1.1 Background to the study 1
1.2 Statement of the problem 5
1.3 Objectives of the study 6
1.4 Research Questions 7
1.5 Research Hypotheses 7
1.6 Significance of the study 8
1.7 Basic assumptions 9
1.8 Delimitation of the study 9
2.1 Theoretical frame work 10
2.2 Conceptual Frame Work 11
2.2.1 Concept of Insurgency 11
2.2.2Concept of Internally Displaced Persons 15
2.2.3 Concept of Family 16
2.2.4 Concept of Relationship 17
2.2.5 Concept of Family Relationships 18
2.3 Review of Related Empirical studies 25
2.4 Summary of Reviewed Related Literature. 35
3.1 Research Design 36
3.2 Population of the Study 37
3.3 Sampling and Sampling Technique 38
3.4 Instrument for Data Collection 39
3.4.1 Validation of the Instrument 39
3.4.2 Pilot Study 40
4.4.3 Reliability of the Instrument 40
3.5 Procedure for data collection. 41
3.6 Procedure for Data Analysis 41
4.1 Distribution of Respondents‟ Biodata 42
4.2 Analysis of Research Questions 43
4.3 Hypotheses Testing 47
4.4 Summary of findings 50
4.5 Discussion of Findings 51
5.1 Summary 55
5.2 Conclusion 56
5.3 Contribution to Knowledge 56
5.4 Recommendations 57
5.5 Suggestions for Further Studies 58
References 58
Table Page
3.1 Population of IDPs in Adamawa, Borno and Yobe states, Nigeria 39
3.2 Sample of the Study 40
4.1 Distribution of Respondents‟ Biodata 44
4.2 Influence of Insurgency on Spousal Relationship of the IDPs 45
4.3 Influence of Insurgency on Father-Child Relationship 46
4.4 Influence of Insurgency on Mother-Child Relationship 47
4.5 Influence of Insurgency on Siblings‟ Relationship 48
4.6 Chi-square Analysis of Influence of Insurgency on Husband-Wife Relationship 49
4.7 Chi-square Analysis of Influence of Insurgency on Father-Child Relationship 50
4.8 Chi-square Analysis of Influence of Insurgency on Mother-Child Relationship 51
4.9 Chi-square Analysis of Influence of Insurgency on Siblings‟ Relationship 51
Appendix Page
I: Questionnaire 65
II: Letter of Introduction 70
III: Approval of Request from NEMA 71
IV: Pilot Study Result 72
V: Sampling Table 73
VI: Results of Data Analysis 74
VII: Test of Hypotheses 78
Insurgency: Insurgency is a process of armed rebellious act of killing innocent
citizens, destruction of government and individual’s property causing
pains and fear on the victims.
Family Relationship: This is the interrelatedness and interactions between family members
through communication, love, dependence, provision and mutual help.
Boko Haram: This refers to a militant group in the North-East, Nigeria whose activities
claimed many lives and destroyed properties in the region forcing many
residence to leave their normal place of abode due to fear of being attacked.
Internally Displaced Persons: They are people forced out of their places of abode as a result of Boko Haram insurgent attacks and are living in camps within the
North-East, Nigeria.
BH: Boko Haram
IDPs: Internally Displaced Persons
NEMA: National Emergency Management Agency
NGO: Non-governmental organization
PHC: Primary Health Care
SD: Standard Deviation
UNICEF: United Nations Children Education Fund
UNHCR: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UN: United Nations
This research studied the influence of insurgency on family relationship among the internally displaced persons in North-East, Nigeria. The major objective aimed at determining the influence of insurgency on family relationship of the internally displaced persons in North- East, Nigeria. Four (4) objectives, four (4) research questions and four (4) null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The study adopted the survey research design. The population for the study comprised of 229,721 IDPs in all the IDP camps of the three states in North-East, Nigeria. Atotal of 400 respondents were selected using stratified sampling techniques. The sample was obtained from the two highest populated IDP camps from the three states of Adamawa, Borno and Yobe state.A developed questionnaire which was pilot tested with reliability (Chronbach’s alpha) of 0.842 was used for the study. Thus, a total of four hundred (400) copiesof the questionnaire were distributed while three hundred and eighty were (380) completed and retrieved. The demographic data was organized using frequency count and percentages while mean and standard deviation was used to answer the research questions. Mean of 2.50 and above was set as having influence while the mean of 2.49 and below signifies not having influence.Chi-square statistic was used to test all the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The findings revealed that; insurgency has significant influence on spousal relationship with2.33 mean and 1.10 standard deviation while the test of hypotheses revealed that the chi squarecal culated is greater than the table value ( 2 Computed = 143.03, 2 Critical = 40.12 at 0.5 level of significance). It was recommended that spouses (husband/wife) should be encouraged to have special time for themselves and their family, the same way they would if outside the camp.
