Title – – – – – – – – – – – -i
Approval – – – – – – – – – – -ii
Dedication – – – – – – – – – – -iii
Acknowledgement – – – – – – – – – -iv
Table of content – – – – – – – – – -vii
Abstract – – – – – – – – – -x
1.1 Background of the study- – — – – – – -1
1.2 Statement of the problems – – – – – -3
1.3 Purpose of the study- – – – – – – -4
1.4 Significance of the study- – – – – – – -5
1.5 Research questions – – – – – – – -6
1.6 Scope of the study- – – – – – – – -6
1.7 Definition of terms – – – – – – – – -7
2.1 Introduction – – – – – – – – – -11
2.2 Marketing communication process – – – – -11
2.3 Communication process – – – – – – -15
2.4 Barriers to effective marketing communication- – -17
2.5 Importance of communication in union bank plc- – -20
2.6 Summary of Literature review- – – – -26
3.1 Research design – – – – – – – – -28
3.2 Area of the study – – – – – – – -29
3.3 Population of the Study- – – – – – – -29
3.4 Sample and Sampling Technique- – – – – -30
3.5 Instrument for data collection – – – – – -31
3.6 Validation of the instrument – – – – – -32
3.7 distribution and retrieval of instruments- – – -33
3.8 Method of data analysis – – – – – – -34
4.1 Presentation and analysis of data- – – – – -35
4.2 Summary of results- – – – – – – -43
5.1 Summary of findings- – – – – – – -48
5.2 Conclusion- – – – – – – – – -52
5.3 Recommendations- – – – – – – – -53
5.4 Limitation of the study- – – – – – – -56
5.5 Suggestions for further research- – – – – -57
References – – – – – – – – – – -59
Appendix A – – – – – – – – – – -61
Appendix B- – – – – – – – – – -62
This work is aimed at critically examining effective marketing communication as a tool for greater productivity in an organization a special reference to union bank Nigeria Plc eastern area was used as a case study. Literatures related to the subject were reviewed. primarily and secondary data were collected through the use of questionnaire interviews and form text journals and the company’s record that face to face marketing communication is not common between the top management and the subordinate. For communication to be effective in the organization the following factors must be observed and maintained. Management must develop good communication skill, a common language should be used for better understanding of marketing communication intents, subordinates views should be sought before making decisions. We therefore recommend that to facilitate instruction, the employee responsible for excursion should be solved. Organization should therefore encourage up-ward communication to obtain information maintain good relationship with the workers in order to have effective marketing communication in an organization.
Despite the vital role marketing communication plays in the day to day running of an organization there are still numerous cases of ineffective communication in many organizations. The cause of marketing communication problem in the organization could be distributed to the following factors of variables.
When the management of an organization is friendly and less a good working report communication tends to be effective. But as soon as members of the organization engage in mutual distrust resentment gossip or when there are feeling of incompetence and insecurity. There is bound to ineffective marketing communication.
Moreover, ineffective marketing communication in an organization could as well be a deliberate action of the receiver of the sender inability of the sender to properly encode and transmit the message situation about where the subordinate failed to carry a directive because though the superior is not serious.
Ineffective marketing communication could be due to over loading of information. Too much marketing communication best town the entire system judicious selection of information helps to avoid dogging the entire system with irrelevant information in organization where there is too many memorandum floating around the management from the habit of not reading their meals and therefore refers to these mails as junks. Mean while mechanical insufficiency leads to ineffective in our organization lack of proper facilities like telex telegraphs and ox telephone etc. which is being used for sending and as well as receiving urgent business information causes breakdown in communication process.
Below are the problems facing Union Bank of Nigeria Plc Awka.
- There is communication gap between the bank and its customers.
- Poor management of innovation examples E Banking .
- Poor rendering of services.
- Poor management of resources.
- Lack of equality in the level of management.
- Lack of direct contact between the top management and the lower management.
Below are some the purposes of the study enlisted as follows:
i To determine if effective marketing communication can bring about greater productivity in an organization
ii To find out if effective marketing communication can yield or foster greater productivity in Union Bank Plc,Nigeria(Awka)
iii To determine if effective marketing communication can increase customer patronage in the Union Bank Plc(Awka)
iv To determine if effective marketing communication can help the Union Bank Plc to achieve their organizational goal
v To know if effective marketing communication can create enough awareness that can increase the productivity of the organization.
