This essay is principally centered on
parents perception of sex education in Akoko Local Government Area of Ondo
State. The study was carried out in six major communities of the local
government namely, Oka, Ikare, Akungba.
parents perception of sex education in Akoko Local Government Area of Ondo
State. The study was carried out in six major communities of the local
government namely, Oka, Ikare, Akungba.
The research revealed that sex
education is very necessary in this modern age in train personal in sex
education and family counseling so that the individual in the society would be
useful to himself and the society to which he belongs. It also revealed that
counseling services should be provided in our schools and the appropriate
contents and strategies for delivery the services should be selected.
education is very necessary in this modern age in train personal in sex
education and family counseling so that the individual in the society would be
useful to himself and the society to which he belongs. It also revealed that
counseling services should be provided in our schools and the appropriate
contents and strategies for delivery the services should be selected.
Finally, recommendations were made the
further studies.
further studies.
Title Page
Title page
Table of content
Background of
the Study
the Study
Statement of the
Purpose of the Study
Limitation of
the Study
the Study
Significance of
the Study
the Study
Assumption of
the Study
the Study
The Concept of
Sex Education
Sex Education
Age Grade at
which Sex Education is Desirable
which Sex Education is Desirable
Agencies of Sex
The Incorporation of Sex Education in
The School Curriculum and its Contents
The School Curriculum and its Contents
What Parents
Rejects and Accept as Regard to Sex Education
Rejects and Accept as Regard to Sex Education
Summary of
Research Design
Population of
the Study
the Study
of the Instrument
of the Instrument
The Sampling
The Research Instructions
Validation of
the Instructions
the Instructions
Data Analysis
Discussion of
the Findings
the Findings
Definition of
Background to the Study
issue of sex education particularly in school and society in general has not
been given adequate attention in the previous years and this has generated and
created and still causing a lot of educational, vocational and personal
societal problems among the youths in the school setting and even the nation at
issue of sex education particularly in school and society in general has not
been given adequate attention in the previous years and this has generated and
created and still causing a lot of educational, vocational and personal
societal problems among the youths in the school setting and even the nation at
There are many advocates in support
of sex education and its being taught in school.
of sex education and its being taught in school.
This research work is not given
concern to the people in educational sector alone, but also embrace people from
other profession such as the medical practitioner social welfare worker,
religious organization, parents, and the mass media.
concern to the people in educational sector alone, but also embrace people from
other profession such as the medical practitioner social welfare worker,
religious organization, parents, and the mass media.
These agencies have divergence views
as to what sex education is and how it can be introduced, its effect, agencies
that should be involved or responsible for its magnification and at the same
time look and study what the parent accept or reject in sex education.
as to what sex education is and how it can be introduced, its effect, agencies
that should be involved or responsible for its magnification and at the same
time look and study what the parent accept or reject in sex education.
This research work is therefore
carried out to know the parent views of sex education, the age grade at which
it is desirable for students, the right agencies that should be held
responsible for its teaching weather it should be incorporated alone with the
school curriculum and what should be the contents of sex Education in the
school curriculum.
carried out to know the parent views of sex education, the age grade at which
it is desirable for students, the right agencies that should be held
responsible for its teaching weather it should be incorporated alone with the
school curriculum and what should be the contents of sex Education in the
school curriculum.
The areas where the parent agree or
disagree with sex Education. The procedure of organizing sex Education
programme in school. The role of Government should also be thoroughly looked
into as related to sex education.
disagree with sex Education. The procedure of organizing sex Education
programme in school. The role of Government should also be thoroughly looked
into as related to sex education.
Statement of the Problem
From the background of the study, a
part from the simple fact that the student parents community and the government
will benefit from the introduction of sex education also brings out the
teaching of sex education in the school the teaching of sex education also
brings out the fact which placed emphasis one of the major problems going on in
the society and had long been looking in the society and had long bring in g it
to order.
part from the simple fact that the student parents community and the government
will benefit from the introduction of sex education also brings out the
teaching of sex education in the school the teaching of sex education also
brings out the fact which placed emphasis one of the major problems going on in
the society and had long been looking in the society and had long bring in g it
to order.
Sex education has been problems in
the school system in the area of how the students parent the society perceive
what it is and how it should perceive what it is and how it should be organized
in the formal school system.
the school system in the area of how the students parent the society perceive
what it is and how it should perceive what it is and how it should be organized
in the formal school system.
