Title Page
Title page
Table of content Abstract
Background of the Study
Statement of the Problem
Purpose of the Study
Significance of the Study
Delimitation of the Study
Research Question
Research Hypothesis
Definition of Terms
Language as a tool
Teacher Qualification
Learning Attitude
towards Chemistry
towards Chemistry
Instruction Materials
Research Design
Area of the Study
Validation of the Instrument
Reliability of the Instrument
Administration of the Instrument
Method of Data Analysis
Implication of the
This research study was carried out to investigate the
students, teachers and environmental factors as determinant of achievement in
Chemistry. A case study of selected senior secondary school in Ikere Local
Government Area of Ekiti State. The research study attempted to identify the
environmental factors as determinant of achievement in Chemistry.
students, teachers and environmental factors as determinant of achievement in
Chemistry. A case study of selected senior secondary school in Ikere Local
Government Area of Ekiti State. The research study attempted to identify the
environmental factors as determinant of achievement in Chemistry.
Twenty (20) teachers were used and data was collected
through questionnaire. The questionnaire was analyzed and interpreted using
simple percentage. Base on the result of the research, it was revealed that
there are a lot of factors facing the teaching and learning process in
Chemistry in senior secondary schools.
through questionnaire. The questionnaire was analyzed and interpreted using
simple percentage. Base on the result of the research, it was revealed that
there are a lot of factors facing the teaching and learning process in
Chemistry in senior secondary schools.
On the basis of the findings, it was recommended among
others that more qualified chemistry teacher should be employed to teach in
senior secondary schools so as to have three or more Chemistry teachers’
preschool depend on the population of the Chemistry students in the school.
Also government should support the teaching of Chemistry by giving allowance to
Chemistry teachers which will encourage the teachers and the students to offer
Chemistry in future and take up Chemistry teaching opportunity for chemistry
teachers to learn and have knowledge about new discoveries. Finally, there
should be regular evaluation of the students so as to know how well they are
doing to improve their study of chemistry; the teacher should give assignment
at the end of every topic so as to be assured of how successful the teaching
and learning process is.
others that more qualified chemistry teacher should be employed to teach in
senior secondary schools so as to have three or more Chemistry teachers’
preschool depend on the population of the Chemistry students in the school.
Also government should support the teaching of Chemistry by giving allowance to
Chemistry teachers which will encourage the teachers and the students to offer
Chemistry in future and take up Chemistry teaching opportunity for chemistry
teachers to learn and have knowledge about new discoveries. Finally, there
should be regular evaluation of the students so as to know how well they are
doing to improve their study of chemistry; the teacher should give assignment
at the end of every topic so as to be assured of how successful the teaching
and learning process is.
Science as a whole embraces many
subjects which include mathematics, physics, biology, agriculture, health,
science and chemistry (Olagunju, 2001).
subjects which include mathematics, physics, biology, agriculture, health,
science and chemistry (Olagunju, 2001).
Chemistry is one of the three main
branches of pure science, the other two being biology and physics, chemistry
deals with composition, properties and uses of matter. It probes into principle
governing the change that matter undergoes Duyilemi, (2003).
branches of pure science, the other two being biology and physics, chemistry
deals with composition, properties and uses of matter. It probes into principle
governing the change that matter undergoes Duyilemi, (2003).
Chemistry concentrates on the use of
chemicals, minerals resources and other substances around us. The knowledge of
chemistry is therefore is indispensable for the development of technological know
how and industrial advancement Hazed, (2002).
chemicals, minerals resources and other substances around us. The knowledge of
chemistry is therefore is indispensable for the development of technological know
how and industrial advancement Hazed, (2002).
For an individual to understand his
environment and make maximum use of the available resources, he needs knowledge
of chemistry.
environment and make maximum use of the available resources, he needs knowledge
of chemistry.
