Title page
Table of
Background to the Study
Background to the Study
Statement of the Problem
Statement of the Problem
Significance of the Study
Significance of the Study
Research Question
Research Question
Definition of terms
Definition of terms
2.1 Could life
originate by chance?
originate by chance?
2.2 The origin of
the genetic code
the genetic code
2.3 Mutations – A basis for evolution
2.4 Human evolution
2.5 Disagreements about evolution
2.6 Evolution as a fact and not fiction
2.7 Summary
Population for the study
Population for the study
Sampling Procedure
Sampling Procedure
Research Instrument
Research Instrument
Collection of Data
Collection of Data
Data Analysis
Data Analysis
Response of students
Response of students
response in percentage
response in percentage
Numbers of students with highest percentage
Numbers of students with highest percentage
Analysis of the Data
Analysis of the Data
This study
was carried out with the aim of assessing the level of misconception of
students about the teaching of Genetics and Evolution in selected Senior
Secondary Schools in Ikere Local Government Area of Ekiti State. During the course of this study, the
importance of the method of teaching used in teaching learning process were
emphasized on. The study also examined
the way the topic is been taught in schools as a fact or fictions.
was carried out with the aim of assessing the level of misconception of
students about the teaching of Genetics and Evolution in selected Senior
Secondary Schools in Ikere Local Government Area of Ekiti State. During the course of this study, the
importance of the method of teaching used in teaching learning process were
emphasized on. The study also examined
the way the topic is been taught in schools as a fact or fictions.
investigator however realized theoretically on the various relevant literatures
which were reviewed accordingly. The
study designed questionnaires for students to which randomly and carefully
selected. The questionnaire sought the
respondents views and opinions and the answered raised concerning the topic or
subject matters and additional information through observations and records.
investigator however realized theoretically on the various relevant literatures
which were reviewed accordingly. The
study designed questionnaires for students to which randomly and carefully
selected. The questionnaire sought the
respondents views and opinions and the answered raised concerning the topic or
subject matters and additional information through observations and records.
The study
further confirmed that majority believes inspite of their religion that genetic
and evolution is a fact and not a fiction.
further confirmed that majority believes inspite of their religion that genetic
and evolution is a fact and not a fiction.
it was discovered that the method of teachings use in the teaching learning
process is not presenting the topic as a fact.
it was discovered that the method of teachings use in the teaching learning
process is not presenting the topic as a fact.
It was
recommended that the government (Federal and State) should initiate educative
programs that will help the students.
recommended that the government (Federal and State) should initiate educative
programs that will help the students.
Lastly, it
was suggested that the ministry of education or the school management should
allocate the subject or topic to a qualified teacher that can present it as a
fact with relevant evidences.
was suggested that the ministry of education or the school management should
allocate the subject or topic to a qualified teacher that can present it as a
fact with relevant evidences.
Genetics is
the science of heredity and variation in living organism. The fact that living things inherit traits
from their parents has been used since prehistoric times to improve crops
plants and animals through selective breeding.
However the modern of genetics which seek, to understand the process of
inheritance, only began with the work of cigor Mendel in the mid nine teeth
the science of heredity and variation in living organism. The fact that living things inherit traits
from their parents has been used since prehistoric times to improve crops
plants and animals through selective breeding.
However the modern of genetics which seek, to understand the process of
inheritance, only began with the work of cigor Mendel in the mid nine teeth
In biology, evolution is the process
of change in the inherited traits of a population of organisms from one
generation to the next. The gene that
are passed on to an organisms offspring produce inherited traits that are the
basis of evolution. Any factor that
contributes to such a change can be considered a mechanisms for genetic
evolution. The mechanism include natural
selection. Mutation, random genetic, drift, and gene flow.
of change in the inherited traits of a population of organisms from one
generation to the next. The gene that
are passed on to an organisms offspring produce inherited traits that are the
basis of evolution. Any factor that
contributes to such a change can be considered a mechanisms for genetic
evolution. The mechanism include natural
selection. Mutation, random genetic, drift, and gene flow.
as a subject should be presented as reality, not as a concept that can be
questioned. The authority of the
educational system then compels, belief”, Regarding evolutionary teaching in
higher grades, he said. “A student is not permitted to hold personal beliefs or
to state them. If the students does so,
he or she is subjected to ridicule and criticism by the teacher or
instructor. Often the students risk
academic loss because his or her views are not correct about evolution as a
fact, and the grade is lowered.
as a subject should be presented as reality, not as a concept that can be
questioned. The authority of the
educational system then compels, belief”, Regarding evolutionary teaching in
higher grades, he said. “A student is not permitted to hold personal beliefs or
to state them. If the students does so,
he or she is subjected to ridicule and criticism by the teacher or
instructor. Often the students risk
academic loss because his or her views are not correct about evolution as a
fact, and the grade is lowered.