The problem also around what should
be the content of sex education in the school curriculum. The problem of personnel
who should handle sex education issues. The problem of age grade at which it
should be introduced to the student in
either primary junior secondary senior secondary school and tertiary
be the content of sex education in the school curriculum. The problem of personnel
who should handle sex education issues. The problem of age grade at which it
should be introduced to the student in
either primary junior secondary senior secondary school and tertiary
The problem of the environment under
which sex education should be taught the problem of what should be the role of
the school, the religious organization resources persons the home and other in
sex Education also the problem center around what the parent agree with reject
in sex Education.
which sex education should be taught the problem of what should be the role of
the school, the religious organization resources persons the home and other in
sex Education also the problem center around what the parent agree with reject
in sex Education.
All these are the problems arising
in sex Education issue students have for long been looking forward for a
subject related to this issue. Some students blamed some of their sexual
promiscuity to lack of adequately information as to what sex Education is.
in sex Education issue students have for long been looking forward for a
subject related to this issue. Some students blamed some of their sexual
promiscuity to lack of adequately information as to what sex Education is.
This research study is therefore
being carried out to concentrated on these problems and find the ways of
getting the appropriate solution to them.
being carried out to concentrated on these problems and find the ways of
getting the appropriate solution to them.
Purpose of the study
The main purpose of this research
study on sex Education is to educate student as well as the parents, most
especially in Akoko Local Government Area of Ondo State on the concept of sex
Education is appropriate agencies to handle the programme, the personnel’s it
content in the school curriculum and to set out limitations to it teaching.
study on sex Education is to educate student as well as the parents, most
especially in Akoko Local Government Area of Ondo State on the concept of sex
Education is appropriate agencies to handle the programme, the personnel’s it
content in the school curriculum and to set out limitations to it teaching.
The Study is Set Out to Achieve the
Following Objectives
Following Objectives
To find out opinions of the parents
about what they perceive on sex Education.
To find out opinions of the parents
about what they perceive on sex Education.
To consider the age grade to which sex
Education should be taught.
To consider the age grade to which sex
Education should be taught.
To discuss the agencies that should be
responsible for the teaching of sex Education.
To discuss the agencies that should be
responsible for the teaching of sex Education.
To determine the effects of sex
Education in our school
To determine the effects of sex
Education in our school
To see how far the parents can encourage
the teaching of sex Education in the school the study also embraces the age
limit and the level of educational development at which sex education should be
introduced and taught in school. E.g.
from primary four to six in primary
To see how far the parents can encourage
the teaching of sex Education in the school the study also embraces the age
limit and the level of educational development at which sex education should be
introduced and taught in school. E.g.
from primary four to six in primary
assumption of the study would also focus attention on what agencies to be held
responsible for the teaching of sex Education
assumption of the study would also focus attention on what agencies to be held
responsible for the teaching of sex Education
study as well centers on the advantages of which could be derived, if sex
education teaching is given a place in our society and the school curriculum.
study as well centers on the advantages of which could be derived, if sex
education teaching is given a place in our society and the school curriculum.
Limitation of the Study
study on sex education deals with the limit to which sex education could be
taught to our young stars, it stressed the age grade and level of educational
development by which it could be introduced. That is it should not be too early
or too late in order to prevent our children against the risk of early
involvement in sexual intercourse. It
also expanciates on the sort of relationship which out gout to exist within our
youth so that they would not ruin their life to illicit acts.
study on sex education deals with the limit to which sex education could be
taught to our young stars, it stressed the age grade and level of educational
development by which it could be introduced. That is it should not be too early
or too late in order to prevent our children against the risk of early
involvement in sexual intercourse. It
also expanciates on the sort of relationship which out gout to exist within our
youth so that they would not ruin their life to illicit acts.
study final grades the age limit at which young stars could be thinking of
marriage issue for peaceful and harmonious marital life.
study final grades the age limit at which young stars could be thinking of
marriage issue for peaceful and harmonious marital life.
Significance of the Study
research study is significance because
research study is significance because
It would supply the entire society with
the necessary information on how to handle sex Education
It would supply the entire society with
the necessary information on how to handle sex Education
It would assist in education those
parents who find it embarrassing to discuss sex education with their children
It would assist in education those
parents who find it embarrassing to discuss sex education with their children
It would help in solving several
societal problem arising from lack of sex education among which are doing
addition prostitution and unplanned marriage.
