The study
investigated the relationship between broken homes and academic achievement
of students. Three research hypothesis were formulated to guide the study.
The study was co relational because the study sought to establish the
extent of relationship between broken homes and academic achievement. The
statistical method used in analyzing the data was the pearson product
moment correlation coefficient (r). Reliable and validated questionnaires
which were designed to elicit information on the hypotheses of study were
used. Six Senior Secondary Schools were randomly selected for the study.
Results showed a significant relationship between broken homes and academic
achievement of students. It was also discovered that female from broken
homes perform better in their studies than the male students, moreover, the
result showed that low socio-economic status also had an adverse effect on
the academic performance of children from broken homes. It is recommended
that personal social counseling should be rendered to students from broken
homes, with a view to counseling students who are experiencing some
to the Study
Broken home
is the separation or divorce between a couple that many arise when there is
a misunderstanding between husband and wife. This can occur when the
husband is living far away from his wife and when the wife is living far
away from her husband.
which can be explained as an institution between a man and a woman are
united and live together as husband and wife. The word marriage is as old
as the origin of man himself. It is a total commitment and it is not the
same as a trial marriage, because the the people involved in trial marriage
are subjected to exploitation and abuse, especially woman who are taught to
desire scenery in relationship.
is an honour between man and woman, the bible makes us to understand that
the people will be joined together to be one that is a theory in the bible
which everyman in the world today must obey, even the bible say for no
reason should husband put aside or should any may divorce his wife, bible
does not support the separation of a couple so for this reason a man must
stick to his wife until death do them part. If this can be strictly followed
there would be no reason for broken homes in our country today.
(1998:99) stated that marriage which is the joining of a man and woman is
not only a physical union, body, mind and spirit. Marriage is one of the
most essential steps that must be taken by every fortunate human being.
Marriage is an institution can be classified into two groups. Monogamous
marriage and Polygamous marriage.
In case of
monogamous type of marriage: it is a type of marriage whereby a man is
married to any one wife. It is practiced mainly in Christian religion,
while Polygamous type of marriage is type of marriage that takes a man more
than one wife. It is case whereby the man is married to two or more woman.
This is highly prevalent among the people in Ado-Ekiti. Most children from
broken home many are the children that you find roaming the street when
they are suppose to be in the school they find it difficult to get up with
peers academically. They are not academically sound because they would not
have time to do what their mates are doing in the school.
said that ”children of broken homes contributes immensely to the school
problem even to the social vices and evils like touts pick-pockets
armed-robbery, kidnapping and so in our modern society.
Statement of
the Problem
In our
society generally student academic performance is very poor. If there
further investigation we will notice most of these pupils are from broken
homes when the caring rate for them
is very poor. Such pupils do not have bearing. At times their fees would
not be part, you always see these pupils everywhere. They are not expected
such pupils always play beyond control in school and so many factor are
responsible for their academic performance. This kind of pupils find it
necessary to cope academically due to one reason or the other some of them
are exceptional children(genius) but for the simple fact that they have
little or no care, many are not well fed.