Evolutionary views permeate not only
the schools but all areas of science and others fields such as history and
philosophy. Books magazine articles,
motion pictures and television programs treat it as an established fact: Often
we here or read phrase such as when man evolved from the lower animals or,
millions of years ago, when life evolved in the oceans? Thus people, students
are conditioned to accept evolution as a fact and not fiction.
the schools but all areas of science and others fields such as history and
philosophy. Books magazine articles,
motion pictures and television programs treat it as an established fact: Often
we here or read phrase such as when man evolved from the lower animals or,
millions of years ago, when life evolved in the oceans? Thus people, students
are conditioned to accept evolution as a fact and not fiction.
According to Luria, Gould and Singer,
in similar fashion, States, “evolution is a fact,: and asserts” “we might as
well doubt that the earth revolves about the sum, or that hydrogen and oxygen
make water” it also declares that evolution is as much a fact as the existence
of granty.
in similar fashion, States, “evolution is a fact,: and asserts” “we might as
well doubt that the earth revolves about the sum, or that hydrogen and oxygen
make water” it also declares that evolution is as much a fact as the existence
of granty.
When leading educators and scientist
assert that evolution is a fact, and imply that only the ignorant refuse to
believe it, how many laymen are going to contradict them? Since it’s view
permeate not only the schools but all areas of science and other fields.
assert that evolution is a fact, and imply that only the ignorant refuse to
believe it, how many laymen are going to contradict them? Since it’s view
permeate not only the schools but all areas of science and other fields.
However at this point, once would have
to look at the mechanism for genetic evolution that brings about changes in the
inherited traits of a population of organisms from one generation to the
next. These will be done by way of
explaining what these four terms are:
to look at the mechanism for genetic evolution that brings about changes in the
inherited traits of a population of organisms from one generation to the
next. These will be done by way of
explaining what these four terms are:
Natural selection
Natural selection
Randomgenetic drift and
Randomgenetic drift and
Gene flow
Gene flow
Natural Selection: Darwin and Wallace
proposed that natural selection is the medianism by which new species arise
from pre – existing species. This
hypothesis or theory is based on three observations and two dedications which
may be summarized as follows: *individual within a population produce an
average number of offspring than are needs to replace themselves.
proposed that natural selection is the medianism by which new species arise
from pre – existing species. This
hypothesis or theory is based on three observations and two dedications which
may be summarized as follows: *individual within a population produce an
average number of offspring than are needs to replace themselves.
The numbers of individuals in population remain
approximately constant.
The numbers of individuals in population remain
approximately constant.
Variation exists within all populations mutation: A
mutation is a change in the amount, arrangement or structure of the DNA of an
organism. This produces a change in the
genotype which may be inherited by cell derived by mitosis from the mutant
cell. A mutation may result in a change
in appearance of a characteristic in a population. Mutation occurring in gamete cells are
inherited, where as those occurring in somatic cells can only be inherited by
daughter cells produced by mitosis the later are knows as somatic mutations.
Variation exists within all populations mutation: A
mutation is a change in the amount, arrangement or structure of the DNA of an
organism. This produces a change in the
genotype which may be inherited by cell derived by mitosis from the mutant
cell. A mutation may result in a change
in appearance of a characteristic in a population. Mutation occurring in gamete cells are
inherited, where as those occurring in somatic cells can only be inherited by
daughter cells produced by mitosis the later are knows as somatic mutations.
Randomgenetic drift: This refers to the fact that variation
in gene frequencies within population can occur by chance rather than by
natural selection. Random genetic drift
or the fewall Wright effect (named after the American geneticist) who realized
its evolutionary change in small or alleles which are representative of that
species may be present. Chance events
such as the premature accidental death prior to mating of an organism which is
the sole possessor of a particular allele would result in the elimination of
that allele from the population.
in gene frequencies within population can occur by chance rather than by
natural selection. Random genetic drift
or the fewall Wright effect (named after the American geneticist) who realized
its evolutionary change in small or alleles which are representative of that
species may be present. Chance events
such as the premature accidental death prior to mating of an organism which is
the sole possessor of a particular allele would result in the elimination of
that allele from the population.
