study investigates teachers competence and students academic performance in
Accounting. A case study of Obafemi Owode Local Government Area of Ogun State.
The study examined whether teachers’ competences, teachers qualification and so
on contribute to the academic performance of students in Financial Accounting.
In views of these, four research questions were formulated. This study was a
description research survey type.130 students and 20 Accounting teachers were
selected for the study using simple random sampling. A well-structured
questionnaire was used for data collection and the data were analyzed using simple
percentage and mean. The study revealed that among others that teachers
competence and teacher qualification, working experience influence students
academic performance in financial accounting in the sample local
government. The
study therefore recommended that, teachers’ with high qualification, good
experience of teaching and qualify attitude should be recruited and allowed to
teach financial accounting in secondary schools. There should be room and
opportunities for teachers to attend seminars, conference and workshop on
proper ways of utilizing teaching instructional facilities in order to foster
learning and good performance among Financial Accounting students.
study investigates teachers competence and students academic performance in
Accounting. A case study of Obafemi Owode Local Government Area of Ogun State.
The study examined whether teachers’ competences, teachers qualification and so
on contribute to the academic performance of students in Financial Accounting.
In views of these, four research questions were formulated. This study was a
description research survey type.130 students and 20 Accounting teachers were
selected for the study using simple random sampling. A well-structured
questionnaire was used for data collection and the data were analyzed using simple
percentage and mean. The study revealed that among others that teachers
competence and teacher qualification, working experience influence students
academic performance in financial accounting in the sample local
government. The
study therefore recommended that, teachers’ with high qualification, good
experience of teaching and qualify attitude should be recruited and allowed to
teach financial accounting in secondary schools. There should be room and
opportunities for teachers to attend seminars, conference and workshop on
proper ways of utilizing teaching instructional facilities in order to foster
learning and good performance among Financial Accounting students.
Title page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract vi
Table of contents vii
Background of the
Statement of the
Purpose of the study
Research Questions
Significances of the
Delimitation of the
Conceptual Framework
Teachers competence and students’ performance
Leadership Style of Teachers and Students
Teacher Students Relationship and Students’
Academic Performance
Academic Performance
Causes of Poor Academic Performance of Students
Teachers’ Qualification and Students’ Academic
Performance in Secondary Schools
Performance in Secondary Schools
Teaching Experience and Students’ Academic
Performance in Secondary School
Performance in Secondary School
Relationship between Teachers’ Characteristics
and Performance in Financial Accounting
and Performance in Financial Accounting
Research Design
Population of the study 34
Sampling and sampling
Research Instrument
Validation and
Reliability of the Instrument
Reliability of the Instrument
Administration of the
Data analysis
Result and Discussion
Discussion of Result, Summary,
Conclusion, and Recommendation
Conclusion, and Recommendation
Discussion of findings
Appendix Questionnaire
to the Study
to the Study
Competence is the ability of an individual to do a job properly. A competency
is a set of defined behaviors that provide a structured guide enabling the
identification, evaluation and development of the behaviors in individual
employees. The term “competence” first appeared in an article
authored by White in 1959 as a concept
for performance motivation. Some
scholars see “competence” as a combination of practical and
theoretical knowledge, cognitive skills, behavior and values used to
improve performance; or as the state or quality of being adequately or well
qualified, having the ability to perform a specific role. For instance, life, management competency might include
systems thinking and emotional intelligence, and skills in influence and negotiation. Online Wikipedia (2015). Competency is also used as a more
general description of the requirements of human beings in organizations and
is a set of defined behaviors that provide a structured guide enabling the
identification, evaluation and development of the behaviors in individual
employees. The term “competence” first appeared in an article
authored by White in 1959 as a concept
for performance motivation. Some
scholars see “competence” as a combination of practical and
theoretical knowledge, cognitive skills, behavior and values used to
improve performance; or as the state or quality of being adequately or well
qualified, having the ability to perform a specific role. For instance, life, management competency might include
systems thinking and emotional intelligence, and skills in influence and negotiation. Online Wikipedia (2015). Competency is also used as a more
general description of the requirements of human beings in organizations and
is sometimes thought of as being shown in action in a situation and context
that might be different the next time a person has to act. In emergencies,
competent people may react to a situation following behaviors they have
previously found to succeed. To be competent a person would need to be able to
interpret the situation in the context and to have a repertoire of possible
actions to take and have trained in the possible actions in the repertoire, if
this is relevant. Regardless of training, competency would grow through
experience and the extent of an individual to learn and adapt.
is sometimes thought of as being shown in action in a situation and context
that might be different the next time a person has to act. In emergencies,
competent people may react to a situation following behaviors they have
previously found to succeed. To be competent a person would need to be able to
interpret the situation in the context and to have a repertoire of possible
actions to take and have trained in the possible actions in the repertoire, if
this is relevant. Regardless of training, competency would grow through
experience and the extent of an individual to learn and adapt.