The importance of effective marketing communication in an organization cannot be over emphasized. The research work will be of good to both the general public’s, the organization and as well the researchers. Other researcher because it may form a source of information for them. They will expand their knowledge of subject area.
The organization: This study will also benefit the organization because based on the findings and recommendation process of the enterprise with a view to identify areas. The recommendation will also benefit them since their implementation may be a solution to the identified. Communication will also benefit from the study.
In other to achieve the above objective, the following research question were formulated
- Do the workers perceive effective marketing communication as necessary for productivity.?
- What problem are inherent in the organization?
- Does effective feedback mechanism exist in the organization?
- Are there any differences in the different levels of management as well?
Communication is a very broad topic. No consensus has been reached about the concept but it is believed that every human activity involves communication. The scope of this research project will therefore be limited to evaluating the effectiveness of marketing communication in Union Bank of Nigeria(U.B.A)plc. It will also focus on factors that aid effective marketing communication in an organization in addition to highlighting the incidence of participative marketing communication on workers management relations. The study will also be extended to find out whether marketing communication process has any effective workers performance productivity.
This can be defined as the promotion distribution and selling of product or service, include market research and advertising.
This has been defined by different authorities but the adopted for this research work is that of Nwachukwu “Communication is the transfer of ideas from sender to the receiver.
Organization is a stable system of individual who tighter to achieve through a hierarchy of ranks and division of labour common goals.
Communication process:
This is the transmitting message from sender to receiver. It describes the means of passing message from sender to the receiver of the message.
This refers to those who are working in the organization to improve standard of living.
Is a social entailing responsible for the effective and economical planning and regulations of operations of an enterprise, in fulfillment of a given purpose of task, it is implementation and formulation of policy.
Response by a message received which includes whether or not the message has been understood.
The translation mental perception in some sort of communication code.
The grapevine is the position counter part of rumour in an informal system, but the person who gives out the information may not be easy to find.
This refers to unofficial and unconfirmed information sent through interpersonal channels. This is no clear out evidence to where the information is carried him.
In the work of shift “Communication channel is a device or means for delivering a message from a sender to receiver. Business letter, a channels include call and a meeting are example of channels include reports and telegram”.
Communication experts had described feedback as a means of correcting and evaluating communication effort.
Meanwhile, the function of feedback is to ensure that the goals of the organization are achieved.
Communication is the life wine of any organization, communication channels are made up of the following which are:
Downward or descendant flow:
It is an auditorium information flow from the top management downward to the workers.
Horizontal communication channel:
This refers to message ideas, attitude, opinion etc. that flows across a particular structure of a number of structures. This information flow is between among those on the same level.
Vertical communication channel:
This refers as the flow of information from the top of the hierarchy to the bottom, and also from the top of hierarchy to the bottom, and also from the bottom to the top C.
Channel of marketing communication in Union Bank Plc is based on downward marketing communication where information flow from the top management to be subordinates for operations.
According to Nwachukwu, communication flow from the top executives to be subordinates to operatives to the subordinates to operative employees it is the management that provides the channel through which communication flows upwards both in the downward in the downward and upward communication the management is involved for they create the favourable climate for the free flow of ideas and information.
Upward communication is very necessary in order to promote good human relation. It is through this means that management monitors the feeling of employees and taking appropriate action to correct what would otherwise lead it closely labor management dispute.
Nwachukwu stated the following as the major channel of marketing communication poster and bulletin boards, company periodicals, letter and pay in sorts, employee handbooks and pamphlets and intercom system and organization grapevine and animal reports.
People often have silent approach communication that is message is send by the sources to the receiver and it ends there. The diagram is shown below
This inner approach is no longer tanieable because is does it adequate describe communication process. This approach ignores feedback and noise, which are essential element of communication process involves the transferring, passing, giving and receiving the sharing and importing of ideas, opinions and attitude to the customers. Marketing communication is certainly other one way affairs, but two way process. In this process superior status communications is seen as a process involving three essential things Viz actions, reactions and interaction.
Action: This refers to the initiatives taken by someone usually called the source, sender, encoder, the initiator etc. to share, give impact etc ideas, opinion, attitude etc. action therefore refers to the willingness of the initiators to act this could do this through various means he could speak gesture pointer.