In fact, while other science focus on
the biological and physical existence of the creature. Chemistry focuses on the
application of the available resource to better our living here on earth.
the biological and physical existence of the creature. Chemistry focuses on the
application of the available resource to better our living here on earth.
Industrial fabrication of all the
materials cannot be possible outside the knowledge of chemistry Alarepe,
materials cannot be possible outside the knowledge of chemistry Alarepe,
Virtually no substances could be
created except through chemistry. In plastics, fiber, fabrications, papers,
textile and cloth industries, production of biro and many more are result of
the knowledge of chemistry and the chemist Wilkin, (2001).
created except through chemistry. In plastics, fiber, fabrications, papers,
textile and cloth industries, production of biro and many more are result of
the knowledge of chemistry and the chemist Wilkin, (2001).
In wood industries, paint,
photographic materials manufacture through the understanding of the branch of
science known as chemistry (Edward 2000).
photographic materials manufacture through the understanding of the branch of
science known as chemistry (Edward 2000).
In chemistry, pharmacist, doctors,
nurses, and others in medicine line can only become such through the knowledge
acquired from chemistry (Duyilemi, 2003). Through the knowledge of chemistry,
the manufactures of drugs which are so essential to living are only possible.
Hence, without chemistry much soul would be impossible to rescue from death
(Ukoh, 2001).
nurses, and others in medicine line can only become such through the knowledge
acquired from chemistry (Duyilemi, 2003). Through the knowledge of chemistry,
the manufactures of drugs which are so essential to living are only possible.
Hence, without chemistry much soul would be impossible to rescue from death
(Ukoh, 2001).
Without science, technological,
agricultural, industrial and economical advancement would be impossible to
achieve in many society. Therefore, science teaching in schools today is of
great importance to students and the society in general if technological
advancement is to be experienced (Alarape, 2001).
agricultural, industrial and economical advancement would be impossible to
achieve in many society. Therefore, science teaching in schools today is of
great importance to students and the society in general if technological
advancement is to be experienced (Alarape, 2001).
For better agricultural output,
chemistry cannot be left out. The application of fertilizer on plantation is
the outcome of chemical research and for better productivity; chemistry also
help in the preservation of the farm produce through the use of suitable
chemicals. Without chemistry therefore, effort of many farmers and agricultural
would be in vein.
chemistry cannot be left out. The application of fertilizer on plantation is
the outcome of chemical research and for better productivity; chemistry also
help in the preservation of the farm produce through the use of suitable
chemicals. Without chemistry therefore, effort of many farmers and agricultural
would be in vein.
In the field of transportation without
the availability of many machines and engines would be of no value (Morrish,
the availability of many machines and engines would be of no value (Morrish,
The importance of chemistry and its
relevance to other discipline and even life had made the subject the core of
science without which all other areas of life and technology many become
paralyzed. One would expect then, that teaching and learning of chemistry will
arrest the interest of every student.
relevance to other discipline and even life had made the subject the core of
science without which all other areas of life and technology many become
paralyzed. One would expect then, that teaching and learning of chemistry will
arrest the interest of every student.
The teacher and the government and
that every students would be having their highest performances in a subject
like this. But the teaching and the learning process of chemistry is not well
planned not even monitored by the planners (Eniayeju, 2002).
that every students would be having their highest performances in a subject
like this. But the teaching and the learning process of chemistry is not well
planned not even monitored by the planners (Eniayeju, 2002).
Some students perceive chemistry as a
very difficult subject among others about having a thorough knowledge of the
subject for a better future. Some of the teachers assigned to teach chemistry
are not up to the task. The way these kind of people handled the subject make
the subject perceive it as being a difficult subject. Some unqualified
chemistry teachers may even teach without any instructional materials, so the
subject will be abstract, dry and meaningless to student to the extent that the
end result will yield no development in the life of both student and the
teacher. (Obaiya, 2003).
very difficult subject among others about having a thorough knowledge of the
subject for a better future. Some of the teachers assigned to teach chemistry
are not up to the task. The way these kind of people handled the subject make
the subject perceive it as being a difficult subject. Some unqualified
chemistry teachers may even teach without any instructional materials, so the
subject will be abstract, dry and meaningless to student to the extent that the
end result will yield no development in the life of both student and the
teacher. (Obaiya, 2003).
