Human beings have roamed the earth for millions of year teaching their children with various methods in the culture of their society in the individuals called informal or indigenous education. The issue of education is a significant factor in every society of the world. The existence and mutual understanding of citizen are based on their level of education. Societies either primitive or sophisticated devised means of educating their citizens and the types and mode of educating giving to individual in the society.
(Osalusi 1998)
Education caters for the need of the society and forms the bedrock for any national development socially, politically and economically. It is a process through which individuals acquires knowledge, skill competence and aptitude to fit properly into the society they belong and contribute their quota to its growth. It is a tool for the society so that the individual can achieve self realization and self dependability, develop national consciousness, promote unity and strive for social, economic political, scientific, cultural and technological process. In other words, it is through education that personnel of different categories are produced to man the various economic sectors of any country.
Teacher at all levels, Bankers, Professor, Administrators etc.
Teaching is a concept that is intimately related to education and the method of teaching goes along way to determine the level of understanding of the students. Teaching could be described as processes which aim at motivating the learners by providing opportunities for various forms of interaction (Kolade Oje, Osalusi and Adesua 2013).
Teaching could ales be described as a process of which an individual (a person) undertaking certain ethical tasks or activities in intention of which is to induce learning ( Samuel 2001).
Biology is the study of plant and animals. It can be divided into Zoology which is the study of animals and Botany which is the study of plant. Biology is one of the bedrock subjects of some courses in higher institutions of learning such courses include medicine, pharmacy, micro biology, nursing etc all these acquire necessary knowledge, skills and competence to perform their role in the society from the content of education through various subjects or courses related to biology in schools.
There are structural frameworks of teacher education currently within the educational system. The Nigeria certificate in education (N.C.E) teachers, are teacher who have in condition to the West African School Certificate/ G.C.E done with a three years teacher training in advanced teachers college or a college of education. Such categories of teacher are employed mainly to teach in junior or senior secondary school.
The graduate teachers are mostly those who after the first school leaving certificate/G.C.E are admitted into university to study any educational courses. These teachers are mostly employ after their service, in the senior secondary institutions. In accordance with the recommendation of National curriculum conference (1969) holders of degree certificate are to teach in senior secondary school level.
From the educational micro point. It has been noticed generally in this country that student’s interest and performance are deteriorating over some years back. Though boo logy may be easy and straight forward, findings have revealed that students developed interest in subjects like economics, commerce, chemistry, physics etc. Actually, there is scarcity of qualified teachers who can teach biology in secondary schools. The need to wage war against the poor performance in biology in our schools and colleges in Ekiti South West Area of Ekiti State cannot be over emphasized considering the failure rate of students in the subject. This ugly situation has given parents, teachers and students a great concern.
The purpose of this research therefore is to find out the effects of teachers qualification on the performance of students in our senior secondary school examinations.
Biology is an interesting subject, as it deals with living things through the study of both plants and animals.
For some years now, there is a serious problem of having a good grade in biology.
Students in Ekiti South West are not left out resulting from poor performance they discharge their duty and as a result its resultant effects are greatly manifesting of the students of the area.
The use of unqualified teachers by the government. The increasing low performance of student in biology in Ekiti South West Area of Ekiti State therefore deserves a special attention and this prompted this study.
The study investigate teachers qualification as the determinant of students performance in biology in Ekiti South West Local Government Area specifically the objectives are to
- Examine the relationship between teachers qualification and students performance in Biology.
- Identify the hazard causes by student’s poor performance in biology to the society and Ekiti South West in particular.
- Suggest feasible solution to poor performance of students in biology.
The following research questions are addressed.
- Does teachers qualification has any effect on student performance?
- Does teacher’s qualification affect their competency?
- Is student poor performance in boo logy is due to their teachers qualification.
- Has the government make any effort to address the problems of poor performance in biology in Ekiti South West Area of Ekiti State?
The following hypotheses were raised for the purpose of this study.
HO1:- There is no significant difference in the mean performance scores of students taught by N.C.E teachers and their counterparts taught by B.SC (Ed) teachers in the teachers made biology test (TMBT).
HO2:- There is no significant difference in the mean performance scores of students taught by trained teachers and their counterparts taught by untrained teachers in the teachers made biology test (TMBT).
The research will contribute immensely to the entire nation as it will address the problem of student’s performance in biology via the teachers qualification in Ekiti southwest local government area in particular and the country as a whole.
Also it will enable the individual mostly in ekiti south west local government to know th relationship between students performance and teacher qualification.
In an investigation of the need for specialized biology teachers in our schools and problem of teaching biology in Ekiti south west local government area, the researcher (I) Bamigboye Alaba Emmanuel focused his study to some schools in towns and villages in the local government. This study involved three (3) towns in Ekiti south west area of Ekiti state. Ten students were selected from each of the three areas. The towns are as follows, Igbara-odo, ogotun.
The study is limited to three towns in Ekiti south west local government area because of time and financial constrains. The work is therefore limited to some certain secondary schools in the local government area.
The following terms were used in the study.
- Qualified teachers
- Unqualified teachers
- Qualifications
Qualified Teachers: Are those people having the education qualification to teach biology.
Unqualified Teachers: Are those people who do not possess the education qualification to teach biology.
Qualifications: These are the certificates that an individual has acquired whether by full- time or part time study conferred by educational authorities, special examining bodies or professional bodies.
TMBT: Teachers Made Biology Test.

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