Gene flow: Within the gene pool of a given breeding
population there is a continual interchange of alleles between organisms. Frequency as a result of mutation, gene
reshuffling will confer genetic stability or equilibrium on the gene pool. If a mutant allele should arise, it will be
distributed throughout the gene pool by random fertilization.
population there is a continual interchange of alleles between organisms. Frequency as a result of mutation, gene
reshuffling will confer genetic stability or equilibrium on the gene pool. If a mutant allele should arise, it will be
distributed throughout the gene pool by random fertilization.
Gene flow is often used loosely to describe the movement of
alleles within a population as described above, but strictly speaking it refers
to the movement of alleles from one population to another as a result of
interbreeding between members of the two populations.
alleles within a population as described above, but strictly speaking it refers
to the movement of alleles from one population to another as a result of
interbreeding between members of the two populations.
Breeding experiments also confirm, scientists have tried to
keep changing various animals and plants indefinitely by crossbreeding. They waited to see if in time, they could develop
new forms of life.
keep changing various animals and plants indefinitely by crossbreeding. They waited to see if in time, they could develop
new forms of life.
of Problem
of Problem
In Dubey, D.L et al (1979), both the teacher and the students
should be given a kind of orientation on the importance of learning in the
classroom for a productive academic achievement. Using or adopting effective method of
teaching the topic evolution is a problem in the teaching of biology. Lack of competence on the part of the
teachers to use the right method of teaching has lead many students to take
evolution as a fiction which brings about misconception; also contributed into
the ineffectiveness of the teaching learning situation.
should be given a kind of orientation on the importance of learning in the
classroom for a productive academic achievement. Using or adopting effective method of
teaching the topic evolution is a problem in the teaching of biology. Lack of competence on the part of the
teachers to use the right method of teaching has lead many students to take
evolution as a fiction which brings about misconception; also contributed into
the ineffectiveness of the teaching learning situation.
This write up is therefore meant to look into the method of
teaching and it’s effect on the teaching of genetic evolution.
teaching and it’s effect on the teaching of genetic evolution.
What method of teaching chance better understanding of
the topic genetic evolution.
What method of teaching chance better understanding of
the topic genetic evolution.
What are the effect of misconception on the parts of
the students in teaching.
What are the effect of misconception on the parts of
the students in teaching.
of the Study
of the Study
This study is carried out with a view to finding out the
misconception of students about teaching of genetics and evolution as a fact or
fiction and to provide or give some suggestions on what could be done in the
teaching of genetics and evolution for better understanding of the students in
classroom setting. The study is intended
to serve as eye opener for the govern at the educational administrators and the
white populace in general to see the inherent problems that result from method
of teaching as it affects classroom setting.
misconception of students about teaching of genetics and evolution as a fact or
fiction and to provide or give some suggestions on what could be done in the
teaching of genetics and evolution for better understanding of the students in
classroom setting. The study is intended
to serve as eye opener for the govern at the educational administrators and the
white populace in general to see the inherent problems that result from method
of teaching as it affects classroom setting.
Moreover, this study will help the school administrators
especially the teachers to know the right method to present the topic as a fact
for better understanding of the students.
especially the teachers to know the right method to present the topic as a fact
for better understanding of the students.
Furthermore the study will help in furnishing the government
school administrator and teachers, with some information in the method of
teaching for effective classroom management and how this affect the teaching
and learning situation.
school administrator and teachers, with some information in the method of
teaching for effective classroom management and how this affect the teaching
and learning situation.
The study is deliminated to senior secondary school students
in Ikere Ekiti, Ekiti
in Ikere Ekiti, Ekiti
Is there any significant difference between boys and girls
who misconcept genetic evolution?
Is there any significant difference between boys and girls
who misconcept genetic evolution?
Is there any significant difference between the
student religion background?
Is there any significant difference between the
student religion background?
Is there any significant difference between religion
and evolution?
Is there any significant difference between religion
and evolution?
The following hypothesis were formulated for the study.
There is no significant difference between the boys
and girls who misconcept genetic evolution.
There is no significant difference between the boys
and girls who misconcept genetic evolution.
There is no significant difference between the student
religion background?
There is no significant difference between the student
religion background?
of Terms:
of Terms:
The terms
used are defines as follows:
used are defines as follows:
Gene: The basic unit of heredity. A segment of DNA molecule that usually codes
for the synthesis of a poplypeplide chair that eventually determines the nature
of an inherited character.
for the synthesis of a poplypeplide chair that eventually determines the nature
of an inherited character.
DNA: Deoxynbonucleic acid.
Genetic make – up: The sum total of the genes
that an offspring inherits from its parents.
that an offspring inherits from its parents.
Mutation: A permanent change in DNA

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