it is generally known in Nigeria that English language is not our first
language (L1) but a foreign language, therefore the teaching and learning of
English should be strictly adhered to. The writer therefore finds it necessary
to examine the progress of electronic media in the teaching of English language
in Akure South Local Government Area of Ondo State. The purpose of the study is
to find out the effect of electronic media in the teaching of English language
as a result of inadequate provision of electronic media. Electronic media play
some vital roles in the teaching and learning of English language. Some of
these roles are viz; it facilitates learning; it gives room for students and
teachers interaction. It develops students in the use of English language; it
also leads to success of students academic performance in English language. The
writer adopted random sampling technique in each of the schools selected and
only the students in the senior secondary school two (SSS2) were used as sample
for the project. In each of the SSS II classes in the five schools, 40 students
were selected at random from each class consisted of boys and girls. In schools
where they have four arms of SSSII, 10 students were randomly selected in each
arm. This made a total number of 40 students per school and 200 students in all
the five schools. Therefore, two hundred students filled the questionnaires for
students while ten teachers from the five selected schools were given the
it is generally known in Nigeria that English language is not our first
language (L1) but a foreign language, therefore the teaching and learning of
English should be strictly adhered to. The writer therefore finds it necessary
to examine the progress of electronic media in the teaching of English language
in Akure South Local Government Area of Ondo State. The purpose of the study is
to find out the effect of electronic media in the teaching of English language
as a result of inadequate provision of electronic media. Electronic media play
some vital roles in the teaching and learning of English language. Some of
these roles are viz; it facilitates learning; it gives room for students and
teachers interaction. It develops students in the use of English language; it
also leads to success of students academic performance in English language. The
writer adopted random sampling technique in each of the schools selected and
only the students in the senior secondary school two (SSS2) were used as sample
for the project. In each of the SSS II classes in the five schools, 40 students
were selected at random from each class consisted of boys and girls. In schools
where they have four arms of SSSII, 10 students were randomly selected in each
arm. This made a total number of 40 students per school and 200 students in all
the five schools. Therefore, two hundred students filled the questionnaires for
students while ten teachers from the five selected schools were given the
Title Page i
Approval page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv-v
Abstract vi
Table of content vii-viii
Introduction 1
Introduction 1
Background of the study 1-4
Background of the study 1-4
Statement of the Problem 4-5
Statement of the Problem 4-5
Research Questions 5
Research Questions 5
Purpose of the Study 6-7
Purpose of the Study 6-7
Significance of the Study 7
Significance of the Study 7
Delimitation of the Study 7
Delimitation of the Study 7
2. Introduction
2.1 Review of Related
literature 8
literature 8
2.2 Electronic
Media in Education 9-11
Media in Education 9-11
2.3 Radio
and Television as Instructional Aids 11-17
and Television as Instructional Aids 11-17
3. Introduction
3.1 Research
Procedure and Methodology 18
Procedure and Methodology 18
3.2 Population
3.3 Sampling
Procedure 19
Procedure 19
3.4 Instrument
3.5 Validity
and Reliability of instrument 22
and Reliability of instrument 22
3.6 Administration
of Instrument Data Collection 23
of Instrument Data Collection 23
3.7 Method
of Data Analysis 23-24
of Data Analysis 23-24
4. Introduction
4.1 Analysis
of Data Result and Discussion 25-33
of Data Result and Discussion 25-33
5. Summary,
Conclusion and Recommendation 34
Conclusion and Recommendation 34
5.1 Summary 34-37
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Implication
5.4 Recommendations 38-40
I 42-43
I 42-43
II 44-45
II 44-45
1.1 Background to the study
Effective English Language teacher must serve as a model for his students to
imitate. To be a good model, a teacher must be well at home in language skills
such as the skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. A language
teacher, especially a second or foreign language teacher skills will eventually
pass errors to his listeners, this is because one will give out what one
Effective English Language teacher must serve as a model for his students to
imitate. To be a good model, a teacher must be well at home in language skills
such as the skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. A language
teacher, especially a second or foreign language teacher skills will eventually
pass errors to his listeners, this is because one will give out what one
In an attempt to solve this problem of teaching
and learning of English language in
Nigerian secondary Schools especially in Akure Local Government Secondary
schools, electronic media which refers to the usage of electronic Viz, Radio
and Television are suggested in the study as a way of improving the teaching of English Language in secondary schools .
and learning of English language in
Nigerian secondary Schools especially in Akure Local Government Secondary
schools, electronic media which refers to the usage of electronic Viz, Radio
and Television are suggested in the study as a way of improving the teaching of English Language in secondary schools .