It would help in solving several
societal problem arising from lack of sex education among which are doing
addition prostitution and unplanned marriage.
Research Questions
This section of the study centers on
the question passed across to the people on the concept of sex education
the question passed across to the people on the concept of sex education
What should be the concept of sex
What should be the concept of sex
Should the concept of sex education be
incorporated into school curriculum?
Should the concept of sex education be
incorporated into school curriculum?
Is sex education necessary nowadays?
Is sex education necessary nowadays?
Should the teaching of sex education be
limited to a particular age limit or stage of development?
Should the teaching of sex education be
limited to a particular age limit or stage of development?
Should any agency be responsible for the
teaching of sex education?
Should any agency be responsible for the
teaching of sex education?
Are the factors influencing related to
the motivation which children received from the education?
Are the factors influencing related to
the motivation which children received from the education?
For the purpose of this research
study, the following hypothesis formulated and examined.
study, the following hypothesis formulated and examined.
There is no significant reason why sex
education should be taught nowadays?
There is no significant reason why sex
education should be taught nowadays?
There is no significant reason why sex
education teaching should be make a necessary in the society nowadays?
There is no significant reason why sex
education teaching should be make a necessary in the society nowadays?
There is no significant reason why
certain agencies should be responsible for the teaching of sex education?
There is no significant reason why
certain agencies should be responsible for the teaching of sex education?
Assumption of the Study
This research study concentrates on
what the people (parents/children) perceive about the concept of sex education.
The valve which the people attached to the teaching of sex education in our
society. It also aims at what effect positive or negative which the teaching
will have on the adolescent children
what the people (parents/children) perceive about the concept of sex education.
The valve which the people attached to the teaching of sex education in our
society. It also aims at what effect positive or negative which the teaching
will have on the adolescent children
This section reviews the related
literature on parents perception of implication of sex education
literature on parents perception of implication of sex education
The related literature will center on the
The concepts of sex education
The concepts of sex education
Age grade at which sex education is
Age grade at which sex education is
Agencies that should be responsible for
the teaching of sex education in the formal school system
Agencies that should be responsible for
the teaching of sex education in the formal school system
Incorporation of sex education into the
school curriculum
Incorporation of sex education into the
school curriculum
What should be the contents of sex
education in the school curriculum?
What should be the contents of sex
education in the school curriculum?
The things the parents accept and reject
as regard to sex education
The things the parents accept and reject
as regard to sex education
How the parents can be effectively encouraged
to yield to the teaching of sex education in school.
How the parents can be effectively encouraged
to yield to the teaching of sex education in school.
The Concepts of Sex Education
Evidences exist about the alarming
rate of sexual involvement decrease in age of first sexual experience and the
existence of different form of sexual immoral
acts such as prostitution, sexual
exploitation and rape among Nigeria youths
rate of sexual involvement decrease in age of first sexual experience and the
existence of different form of sexual immoral
acts such as prostitution, sexual
exploitation and rape among Nigeria youths
In spite of these problems, sex
education has not been included in the framework mot only to provide
adolescents with valuable knowledge about sex, but also as a means of
protecting the risk which are associated with unplanned coital sex such as
teenage pregnancies, illegitimacy and other medical and psychological risk Owunanam
(1987). The concept of sex education has been particularly in Akoko Local
Government Area of Ondo State. The
controversy centered around the meaning of sex education and the argument on
weather sex education should be introduced to young boys and girls.
education has not been included in the framework mot only to provide
adolescents with valuable knowledge about sex, but also as a means of
protecting the risk which are associated with unplanned coital sex such as
teenage pregnancies, illegitimacy and other medical and psychological risk Owunanam
(1987). The concept of sex education has been particularly in Akoko Local
Government Area of Ondo State. The
controversy centered around the meaning of sex education and the argument on
weather sex education should be introduced to young boys and girls.
Why has there be alarming rate of
sex education in our society?
sex education in our society?
them, sex education is seen as the training in the mechanic of sex. The holders
of this views also point out that sex education training will lead
them, sex education is seen as the training in the mechanic of sex. The holders
of this views also point out that sex education training will lead
Some schools of thought are neither
in support nor agreement with teaching of sex education.
in support nor agreement with teaching of sex education.
