The aim of the study was to analyze the impact of social media on the students academic performance in College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti. To achieve, the survey research method was used subject were drawn from the College of Education, Ikere Ekiti, using the simple random sampling technique and purposive sampling four research question guided the study. Research findings showed that a great number of students in College of Education, Ikere Ekiti had access to the internet. To this end the researcher recommended that sites should be created for educational purpose as well. This is to create a balance between social networking and academic activities of student to avoid setbacks in the academic performance of the students.
Background to the study
Statement of the problem
Purpose of the study
Significance of the study
Scope of the study
Research Hypotheses
Research Questions
Literature Review
Research design
Area of the Study
Population of the Study
Sample and Sampling Technique
Instruments for Data Collection
Validity of Instrument
Reliability of the Instrument
Administration of the Instrument
Data Analysis Techniques
Result and Analysis of Data
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation
- Background of the Study
Social media has exploded as a category of online discourse where people create content, share it, bookmark it and network at a prodigious rate. Because of its ease of use, speed and reach, social media is fast changing the public discourse in society and setting trends and agenda in topics that range from the environment and politics to technology and the entertainment industry(Asur and Huberman, 2010). In the last ten years, the online world has changed dramatically, thanks to the invention of social media, young men and women now exchange ideas, feelings, personal information, pictures and videos at a truly astonishing rate. Seventy-three percent of wired American teens now use social media websites (Oberst, 2010).
Martn, (2008) & Lusk, (2010) share the same concept of social media. To them social media is the use of Facebook, Blogs, Twitter, My Space and LinkedIn for the purpose of communication, sharing photos as well as videos. However for the purpose of this study social media is captured within the use of internet through Facebook, Whatsap, Twitter, Skype, MySpace as well as Yahoo Messenger for communication sharing of ideas, sharing of photos and videos by users. The increased use of Social Networking Websites has become an international phenomenon in the past several years. What started out as a hobby for some computer literate people has become a social norm and way of life for people from all over the world (Boyd. 2007). Teenagers and young adults have especially embraced these sites as a way to connect with their peers, share information, reinvent their personalities, and showcase their social lives (Boyd, 2007).
In the past years, social media websites have become common; giving young people a new way to interact with each other and communicate with the world. Social networking became popular between 2004 and 2006, after Facebook and MySpace were created. Facebook, for example has over 500 million members and it is still growing and approximately 85% of undergraduate students are Facebook users (Schneider, 2009). These numbers are expected to grow since Facebook users will continue to grow. And this is not only true for Facebook, numbers for YouTube users closely follow as well (University of New Hampshire, 2009).
Social networking websites provide tools by which people can communicate, share information, and
create new relationships. With the popularity of social networking websites on the rise, our social interaction is affected in multiple ways as we adapt to our increasingly technological world. The way web users interact and talk to each other has changed and continues to change. These users now socialize through the internet and it takes away from the person socialization that has been around forever. Social networking websites have affected our social interaction by changing the way we interact face-to-face, how we receive information, and the dynamics of our social groups and friendships (Asur and Huberman, 2010).
Social media is started whenpeoplestart to communicate. Social means human society, as interference of people& the groups and word media is the medium of expressions.Most of the forms of social media are not digital. Itgenerates a large number of innovations and Social Media is one of the biggest inventions of technology, which is now most popular and widely used. We defineSocial Media as “technologies that made social communication easy and enable discussions among its participants”. While in our study, the word social media means a web-based mobile application that allowspeopleor companies to make, interact with, and share new user-generated or current material, in digital environment. Students are consumers and producers of media. Thanks to the Internet and social web including Facebook, twitter, blogs, Smart phones, and text messaging, most students increasingly live in a world where information is access to communication technologies. For example, in 2010 as reports showsAmerican teenagers about 73% of them use social networking sites, and 75% have a cell phone Students are not always have Media literacy skills that can help them to effectively analyze, understand, And evaluate new forms of information and make smart decisions about its Quality and uses (Rowland‟s et al., 2008) The use of social media has become comprehensive and currently, the most popular social media plate forms are Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn and Google +, Skype and smart phones. Facebook user profiles allow the user to communicate information with each other and allow users to build and maintain relationships and encourage others to be a part of a communityamong students of colleges online social websites become popular. Inthe last previous years social media is used to connect with higher educationstudentsisincreasinglyresponded (Martinez-Aleman & Wartman, 2009). This in turn put pressure on members of faculty touse social networking within the classrooms and outside the classrooms to connect with students. There are many advantages foruniversities and colleges that can be gainedby connecting with studentsthrough the social media In Twitter,social relations wereincreasedamong students. It is used to increasethinking and building ofcommunication. A research is done in which graduate a seminar is conducted for students to post weekly tweets in discussions ofclassroom. Twitter is used by Students to connect with eachother.A study completedon132students thatcheck on the relation between social media on the student engagement &social media on the grades of students. They madetwo groups of students; one group did not useTwitter and other group uses it. Students use Twitter to discuss the study material, connect with classmates, andorganize study groups. Junco with his co-workers comes to know that students uses Twitter had superior GPAs and greater resultsas compare toother group. The invention of smart phone has increase the usage of social media. It enable users to access multiple social networking sites through just few clicks these social Medias has a great impact on students on which large number of researches has been conducted and each research shows unique results. Some studies prove that social media negatively affect the performance of students while according to some researches it improves the learning of its users and improve their communications skill
1.1 Statement of the Problem
Since the advent of social medial sites in the 1990s; it is assumed in some quarters that the academic performances of student in facing a lot of neglect and challenges. There is a deviation, distraction and divided attention between social networking activities and their academic work. It is observed that student devote more attention to social media than they do not their studies therefore the question in this study is out to answer is: how do social media affect the academic performances of student in College of Education Ikere Ekiti?
1.2 Objective of the Study
The study has the following objective
- To determine the impact of social media on Academic performance.
- To determine how often student of college of education Ikere-Ekiti go online.
- To ascertain how the use of social media has affected academic performance of the student.
1.3 Research Question
- What social networking sites do the student in College of Education Ikere Ekiti had access to?
- How often do the student in College of Education Ikere Ekiti online.
- How has the use of social media affected the academic performance of the student in College of Education?
- How many hours do the students spend on social networking activities?
1.4 Scope of the Study
The research intends to focus on student in College of Education Ikere-Ekiti for easy analysis of data. This will reduce cost and avoid complexity that may arise as a result of having a very large population. But since in most cases that characteristics of student are generally similar, the research findings would be generalized to include all student of Nigeria College of Education.
1.5 Significance of the Study
The study will help researcher with more information on the influence of social media on the student academic performance. It will be relevant in assisting student in understanding the diversity of social media. It will provide relevance materials for student and other researchers undertaking similar research.
1.6 Definition of Key Terms
The following are key terms used in research work:
Social-Media: This is form of electronic communication which facilitate interactive base on certain interest. Social medial include web and mobile technology, Kaplan and Helen (2010) defined social media as group of interest based application that allows the certain and exchange of user generated content.
Social-Networking Sites: A website where people put information about them and can send to others.
Social-Networking: The use of internet to make information about yourself available to other people especially people you share an interest with to send message to them.
Media: Are all those media technologies that are intended to reach a large audience by mass communication. They are message communicated through a mass medium to a number of people (Bittne 1980).
Academic: It is concerned with studying from book as opposed by a practical work.
Student: someone who is studying at a university or school, someone who is very interested in a particular subject.
Computer: A computer is a machine that receive or stores or process data quickly according to a store program.

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