1.1Background to the study The North-East, which has historically been known for its peace and tranquillity, has in recent years been facing serious security challenges. Since the activities of theBoko Haram startedwith attacks in the region and beyond the situation has degenerated into insurgency and terrorism. The group‟s activities, often characterized by incessant attacks in virtually all the states in the North-East and beyond, have resulted in many loss of lives and property worth billions of Naira destroyed, forcing many to flee their original place of residence. The security situation further degenerated in 2013, leading to the declaration of a State of Emergency in Adamawa, Borno and Yobe States. This situation deteriorated forcing families to flee their ancestral homes as a result of fear of being attacked by the insurgents, this led to the separation of family members and forcing many to live in internally displaced persons camps in the region or in other communities they consider safe
Insurgency is a protracted political-military activity directed towards completely or partially controlling the resources of a country through the use of irregular military forces and illegal political organisations (Emmanuelar, 2015). The common denominator of most insurgent groups is their desire to control a particular area. This objective differentiates insurgents‟ groups from purely terrorist organizations, whose objective do not include the creation of an alternative government capable of controlling a given area of a country
According to Emmanuelar (2015), Insurgency refers to a violent move by a person or group of persons to resist or oppose the enforcement of law or running of government or revolt against constituted authority of the state or of taking part in insurrection. Insurgency as 2 defined by Emmanuelar (2015) becomes violation of the constitution‟s criminal law and the international treaty obligations of a nation in the following circumstance: When insurgency constitutes an attacks on defenceless citizens and other property resulting into injuries, loss of lives and properties as well as forced or massive internal displacement of people out of their habitual places of residence. When the attacks by the insurgents drives business/investors away from an insecure area and also when the attacks constitutes domestic and international crimes punishable by law such as treasonable felony, terrorism, murder, crimes against humanity and genocide (Emmanuelar,2015)
Insurgency is a struggle to control a contested political space, between a state (or a group of states or occupying powers), and one or more popularly based, non-state challengers”
Kilcullen (2005), further draws a line between classical and contemporary insurgencies indicating that the latter seek to replace the existing order, while the former sometimes strive for the expulsion of foreign invaders from their territory or seek to fill an existing power vacuum. Traditionally however, insurgencies seek to overthrow an existing order with one that commensurate with their political, economic, ideological or religious goals (Gompert &Gordon, 2008)
According to UNICEF, (2016). In their publication beyond CHIBOK, the report stated that, the Boko Haram insurgency has triggered the displacement of 2.3 million people since May 2013. In just one year, the number of displaced children increased by over 60 per cent, from 800,000n to 1.3 million children. This is one of the fastest growing displacement crises in Nigeria. The menace of the insurgency slows many activities in the affected area, by displacing family members who use to live together. When attack is launched by the insurgents, people run helter-skelter to save their lives thereby displacing husband from wife/wives, father from children, mother from children and other relations
3 The United Nations (UN) (2014) guiding principles on internally displaced person, define the internally displaced persons (IDPs) as persons or group of persons who have been forced or obliged to flee or to leave their homes or place of habitual residence in particular as a result of or in order to avoid the effects of armed conflict, situation of generalized violence, violations of rights or natural or human-made disaster and who have not crossed an internationally recognized state border. Adamu & Rasheed (2016), stated that from 2013 to 2015 the number of IDPs has increased to about 5million within and outside Nigeria, most of these IDPs are from the northern region of the country. Boko Haram insurgency in the NorthernNigeria, has unleashed mayhem and terrorised almost all the states in North-East of Nigeria where schools and markets and other public places were burnt, innocent people were maimed, many students are abducted, kidnapped and were taken to unknown destination as in the case of the Chibok school girls. This affect the family as an institution and the wellbeing of its members
Halprin,(2012), maintained that the family is where all human beings get the very basic notions of interrelationships: the understanding of the meanings of connections, care, as well as roles, duties and responsibilities. It is the place of socialization for children who become young adults, and in the process they internalize the norms, the social patterns, and the various family roles they witnessed in their families throughout their lives
Families are critical in the physical, emotional, spiritual, and social development of children