Reaction: It refers to the response of the receiver to the initiator or of encoder. In other words, it is the feedback on the message of the sender.
Interaction: Refers to the re-change of message between senders and receiver. It is a continuous ever going and never ending process.
According to Nwachukwu, marketing communication breakdown is the single greatest barrier to corporate existence in efficient marketing communication in an organization is systematic of faculty corporate chain.
When the managers in an organization engages in mutual distrust, resentment, gossip or when there is bound to be marketing communication breakdown. All the keys functions of a organization planning, organization, directing and controlling depends on effective marketing communication for greater productivity. Most of the barriers to the effective marketing communication are as follows:
Distortion: Distortion of communication could be carried by deliberate action of the receiver or the sender. It could be caused by the inability of the sender to proper by encoder and transmit the message. A situation on the subordinate failed to carry out a directive because he thought the superior was not serious.
Overload: To much marketing communication bore down the entire system judicious selection of information helps to avoid digging the entire system with irrelevant information, in organization where there are too many memoranda floating around the management from the ability of not reading their mail. They refer this mail as junk.
Filtering: It occurs when the sender sieves the information and transmits only the favorable aspect of it. When the whole picture is not presented there can scarcely be a meeting of the mind. It is organization that is in the habit of reprimanding employees or even small mistakes are encouraging filtering. Employees sieves information in order to look favorable for most serious problem encountered in delegated responsibility because of conscious manipulation of facts by subordinates.
Lack of planning
Many organization often communicate without making adequate preparation for transmission of marketing information.
Lack of planning may result in:
- Inadequate thinking
- Information overload
- Unclassified assumption
- Inadequate listening
- Poorly expressed message
Marketing environmental barriers
They include distance, distracting noise and other environmental constraints that can prevent effective marketing communication in an organization.
According the J.A Akari people communicate with others for a large number of reasons. Sometimes, we want to reduce ambiguities and justify our opinion, in other cases were seeking information that support our positions and sometimes, we communicate just because we think its about something we said or did something.
Marketing communicate in Union Bank assists in copying with environmental challenge by conveying information both changes in technology, economic, political and social environment. It is necessary because it coordinates activities of individuals group and department.
Union Bank policies and aims are communicated to the subordinates by the top management for effective work through marketing communication. It creates for ensuring that each individual in an organization “Union Bank” know that he or she is expected to do for attainment of the organizational goal or aim it helps in reducing uncertainty in the organization “Union Bank Plc, Awka”.
Furthermore, in Union Bank service conditions safety health, welfare, rules and regulations are well known through marketing communication and it helps the employees to know the proposed future plan or change in the organization. Result financial that is qualitative and quantitative result become more easily to be noticed through paper marketing communication.
In the words of Okpala, I “marketing communication related to exchange of facts, opinion or emotion by two or more persons and then organization it could be words, letters, symbols or message share meaning and understanding with another.
According to Nwachukwu, communication is the receiver, any means that an individual uses to transfer meaning, ideas, feeling, emotion or attitude to another is communication. There are specialize message that are transmitted by facial explosion by the use of hands, shaking of the hand gesticulation of the lands, shaking of the hand in approval or disapproved.
Therefore, communication systems is the units or department and individuals in the organization with information. When the information system does not flow as required, individuals and department within the organization will malfunction and this will create inefficacy and inefficiency on the whole organization as a system.
In the words of Mark N. Newerri, identified that marketing communication is the imparting of exchange of information by message or otherwise marketing or business communication can therefore be described as the marketing or business communication can therefore be described as the importing or exchange by message or of facilitating the firms activities and enabling it to achieve its objectives. The perfect act of communication takes place when the idea of the mind of the informer (sender) is transferred, undistorted into mind of the receipient.
Andrew C. Stanford et al stated that good management decision makers. Decision makers is an important process which influence organization activities and has a significant process which is determinate of the degree to which set goals are attained.
Effective marketing communication however is an end management, basically it provides information for decision making and makes possible to attitude and motivation for decision making and production process.
According to James Hovel “Marketing communication there is a vital tool for business, it may not make a bad business man good but it surely leads to the effectiveness of a quite promising business men.