Since English Language is inclusive in the
syllabus and even made compulsory for all students, its importance or roles
cannot be overemphasized.
syllabus and even made compulsory for all students, its importance or roles
cannot be overemphasized.
The English
Language has been a sort of limited lingua-Franca among education people in
Nigeria. This can be deduced in one of the write-ups of Adekayero, (1989) in his book titled (Problems of English
Language in West Africa.)
Language has been a sort of limited lingua-Franca among education people in
Nigeria. This can be deduced in one of the write-ups of Adekayero, (1989) in his book titled (Problems of English
Language in West Africa.)
English Language has acquired the states
of an official language in Nigeria .English language has not only bridged the
communication gap among different ethnic groups in Nigeria, but also used as a
medium of communication among literates of different linguistic ethnic groups. Through
the use of English Language, Hausa man could discuss with Yoruba man without
any obstruction.
of an official language in Nigeria .English language has not only bridged the
communication gap among different ethnic groups in Nigeria, but also used as a
medium of communication among literates of different linguistic ethnic groups. Through
the use of English Language, Hausa man could discuss with Yoruba man without
any obstruction.
It is required of all learners to be
thoroughly versed in English Language. It should be noted that English language
is also an important requirement for award, of certificates and securing
admission into higher institutions.
thoroughly versed in English Language. It should be noted that English language
is also an important requirement for award, of certificates and securing
admission into higher institutions.
From the time immemorial, there have
been poor performance of students in the subject (English Language) which could
be traced back to many factors
been poor performance of students in the subject (English Language) which could
be traced back to many factors
Such as: non- availability aids, inadequacy
of professionally trained English Language teachers and non exposure of
students to good methods of teaching that could facilitate learning of the
of professionally trained English Language teachers and non exposure of
students to good methods of teaching that could facilitate learning of the
The continuous creation of state in
Nigeria has given room to rapid increase in the numbers of television and Radio
stations. In view of this, many researches are being carried out in some states
in Nigeria to know the Education effect of mass media in our society at large.
Nigeria has given room to rapid increase in the numbers of television and Radio
stations. In view of this, many researches are being carried out in some states
in Nigeria to know the Education effect of mass media in our society at large.
This study was
carried out to know the extent to which Television and Radio influence the
teaching of English Language in Nigeria secondary schools, particularly in Akure
Local Government area of Ondo States.
carried out to know the extent to which Television and Radio influence the
teaching of English Language in Nigeria secondary schools, particularly in Akure
Local Government area of Ondo States.
the development of Mass Media, such as television and radio have contributed
immensely to the teaching of English language and most of the students spend a
greater percentage of their time listening to radio broadcast and watching
important and educative programmes on television. these new media were designed
to entertain, educate and broaden people’s outlook and offer new ways of
learning and self-expression. In essence, the importance of mass media such as
television and radio to the teaching of English Language cannot be treated with
levity hand since students academic performances are largely dependant on the
amount of resources made available for teaching the subject.
the development of Mass Media, such as television and radio have contributed
immensely to the teaching of English language and most of the students spend a
greater percentage of their time listening to radio broadcast and watching
important and educative programmes on television. these new media were designed
to entertain, educate and broaden people’s outlook and offer new ways of
learning and self-expression. In essence, the importance of mass media such as
television and radio to the teaching of English Language cannot be treated with
levity hand since students academic performances are largely dependant on the
amount of resources made available for teaching the subject.
1.2 Statement
of the Problem.
of the Problem.
is in era of change, this is because traditional methods of teaching are being
questioned and re-examined.the universal surge to education on inspiring
challenge. This has led to the invention of many technological media devices
and system appeared to offer major contributions to the effectiveness and
efficiency of educational institutions. Examples of these innovations are
filmstrips slide projector. Programmed learning , opaque, projector, motion
projector etc
is in era of change, this is because traditional methods of teaching are being
questioned and re-examined.the universal surge to education on inspiring
challenge. This has led to the invention of many technological media devices
and system appeared to offer major contributions to the effectiveness and
efficiency of educational institutions. Examples of these innovations are
filmstrips slide projector. Programmed learning , opaque, projector, motion
projector etc
study is designed to carry out a research in Akure Local Government Area of Ondo
state using radio and television stations so as to find out;
study is designed to carry out a research in Akure Local Government Area of Ondo
state using radio and television stations so as to find out;
1. Whether there are similarities between
the role in which radio and television
played and in other states where a similar research have been carried out.
the role in which radio and television
played and in other states where a similar research have been carried out.