Count nary to this assumption , the
advocates of sex education as psychological social and ethical attitude
standard, valves and behavior.
advocates of sex education as psychological social and ethical attitude
standard, valves and behavior.
While Fakunle (1986) see sex
education as process of marking as well
as developing a positive and wholesome attitude towards sex, a process the will
enable to individual to live a full life, enjoy his or life fully without
crises and of the society to which he or she belongs.
education as process of marking as well
as developing a positive and wholesome attitude towards sex, a process the will
enable to individual to live a full life, enjoy his or life fully without
crises and of the society to which he or she belongs.
this views Fakunle, he believes that sex education will help the beneficiary to
develop positive attitudes rather than
negative attitude toward sex and as we help time to avoid the life
crisis and makes a worthy and responsible member of the society, sex education
is not mere information on the act of love making. Sex education devolves on
all the nuisances of sex based behavior as a parameter of personality. Sex
education is the summative discourses of personality development and socialization (Oyeniran 1989). Oyeniran
perceived that sex education should not be regarded as the act of love making
alone but that it centers on personality development as Well as socialization. He sees sex education as
being related to the adjustment an individual within the frame work of the
this views Fakunle, he believes that sex education will help the beneficiary to
develop positive attitudes rather than
negative attitude toward sex and as we help time to avoid the life
crisis and makes a worthy and responsible member of the society, sex education
is not mere information on the act of love making. Sex education devolves on
all the nuisances of sex based behavior as a parameter of personality. Sex
education is the summative discourses of personality development and socialization (Oyeniran 1989). Oyeniran
perceived that sex education should not be regarded as the act of love making
alone but that it centers on personality development as Well as socialization. He sees sex education as
being related to the adjustment an individual within the frame work of the
In his view as well, sex education
is therefore concerned with the healthy development of personality through
informed understanding of the functions
of the body such as education exposes the individual and advantages of sexual control
is therefore concerned with the healthy development of personality through
informed understanding of the functions
of the body such as education exposes the individual and advantages of sexual control
Looking at these concepts of sex
education, we can see the need for sex education in our formal school system
education, we can see the need for sex education in our formal school system
These is evidence of a high rate of
youth coital sex and pre-marital sexual involvement among Nigeria unto sexual
and still resulting in sexual problems such as
youth coital sex and pre-marital sexual involvement among Nigeria unto sexual
and still resulting in sexual problems such as
Teenage pregnancies
Teenage pregnancies
Unplanned marriages
Unplanned marriages
Crude, abortions with its
resultant adverse effects sexually
transmitted disease infertility, high rate of divorce.
Crude, abortions with its
resultant adverse effects sexually
transmitted disease infertility, high rate of divorce.
Drug addition
Drug addition
Juvenile delinquencies and so
Juvenile delinquencies and so
research carried out by Owuamanam(1987) showed that inadequate sex education
information has had to an increasing rate of teenage sexual activities which
had been supported by numerous reports, although not scholarly documented of
unwanted pregnancies, illegal abortion and abandoning of unwanted babies.
research carried out by Owuamanam(1987) showed that inadequate sex education
information has had to an increasing rate of teenage sexual activities which
had been supported by numerous reports, although not scholarly documented of
unwanted pregnancies, illegal abortion and abandoning of unwanted babies.
Ayrinde (1982) pointed out the
effects of in-adequate sex education.
effects of in-adequate sex education.
intercourse, numeral diseases, health problem indulging sterility.
intercourse, numeral diseases, health problem indulging sterility.
intercourse, unwanted pregnancies, abortion infertility and life unhappiness.
intercourse, unwanted pregnancies, abortion infertility and life unhappiness.
Sexual intercourse, unwanted pregnancies,
unhappiness risk of mental breakdown
unhappiness risk of mental breakdown
intercourse unwanted pregnancies forced married unhappiness in marriage of risk
of divorce.
intercourse unwanted pregnancies forced married unhappiness in marriage of risk
of divorce.
Sexual intercourse, unwanted pregnancies, frequent
enjoyment, loss of direction of unhappiness.
enjoyment, loss of direction of unhappiness.