The qualify chemistry teacher in
another way may be discouraged by the attitude of the students and the lack of
instructional and other materials needed to make the lesson practicable and
chemistry textbooks especially one whose topic have been simplified and make
easier to understand by the students to encourage person reading are not
readily available. Therefore, the teaching of chemistry in secondary schools
based on the teaching techniques and skills which turn hinder the students to
successfully acquire the desire knowledge in chemistry is absent.
another way may be discouraged by the attitude of the students and the lack of
instructional and other materials needed to make the lesson practicable and
chemistry textbooks especially one whose topic have been simplified and make
easier to understand by the students to encourage person reading are not
readily available. Therefore, the teaching of chemistry in secondary schools
based on the teaching techniques and skills which turn hinder the students to
successfully acquire the desire knowledge in chemistry is absent.
In view of the unfavorable obstacle
hindering the acquisition of the knowledge of chemistry, the researcher
believed that teaching condition in chemistry could be improved to bring a
better improvement and necessary development in life to every individual and
the nation in general.
hindering the acquisition of the knowledge of chemistry, the researcher
believed that teaching condition in chemistry could be improved to bring a
better improvement and necessary development in life to every individual and
the nation in general.
The research will focus on senior
secondary chemistry students in Nigeria upon recognition of schools and teacher
factors towards their academic achievements. There is a need to look into
previous studies that accounted for factors of motivation as adopted by
secondary schools, preliminary lite rapture analysis is a must factors in this
research in order to gain desirable insight from chemistry students in Nigeria
ideally, research toward academic achievement of teachers and schools has
increasingly focused on certain students goals as research has focused on such
types of achievement goal, the task goal and ability goal.
secondary chemistry students in Nigeria upon recognition of schools and teacher
factors towards their academic achievements. There is a need to look into
previous studies that accounted for factors of motivation as adopted by
secondary schools, preliminary lite rapture analysis is a must factors in this
research in order to gain desirable insight from chemistry students in Nigeria
ideally, research toward academic achievement of teachers and schools has
increasingly focused on certain students goals as research has focused on such
types of achievement goal, the task goal and ability goal.
The understanding of teacher and
schools academic achievement goal theory, motives influences on students
schools related attitude and behaviors to develop antecedent and consequences
of teacher and school factors.
schools academic achievement goal theory, motives influences on students
schools related attitude and behaviors to develop antecedent and consequences
of teacher and school factors.
In addition, there is sample need to
discuss ways in which learning environment may influenced chemistry students.
Thus, encouraged school based motivation can help students achieve academic
success, the need to help students develop academic intrinsic motivation, it is
importance to define the factors that is predictor of academic achievement by
means of teacher and school into variable academic achievement, senior
secondary school students in Nigeria. The purpose of research will be to
propose and test of teacher and school process model of academic achievement (Bryne,
discuss ways in which learning environment may influenced chemistry students.
Thus, encouraged school based motivation can help students achieve academic
success, the need to help students develop academic intrinsic motivation, it is
importance to define the factors that is predictor of academic achievement by
means of teacher and school into variable academic achievement, senior
secondary school students in Nigeria. The purpose of research will be to
propose and test of teacher and school process model of academic achievement (Bryne,
The model posit parent, teacher and
school administration support for student’s autonomy positively influences
students. Perceived school competence and autonomous as school competence and
autonomy affect positively self-determined, school motivation which in turn
influence academic achievement. Simpson, (2001). Indeed, describing value
responsibility for parents and teacher and on how it is promoted within the
school thus, promoting interactions with teachers and peers and from
motivational perspective providing students with reward to keep (Olagunju, 2001).
school administration support for student’s autonomy positively influences
students. Perceived school competence and autonomous as school competence and
autonomy affect positively self-determined, school motivation which in turn
influence academic achievement. Simpson, (2001). Indeed, describing value
responsibility for parents and teacher and on how it is promoted within the
school thus, promoting interactions with teachers and peers and from
motivational perspective providing students with reward to keep (Olagunju, 2001).
