The role of Tertiary Education Trust Fund in the framing of academic staff in tertiary institution in Nigeria cannot be under looked; the case of College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti is not an exemption. The Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND) is an intervention agency set us to provide supplementary support to all levels of Nigerian Public Tertiary institutions for rehabilitation, restoration and consolidation. Institutions are non profit making institutions which are largely student orientated and used as much funding as possible. The study adopts descriptive statistics in its analysis. The study funds out that Tetfund intervention enhance staff capacity building and development and improve their ability to deliver quality teaching to students. The study therefore finds out that Federal Government above cannot bear the cost and Borden of Tertiary Institution financial needs, the study recommends that private organizations, Non-government organization NGOs should assist in the funding of institutions.
Title page
Background of the study
Statement of problem
Research questions
Research hypothesis
Objectives of the study
Significance of the study of the study
Limitations to the study
Basic Assumptions
Organization of Chapters
Definition of Terms
Literature Review
Conceptual and Empirical Overview
Causes of Poverty
Trend of Poverty in Nigeria
Poverty and the Challenges
Effects of Poverty and its Implication
Research methodology
Research Design
Population of the Study
Sampling Procedure
Validity of Instrument
Reliability of the Instrument
Research Procedure
Sources and Method of data collection
Method of data analysis
Data Analysis Representation and Interpretation
Discussions of Findings
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
Education is generally accepted as a tool for promoting developmental strides such as socio-economic, political and cultural emancipation of any given nation. Education has three stages, the primary, secondary, or post primary and tertiary, university, polytechnics and colleges of education belong to the third level of education which is the tertiary education is needed to provide for acceleration of social change, economic sustainability and human development. Ibukun in Ekundayo and Ajayi (2006) noted that university education in Nigeria provides the much needed manpower for all spheres of human need. The Federal government of Nigeria (2004) among others enumerated the expectations of university education which are:
- contribute a national development level relevant manpower training;
- Develop and inculcate proper valves for the survival of the individual and the society;
- Develop the intellectual capability of individual is to understand and appreciate their local and external environment;
- Acquire both physical and intellectual skill which will enable individuals to be self-reliant and useful members of the society;
- Promote and encourage scholarship and community services;
- Forge and cement national unity;
- Promote national and international understanding and interaction;
In the light of the provisions of National Policy on Education, it could be seen that University Education according to Edem (1987);
- Should be provided as a means of enriching an individual’s knowledge and developing his full personality and
- Prepare him to undertake specific which is essential to his own environment.
Expressed in economic terms, tertiary education is a consumer and a capital good respectively. Continuing on universities, Edem (1987) sees it as a setting where teaching and research in the arts and sciences are carried out at a higher level than in post primary schools and commonly involves the student is a good deal of work on his own. A university is a place of refining and maintaining all that is best in local traditions and cultures where provision is made for those that brought up in the influence of those traditions. A university education implies ability to learn universal knowledge in the divergent views; university is for both learning and teaching carried out mainly through research universities have been responsible for shaping of resignation and individual.
The organizational and administrative structural framework of a university is done in a hierarchical order, stating the officers and their responsibilities. The statutes of the university stipulate that there will be a chancellor whose role is basically ceremonial i.e. conferring of degree, diplomas during convocations, or attendance at other ceremonial functions of the university such as receiving visitors when honorary degrees are to be conferred. Most of the chancellors in the Nigerian universities are either traditional rulers of some eminence or personalities of some political statutes. The next in the hierarchy or leader is the pro-chancellor. The pro-chancellor is invariably the chairman of the university council. The next in the line of university officers is the vice-chancellors. He is seen as the errand person of the university administration.
According to world Education News and Review (2004), the vice-chancellor is the man on the critical part of university administration and as the academic officers he has his finger in every senates; he is an influential member of the university council. He chairs all the vital statutory committees such as the appointments and promotion, buildings, works sites, committees of Deans Development; and a host of other committees that touch on every aspect of university life. The vice-chancellor is the prime mover of the direction in which the university faces and from all indications, he is at the centre of the power structure in university organization. He is a formidable man who can make or man the reputations and progress of a university. Next is the university council which is the governing board of a university. It is a policy making body that controls the property and the finance of a university. In order to do this, it sets up a standing committee. This committee is of decision making statutes. It discusses all high level issues of the university before tabling them in the council for validation.
There is the university senate, the senate is the academic touch stone of a university and is in charge of all matters which deal with academic duties. It controls all matters pertaining to academic in the university. Then, there is a host of other administrative and technical staff of diverse disciplines that work together for the progress of the university. Also of mention are the various trade unions working for the welfare of their members and at same time being part of the university administration.
