Background to the study
Education has been identified as the mainstay of societal development through the production of human resources to occupy the various institutions that makes up the society. According to Oderinde(2005), Education is the key to development all over the world. As an institution, it provides platform for transmitting the required skills, knowledge and norms to citizens and therefore ensure societal continuity. Science occupies a prominent place in knowledge advancement for national development and the countless science based decisions individuals make daily informs the need for an adequate science education. The knowledge of science and technology is therefore a requirement in all countries and all people globally due to the many challenges that are facing them (Wambugu and Changeiywo, 2007). There is therefore the need to guide citizens of any nation towards a scientifically literate society since science and its products are unavoidable in nation building. Every Programme has its goals and objectives which are intended to be achieve at completion. Science Education is targeted to produce scientist for national development and cultivate an inquiry mind in all citizens (FRN, 2004).
Biology, an aspect of science, deals with life of which humans are a part. The teaching and learning of biology is very important because it provides knowledge on the functions and processes of life. Despite the importance of biology, the outcome of the educational system in Nigeria is however an affair of great concern due to the increasing growth of rate of failure among science students. Ndukwu (2018) reported that there has been a significant growth in the rate of failure and subsequent drop out in the Nigerian secondary schools. In a similar vein, Anwalu, Mohd and Muhammad (2014) observed that students’ achievement in Biology in Senior Secondary Certificates Examination has been unsatisfactory over many years. The poor performance in biology have been associated with a number of factors such as lack of teaching skills and competence by science teachers, quality of teaching, lack of motivation for teachers, quality and quantity of teachers( Braimoh and Okadeyi, 2001; Olaleye 2002, Daworiye, Alagoa, Enaregha and Eremasi 2015). Quality teaching in biology is crucial for developing scientifically literate citizens and improving economic productivity for sustainable development(Daworiye, Alagoa, Enaregha and Eremasi 2015).
The quality of teaching is associated with the quality of teachers, their level of satisfaction with teaching as well as the material resources available for teaching. Armstrong (2006) refers to Job satisfaction as the attitude and feelings people have about their work. Teachers’ Job Satisfaction however means the level of loyalty and feelings that teachers have towards the teaching profession. This feelings or attitude, which is an internal state, is associated with a personal feeling of achievement (Mullins, 2005). Mullin (2005) further linked Teachers’ Job Satisfaction with motivation. Motivation is the process that accounts for an individual’s intensity, direction and persistence of efforts toward attaining a goal (Robbins and Judge, 2018). Teachers’ motivation is embedded in payment of salaries, promotion, allowances, grants and recognition accorded them in the society. Teachers’ Job satisfaction and motivation may however be influenced by many teachers’ related factors such as gender, year of experience among others. This study investigated the level of Biology Teachers’ Job satisfaction, their extent of motivation, the relationship between teachers’ job satisfaction, motivation and their effectiveness in teaching biology as well as how gender and year of experience influence teachers’ effectiveness in biology teaching.
Statement of problem
Teachers are vital resources in achieving educational objectives. Teachers related factors have been identified as crucial factor influencing quality of teaching and students performance in biology. There is therefore the need to assess biology teachers’ job satisfaction and motivation for effective teaching of biology. This study also examined the relationship between gender, year of experience and teachers’ effectiveness in teaching biology.
Purpose of the study
This study seeks to examine the level of satisfaction and extent of motivation of biology teachers. Also, the study assessed the relationship between gender, year of experience and effectiveness of teaching.
- To determine the relationship between teachers’ job satisfaction and effectiveness in teaching Biology
- find out the relationship between teachers motivation and effectiveness in teaching Biology
- to determine the effectiveness in teaching Biology of male and female biology teachers
- to find out if There is no significant difference in effectiveness in teaching Biology based on teaching experience
Research Questions
The following research questions were raised:
- What are the relationship between teachers’ job satisfaction and effectiveness in teaching Biology?
- Does teachers motivation have effect on teachers effectiveness in teaching Biology?
- Is there any relationship between the effectiveness in teaching Biology of male and female biology teachers?
- Is there is no significant difference in effectiveness in teaching Biology based on teaching experience?
Ho1: There is no significant relationship between teachers’ job satisfaction and effectiveness in teaching Biology
Ho2: There is no significant relationship between motivation and effectiveness in teaching Biology
Ho3: There is no significant difference in effectiveness in teaching Biology of male and female biology teachers
Scope/ delimitation of the Study
This study attempts to look at the Influence of job satisfaction on the effectiveness of biology teachers. Five selected secondary schools in Ado local government area where used for the study.
Significance of Study
The findings of this study may be useful in the following ways:
They may help school management to appreciate the influence of job satisfaction on teachers’ effectiveness. It is hoped that the findings, recommendations and conclusions may be useful to education policy makers by identifying gaps in the existing teachers’ effectivness. Other organizations may use the findings of this study to improve on the motivation of their employees in order to enhance their performance and productivity. The findings of this study may contribute to the body of knowledge. Therefore the study may have farreaching implications not only for academicians but also for the government, policy makers, managers and the private sector.

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