The issue of this poor
academic performance of students in Nigeria has been of much concern to all and
sundry. The quality of education depends on the teachers as reflected in the
performance of their duties.
academic performance of students in Nigeria has been of much concern to all and
sundry. The quality of education depends on the teachers as reflected in the
performance of their duties.
word competence is taken by two common meanings, first is the ability to do a
task. The narrow conception of competency standards is lists of particular,
discrete vocation task of a teacher.
word competence is taken by two common meanings, first is the ability to do a
task. The narrow conception of competency standards is lists of particular,
discrete vocation task of a teacher.
But according to the
integrated conception, competence is conceptualized in terms of knowledge,
abilities skills and attitudes display in the context of a carefully chosen set
of realistic professional tasks. With the passage of time changes in every
field of life are seen due to technology usage so teaching and learning process
also has been changing and needs to benefits the inventions. A teacher’s
competency in 21st century according to UNESCO (2008) is that a
competent teacher should have firm knowledge of the curriculum of his/her subjects
and to use technology into the curriculum. Formal system of education depends
on three components that are curriculum, students and teacher.
integrated conception, competence is conceptualized in terms of knowledge,
abilities skills and attitudes display in the context of a carefully chosen set
of realistic professional tasks. With the passage of time changes in every
field of life are seen due to technology usage so teaching and learning process
also has been changing and needs to benefits the inventions. A teacher’s
competency in 21st century according to UNESCO (2008) is that a
competent teacher should have firm knowledge of the curriculum of his/her subjects
and to use technology into the curriculum. Formal system of education depends
on three components that are curriculum, students and teacher.
Teacher’s role is to
impact education and education builds societies. An individual is units of a
society. Individual makes society and societies make nations. That nation is
taken as to be civilized that has some rules and regulations to pass a peaceful
life. These are called traditional values and cultures, a set of values. Every
society has an established set of values called virtues and vices that takes
conscious measures at various level to promote the virtues and eliminate the
vices. These sets of values transfer from generation to generation by education
either informal or formal education. Education is impartially and acquisition
of knowledge and getting awareness. So, it is the only education that gives
awareness about the traditions and these rules to pass life in the society and
doubt these value changes with the passage of time. Education develops the
personality and character. It is the development of all these capabilities in
the individual which enable a person to control its environment and fulfill
ones possibilities. According to Curzon (2003) education is a human activity has
largely on the related process: known as learning and teaching process. It
nurture of human personality.
impact education and education builds societies. An individual is units of a
society. Individual makes society and societies make nations. That nation is
taken as to be civilized that has some rules and regulations to pass a peaceful
life. These are called traditional values and cultures, a set of values. Every
society has an established set of values called virtues and vices that takes
conscious measures at various level to promote the virtues and eliminate the
vices. These sets of values transfer from generation to generation by education
either informal or formal education. Education is impartially and acquisition
of knowledge and getting awareness. So, it is the only education that gives
awareness about the traditions and these rules to pass life in the society and
doubt these value changes with the passage of time. Education develops the
personality and character. It is the development of all these capabilities in
the individual which enable a person to control its environment and fulfill
ones possibilities. According to Curzon (2003) education is a human activity has
largely on the related process: known as learning and teaching process. It
nurture of human personality.
Wrag (2004) views about education that it partly rectifies what a learner
already knows and for these skills are needed. It is a work of harmony.
Learners are ignorant how and what to learn but a proficient and skilled
teacher can guide them. Education rectifies any unfairness and for this a
teacher needs competency in its profession. Rectification can only be done if
the teacher has passion and profession. Because education is teaching learning
process whereas teacher is teaching and a learner is learning in a formal
system of education. So, with respect to learning and teaching a teacher’s role
is central based.
