Title page
Table of contents
Background to the Study
Statement of the Problem
Objective of the Study
Research Question
Research Hypothesis
Significances of the study
Scope of the Study
Review of Related Literature
Conceptual framework
Strategies that can make biology more effective in the
teaching and
teaching and
learning of Biology
Factor affecting teacher performance in secondary schools
method of teaching
Problem faced by
teachers in teaching
teachers in teaching
Theoretical framework
Research Design
Population of the Study
Area of the study
Sample and Sampling Technique
Instrument for data collection
Validation of the Instrument
Reliability of the Instrument
Data Analysis Techniques
Analysis of personal data
Test of Research Hypotheses
Discussion of Result
The study is aimed at
investigating strategies of improving performance for teaching biology
in secondary schools in Ikere Local government Area. To carry out the study, four research
questions were reviewed in line with
the purpose of the study. two hypotheses
were formulated and were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study use descriptive survey design. . The sample
of the study comprise of fifty
biology teachers. The frequency count
and percentages method were used to analyzed the research questions, while
chi-square test was used to test the research hypothesis. From the results
obtained, it was realized that most of the respondents agreed that Provision of
standard classroom will enhance biology teachers performance in the selected
secondary schools, also Supply of instructional materials e.g text books,
availability of standard library, Provision of workshop facility for biology
teachers. Adequate laboratory, well equipped for practical purposes for the
teachers and students. Due to these facts the teachers responded that the
provision of all this factors will improve the performance of biology teacher’s
teachers in secondary schools of Ikere local government in Ekiti State. The study recommended that the ministry of Education and principals should
give encouragement to teacher and support activities that lead to adequate
teaching and learning. Government should organize seminars, symposia and
workshops for biology teachers, principals on the teaching and learning
methodology and administration of school.
investigating strategies of improving performance for teaching biology
in secondary schools in Ikere Local government Area. To carry out the study, four research
questions were reviewed in line with
the purpose of the study. two hypotheses
were formulated and were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study use descriptive survey design. . The sample
of the study comprise of fifty
biology teachers. The frequency count
and percentages method were used to analyzed the research questions, while
chi-square test was used to test the research hypothesis. From the results
obtained, it was realized that most of the respondents agreed that Provision of
standard classroom will enhance biology teachers performance in the selected
secondary schools, also Supply of instructional materials e.g text books,
availability of standard library, Provision of workshop facility for biology
teachers. Adequate laboratory, well equipped for practical purposes for the
teachers and students. Due to these facts the teachers responded that the
provision of all this factors will improve the performance of biology teacher’s
teachers in secondary schools of Ikere local government in Ekiti State. The study recommended that the ministry of Education and principals should
give encouragement to teacher and support activities that lead to adequate
teaching and learning. Government should organize seminars, symposia and
workshops for biology teachers, principals on the teaching and learning
methodology and administration of school.
Background to the study
Nigeria teachers in any
educational system are facilitators of teaching and learning. They are the ones
entrusted with the task of breaking down the desired needs of the society as
specified in each subject syllabus into teachable and learnable topics in the
classroom. Teachers are thus, the backbone of any educational system and could
be referred to as nation builders. As a result of the important role teachers
play in educational enterprises and the influence they have on teaching and
learning, it is usually stated that ‘no educational system can grow above its
teachers’. However, everybody has a complaint against the teaching of
Biology by teachers in secondary schools.
It is dull, boring, difficult and useless from the point of views of the
learner. Ogunleye Akinyemi Wumi (2015) The teachers complain of
excessive workload and lack of facilities in the form of aids and equipment.
Principals and management complain, ‘it is the fault of the teachers who do not
make the students put in adequate labor’. These complaints have led
consequently to paucity of Biology teachers in schools thereby militating
against effective teaching and learning of Biology in schools.Ogunleye Akinyemi
Wumi (2015)
educational system are facilitators of teaching and learning. They are the ones
entrusted with the task of breaking down the desired needs of the society as
specified in each subject syllabus into teachable and learnable topics in the
classroom. Teachers are thus, the backbone of any educational system and could
be referred to as nation builders. As a result of the important role teachers
play in educational enterprises and the influence they have on teaching and
learning, it is usually stated that ‘no educational system can grow above its
teachers’. However, everybody has a complaint against the teaching of
Biology by teachers in secondary schools.
It is dull, boring, difficult and useless from the point of views of the
learner. Ogunleye Akinyemi Wumi (2015) The teachers complain of
excessive workload and lack of facilities in the form of aids and equipment.