The relevant of training and development of staff in Nigeria tertiary institutions has become more obvious due to the growing complexity of the work environment, the increasing changes in institutions and technological advancement which further brought about the need for continuous training and development of staff to meet the current challenges for clarification sake and to enhance deeper understanding of this work we need to attempt a definition of the key words in relation to this topic namely. Training and development and training programme. Ekiti state of Nigeria faced severe shortage of professional and skilled manpower at its creation in 1996. This is because when the new state was carved out from the then Ondo state, civil and public servants who were indigenes of this state relocated according to their parent state leaving a handful of civil servant of Ekiti state original who also relocated from Akure to work at the state civil/public service.
There was a state university to train professionals and skilled manpower which the state directly needed. Ekiti state was then classified by the National Universities Commission (NUC), as an educationally develop state in which there is no family that you will not find a professor. The United Nations Development Index (ADI), on the basis of physical health and education (Udu, 2007).
Ekiti state being one of the south-west states (from the old western region), was one of the threat of hostility during the 30 months civil war in Nigeria between (1967-1970). The vicious war, injustice and obnoxious post-war policies of marginalization of post administration in Nigeria devasted and stifled economic growth and education in Ekiti state.
The above economic informed the introduction of free and compulsory primary and secondary education by the led by Adeniyi Adebayo administration in 1999. The reason for this was to start from the root to prepare candidates for university education which ultimately is believed to with time address the manpower needs of Ekiti state. Similarly, the Adeniyi Adebayo administration in the year 2000, upgraded the Ondo state university to autonomous status to university of Ado Ekiti and Ondo State College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti to College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti.
In addition to it’s educationally developed, Ekiti state is also one of the poorest state in Nigeria. The major means of livelihood is subsistent farming, artisanship and petty business outfits and service that is why the state is been refers to as the civil service state. The result of this is that many parents cannot afford university and other tertiary education for their children. Essentially, the major sources of funding for the university are the Ekiti state government monthly subvention and internally generated revenue which comes basically from school fees. The inadequacy of this source of funding has recently compelled management of the university to increase school fees. As a result, many indigene students were forced to drop out while enrollment of student Ekiti state origin has subsequently declined.
Nkwede (2009) aptly pointed out that university education and other tertiary institution in the contemporary Nigeria has focused itself at the cross-roads in the wake of continued inadequate funding from the traditional sources even when it is explicitly clear that education is one of the most viable and biggest industries in almost every modern economy. Inadequate funding has resulted to poor infrastructural facilities, teaching/learning facilities; library, research etc. are also in very short supply. The problem of funding is however not peculiar to Ekiti state university alone but College of Education Ikere Ekiti. As noted by Mgbekem (2006) cited in Oscar (2012), the major challenge facing the management of university and tertiary education system in Nigeria is inadequate funding.
Besides, Ajayi and Ekundayo (2006), also remarked that the Nigerian government over the year, has not been meeting the united National Educational scientific and cultural (UNESCO), recommendation of 26% of the local budget allocation to education sector in view of this, the tertiary education trust fund (TETFUND) was established as an intervention agency under the education tax Act No. 7 of 1993, (ETF, 2011). Ekiti state university had its first allocation of TETFUND intervention in 2000 and College of education, Ikere-Ekiti had Tertiary Education Trust Fund project in 2000 (EKSU and COE, Ikere-Ekiti- TETFUND Desk office, 2000, 2004).
It is against this backdrop that this paper aims at examining the TETFUND intervention in Nigerian universities and other tertiary institutions with special attention on College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti from 2000-2015 and its implications for sustainable development of the college. Since the period under review, the TETFUND special intervention has built more than is building and purchase of vehicles, laptop and desktop computers. Before the special intervention of TETFUND, the number of qualify academic staffs in college of education are very few, the minimum teaching qualification in the tertiary institutions were hardly found in the college, due to lack of fund to pursue higher degrees programmes, and for those that can afford the training, immediately they got their PH.D, they will withdraw their service from the college to pursue and seek better opportunities in the universities. Having realized the above, the, management of the college under the leadership of Professor Franciscka Aladejana, ensure that the academic staff can easily access the TETFUND to pursue higher degrees. Therefore, the idea of the study was conceived to examine the impact of the TETFUND on the training of academic staffs in College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti.
