Contents Pages
Background of the Study
Statement of the problem
Purpose of the Study
Significance of the Study
Scope of the Study
Research questions
Conceptual framework
Theoretical framework
Review of related empirical studies:
Concept of recreational activities
Concept of health
Academic staff participation level in recreational activities
Relevance of recreational activities on emotional well-being of academic staff
Recreational activities in relation to health related diseases (cardiovascular) of academic staff
Relevance of recreational activities on physical fitness of academic staff
Recreational activities participation based on age, religion, marital status and gender
Recreational activities as a means of reducing stress, anxiety and depression.
Summary of related literature review
Research design
Area of the study
Population of the study
Sample and sampling techniques
Instrument for data collection
Validity of the instrument
Reliability of the instrument
Administration of the instrument
Data analysis technique(s)
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
Table 4
Hypotheses 1
Table 6
Hypotheses 2
Table 7
Hypotheses 3
Table 8
Hypotheses 4
Table 9
Hypotheses 5
Table 10
Discussion of results
Summary of the study
Limitations of the study
Suggestions for further research studies
Figures Pages
Figure 1: Conceptual framework on the influence of recreational activities on the health status of academic staff in the federal university of technology Akure
Figure 2: Model of self determination theory by Teixeira, Carraça, Markland, Silva and Ryan (2012).
Table Pages
Table 1:Descriptive analysis showing respondent demographic data 60
Table 2: Descriptive analysis on Influence of recreational activities
on Emotional Wellbeing of the Respondents 61
Table 3: Descriptive analysis on Influence of recreational activities
in reducing cardiovascular disease 62
Table 4: Descriptive analysis on Influence of recreational activities
on physical appearance of academic staff 63
Table 5: Descriptive analysis showing participation in recreational activities
according to age, religion, marital status and gender 64
Table 6: Descriptive analysis showing Influence of recreational activities in
reducing stress, anxiety and depression of academic staff 65
Table 7: PPMC analysis on Influence of recreational activities
on Emotional Wellbeing of the Respondents 66
Table 8: PPMC analysis on Influence of recreational activities
in reducing cardiovascular disease 68
Table 9: PPMC analysis on Influence of recreational activities
on physical appearance of academic staff 70
Table 10: Anova analysis showing participation in recreational activities
according to age, religion, marital status and gender 71
Table 11:PPMC analysis showing Influence of recreational activities in
reducing stress, anxiety and depression of academic staff 72
Appendices Pages
Appendix A: Questionnaire on influence of recreational activities on the health status of academic staff in federal university of technology Akure
Appendix B: Reliability statistics using Pearson’s Product Moment
Appendix C: List of departments used for the study
This research is aimed at investigating the influence of recreational activities on the health status of academic staff in federal university of technology Akure. It was observed that the health related benefits of recreation is not taking serious by most individual in our society, they have termed it to be waste of time and this had cost them a lot of money in attending hospitals, clinics as well as paying for treatment bill.
The research design for the study was survey design of the descriptive type of research. The sample size of three hundred (300) respondents was used for the study using systematic sampling techniques. Instruments used for the study was a self- structured questionnaire. A split half method was used to test the reliability of the instruments, using Pearson’s product moment correlation (PPMC). A coefficient of 1.00 was obtained at 0.05 level of significance. The descriptive statistics of frequency counts and simple percentage were used to analyse the demographic data while the generated hypotheses were tested using Pearson’s product moment correlation (PPMC) and analysis of variane(ANOVA) at 0.05 level of significance.
Findings from this study revealed that: there is a significant relationship between recreational activities and Stress, anxiety and depression of the academic staff of federal university of technology, there is a significant relationship between recreational activities and well-being of the academic staff of federal university of technology, there is a significant relationship between recreational activities and physical fitness of the academic staff of federal university of technology.
