of contents
of contents
of the study
of the study
of the problem
of the problem
of the study
of the study
of the study
of the study
of the study
of the study
of terms
of terms
of environmental factors
of environmental factors
of environment
of environment
of environment
of environment
of academic performances
of academic performances
of academic performance
of academic performance
factor of academic performance
factor of academic performance
& system theory
& system theory
and effect theory
and effect theory
theory of natural selection
theory of natural selection
of empirical works
of empirical works
of literature
of literature
of the study
of the study
and sampling techniques
and sampling techniques
of research instrument
of research instrument
of research instrument
of research instrument
of data collection
of data collection
of data
of data
the hypothesis
the hypothesis
question one
question one
question two
question two
question three
question three
of findings
of findings
study investigated the nexus between environmental factors and academic
performance of economic students in Ondo state secondary schools.
study investigated the nexus between environmental factors and academic
performance of economic students in Ondo state secondary schools.
study was a descriptive survey research design. The sample of the study
comprises of one hundred and forty students in Ondo secondary schools.
Questionnaire was the research instrument used for data collection.
study was a descriptive survey research design. The sample of the study
comprises of one hundred and forty students in Ondo secondary schools.
Questionnaire was the research instrument used for data collection.
test was used to test the research hypotheses in the study, it was discovered
that there was significant relationship between academic performances of
student and home background. The study also reveals that school environment
influence students academic performances. Also, the study showed that there is
significant relationship between academic performance of students and
socio-economic status of parents.
test was used to test the research hypotheses in the study, it was discovered
that there was significant relationship between academic performances of
student and home background. The study also reveals that school environment
influence students academic performances. Also, the study showed that there is
significant relationship between academic performance of students and
socio-economic status of parents.
study recommended that parent without education and those with low educational
qualifications should endeavor to provide essential materials that will help in
improving their academic performance and also send their children to home
lesson after school hours. Also government should formulate policy such as
scholarship for students from low socio-economic status and soft loans for the
parents to enable such students to have equal opportunity to education as
children from high socio-economic status.
study recommended that parent without education and those with low educational
qualifications should endeavor to provide essential materials that will help in
improving their academic performance and also send their children to home
lesson after school hours. Also government should formulate policy such as
scholarship for students from low socio-economic status and soft loans for the
parents to enable such students to have equal opportunity to education as
children from high socio-economic status.
Background of the study
factor before now have not been considered, as one of the factors that have
link with academic performance in secondary schools, hence, it has little or no
attention in educational discourse and consideration. But over the past decade,
remarkable studies have indicated a correlation between the environmental and
academic performance of studies. Environment play major role in the life of
every individual whether students, teachers, employers and employee. Though
some people are yet to believe that environment brings about better
performance. Orlu (2013) in his article “environmental influence on academic
performance of secondary school student”, Udoh noted some unhealthy practices
in our schools. These include sitting of schools, inadequate facilities, poor
ventilation, e.t.c. most of our schools have no ventilation under these vital
conditions, the health of students and teacher may be adversely affected, which
will in turn reflect on student performance. Education is importance for the
development of society. The more educated the people of a society are, the more
civilized and well disciplined the society will be
factor before now have not been considered, as one of the factors that have
link with academic performance in secondary schools, hence, it has little or no
attention in educational discourse and consideration. But over the past decade,
remarkable studies have indicated a correlation between the environmental and
academic performance of studies. Environment play major role in the life of
every individual whether students, teachers, employers and employee. Though
some people are yet to believe that environment brings about better
performance. Orlu (2013) in his article “environmental influence on academic
performance of secondary school student”, Udoh noted some unhealthy practices
in our schools. These include sitting of schools, inadequate facilities, poor
ventilation, e.t.c. most of our schools have no ventilation under these vital
conditions, the health of students and teacher may be adversely affected, which
will in turn reflect on student performance. Education is importance for the
development of society. The more educated the people of a society are, the more
civilized and well disciplined the society will be
(2014) noted that the family, being a powerful influence on the child and its
importance as a primary agent of socialization, could in no doubt enhance or
hinder the academic achievement of the child depending on the climate in the
family. The more the parent is involve in the process of imparting education to
their children, the more the children might excel their academic career of the
society. Egunsola (2014) noted that one of the task of education is to train
young people to become useful members of the society and the training begin at
home in the informal way. The home of
the child is the first place he/she enters when born into the world by parents.
It has been assume that academic performance of students may not only depend on
the quality of schools and teachers, rather the extent of parental involvement
has a vital role to play in academic performance of their kids.
(2014) noted that the family, being a powerful influence on the child and its
importance as a primary agent of socialization, could in no doubt enhance or
hinder the academic achievement of the child depending on the climate in the
family. The more the parent is involve in the process of imparting education to
their children, the more the children might excel their academic career of the
society. Egunsola (2014) noted that one of the task of education is to train
young people to become useful members of the society and the training begin at
home in the informal way. The home of
the child is the first place he/she enters when born into the world by parents.
It has been assume that academic performance of students may not only depend on
the quality of schools and teachers, rather the extent of parental involvement
has a vital role to play in academic performance of their kids.