There is a general decay in human and material resources in Nigerian tertiary institutions due to poor funding. The TETFUND is an intervention agency meant to assist in university development with provision of projects. Nigeria education report (2012) states that the total abdications of responsibilities on the part of the state government such that TETFUND alone is left with the burden of providing infrastructure in the tertiary institutions negates the philosophy of setting up TETFUND which envisaged and intervention agency that will complement what the various tiers of government are doing. TETFUND allocates funds to beneficiaries tied to specific projects which are awarded by the beneficiaries under strict supervision by TETFUND. It goes without saying that TETFUND has its proportionate to its revenue.
Therefore, the question is: what are the objective of TETFUND in the development of universities and other tertiary institution in Nigeria? How does TETFUND enhance the development of universities and other tertiary institution in Nigeria?
- What are the effects of the TEFFUND intervention on infrastructural development in College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti?
- What are the impacts of TETFUND intervention on staff development in the college?
- What are the impacts of TETFUND intervention on research and academic growth in Ekiti Sate?
- TETFUND intervention has significantly contributed to infrastructural development in College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti.
- TETFUND intervention has impacted positively on staff development in College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti.
- TETFUND intervention has significantly enhanced research and academic growth in Ikere-Ekiti.
The purpose of this study is to examine the objectives of TETFUND in the College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti in academic staff development and specifically identify the components of TETFUND in enhancing the college development. Therefore, the specific objectives include:
- To ascertain the relative effect of the TETFUND intervention on infrastructural development in college of education, Ikere-Ekiti.
- To determine the pact of TETFUND intervention on staff development in the College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti.
- To determine the impact of TETFUND intervention on research and academic growth in Ekiti state.
The study will employ the use of descriptive statistics. Both primary and secondary data will be used as a source of data for the study, a qua- material for teachers, especially in higher institutions of learning.
The need for the study is very important at this point in time, as the nation is experience several reforms, policy and programmed in education sector aimed at putting the education in appropriate position. The study looks at the reflection and influence of TETFUND on the training o academic staff in COE, Ikere-Ekiti. The institution is a choice of this study because it is governments owned institution were selected as it will incorporate the element of research and respondents that will be appropriates as the population for the study.
In the same vein, the will draw the attention of government and stakeholders in the country to the effectiveness of using funds allocated to them and policy instruments for education recovery from both national and global practice.
Furthermore, the study will provide library service for readers. Every chapter of the student shall constitute an area of study for teachers, especially in higher institutions of learning. Without mincing words, the empirical results of previous research work on the management and administrative style in tertiary institution and the relationship in term of development and budgetary component and output expansion in Nigeria education may no more be applicable to the recent challenges in the country. This study is sensitive to this fact. The study will therefore update the data- set litative and descriptive approach is used to highlight the specific phenomenon and to identify phenomena through how they are perceived by the actors in the situation. Interview and group discussion took place among the respondent under survey. The main aim of the study was descriptive and exploratory. Descriptive and document analysis research design were used for data collection would be chi square statistics.
The purpose of the study is to examine the role of TETFUND on the training of academic staff in College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti considering the invaluable roles and contributions of education to meaningful individual social and national development, nobody will dispute the fact that it is proper management an administration by competent leaders should be a National concern. The need and importance of the study to national development cannot be under looked as it appraisal management style and leadership role in administration of tertiary institution to know the appropriate method and techniques in formulating policies and programs that will enhance national development. It’s important to state here that the study will be an opportunity to access the policies and programs of government at putting the education sector in Nigeria in line with global practices.
Furthermore, the study will provide library services for readers. Every chapter of the study shall constitute an area of study for student and serve as used by the previous researchers to produce a dependable result that is efficient management of tertiary institution in Nigeria.
In view of the limitation of this study, various factors contributed in affecting the research’s comprehensiveness and totality in carrying out the study. Among these factors include, scarcity of relevant materials on the issue due to its continuous evolving nature, financial constraints, some questionnaire administrated were not returned to some of the respondents failed to respond to some important question and other tasking campus engagement and the fact that the crisis was still occurring at the period of research. Despite the above mentioned short comings and hindrances, the research study not doubt turned out to be successful.
The study is designed to examine the role of TETFUBD on the training of academic staff in COE, Ikere-Ekiti. The investigation would be carried out in some selected department institution it will also look at management and administrative style of the institutions in the assessment of TETFUND by the academic staff.
The study comprises of five chapters. The chapter on will examine background to the study, statement of problem; significant of the study, objective of the study, research hypothesis, scope of the study, definition of terms and organization of chapters.
Chapter two will consider literature review and theoretical framework. Chapter three examines the research methodology, sampling method, study area, data analysis would be considered. Chapter four looks at data presentation and interpretation. Lastly, chapter five examines the summary, recommendation and conclusion.
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