Principals and management complain, ‘it is the fault of the teachers who do not
make the students put in adequate labor’. These complaints have led
consequently to paucity of Biology teachers in schools thereby militating
against effective teaching and learning of Biology in schools.Ogunleye Akinyemi
Wumi (2015)
is one of the subjects taught in the secondary schools and research works
discovered that students do hot perform well in external examinations like
WAEC, NECO, NABTEB, because of the chalk and talk conventional method used
mostly by teachers. The researcher used constructivists’ learning strategy in
order to improve students’ performance in external examinations.
Constructivists’ strategy is a form of learning which is a term for various
small group in which students work together in order to maximize each other’s learning
(Johnson and Johnson, 2004; 2009). Numerous studies showed on constructivists’
learning have shown the promotion of perspectives, positive and more supportive
relationships with peers, positive attitudes towards subject area and high
self-respect or esteem are learnt.
is one of the subjects taught in the secondary schools and research works
discovered that students do hot perform well in external examinations like
WAEC, NECO, NABTEB, because of the chalk and talk conventional method used
mostly by teachers. The researcher used constructivists’ learning strategy in
order to improve students’ performance in external examinations.
Constructivists’ strategy is a form of learning which is a term for various
small group in which students work together in order to maximize each other’s learning
(Johnson and Johnson, 2004; 2009). Numerous studies showed on constructivists’
learning have shown the promotion of perspectives, positive and more supportive
relationships with peers, positive attitudes towards subject area and high
self-respect or esteem are learnt.
It is a
student-centered approach and a total shift from the teacher red conventional
or traditional approach of teaching. The teacher is a facilitator in a
constructivists’ class where classroom activities are organized so that
students can interact with and learn from each other as well as the teacher and
the world around them . it is an arrangement in which students work in mixed
ability groups and are rewarded on the basis of the success of the group as a
whole (Stavin, 2000). The students therefore are able to learn more of what is
taught and retain it longer than when the same content is presented in other
instructional formats. Constructivists’ learning has been found to improve
students’ performance (Hagen, 2000; Paulson, 1999), increase students’
motivation (Paino, 2001), students’ social skills and increase students
satisfaction (Lord, 2001). Contrustivists’ strategy enables students to
interact among themselves, exchange ideas, compete and make use of all the five
senses. It is purely students centered and a total departure from the teacher
centered conventional method.
student-centered approach and a total shift from the teacher red conventional
or traditional approach of teaching. The teacher is a facilitator in a
constructivists’ class where classroom activities are organized so that
students can interact with and learn from each other as well as the teacher and
the world around them . it is an arrangement in which students work in mixed
ability groups and are rewarded on the basis of the success of the group as a
whole (Stavin, 2000). The students therefore are able to learn more of what is
taught and retain it longer than when the same content is presented in other
instructional formats. Constructivists’ learning has been found to improve
students’ performance (Hagen, 2000; Paulson, 1999), increase students’
motivation (Paino, 2001), students’ social skills and increase students
satisfaction (Lord, 2001). Contrustivists’ strategy enables students to
interact among themselves, exchange ideas, compete and make use of all the five
senses. It is purely students centered and a total departure from the teacher
centered conventional method.
Furthermore, the alarming rate at which teachers in
public schools resign and retire as a result of frustration permeating the
teaching fabric coupled with the misplaced priority of successive
administration in Nigeria concerning teaching.
public schools resign and retire as a result of frustration permeating the
teaching fabric coupled with the misplaced priority of successive
administration in Nigeria concerning teaching.
The need to strengthen biology
teaching at the secondary school level appears to be well recognized (Ajewole,
2007; Nwosu and Nzewi, 2007; Ndioho, 2007). Efforts toward the actualization of
this need have essentially focused on four discernable approaches: (a).
improvement of the curriculum, (b). designing of various instructional methods
and strategies (c) instructional resources and (d) improvement of the quality
of the secondary school biology teacher. It would appear there is a consensus
among experts in the field of teacher education that focusing on the
improvement of the quality of the teacher has a superlative advantage (Shulman,
1986). This is so because the best curriculum and the best instructional method
can fail at the hand of an ill prepared teacher. On the contrary, a well
groomed teacher is sure to find his bearing even when the other conditions are
not as good as they should be. Accordingly, current theories of teacher
education tend to emphasize the development of the pre- and in-service
knowledge base of the teacher.