The family is the source of love, protection, and identity for their members; all families have strengths, but many families today face exceptional challenges; Effective families contribute to positive individual development, a quality workplace and workforce, caring communities, and a healthy nation (Thames &Thomason 1998). In families lasting relationships are 4 established between members, such relationships are life lasting depending on the individuals involved
Okeke (2009), explained family relationships as how family members behave towards each other. She further stressed that, how the family members behave towards each other may affect the smooth running of the home. Okeke (2009), further categorisedfamily relationships into three groups: 1. Husband-wife relationship 2. Parents-child relationship 3. Sibling relationship
Husband-wife relationship which is otherwise referred to as spousal relationship is considered to be one of the most potent and primary adult relationships because among numerous types of personal affiliations, it is the strongest of all mature relationships in many society (Bradbury & Karney, 2004). Nevertheless, the spouses do relate not only with themselves but also together with their children, in the course of these relationships a father might influences his child’s development through many and diverse ways, through his genetic background, his manifest behavior with his offspring. So also is the mother-child relationship which seem to be most active and intense relationship in the family. Likewise the sibling relationship is the friendship, warmth, and caring brothers and sisters share (Kang, 2002)
But over the years, since 2009, the activities of the Boko Haram sect, have increased the displacement of families from the North-East states Nigeria in the form of internally displaced persons(IDP‟s) fleeing to safer havens within the nation and refugees fleeing into neighbouring nations like Niger, Chad and Cameroun. It has been noted that majority of these persons constitute women and children (Emmanuelar, 2015).Therefore, it is pertaining to note that, anysudden disruption on the society, most especially an insurgent attack, is likely to have negative impact on the family by altering the family relationships
5 1.2 Statement of the problem Family relationships have been demonstrated consistently to be stable and reliable sources of love, security, intimacy, communication, connectedness and gratifying social experiences
Over the years, husband relationship serves as the most important source of emotional contact and social support to any family. But the insurgent attacks that occurred in the North-East, Nigeria has caused many individuals and families to flee their communities and live in the Internally Displaced Person (IDP) camps or in other communities that they consider safe
This is necessary because the activities of the insurgents is often characterized by incessant attacks in virtually all the states in the North-East and beyond which has resulted in interruption of family relationship, many lives lost and property worth billions of Naira destroyed (Nyako, 2015)
The insurgent‟s activities has instilled fear in the minds of the people thereby causing a lot of interferences in the family relationships of the people of North-East, Nigeria as some families stay in IDP camps while others do not know the whereabouts of some of their relations. And since the situation is multifaceted and has element of terrorism, a number of scholars, from different perspectives, have written intensively about the problem as to how insurgency has affected the society depending on their worldview, interest and field of study yet not all the aspects of the problem caused by insurgency were properly explored and understood. There was absence of houses for the IDPs to dwell meaningfully with their families. More so, several overarching challenges have complicated the efforts to return normalcy among the IDPs. This is pathetic! It serves as a serious threat as well as a hindrance to ideal family relationship as recurring attacks by Boko Haram and also the ongoing military operations have delayed the aspirations and hopes of the IDPs for good working relationship with their spouses and children
6 It is also on record that Boko Haram insurgency has affected millions of families across West Africa‟s Lake Chad region (Amnesty International, 2014) and (Human Rights Watch, 2014)
Thus, many parents had run away, numerous children abducted, killed, even used as suicide bombers. Entire villages have been left without electricity, clean water, health care, schools – or simply burned to the ground. And needless to say, the existing family relationships of the North-Eastern populace have been grossly tampered with as families resorted to staying in IDP camps. This is an issue that has not been properly studied, and on the available literatures studied by the researcher, many studies have examined the causes and impacts of terrorism in Nigeria; however, no research has documented about the influence of insurgency on family relationship among the internally displaced persons
Therefore, as the issue of family relationship of the IDPs did not receive the needed attention it deserves. Hence, little or no knowledge is known about the degree of influence the insurgency has inflicted on the family relationship of the IDPs in terms of interference with their love, security, communication and connectedness, just to mention but a few. For that reason, it is imperative to study the influence of insurgency on family relationship among the IDPs as such knowledge will be help in great measure
