schooling, a number of students had
been referred to the school’s part-time educational psychologist for assessment
of reading problems. In most cases, although not all, this referral had taken
place during the students’ first year. Following assessment, the majority of
these students were referred fool reading remediation, which took the form of
one half-hour session per week, during school hours, with a remedial therapist.
the course of assessment and remedia1 work carried out by the researcher
amongst a group of student in college of education it became obvious that a
number of these students had below average reading ability at this school, at
some point during their Foundation Phase schooling, a number of students had
been referred to the school’s part-time educational psychologist for assessment
of reading problems. In most cases, although not all, this referral had taken
place during the students’ first year. Following assessment, the majority of
these students were referred fool reading remediation, which took the form of
one half-hour session per week, during school hours, with a remedial therapist.
Even allowing for developmental variations as
mentioned above, relative to their age and grade these students should have
been able to read at a specific level of mastery. All inability to read at this
level had grave implications for future academic success. The later shift to the
Intermediate Phase in year two, placed much greater demands on the students in
terms of reading ability as they broadened their focus from mainly reading,
writing and spelling to include specific subjects. Foundation Phase reading
skills became a critical factor to successful learning.
mentioned above, relative to their age and grade these students should have
been able to read at a specific level of mastery. All inability to read at this
level had grave implications for future academic success. The later shift to the
Intermediate Phase in year two, placed much greater demands on the students in
terms of reading ability as they broadened their focus from mainly reading,
writing and spelling to include specific subjects. Foundation Phase reading
skills became a critical factor to successful learning.
There existed among the
teachers at the Intermediate Phase a concern at what they perceived to be
generally poor reading ability amongst the Foundation Phase children at the
teachers at the Intermediate Phase a concern at what they perceived to be
generally poor reading ability amongst the Foundation Phase children at the
Teachers at the college of
education were finding that a number of students coming were experiencing
difficulty reading, especially with regards reading comprehension. For a number
of these students, this was then manifesting as academic difficulties as they
were unable to fully understand the written content of their varied subject
education were finding that a number of students coming were experiencing
difficulty reading, especially with regards reading comprehension. For a number
of these students, this was then manifesting as academic difficulties as they
were unable to fully understand the written content of their varied subject
The concern resulted in meetings being called by the
lecturer and the relevant Heads of Department. Attending these meetings were,
amongst others, the teachers of year 1 – and 3 on grade level 1 to 7, as well
as the educational psychologist involved in work at the school.
lecturer and the relevant Heads of Department. Attending these meetings were,
amongst others, the teachers of year 1 – and 3 on grade level 1 to 7, as well
as the educational psychologist involved in work at the school.
During the course of these
meetings, decisions were made regarding what action should be taken at each
grade level, in terms of specific reading skills, in order to improve the
overall reading ability of the children.
meetings, decisions were made regarding what action should be taken at each
grade level, in terms of specific reading skills, in order to improve the
overall reading ability of the children.
Purpose of the study
The aim of the study was three-fold, namely:
The aim of the study was three-fold, namely:
To investigate the extent of the correlation, if
any, between the reading problem and among student in college of education
Ikere Ekiti.
To investigate the extent of the correlation, if
any, between the reading problem and among student in college of education
Ikere Ekiti.
To investigate the correlation, if any, between
3 aspects of reading (namely, speed, accuracy and comprehension) and the
academic performance of a specific group students in college of education.
To investigate the correlation, if any, between
3 aspects of reading (namely, speed, accuracy and comprehension) and the
academic performance of a specific group students in college of education.
Significant of
the Study
the Study
The study is justified by the increasing need to solve social problems
In our society and specifically the problem of poor reading habits
in college of education Ikere Ekiti, (2009), Education emphasizes functional
skills and desirable attitudes and actions for the purpose of producing an
effective citizenry.
in college of education Ikere Ekiti, (2009), Education emphasizes functional
skills and desirable attitudes and actions for the purpose of producing an
effective citizenry.
In view of the prevailing undesirable
behaviours in youths, this study will expose the students to the harmful
effects of poor reading habits and the consequence on academic and thus serve
as a cautionary measure for students.
behaviours in youths, this study will expose the students to the harmful
effects of poor reading habits and the consequence on academic and thus serve
as a cautionary measure for students.
Through this study the students in college of education will be
able to address problem in poor reading at tertiary school level will know how
to practically use the content of grammar and skill in reading and writing
able to address problem in poor reading at tertiary school level will know how
to practically use the content of grammar and skill in reading and writing
The study will serve as an important reference to researchers who wish
to further study in this area.
to further study in this area.
Scope of
the Study
the Study
The study was limited to a
group of student school in Ekiti state, precisely, college of education Ikere
Ekiti. The group of student had the following in common
group of student school in Ekiti state, precisely, college of education Ikere
Ekiti. The group of student had the following in common
They had been referred to the educational psychologist
by either their parents or teachers for a scholastic assessment due to reading difficulties
They had been referred to the educational psychologist
by either their parents or teachers for a scholastic assessment due to reading difficulties
The assessment had indicated that the student all had
difficulty reading and were found to be reading at a level below that expected
for children of their respective chronological ages.
The assessment had indicated that the student all had
difficulty reading and were found to be reading at a level below that expected
for children of their respective chronological ages.
They had been referred for reading rendition.
They had been referred for reading rendition.
Research Questions
Research hypotheses
Considering the general view
that reading is important and that reading is a prerequisite skill for
effective learning, and given the concerns expressed by the Grade 4 teachers,
it appeared that reading difficulties were likely to have an adverse effect on
academic performance.
that reading is important and that reading is a prerequisite skill for
effective learning, and given the concerns expressed by the Grade 4 teachers,
it appeared that reading difficulties were likely to have an adverse effect on
academic performance.
Therefore, the hypotheses to be investigated were as
1. There is a significant correlation (p<O. 05)
between reading ability and among student in college of education.
between reading ability and among student in college of education.
2. There is a significant correlation (p<O.05)
between general reading ability and achievement in course
between general reading ability and achievement in course
3. There is a significant correlation (p<O,OS)
between the three aspects of reading (namely, speed, accuracy and
comprehension), respectively, and academic performance.
between the three aspects of reading (namely, speed, accuracy and
comprehension), respectively, and academic performance.

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