Fredrick W. Taylor states that accurate end up to date information is the basic of all management function without which management is unable to forecast, plan and control. Moreover Peter Drucker pointed out that a manager can only make his objective by communication to subordinate whose performance is meant for so that they should know what is expected of them.
Miller state that people confuse communication with information. Information essentially is those pieces of data but of knowledge transferred from one individual to another. He also stated that communication is the sharing of understanding between the sender and receiver of the message.
Moreover, effective marketing communication is an activating force behind for greater productivity an organization activity such as planning, organizing, directing and controlling. Andrew B. Chase stated that “there is an increasing if the firm is to achieve success. He further explained that management is realizing that in other to maintain close relationship with employees and to ensure maximum output for the firm, the communication channel in the firm must be modern, effective, beach emphasized that for the proper management of an organization feedback is essential and the feedback is positive, management efficiency will be enhanced.
Newman and Warren maintain that poor communication lead to confusion, frustration and negative attitude towards meeting company goods where as good communication makes him take pride in his accomplishment.
In the final process of marketing communication has been explained not only as a routing or a procedure, but also as one of the essential elements.
In learning both facts and feeling need to be transmitted between a leader to each of his subordinates full marketing communication occurs when one person receiver both the same intellectual message and the same emotion, that the other person sent and felt. In other for the second person to receive the message it is necessary for him to agree with the content of the message or to have the same emotional response to it as te first person. But he should understand the other persons meaning and feelings.
Marketing communication is important, it takes up much of people time and it often the causes of major organization and failures. Marketing communication most times is the process of an integrated set of evoking a set of responses from the target audience in an organization.
This chapter consists of design of the study, area of the study (Geographical area), population of the study, samples of the study, instrument for data collection, validation of the instrument, distribution of data analysis.
This research is designed to identify the finding out the role of marketing communication in an organization in Union Bank of Nigeria Plc Awka.
Therefore the information to be generated or needed will be that elated to research questions asked to staff, sales force and customers of the company product by the researcher.
The geographical coverage of this project include only Awka metropolis and focuses attention on Union Bank of Nigeria Plc with the population number of about 850 staff in their employment list.
The total numbers of both the seniors and junior staff of Union Bank of Nigeria covered by the Awka area office is 850 workers and these workers constitute our population.
The population comprises of the total of 850 individual comprising of the following:
Management in Union Bank Awka = 50
Senior staff workers = 300
Junior staff workers = 500
Total = 850
Union Bank of Nigeria Plc Awka was 850 staff in the employment list, and form this population, a total of 5 management were selected and 30 senior staff and additional of 50 junior staff making its total 85 people.
This population was divided into three categories, the sampling techniques used here is that of sample random sampling in which any person selected is deemed to represent the entire population in which the belongs to.
Sampling is defined as a group of object from a population for the purpose of making generalization about the population in which sample has been down.
Some advantages of using the above method as follows
- It is more accurate
- It does not waste time
- And it is not expensive
The instrument for data collection are of the sources or methods. The two major sources used in sourcing and collecting work are primary sources and secondary sources other sources are interview and questionnaire which help also to the collection of more information or data.
For this research work that is primary data.
Primary source:
This is mostly used by marketing manager and research when trying to tackle specific marketing problems.
Secondary source:
Is data collected by the marketing research not directly for his population of research but from works that have been undertaken?
It includes all consultation of any kinds from different workers of reputable market, from journal, texts and newspaper.
The questionnaires were validated by my two experts (lecturers) in the marketing department in the School of Business Studies, Federal Polytechnic Oko.
The two experts (lecturers) critically examined the items in the questionnaire based on their recommendation, necessary reviews were carried out on the instruments.
Three sets of questionnaire for the customer is to elicit correct piece of information from the outsiders and know how they feel about Union Bank of Nigeria Plc Akwa, promotional strategy. While the essence of drafting a questionnaire for the management staff (both seniors and juniors) is to how the views and opinion and opinion of workers towards management staff respectively.
Step were taken to ensure that people who answered the questionnaire were representatives of the entire population under study.
The data obtained from the respondents is a new data. Therefore, the use for analysis of data is important because it will help the research work. The researcher used the sample percentage distribution techniques for the analysis of data collected in order to show the interpretation of the information generated.