Then, directed towards integration of
intellectual ability, learning style, personality and academic achievement of
teacher and school as predictor of academic success of secondary students.
intellectual ability, learning style, personality and academic achievement of
teacher and school as predictor of academic success of secondary students.
The statement of the problem is to
investigate the factors that determine the achievement of students in
chemistry. This study, therefore is designed to evaluate the teachers and
school factors on the performance of senior secondary school in chemistry.
investigate the factors that determine the achievement of students in
chemistry. This study, therefore is designed to evaluate the teachers and
school factors on the performance of senior secondary school in chemistry.
objective is to investigate the schools, teachers and environmental factors on students’
performance in chemistry.
objective is to investigate the schools, teachers and environmental factors on students’
performance in chemistry.
study would throw more light into the causal relationships among the student,
the teacher and the school environment – related variable under investigation
and achievement of students in chemistry. It will assist students in:
study would throw more light into the causal relationships among the student,
the teacher and the school environment – related variable under investigation
and achievement of students in chemistry. It will assist students in:
1. It
would help students to appreciate chemistry thereby helps arousing their
interest in chemistry.
would help students to appreciate chemistry thereby helps arousing their
interest in chemistry.
2. The
result of this study can help re-orientate student’s attitude positively in
result of this study can help re-orientate student’s attitude positively in
3. It
would improve the study of chemistry perspective.
would improve the study of chemistry perspective.
The study is delimited to Ikere
Local Government Area of Ekiti State and more especially to the teacher and
student and school environment factor as determinant of academic achievement in
chemistry in Ikere Local Government Area.
Local Government Area of Ekiti State and more especially to the teacher and
student and school environment factor as determinant of academic achievement in
chemistry in Ikere Local Government Area.
Five (5) schools were randomly
selected and allotted chemistry.
selected and allotted chemistry.
Another reason for this study was
that the time allocated for chemistry project to be submitted was short. There
is no time to extend the investigation to outside school for teacher
interviewed and parents of the students.
that the time allocated for chemistry project to be submitted was short. There
is no time to extend the investigation to outside school for teacher
interviewed and parents of the students.
There is no significant different
between the academic achievement of students taught by female and male teachers
in chemistry.
There is no significant different
between the academic achievement of students taught by female and male teachers
in chemistry.
There is no significant different
between the academic achievement of students chemistry in urban and rural
There is no significant different
between the academic achievement of students chemistry in urban and rural
There is no significant different
between the academic performance of students taught by qualified and
non-qualified teachers in chemistry.
There is no significant different
between the academic performance of students taught by qualified and
non-qualified teachers in chemistry.
There is no significant different
between the academic achievement of students taught by experienced and
in-experienced teachers in chemistry
There is no significant different
between the academic achievement of students taught by experienced and
in-experienced teachers in chemistry
There is no significant difference
between the academic achievement of N.C.E and degree student.
There is no significant difference
between the academic achievement of N.C.E and degree student.
is the process by which an individual is exposed systematically to his
surrounding so as to be able to understand, adapt and manipulate his
environment to suit his purpose.
is the process by which an individual is exposed systematically to his
surrounding so as to be able to understand, adapt and manipulate his
environment to suit his purpose.
SCIENCE: It is the study of man and matter to bring
about meaningful development to the society.
about meaningful development to the society.
is the part of science which deals with the study of chemical and their
application to life.
is the part of science which deals with the study of chemical and their
application to life.

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