Wrag (2004) views about education that it partly rectifies what a learner
already knows and for these skills are needed. It is a work of harmony.
Learners are ignorant how and what to learn but a proficient and skilled
teacher can guide them. Education rectifies any unfairness and for this a
teacher needs competency in its profession. Rectification can only be done if
the teacher has passion and profession. Because education is teaching learning
process whereas teacher is teaching and a learner is learning in a formal
system of education. So, with respect to learning and teaching a teacher’s role
is central based.
The quality of
education depends upon the provision of education that education depends upon
the provision of education that is being provided by two sources that are
teacher and curriculum. In formal system of education a students has to depends
on teacher who transmits, interpret, and facilities subject matters knowledge.
Education of the highest quality requires teachers of the highest quality and
highly skilled and professional teaching can do this. Teacher prepare citizens
for future, citizens make a nation and
high level of knowledge, competencies and skills are the very basic conditions
for active citizenship, employment and several conversion. These builds one’s
future on professional and personal level and high-quality education is
essential for this purpose. But different subject need different techniques,
skills for effectives teaching and learning process and its outcome. All these
(sujathamalinia, 2007) techniques, abilities and skills combine and make a
teacher competent. The reliability of a work depends upon its competency and competency
depends on consistency of the work. A teacher needs different kind of skills in
different competencies in the subject. Goals are fixed that teacher and
learners have to achieve in that subject so is the case in English subject.
education depends upon the provision of education that education depends upon
the provision of education that is being provided by two sources that are
teacher and curriculum. In formal system of education a students has to depends
on teacher who transmits, interpret, and facilities subject matters knowledge.
Education of the highest quality requires teachers of the highest quality and
highly skilled and professional teaching can do this. Teacher prepare citizens
for future, citizens make a nation and
high level of knowledge, competencies and skills are the very basic conditions
for active citizenship, employment and several conversion. These builds one’s
future on professional and personal level and high-quality education is
essential for this purpose. But different subject need different techniques,
skills for effectives teaching and learning process and its outcome. All these
(sujathamalinia, 2007) techniques, abilities and skills combine and make a
teacher competent. The reliability of a work depends upon its competency and competency
depends on consistency of the work. A teacher needs different kind of skills in
different competencies in the subject. Goals are fixed that teacher and
learners have to achieve in that subject so is the case in English subject.
Overtime students’
academic performance in both external and internal examinations had been used
to determine excellence in teacher teaching (Ajao, 2001). Teachers have been
shown to have an important influence on students’ academic achievements and
they also play crucial role in educational attainment because the teacher is
ultimately responsible for translating policy into action and principles based
on practices during interaction with the student ( Afe, 2001). Both teachers
and learners depends on teachers, no wonder
an effective teacher has been conceptualized as one of who produce desired result in the course of
his duty as a teacher (Uchefona, 2001). Many studies have revealed that
students academics achievements is enhanced where the teachers possess adequate
knowledge of the subject matter and a good command of pedagogical skill have a
strong positive effect on students’ academic achievement in regular classroom
teaching (Olarewaju, 1995, Lockhead, & Verspoor 1991).
academic performance in both external and internal examinations had been used
to determine excellence in teacher teaching (Ajao, 2001). Teachers have been
shown to have an important influence on students’ academic achievements and
they also play crucial role in educational attainment because the teacher is
ultimately responsible for translating policy into action and principles based
on practices during interaction with the student ( Afe, 2001). Both teachers
and learners depends on teachers, no wonder
an effective teacher has been conceptualized as one of who produce desired result in the course of
his duty as a teacher (Uchefona, 2001). Many studies have revealed that
students academics achievements is enhanced where the teachers possess adequate
knowledge of the subject matter and a good command of pedagogical skill have a
strong positive effect on students’ academic achievement in regular classroom
teaching (Olarewaju, 1995, Lockhead, & Verspoor 1991).