(2014) noted the socioeconomic status of has a relatively strong impact on
parental involvement compare to other factor, significant studies have
suggested that socioeconomic status is one of the most stable aspect of
socioeconomic status because it is typically establish at the early age and
tends to remain the same over time. The strength of socioeconomic and parent
involvement enables the children to achieve success at school.
(2014) noted the socioeconomic status of has a relatively strong impact on
parental involvement compare to other factor, significant studies have
suggested that socioeconomic status is one of the most stable aspect of
socioeconomic status because it is typically establish at the early age and
tends to remain the same over time. The strength of socioeconomic and parent
involvement enables the children to achieve success at school.
focus of this study is to examine a relationship between the extent of
environmental factor on student and level of their academic performance.
focus of this study is to examine a relationship between the extent of
environmental factor on student and level of their academic performance.
factor may affect student development in area such as cognitive, language, and
social skills. Research finding have show that continuous improvement of
environment on the student education can improve academic performance of
secondary school students. Educational opportunities for the children in this
present economic expression has generated a lot of problem such as high cost of
school fees, cost of educational material and provision of educational
facilities. As a result of insufficient fund and economic instability, the
continued investment in education industry is now assuming a social status
dimension. The environment is a strong indicator to the aspiration and academic
performance of students. This is because, most of the students sound education
is not confronted with a lot of increasing difficulties as a result of home
climate of which the socioeconomic background had a stronghold
factor may affect student development in area such as cognitive, language, and
social skills. Research finding have show that continuous improvement of
environment on the student education can improve academic performance of
secondary school students. Educational opportunities for the children in this
present economic expression has generated a lot of problem such as high cost of
school fees, cost of educational material and provision of educational
facilities. As a result of insufficient fund and economic instability, the
continued investment in education industry is now assuming a social status
dimension. The environment is a strong indicator to the aspiration and academic
performance of students. This is because, most of the students sound education
is not confronted with a lot of increasing difficulties as a result of home
climate of which the socioeconomic background had a stronghold
of our schools have no light, insufficient facilities, and no ventilation.
Under these conditions the health of students and teacher maybe adversely
affected, which will in turn reflect on student performance. Therefore for
student to carry his learning effectively and efficiently, it is necessary that
learning takes place in conductive environment.
of our schools have no light, insufficient facilities, and no ventilation.
Under these conditions the health of students and teacher maybe adversely
affected, which will in turn reflect on student performance. Therefore for
student to carry his learning effectively and efficiently, it is necessary that
learning takes place in conductive environment.
Orlu (2013) noted that it is pertinent to critically look at the environmental
factors that can help improve them and make some recommendation because the
very heart of our education mission is the goal of improving academic
performance. According to Egunsola (2014), the environment is the immediate
surrounding in which the pupils find themselves, students have shown that
environmental factors to a large extent affect both the physical and
psychological potential of an individuals, this lead to the condition that many
students failed to develop the potentials due to inadequate environmental
stimulation. However there are some environmental factors which have
contributed to this poor performance of student, which are home background,
inadequate school facilities, mis-use of technology such as internet and school
climate such as teacher- student relationship e.t.c. given this situation, the
problem of this study therefore is to find out really if these are the main
environmental factors that affect the academic performance of secondary schools
students in ondo state.
Orlu (2013) noted that it is pertinent to critically look at the environmental
factors that can help improve them and make some recommendation because the
very heart of our education mission is the goal of improving academic
performance. According to Egunsola (2014), the environment is the immediate
surrounding in which the pupils find themselves, students have shown that
environmental factors to a large extent affect both the physical and
psychological potential of an individuals, this lead to the condition that many
students failed to develop the potentials due to inadequate environmental
stimulation. However there are some environmental factors which have
contributed to this poor performance of student, which are home background,
inadequate school facilities, mis-use of technology such as internet and school
climate such as teacher- student relationship e.t.c. given this situation, the
problem of this study therefore is to find out really if these are the main
environmental factors that affect the academic performance of secondary schools
students in ondo state.
Statement of the Problem
education does not happen by chance. It is the product of effective teaching
and learning coupled with the effort of the teacher, the school authorities.
However, some research work have revealed that the performance of students is a
joint effort of both the school authorities and of the parents in different
education does not happen by chance. It is the product of effective teaching
and learning coupled with the effort of the teacher, the school authorities.
However, some research work have revealed that the performance of students is a
joint effort of both the school authorities and of the parents in different
This call for further research to find out;
1. The
nexus between environmental factors and academic performance of economic
students in Ondo state secondary schools.
nexus between environmental factors and academic performance of economic
students in Ondo state secondary schools.
2. The
school environmental influence on student academic performance in Ondo state secondary schools.
school environmental influence on student academic performance in Ondo state secondary schools.
3. What
relationship had socio-economic status on the academic performance of economics
student in Ondo state secondary schools.
relationship had socio-economic status on the academic performance of economics
student in Ondo state secondary schools.