However, data from the questionnaire were analyzed based in the issue raised in each question.
This chapter deals with presentation and analysis of the data collected in the course of this research. The response of the subjects were first converted to roe scores and then to percentage. Both the table and the figures followed the order in which these questions were presented. Such table is followed immediately by a brief description on low the 86 questionnaire were sent out to verify the research questions and 65 respondents, while the remaining 20 questionnaire were not returned so the response rate was 93%.
Testing of research questions
Question 1
Do the workers perceive effective marketing communication as necessary for productivity?
Table 1:
Sex | Frequency | Percentage |
Male | 65 | 80 |
Female | 20 | 20 |
Total | 85 | 100% |
The table above represents the workers profile from the frequency distribution table it was revealed that 65% respondents or 80% of the sample were made and 20 or 20% respondents of the sample were female. The table shows that majority of the respondents were made. The questions is vital to this study because we have to know if the respondents know what effective marketing communication is really about in an attempt to finding at how it affects customers.
Question 2
What problems are inherent in the organization?
Table 2
Response | Frequency | Percentage |
Communication overload | 20 | 24.6 |
Distortion | 35 | 42.5 |
Filtering | 5 | 2.8 |
Timing | 10 | 9.1 |
All of the above | 15 | 21 |
Total | 85 | 100% |
The respondents were asked which of the following is a common barrier to effective marketing communication and the barriers to effective marketing communication is most often experienced in an organization. An examination of table 2 reveals that 20 respondents which represent 24.6% of the sample population said that it is communication overload as most common barriers that is often experienced in the organization, while 35 respondents (42.5) are of the opinion that the most often experienced in the organization is distortion. Also 5 respondents representing 2.8% said that filtering is the most common barrier often experienced in the organization while 10 respondents or 9.1% said that timing is the most common barrier most often experienced in the organization.
Question 3
Is direct contact encouraged between the top management and the lower management?
Frequency of face to face communication
Table 3
Response | Frequency | Percentage |
Yes | 35 | 31 |
No | 50 | 69 |
Total | 85 | 100% |
The respondents were asked if the top management engage in face to face marketing communication with the subordinates.
From the above result of the frequency distribution, 35 respondents which represents 31% of the sample revealed the face to face marketing communication is common between the top management of the organization in order to reasonably appreciate it.
Responses from the respondents were as follows:
- That the top management of the organization does not encourage a face to face marketing communication with the subordinates is based on the top belief adopted by the top management that the subordinates are too junior for them to have a direct contact of marketing communication
- The top management as well belief that they could not have face to face marketing communication because some decision are confidential and does not require face to face contact.
- The top management of an organization also feel that they are superior to subordinates.
Question 4
Is effective feedback mechanism exists in the organization?
Table 4
Do effective feedback mechanism exists in an organization
Response | Frequency | Percentage |
Very effective | 25 | 28 |
Just effective | 40 | 61 |
Very effective | 20 | 11 |
Total | 85 | 100% |
From the frequency distribution table above, it reduced that 25 respondents which represents 28% of the sampe revealed that marketing communication in the organization is very effective while majjoruty of th respondents. 40 which represents 61% said that communication in the organization is just effective. Also, 20 respondents (11%) said that marketing communication in the organization is very ineffective.
Therefore, the result of the table 4 shows that ineffective marketing communication in an organization
Table 5
Response | Frequency | Percentage |
Yes | 60 | 65 |
No | 25 | 35 |
Total | 85 | 100% |
The above frequency distribution table shows that 60 respondents which represent 65% said that the organization on the same level in different department while 35 respondent represent 35% of the sample said the organization does not encourage marketing communication by members on the same level in different department.
With reference to the objective of this empirical study, the finding enumerated below are based on oral interviews and facts gathered from the questionnaire.
- The study revealed that the majority of respondents were male in the organization. The study also revealed that 32% of senior and intermediate staff had worked loss than 5 years in the organization. Also it was that 29% of the staff that has served the company from 6 to 10 years and 26% of the respondents served the organization 21 years and above.
- The study also indicated that the majority of the respondents were between the range of 30 and 29 years. But none studied below the age of 20 years.
- The study also revealed that the majority of the respondents were those having their school certificate, and the highest academic qualification of the most of workers were NCE, degree/HND.