The researcher thus recommended that recreational activities should be included in the screening for any new academic staff, so these will improve their fitness level before resuming for their duty,
Background of the study
Recreation is a distinct phase of human activity which is beneficial and constructive to the health of an individual. Recreation is the refreshment of the mind and body or both through some means which in itself is pleasurable. Recreational activities are voluntary and they are activities for free time (Adegoke,1993). Recreation enhances moments of enjoyment, fun, excitement, pleasure, engrossment and refreshment through active and passive activities (Fawole, 2001). Taking part in wholesome forms of recreational activities such as athletics, sports and games enhance growth and profound development of important organs of the body, some forms of sports and games allow for increase in blood circulation, better elimination of waste products, greater respiratory capability and it improves digestion. Most games contribute to emotional stability by giving health, an antidote to fatigue, and boredom (Fawole, 2001). According to Folawiyo (2001), recreation is a freely chosen, enjoyable and beneficial leisure time activity, in which one voluntarily engages, because of the joy and satisfaction derived from it. He went further to say that recreation in its various forms involves activities including physical and outdoor recreation, that is, sports which may be vigorous, moderate or minimal such as, cycling, mountaineering and camping, and indoor games such as ludo, Ayo, Chess, Whot.
Awosika (1986) opined that, play (dance and drama) as a form of recreation aids carbohydrate metabolism through the development or maintenance of muscle mass. That is, recreation has effect on basal metabolism. This type of play is equally good in the maintenance of muscle mass, bone, mineral density, functional capacity, and prevention of musculo – skeletal problems. Recreational exercises increase maximum oxygen up take through the increase of cardiac output and the ability of muscles to extract and use oxygen from blood. Developing and maintaining good health in the area of aerobic endurance, joint flexibility and muscle strength through exercise performance is very important (Ajayi,1998).
Relaxation as a form of recreation could be in form of drama music, dancing, reading which help in the over-all well being of the individual. Sleep and rest, are being prescribed for people suffering from mental and psycho-social disorders. The effect of exercise, play, dance, sports, excursion, swimming and other related recreational activities cannot be overemphasized in improving the health status and the overall well-being of an individual (Folabi, 1996). The contribution of regular exercise and other recreational activities to social, physical and mental fitness make it an important factor in good health practices and development. According to Muhammad (2006), recreation is refreshment for the body and the mind. The human body is like a machine and for it to run well it has to be maintained. Indeed, largely because of the special circumstances of modern civilization and the 8-hourwork day, periodic recreation has become an essential element in the maintenance package for the prolongation of human life and to enhance mental health. The importance of recreation in the life of man cannot be over emphasized. It is indeed, part and parcel of good health. Man has always engaged in one type of recreational activity or the other during period of leisure. Some people recreate for fun and relaxation, others recreate to lose weight and stay fit. There are still others who recreate to alleviate certain medical conditions like high blood pressure or hypertension. Too much leisure and lack of meaningful work according to Muhammad (2006), can cause mental health problems. Some of these problems can be prevented by knowing the proper recreational activities and engaging in them.
Federal University of Technology Akure academic staffs has seen this act has a means of improving their well-being as well as eradicating cardiovascular and health related diseases. Despite their tight scheduled and heavy work load they still find the possible means to recreate using this as a means of preparing for their next day activities and reducing stress.
While recreation can have a measurable impact on state and local economies, they can have act on non-economic benefits as well. In this research benefits are considered advantageous changes, an improved condition or gain to an individual, group or to society. With our heightened awareness of the serious health issues, it is important to better understand the health benefits associated with recreational activities beyond their simple economic contributions.
Some of the severe health problems that currently face individual include obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. To curb these disturbing trends, healthcare and recreation professionals realize they need to make recreational activities fun, safe and accessible by making opportunities more readily available and actively promoting the link between recreational resources and improved mental, physical and social health.
Recreational activity combined with stress factors, poor quality and uneven diet lead to the emergence of modern diseases: high blood pressure, neurological disorders, obesity, diabetes and diseases of the cardio vascular system (Blair, 2009). Physical inactivity not only reduces the functionality, but can also cause a sudden death. Recreational activities reduces the fat and increases lean body mass recreational activity of moderate intensity increases the oxidative capacity of fat and therefore reduces the total amount of body fat. Health is associated with an optimal amount of muscle mass with reducing the volume of fat tissue. Taking part in recreational activities 3 hours a week for 12 weeks, reduces the total amount of fatty tissue by 3% (1.8 kg), and also there is an increase of lean body mass in untrained man (Krustrup, 2009). Period from 12 to 16 weeks of soccer training in untrained persons reduces 1.7 – to 3.2kg of body fat (Lars Juel & Andersen, 2010;).