1.3 Objectives of the study The main objective of the study is to assess the influence of insurgency on family relationships among the internallydisplaced persons in North-East, Nigeria. Hence, the specific objectives are to: 1. determine the influence of insurgency onspousal relationship among the internally displaced in North-East, Nigeria
2. determine the influence of insurgency on father-child relationship among the internally displaced persons in North-East, Nigeria 7 3. determine the influence of insurgency on mother-child relationship among the internally displaced in North-East, Nigeria 4. assess the influence of insurgency on sibling relationship among the internally displaced in North-East, Nigeria
1.4 Research Questions The following research questions were answeredby the study based on the specific objectives: 1. What is the influence of insurgencyon spousal relationship among the internally displaced in North-East, Nigeria? 2. What is the influence of insurgency on father-child relationship of the internally displaced persons in North-East, Nigeria? 3. What is the influence of insurgency on mother-child relationship of the internally displaced persons in North-East, Nigeria? 4. What is the influence of insurgency on sibling relationship of the internally displaced persons in North-East, Nigeria? 1.5 Research Hypotheses The followingnull hypotheses were formulated for this study
Ho1. There is no significant influence of insurgency on spousal relationshipamong internally the displaced persons in North-East, Nigeria
Ho2. There is no significant influence of insurgency on father-child relationship among internally displaced persons in North-East, Nigeria
Ho3. There is no significant influence of insurgency on mother-child relationship among internally displaced persons in North-East, Nigeria
H04.There is no significant influence of insurgency on sibling relationship among the internally displaced persons in North-East, Nigeria
8 1.6 Significance of the study This research titled “Influence of Insurgency on Family Relationship among the Internally Displaced Persons in North-East, Nigeria” will be beneficialto the IDPs, government, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), individuals, families, other researchers and Home Economics Educators
The IDPs will benefit from the research because the study has uncovered the true state of family relationships of the IDPs. The research findings have revealed and suggested how the family can function well and relationship maintained even when displaced by insurgency
Furthermore, the IDPs will be made to have access to this findings during community gathering and IDPs meetings
The government can benefit from the findings of this research, because the study has made known how family relationships of the internally displaced persons were affected by the activities of the insurgents. The study will help government in finding a way forward to help the IDPs because when individual families are affected the government is affected too. More so, it generally believed that families served as unit of the society through which government functions are carried out. Thus, the findings will be publicised onthe internet through learned journals, seminars and/or workshops for the attention of general public
Non-governmental organization will also benefit from the research work particularly charity organisation since the result has revealed the true state of families that are internally displaced and how these families relate and the function of the family carried out in the IDPs camps in North-east Nigeria and how they can aid the IDPs. As stated earlier, the findings would be available on media for the NGOs to access
Individuals and families will also benefit from this research as the result will show how insurgency affects the family and serve as deterrent to individuals so as to desist from any act 9 of violence. It will equally help families to guide their children from involving in such act since it has resultant effects on the individual families and society at large
Other researchers can find this work useful because it can serve as a reference material for their work. It would be available in school libraries and academic publications for researchers to use
The research equally can serve as reference material for Home Economics Educators so as to enlighten the upcoming pupils/students on the influence of insurgency on family relationship as they teach conflict and conflict resolution
1.7Basic assumptions This research is based on the assumptions that: 1. Insurgency hasaffected the spousal interactions and communication among the internally displaced persons in North-East, Nigeria
2. Insurgency has disrupted parent-child relationships of the internally displaced persons in North-East, Nigeria
3. Insurgency has affected the cordial relationship among siblings that were internally displaced in North-East, Nigeria
1.8 Delimitation of the study The work is delimited to families that are internally displaced as a result of the Boko Haram insurgency in North-East, Nigeria. Its scope is to assess the influence of Boko Haram insurgency on family relationships in North-East, Nigeria because the insurgent attacks has caused families to flee their places of residence to live in IDPs camps.This research focused on the three most hit states i.e. Adamawa state, Borno state, and Yobe state because these states were declared state of emergency as a result of the insurgent attacks that claimed many lives and caused the displacements of many
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