- The empirical study shows that majority of the respondents (76.6%) assorted that the workers of the organization perceived effective marketing communication as necessary for increased productivity. Now, it known fully well that in an organization whereby there is a poor marketing communication system there is likely to be low productivity. Because no organization that can perform effectively without information. If there is to be productivity, peace and harmony in an organization, every staff of the organization must take part in communication.
- It was found from the study that the most common problem inherent in the communication system of the organization is distortion of marketing communication could be caused by deliberate action of th receiver or the sender. It could be by the inability of the sender to properly encode and transmit the message.
- The study also detected that the majority of the respondents (69%) revealed that face to face communication is not common between the top management and the subordinates.
- From the findings 42% of the respondents indicated that the reason for not having a close face to face marketing communication is because the top management feels that they feel superior to the junior staff.
- The study revealed that for the marketing communication to be effective in an organization that the following must be maintained.
- Management must be friendly with their workers that is the management should try to maintain good relationship with all workers.
- Easy language usage: when a common language is being used and understood, the communication becomes effective.
- Listen to subordinates: if the management should be able to give the subordinates the opportunity to say their views in decision making then have there will be effectiveness marketing communication
- The study shows that majority (32%)of the respondents said that problem of ineffective marketing communication could be solved when face to face communication is being promoted, whereby subordinates then have the opportunity to have direct contact marketing communication with the top management regarding the problems facing the organization.
- The research mechanism on the organizational marketing communication process. This is hindered effective marketing communications.
The major findings of the study are as follows:
- The empirical study showed that the majority of the respondents (76.6%) asserted that the workers of the organization perceived effective marketing communication as necessary for increased productivity. Now it is known fully well that in an organization whereby there is poor marketing communication system, there is likely to be no productivity because no organization can perform effectively without information. For high productivity, peace and harmony in an organization, everuy staff of the organization must ten take part in marketing communication.
- It was observed form the study that the most common problem inherent in the marketing communication system of the organization is distortion. It is believed that most of the time distortion of marketing communication could be caused by deliberate action of the receiver or the seller. It could be caused by the inability of the sender to properly encode and transmit the message.
- The study also depicted that the majority of the respondents (69%) revealed that face to face marketing communication is not common between the top management and the subordinates. A face to face marketing communication is being encourage in an organization whereby everyone will be given the opportunity to say his/her opinion it will enhance high productivity and individual performance, as well as in the area of the organization.
- From the findings, 40% of the respondents indicated the reasons for not having a close face to face marketing communication is because of the top management feels that they feel superior to the junior staff.
- The study revealed that for marketing communication to be effective in a n organization, the following must be maintained:
- Management must be friendly with the workers, that is the management should try to maintain good relationship with every worker.
- Easy language usage: When a common language is being used and understood, the marketing communication becomes effective
- Listen to subordinates: If the management should be able to give the subordinate, the opportunity to say their view in decision making then there will be effective marketing communication.
- The study also shows that the majority of the respondents (32%) said that the management should be able to encourage face to face marketing communication so that the problems of ineffective marketing communication could be solved when face to face marketing communication is being promoted whereby subordinates than have the opportunity to have direct contact marketing communication with the top management regarding the problem facing the organization
- The research also revealed that there is effective feedback mechanism on the organization marketing communication.
Based on the findings of the empirical study, the following conclusion were made.
In Union Bank workers perceive effective management communication as necessary for production in an organization, but distortion has been the most common problem inherent in the organizational marketing communication process. If the following are adopted by the management:
- The management being friendly with work in the organization
- Easy language
- Sorting of subordinate views when making decision
The problems of effective marketing communication could be encouraging face to face marketing communication with the subordinate and maintenance of effective feedback mechanism in the organization.
In order to ensure efficient and effective marketing communication in Union Bank Nigeria (UBN) please so as the boost productivity in and harmony moreover the following:
- One of the best to facilitate instruction is to get the employees responsible for execution involved in the formation of the problems to be solved. The superior would call in some come to two of the employees, lay the problem before them and jointly reason not some solution. This particular effect question no 6 whereby views of the workers are not sight on the process of making decision in the organization.