Federal university of technology Akure academic staffs has seen this act has a means of improving their well-being as well as eradicating cardiovascular and health related diseases. Hence the need to investigate the influence of recreational activities on the health status of academic staff in Federal University of Technology Akure
Statement of the problem
A healthy population is the nation’s greatest resource, the source of its vitality, creativity and wealth. Citizens and entire nation should therefore strive to
attain optimum health and vitality knowing full well that good health is essential to happiness and happiness is essential to good citizenship. Since health is a quality of life people should be taken through an educational process of health knowledge, attitude, practice and skills, for protection, maintenance and promotion of their health status through recreation. Having realized that recreation is a means of catching fun, enjoyment and relaxation. The health related benefits of recreation is not taking serious by most individual in our society, they have termed it to be waste of time and this had cost them a lot of money in attending hospitals, clinics as well as paying for treatment bill. Therefore the researcher aimed at investigating the influence of recreational activities on the health status of academic Staff in the Federal University of Technology Akure.
Purpose of the study
The broad objective of this study was to investigate the influence of recreational activities on the health status of academic staff of the Federal University of Technology, Akure.
- To investigate if recreational activities will enhance emotional well-being of academic staff of Federal University of Technology Akure.
- To determine if recreational activities will reduces the risk of health related diseases (cardiovascular disease) among academic staff of Federal University of Technology Akure.
- To examine if Recreational activities will be determine by age, religion, marital status and gender of the academic staff of Federal University of Technology Akure.
- To determine if recreational activities will enhance good physical fitness of academic staff of Federal University of Technology Akure.
- To investigate if recreational activities will help to reduce stress, anxiety and depression among academic staff of Federal University of Technology Akure.
Significance of the study
This study will help broaden the knowledge of academic staffs of higher institution and motivates them towards participating in recreational activities.
This study will help the higher institution management to make use of physical activities when recruiting new member of staffs.
This study will also help to motivate the government and private sector in establishing more parks and recreational centre across the country.
It will help the general public who carried the orientation of recreational activity as a waste of time to see it as means of reducing their health related problems. This study will also help to protect cardiovascular diseases and helps in ensuring good physique. This study will also help future researcher in related fields
Scope of the study
The study was delimited to the influence of recreational activities on the health status of academic staff of Federal University of Technology Akure. The research involved dependent variable of health status of academic staff and independent variable influence recreational activities. The research involved two (2) research assistants who were trained by the researcher. The research instrument will be a self-constructed questionnaire. The research questions were answered by using descriptive statistics of frequency counts with simple percentage and inferential statistics of Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation. (PPMC). to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance.
Research question
The following research question were set out based on the research purpose of th study.
- Will recreational activities enhance emotional well-being of academic staff of Federal University of Technology Akure.
- Will recreational activities reduce the risk of health related diseases (cardiovascular) among academic staff of Federal University of Technology Akure.
- Does recreational activities enhance good physical fitness among academic staff of Federal University of Technology Akure.
- Does recreational activities participation depends on age, religion, marital status and gender.
- Will recreational activities bring about good physical fitness of the academic staff
Research hypothesis
- There will be no significant relationship between recreational activities and emotional well-being of academic staff of Federal University of Technology Akure.
- There will be no significant relationship between recreational activities and cardiovascular health of the academic staff of Federal University of Technology Akure.
- There will be no relationship between recreational activities and physical fitness of academic staff of Federal University of Technology Akure.
- There will be no significant difference in participation of academic staff of Federal University of Technology Akure in recreational activities on basis of age, religion, marital status and gender.
- There will be no significance relationship between Recreational activities and stress, anxiety and depression

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