The research dealt with the role of the home and the school in Ise/Orun local government area. Therefore it was designed as much so that teachers and parents would respond to the question on the research work adequately. The population comprised both literacy and illiterate parents who have different view whether to introduce sex education in to the primary school curriculum or not. The sample of one hundred and five (105) subjects were used for this study from the population, in both selected primary schools and the parents in the community the data collected were based on the responses to the questionnaire distributed among the target group comprising one hundred and five (105) subjects from different walks of life. The people’s opinion and perceptions on sex education in the home an in the school were clearly shown. Data collected were subjected to percentage, and appropriate recommendations were made based on the findings of the research work.
Title page
Table of content
Background to the study
The significance of the study
Statement of the problems
Research Questions
Scope of the study
Limitation of the study
Definition of terms
Literature Review
Survey techniques
Data Analysis
Discussion of finding
Background to the study
Efforts continue to be male to learn more about sex and moral altitude towards sexual life is very important for a healthy living.
Sex education as the instruction and counseling giving to children on subject related to human reproduction with a view to solving their sex related problems and guiding them to uphold high moral standard which may lead to peaceful married life at adulthood Giderone, Mary’s (1980) when we talk of sex education we do not mean education or training or instruction or counseling given on how to have sexual relations with members of opposite sex.
Through sex education in the family, adult members especially the parents are expected to enlighten their children on sex related issues such as physical changes in the body, menstruation and masturbation, the control of sexual urges, sex and its consequence, such as prostitution, contraceptive, premarital pregnancy and abortion.
Many parents tends to frown at the idea of giving sex education to children as some believe that doom so expose a child to some information he ought not to know about until when he became an adult. Deighton C. (1971).
Some other parents also believe that teaching sex education to children make them anxious, curious, and interested in practicing what ever they have been told during sex education briefings.
These view may be completely wrong because through sex education many vital pieces of information are passed out and these are particularly beneficial to children at adolescent stage of development. Durojaye M.O.A (1977) who if not properly informed at home may end up getting wrong information about sex related issued from the members of the peer group.
Parents are regarded as the principal agents of sex education and they owe it is a duty to give correct sex – related information to their children.
The school is the best place where instructions and counseling given to children on subjects related to human reproduction could be effective. Ekwealor C.C (et al 1976).
The social changes taking place particularly in standard of family life, sex conducts, altitude towards marriage are affecting almost all societies.
Therefore the home and the school have the responsibility to educate young people about sex so that they will base their future lives on sound moral and altical principles.
The Significance of the study
The significance of the study is to investigate the influence of the home and the school on sexual conduct for the guidance of the young ones. The occurrence of unwanted pregnancy, abortion and venereal diseases in society are spreading at an alarming rate and as a result, the need for sex education both in school and the home cannot be over emphasized. This study aims at the following objectives.
- Giving the understanding and conditions that will enable each individual to utilize his/her sexuality effectively.
- Eliminating fears and anxieties related to individual sexual development and adjustment.
- Providing for the individuals on adequate knowledge of his own physical, mental and emotional maturation processes as related to sex for all people.
- Giving comprehensive information about the sexual relation and its consequence such as unwanted pregnancy.
- Guiding the young ones to uphold high moral standard, which may lead to peaceful married life at adulthood.
Statement of the Problem
Various efforts have been made to look at the sex life of the pupils both at school and home. Some believed that it would corrupt the pupils even before they grow to become youths while others believe that, it is necessary for the moral development of the child.
Some teachers in the primary school avoid teaching this topic for some reasons, infact there is serious problem in the selection of topics related to sex education in the primary schools curriculum. Some pupils out of their religious inclination usually leave their classes when such topic is introduced, but its not supposed to be so.
The same thing is application at homes where parents are usually confused when they see their children read about topics relating to sex. To this is as if such related topics should not be taught in the primary school and also in the home.
Research Questions
- Can sex education be provided when the child is an adult or not?
- Can parent provided sex education for children?
- Can sex education involve the teaching of all that an individual needs to know in terms of effective and efficient life?
- Could there be any merit or demerits in introduction of sex education at the primary school level of education?
- Can sex education promote goods mental health to the pupils?
- Can discussion of sex topics continue to be discussed secretly or openly in the school and home?
Scope of the study
Geographically, Ise – Ekiti is situated in the South – East part of Ekiti in Ekiti State of Nigeria. It shares boundaries with Emure – Ekiti on the North, about five kilometers on the south about twenty kilometers from Ikere – Ekiti, on the East it is bounded by Uso in Ondo State a distance of about eighteen kilometers. This study is based mainly on the responses given by pupils in selected primary school in Ise/Orun local Government area of Ekiti State. The items of the instrument used to collect information’s cover only two broad areas of sex education, they are school factors and homes factors.
Limitation of the study
This study covers only primary school in Ise/Orun local government in Ekiti State. The reasons are that the researcher could not extend the work to a large scale as a result of financial problems and as well as time factors in carrying out the research.
Definition of Terms
- ABORTION: It is termination of human gestation before viability.
- CONTRACEPTIVES: These are devices like pills injections cell etc. Employed to prevent the occurrence of pregnancy.
- PREGNANCY: This is a situation where a female sex having in the body offspring in a stage of development before birth.
- MASTURBATION: Manipulation of sex orphans to achieve organism.
- VENERAL DISEASES: These are diseases contacted during the act of sexual intercourse.
- PROSTITUTION: This is a situation where a female sex engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse for payment, to put to an unworthy use.
- SEX: Either of the two main groups (male and females) into which living things are placed according to their reproductive functions.
B SEX: Sexual feelings or impulses mutual attraction between members of the two sexes.
- MENSTRUATION: To experience the discharge of blood from the womb that normally occurs in female between puberty and middle age at appropriately monthly intervals.

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