teaching at the secondary school level appears to be well recognized (Ajewole,
2007; Nwosu and Nzewi, 2007; Ndioho, 2007). Efforts toward the actualization of
this need have essentially focused on four discernable approaches: (a).
improvement of the curriculum, (b). designing of various instructional methods
and strategies (c) instructional resources and (d) improvement of the quality
of the secondary school biology teacher. It would appear there is a consensus
among experts in the field of teacher education that focusing on the
improvement of the quality of the teacher has a superlative advantage (Shulman,
1986). This is so because the best curriculum and the best instructional method
can fail at the hand of an ill prepared teacher. On the contrary, a well
groomed teacher is sure to find his bearing even when the other conditions are
not as good as they should be. Accordingly, current theories of teacher
education tend to emphasize the development of the pre- and in-service
knowledge base of the teacher.
Statement of the problem
Almost twenty years ago, we are
in a period of educational crisis with a wide discrepancy between the
instrumental methods used in schools and those verified by research as most
effective”. One must ask why there is still such as a disconnection between
theory and practice when there is even more pressure on teachers to perform
than ever before.
in a period of educational crisis with a wide discrepancy between the
instrumental methods used in schools and those verified by research as most
effective”. One must ask why there is still such as a disconnection between
theory and practice when there is even more pressure on teachers to perform
than ever before.
The biology teachers teaching in
secondary schools face a challenge in keeping barest of development in teaching
and being able to ascertain their potential contributions for the improvement
of instrument at the classroom level.
secondary schools face a challenge in keeping barest of development in teaching
and being able to ascertain their potential contributions for the improvement
of instrument at the classroom level.
These teachers face the challenge of dealing with
today’s youth who hailer becomes more curious, more sophisticated and more
demanding in their approach to learning, thereby complicating the teaching
function. Most secondary schools in Nigeria are faced with strategies in
improving performance of teachers in the school. Therefore the researcher
intend to look into various strategies of improving performance for teaching of
biology in selected secondary schools in Ikere local government area of Ekiti
today’s youth who hailer becomes more curious, more sophisticated and more
demanding in their approach to learning, thereby complicating the teaching
function. Most secondary schools in Nigeria are faced with strategies in
improving performance of teachers in the school. Therefore the researcher
intend to look into various strategies of improving performance for teaching of
biology in selected secondary schools in Ikere local government area of Ekiti
Objective of the study
The major objective of this study is to investigate
the strategies of improving performance for teaching biology in Ikere local
government Area of Ekiti State.
the strategies of improving performance for teaching biology in Ikere local
government Area of Ekiti State.
specific objective is to
specific objective is to
Find out facilities and equipment that
are used for teacher in teaching biology in Ikere Local Government
Find out facilities and equipment that
are used for teacher in teaching biology in Ikere Local Government
Ascertain whether there is adequate
staffing in secondary school for teaching Biology in the local government.
Ascertain whether there is adequate
staffing in secondary school for teaching Biology in the local government.
Identify the extent to which student and
teachers have been motivated towards the teaching and learning of biology.
Identify the extent to which student and
teachers have been motivated towards the teaching and learning of biology.
Determine the extent to which the
government and other funding agencies extend their support to teacher
Determine the extent to which the
government and other funding agencies extend their support to teacher
Research Questions
The following null hypothesis has been formulated
for the study
for the study
Significance Of The Study
This study will be significant in
numbers of way which will seek to identify what should be the role of schools
and government towards the teaching and learning of biology, It will unfold the
strategies for motivating teachers and students in teaching and learning in
secondary schools, It will remind the teachers the challenges awaiting them in
the changing society and modern teaching. Generally the study will recommend
the ways of improving the teacher’s conditions for service to ensure efficient
and effective performance in classrooms.
numbers of way which will seek to identify what should be the role of schools
and government towards the teaching and learning of biology, It will unfold the
strategies for motivating teachers and students in teaching and learning in
secondary schools, It will remind the teachers the challenges awaiting them in
the changing society and modern teaching. Generally the study will recommend
the ways of improving the teacher’s conditions for service to ensure efficient
and effective performance in classrooms.
Scope Of The Study
The study is aimed at
investigating strategies of improving performance for teaching of biology in
Ikere Local Government Area. The students is limited to five selected secondary
schools in the local government. 50 teachers will be selected for the study.
investigating strategies of improving performance for teaching of biology in
Ikere Local Government Area. The students is limited to five selected secondary
schools in the local government. 50 teachers will be selected for the study.

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