These has recently became a cause for serious
concern. It has been observed by the researcher that some students cannot read
very well. Others attend as many as three schools within their primary and
secondary school career due to constant failures. Private school proprietors
tend to boost the population of their schools by admitting students without a
testimonial or statement of result and award fictitious results to ensure the
promotion of such students to the next class.
concern. It has been observed by the researcher that some students cannot read
very well. Others attend as many as three schools within their primary and
secondary school career due to constant failures. Private school proprietors
tend to boost the population of their schools by admitting students without a
testimonial or statement of result and award fictitious results to ensure the
promotion of such students to the next class.
Objectives of the study
major objective of this study is to investigate the nexus between environmental
factors and academic performance of economics students in Ondo state secondary
schools. It was specifically designed to;
major objective of this study is to investigate the nexus between environmental
factors and academic performance of economics students in Ondo state secondary
schools. It was specifically designed to;
(1) Determine
weather home background is responsible for high academic performance of
economic students.
weather home background is responsible for high academic performance of
economic students.
(2) Examine
how school environment influence students academic performance.
how school environment influence students academic performance.
(3) Determine
if there is any significant relationship between socio-economic status and
academic performance of economic students.
if there is any significant relationship between socio-economic status and
academic performance of economic students.
Research Questions
In the course of this research, the following
questions were used as guild;
questions were used as guild;
1. Determine
whether home background is responsible for high the academic performance of
economic students
whether home background is responsible for high the academic performance of
economic students
2. Examine
how school environment influence students academic performance.
how school environment influence students academic performance.
3. Determine
if there is any significant relationship between socio-economic status and
academic performance of economics students.
if there is any significant relationship between socio-economic status and
academic performance of economics students.
Research Hypotheses
Considering the research questions, the below
hypothesis are formulated .
hypothesis are formulated .
1. There
is no significant relationship between the academic performances of students
and home background
is no significant relationship between the academic performances of students
and home background
2. School
environment does not influence student academic performances.
environment does not influence student academic performances.
3. There
is no significant relationship between academic performance of economic
students and socio-economic status of parents.
is no significant relationship between academic performance of economic
students and socio-economic status of parents.
Significant of the Study
research student is important because it will enable students to be aware of
the factors that can lead to their poor academic performance. The research
study discuss the nexus between environmental factor and academic performance
of economic student, so that, they can present or minimize those factors, by
telling their parents the effect of marital instability on their academic
performance. It will also help the teachers to give proper education to student
on the effect of environmental factor on their academic performance. Student
are the future builder of our nation; therefore if they are not given proper
academic performance, they will continue to perform poorly and as a result of
the goals of education as powerful tool for a nation will not be achieved. And
again, parents will be aware that they have greater role to play for high
academic performance of their children.
research student is important because it will enable students to be aware of
the factors that can lead to their poor academic performance. The research
study discuss the nexus between environmental factor and academic performance
of economic student, so that, they can present or minimize those factors, by
telling their parents the effect of marital instability on their academic
performance. It will also help the teachers to give proper education to student
on the effect of environmental factor on their academic performance. Student
are the future builder of our nation; therefore if they are not given proper
academic performance, they will continue to perform poorly and as a result of
the goals of education as powerful tool for a nation will not be achieved. And
again, parents will be aware that they have greater role to play for high
academic performance of their children.
beneficiary of this research are students, parent, teacher, school authorities,
government, principals, educational and curriculum planners.
beneficiary of this research are students, parent, teacher, school authorities,
government, principals, educational and curriculum planners.
Limitation of the Study
limitation of the study is necessitated by the resources within the disposal of
the researcher. These limited resources include lack of accurate information
from students finance, time. The research is limited to Ondo state.
limitation of the study is necessitated by the resources within the disposal of
the researcher. These limited resources include lack of accurate information
from students finance, time. The research is limited to Ondo state.
Definition of Terms.
a form of connection or means of connection between things like environmental
factor and academic performance.
a form of connection or means of connection between things like environmental
factor and academic performance.
background: is the type of family, social position or culture that a student
comes from.
background: is the type of family, social position or culture that a student
comes from.
economic status: refers to financial position of the family, in which a student
is born into.
economic status: refers to financial position of the family, in which a student
is born into.
the act of performing, carrying into execution or action; accomplishment,
achievement, or how well or badly someone do something. The performance is in
two forms, it can be good or bad performance.
the act of performing, carrying into execution or action; accomplishment,
achievement, or how well or badly someone do something. The performance is in
two forms, it can be good or bad performance.
Environmental factors: this is an identifiable
element in the physical, cultural, demographic, economic, political,
regulatory, or survival, operation, and growth of an academic performance.
element in the physical, cultural, demographic, economic, political,
regulatory, or survival, operation, and growth of an academic performance.
School environment: a schools physical
environment includes then school building and the surrounding.
environment includes then school building and the surrounding.
performance: knowledge attained or skills developed in school subjects by text
performance: knowledge attained or skills developed in school subjects by text
chapter discuses the conceptual issues, theoretical issues, review of empirical
studies and summary of literature
chapter discuses the conceptual issues, theoretical issues, review of empirical
studies and summary of literature
Conceptual Clarification
Concept of environmental factors
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