Owolabi (2003) described
a teacher as an instructor responsible to teach, direct control, interpret and
instruct the learner for better attainment. Records have shown that student’s
performance in senior secondary certificate of education (SSCE) is quits, below
average (Ikoh, 2007). This performance is blamed on teachers (Ashibi2005) and
government inability to effectively sponsor education and motivate teachers to
enhance their productivity (Agba eta , 2009). The mixed feelings about the
cause of poor academic performance of student in secondary school, especially
in financial accounting at SSCE make this research more imperative even as it
focuses on the competency level of the financial accounting teachers.
a teacher as an instructor responsible to teach, direct control, interpret and
instruct the learner for better attainment. Records have shown that student’s
performance in senior secondary certificate of education (SSCE) is quits, below
average (Ikoh, 2007). This performance is blamed on teachers (Ashibi2005) and
government inability to effectively sponsor education and motivate teachers to
enhance their productivity (Agba eta , 2009). The mixed feelings about the
cause of poor academic performance of student in secondary school, especially
in financial accounting at SSCE make this research more imperative even as it
focuses on the competency level of the financial accounting teachers.
of the Problem
of the Problem
It has been observed
recently that most student in the senior secondary schools in Obafemi-Owode
Local Government Area of Ogun State, out of the few many students often record
poor performance especially in financial accounting SSCE.
recently that most student in the senior secondary schools in Obafemi-Owode
Local Government Area of Ogun State, out of the few many students often record
poor performance especially in financial accounting SSCE.
For instance in Orile-Igbore
grammar school, Ajura, one of the schools selected for this study eighteen (18)
students were presented for 2015 West Africa senior school certificate
examination for financial accounting , unfortunately all the eighteen students
grammar school, Ajura, one of the schools selected for this study eighteen (18)
students were presented for 2015 West Africa senior school certificate
examination for financial accounting , unfortunately all the eighteen students
Also in Egba-owode
grammar school, Owode-egba, forty seven (47) candidates were presented for
WASSCE 2015 for financial accounting. Out of this forty seven student, twenty
five of them failed while the remaining twenty two of them passed had ordinary
passes. The situation was worse for the same school. WASSCE result for the ears
(2014) where out of fifty five candidates that were registered for financial
accounting 52 of them failed while the remaining three had the result withhold.
Equally, in another school selected for this study, Sapade Grammar school , Sapade
nine (9) candidate were presented for WASSCE, apart from the student who was
absent from the examination, the remaining eight (8) failed. The situation was not different in
2014 where out of eighteen candidates presented for the same examination, ten
failed, while four had ordinary passes, two credit passes and the remaining two
students either had their result withheld or canceled.
grammar school, Owode-egba, forty seven (47) candidates were presented for
WASSCE 2015 for financial accounting. Out of this forty seven student, twenty
five of them failed while the remaining twenty two of them passed had ordinary
passes. The situation was worse for the same school. WASSCE result for the ears
(2014) where out of fifty five candidates that were registered for financial
accounting 52 of them failed while the remaining three had the result withhold.
Equally, in another school selected for this study, Sapade Grammar school , Sapade
nine (9) candidate were presented for WASSCE, apart from the student who was
absent from the examination, the remaining eight (8) failed. The situation was not different in
2014 where out of eighteen candidates presented for the same examination, ten
failed, while four had ordinary passes, two credit passes and the remaining two
students either had their result withheld or canceled.
above record had shown that student performance in senior secondary certificate
examination (SSCE) is quite below average. One may inquire whether the
incompetence of teachers could be responsible for the observed poor performance
of student particularly in financial accounting, and the widely acclaimed fallen
standard of education in Obefemi-owode Local Government Area of Ogun state
above record had shown that student performance in senior secondary certificate
examination (SSCE) is quite below average. One may inquire whether the
incompetence of teachers could be responsible for the observed poor performance
of student particularly in financial accounting, and the widely acclaimed fallen
standard of education in Obefemi-owode Local Government Area of Ogun state
Purpose of The Study
The study sets out clearly to investigate teacher
competence and students academic performance in financial accounting, a case
study of Obafemi Owode Local government area of Ogun State.
competence and students academic performance in financial accounting, a case
study of Obafemi Owode Local government area of Ogun State.
Also the specific objective
1. To determine teacher competencies on student academic performance
2. To determine the impact of working experience on teaching and
learning of financial accounting
learning of financial accounting
3. To determine the attitude of teacher towards teaching and learning
of financial accounting.
of financial accounting.
4. To investigate the impact of teachers method of teaching on
students academic performance in financial accounting
students academic performance in financial accounting

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