With the above information about sex
and its resultant there is a need to give adequate information about sex
and its resultant there is a need to give adequate information about sex
Sex education in the formal school
system has now become a highly necessary in youths and adolescent Uslander and
Weiss (1975) have document a variety of issues including sexual intercourse,
pregnancy, birth, abortion, menstrual and masturbation which young people as
numerous questions about during formal and informal discussions.
system has now become a highly necessary in youths and adolescent Uslander and
Weiss (1975) have document a variety of issues including sexual intercourse,
pregnancy, birth, abortion, menstrual and masturbation which young people as
numerous questions about during formal and informal discussions.
Studies have shown that adolescents
who know little about the risk of becoming pregnant were less, likely to seek
contraceptive protection when they involve in sexual intercourse.
who know little about the risk of becoming pregnant were less, likely to seek
contraceptive protection when they involve in sexual intercourse.
Kantner and Zelnic (1972) Sorenson
(1973). At present sex education in an organization among peers and in some
cases on encounter with what they read in magazine and shown sexual
(1973). At present sex education in an organization among peers and in some
cases on encounter with what they read in magazine and shown sexual
Age Grade at Which Sex Education is
It has been advocated by the people
of occupation in the society, the age grade at which sex education should be
taught to the students.
of occupation in the society, the age grade at which sex education should be
taught to the students.
Owuanam (1987) pointed out that the
pattern and the process which sex education could take in a formal school
system raise a numbers of important questions.
pattern and the process which sex education could take in a formal school
system raise a numbers of important questions.
For example, one might like to know
who should be taught in term of pupils age class and previous knowledge about
who should be taught in term of pupils age class and previous knowledge about
Spainer (1978) suggested that
effective sex education should being as soon as the cloud enters school. Each
year, the could should be presented with materials which are appropriate to his
or her sex socialization at that time so that they can be comprehended.
effective sex education should being as soon as the cloud enters school. Each
year, the could should be presented with materials which are appropriate to his
or her sex socialization at that time so that they can be comprehended.
This suggestion of Spainer
pre-suppose that at any age, every cloud has some sex knowledge and is capable
of acquiring some new experience.
pre-suppose that at any age, every cloud has some sex knowledge and is capable
of acquiring some new experience.
Sex education should be integrated
into subjects like family living, health education, physical education, Home
into subjects like family living, health education, physical education, Home
Agencies of Sex Education
There have been controversies on the
agencies that should be responsible for the teaching of sex education.
agencies that should be responsible for the teaching of sex education.
Ordinarily speaking, there is a
tendency to make people believe that the traditions agency for sex education in
the home. That parents should teach their children as much about sexual issues
as they train their children to adulthood on other issue.
tendency to make people believe that the traditions agency for sex education in
the home. That parents should teach their children as much about sexual issues
as they train their children to adulthood on other issue.
Over the years however, especial
research findings have shown that most parents are not willing, others are not
competent in act while a large number of them have no part play in the teaching
of sex education.
research findings have shown that most parents are not willing, others are not
competent in act while a large number of them have no part play in the teaching
of sex education.
Some parent either through ignorance
or non-challant attitude
or non-challant attitude
Bamidele (1986) pointed out the
attitude of the society especially parents who regard sex education as immoral
most especially mentioning or showing private parts in pictures or films. It is
highly forbidden to exhibit such to the youths.
attitude of the society especially parents who regard sex education as immoral
most especially mentioning or showing private parts in pictures or films. It is
highly forbidden to exhibit such to the youths.
youths should be given a guided experiment on sex education
youths should be given a guided experiment on sex education
It should be seen obviously here
that the parent may not be seriously blamed in as much as that is the way the
level of their socialization about sex education and inadequate information
about sex them to loose their head and
the first experimentation they tend to reach the slay and consequently abuse
that the parent may not be seriously blamed in as much as that is the way the
level of their socialization about sex education and inadequate information
about sex them to loose their head and
the first experimentation they tend to reach the slay and consequently abuse
Mksweeney (1987) came out that “
even youths are too embarrassed to ask even their parents related to sex she
went further by saying that some people regard that parents issue related to
even youths are too embarrassed to ask even their parents related to sex she
went further by saying that some people regard that parents issue related to
It has come to the thought of many
scholars that information should be left for peers to execute or that even when
that parent are not willing to delegate such function to the peers, they
indirectly force them to give the peer by refusing to teach or be taught that
subject matter.
scholars that information should be left for peers to execute or that even when
that parent are not willing to delegate such function to the peers, they
indirectly force them to give the peer by refusing to teach or be taught that
subject matter.

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