2. Whether there are adequate instructional
materials in schools.
materials in schools.
3. Whether the students learning ability
increased with the aid of electronic
increased with the aid of electronic
4. Whether if formality is reduced in the
atmosphere of learning, learning can
be facilitated.
atmosphere of learning, learning can
be facilitated.
5. Whether the students are exposed to new
ideas and mysteries.
ideas and mysteries.
1.3 Research
Based on the above stated
problem, the following questions were raised:
problem, the following questions were raised:
1. Are
the electronic materials such as radio and television sets in schools?
the electronic materials such as radio and television sets in schools?
2. Do
electronic media such as radio and television facilitate learning?
electronic media such as radio and television facilitate learning?
3. Do
the students learn better in the classroom or in a relax atmosphere watching
the students learn better in the classroom or in a relax atmosphere watching
4. How
do teachers of English language make the classroom through the electronic media
a place of interpretation of information and creation of reality?
do teachers of English language make the classroom through the electronic media
a place of interpretation of information and creation of reality?
5. Do
the students watch educative programmes?
the students watch educative programmes?
1.4 The
Purpose of the Study
Purpose of the Study
purpose of this study was to find out the extent to which television and radio
facilitated the teaching of English language in the senior secondary schools in
Akure South Local Government Area of Ondo State.
purpose of this study was to find out the extent to which television and radio
facilitated the teaching of English language in the senior secondary schools in
Akure South Local Government Area of Ondo State.
to Mcknown (1968), radio and television are affective in stimulating a mental
activity because usually at least they are interesting and relatively easy to
master. This means that television and radio programmes should have positive
effect on both teaching and learning of English Language since the students who
are exposed to the use of such instructional programmes feel freer and learn
better because the setting in more like on out of school situation in which the
atmosphere is formal. Nowadays, the interest being developed towards the use of
television and radio programmes is increasing rapidly.
to Mcknown (1968), radio and television are affective in stimulating a mental
activity because usually at least they are interesting and relatively easy to
master. This means that television and radio programmes should have positive
effect on both teaching and learning of English Language since the students who
are exposed to the use of such instructional programmes feel freer and learn
better because the setting in more like on out of school situation in which the
atmosphere is formal. Nowadays, the interest being developed towards the use of
television and radio programmes is increasing rapidly.
there is need to examine the impact of the media on education and development.
The study, therefore, was intended to find out how teaching and learning of
English language could be facilitated through electronic media and it was also
set to find out the extent to which they had gone in helping the students in
the learning of English language. It would assess the optimistic and
pestimistic effect of these media and suggest possible ways of improving it.
there is need to examine the impact of the media on education and development.
The study, therefore, was intended to find out how teaching and learning of
English language could be facilitated through electronic media and it was also
set to find out the extent to which they had gone in helping the students in
the learning of English language. It would assess the optimistic and
pestimistic effect of these media and suggest possible ways of improving it.
1.5 Significance
of the Study
of the Study
was hoped that the findings of the study would create the necessary awareness
for the teacher of English language so that they would see the need to
incorporate what the learners learn through television and radio program into
the school curriculum to facilitate the student’s interest.
was hoped that the findings of the study would create the necessary awareness
for the teacher of English language so that they would see the need to
incorporate what the learners learn through television and radio program into
the school curriculum to facilitate the student’s interest.
was hoped that it would enable the media situations to know the effectiveness
of their transmission and the students to understand how they could learn
English language in a meaningful and positive ways through the conglomeration
of visual and sound, and thereby improve on it. It was hoped that the study
would be a contribution to knowledge.
was hoped that it would enable the media situations to know the effectiveness
of their transmission and the students to understand how they could learn
English language in a meaningful and positive ways through the conglomeration
of visual and sound, and thereby improve on it. It was hoped that the study
would be a contribution to knowledge.
1.6 Delimitation
of the Study
of the Study
study was restricted to selected secondary schools in Akure South Local
Government Area of Akure township and the schools were randomly selected to
represent all the schools in the whole confined to N.T.A Akure, O.S.R.C,
positive F.M. and sunshine F.M all in Ondo State because their transmission is
well received in parts of the state.
study was restricted to selected secondary schools in Akure South Local
Government Area of Akure township and the schools were randomly selected to
represent all the schools in the whole confined to N.T.A Akure, O.S.R.C,
positive F.M. and sunshine F.M all in Ondo State because their transmission is
well received in parts of the state.

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