- The organization should be able to encourage upward marketing communication which deal with communication from subordinate to the superior should be kept open by allowing subordinates use them. Someof the channel for upward marketing communication are:
- Chain of command
- The grievance procedure
- Counseling
- An open door policy
- Exit interview
- Labour union
- The organization grapevine
- Informers
- Ombudsmen etc.
upward marketing communication is very necessary in order to promote good human relation.
- Written and oral marketing communication should be encouraged. Written marketing communication is considered most effective in situation where the information requires future action where the information is general, where as oral is most effective for reprimands and setting dispute, examples:
- The use of bulletin
- The use of circular notes
- Pay insert method
- News sheet and house journals
- Workers had book
- The management should be able to maintain friendly relationship with the workers and be able to communicate with easy language as listen to subordinate to reduce fear.
Due to the present economic predicament in the nation, the research was constrained in the other of this research by the following factors:
- FINDINGS: Finance is one of the major factors that contribute to the limitations of the sample size used. The researcher looks the same size that will help to facilitates data collection for the research work it’s a result of the poor financial positions of the research, he was constrained using only one bank as a case study.
- RESPONSE: The attitude of the most workers may have affected the quality of the work, most of the workers failed to complete the questionnaire distributes for the fact the questionnaire distributed for the fact that they may be implicated or reveal official secrets as regards to what concerns the administration.
- TIME: Time is another factors that affects the quality of the work. The research was forced by shortage of time resulting from the demand of classroom work examination and the short academic year.
The research having done the best possible examining “effective marketing communication as a tool for greater productivity in organization a special reference to Union Bank of Nigeria (Plc), however the following topics are suggested for further research:
- An evaluation of the problems militates against effective marketing communication in the banking industry
- The role of marketing communication in management labour relation.
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Department of Marketing
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Orumba Norht Local,
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The manager,
Union Bank of Nigeria (PLC)
Dear Sir/Madam
I am an ND student’s of marketing in school of business studies, Federal Polytechnic, Oko.
I am carrying out an academic research in the effective marketing communication as a tool for greater productivity in an organization.
A special reference to the Union Bank of Nigeria Plc, Akwa.
I wish to control to your bank to carryout my research and the information required is purely for the purpose shall be treated strict confidently.
Yours faithfully,
The questionnaire administered to the staff of Union Bank of Nigeria Plc, this academic exercise aimed at finding out how communication is being used as an effective marketing tool for greater productivity in an organization.
Please click where appropriate
- Sex
Male [ ]
Female [ ]
- Years of experience
- 1-5 years [ ]
- 6-10 years [ ]
- 11-15 years [ ]
- 16-20 years [ ]
- Educational qualification
- School certificate [ ]
- Diploma [ ]
- NCE [ ]
- Degree/NCE [ ]
- Professional examination [ ]
- Other (Please specify) [ ]
- Who makes majority decision in your organization?
- Board of directors [ ]
- General manager [ ]
- Committee of top [ ]
- Executives [ ]
- Are those decision communicated to you especially on matter relating to your job?
- Yes [ ]
- No [ ]
- How do you get information regarding management decision?
- Oral [ ]
- Written [ ]
- Visual (poster, chart graph) [ ]
- All of the above [ ]
- Do workers of your organization perceive effective marketing communication as necessary for increased productivity?
- Yes [ ]
- No [ ]
- Does the top management engage on face to face communication with the subordinates?
- Yes [ ]
- No [ ]
- If your answer is “No” what do you think is the cause?
- Which of the following common barriers to effective market communication is most often experience in your organization?
- Communication overload [ ]
- Distortion [ ]
- All of the above [ ]
- How is the problem solved?
- Are the view sought on the process of making decision in the organization?
- Yes [ ]
- No [ ]
- If your answer is “Yes” how do you send across your view to management?
- Oral [ ]
- Written [ ]
- All of the above [ ]
- Does your organization encourage communication by members on the same level in different department?
- Yes [ ]
- No [ ]
- Generally what would you say is the case of communication breakdown in an organization?
- Gossip [ ]
- Lack of job opportunity [ ]
- Mutual distrust [ ]
- All of the above [ ]
- What would say is necessary for marketing communication to be effective on organization?
- Management being friendly with workers [ ]
- Easy language usage [ ]
- All of the above [ ]
- How would you rate marketing communication in your organization?
- Very effective [ ]
- Just effective [ ]
- Not effective [ ]

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