Background of the Study
The influence of
instructional materials in promoting students’ academic performance and
teaching and learning in educational development is indisputable. The teaching
of business studies in Nigerian secondary schools needs to be properly handled.
Instructional materials are materials which assist teachers to make their
lessons explicit to learners. They are also used to transmit information, ideas
and notes to learners Ijaduola (2007). Instructional materials include both
visuals and audiovisuals such as pictures, flashcards, posters, charts, tape
recorder, radio, video, television and computers. If education program is to be
planned and if efforts for continued improvement are to be made, it is very

necessary to 
have  some  conception the  goal 
that  are being  aimed 
at the educational objectives become a criteria by which material are
selected, content is
outline, instructional
procedures are developed.
Education, according to
Coombs (2006), consists of two components. He
classified these two components into inputs and output.
According to him, inputs
consist of human and
materials resource and output are the goals and outcome of
the educational process. Both whole and if one wants to investigate
and assess the
education system in order to
improve its performance, effects of one component
the other must be examined. Instructional materials which
are educational
input are of vital importance
to the teaching of any subject in the school curriculum.
In all human society past
and present, education has been instrumental impacting positively to the
survival of individuals and the society. Indeed instructional materials provides concepts and attitudes to
the student w
hich improved his skills, ability
to reason and makes him/her informed about what is going on globally. Education
has helped to bring the entire world into an entity through the information and
knowledge education has helped us to achieve. Instructional materials are an
aid to teaching and learning. It helps to raise learning   from 
verbalization  to   practical  
aspect   of teaching   and  
learning Instructional materials make teaching and learning interesting,
easy and amusing It makes learning more effective Clark (2007).
In another development, the
use of instructional materials makes different
continents to shape their rules and regulations, to accommodate the
others. This is done by providing them with the socio-cultural and political
ways and accommodate another. An instructional material makes students
understand more effective Olardi (2006), has highlighted the impact of
instructional materials that teachers use to improve the students from
understanding and perception of the subject as an enhanced aid.
Kay (2008), instructional
materials stimulate the students desire to assist learning process by
making assimilation and memorization of materials Also, it helps to hold
attention, include greeted acquisition and, as well as objectives which may be in accessible to many students.
Statement of the Problem
The relevance and effect of
instructional materials has lot of general benefits guides a greater impact
teaching and learning process in business studies. The teacher’s level of resourcefulness, creativity and imagination
is credited to the achievement of quality education in Ikere local government
area of Ekiti state. There is a fair use of instructional materials during
account class which
teaching and learning activities more theoretical, abstract and ineffective.
Instructional materials are
major determining variables that control the pace
of learning. It has to do with the creation of an environment
in which students can
develop their full
potentials and lead productive live in accordance with demand
interest and needs. 
For learning to be meaningful and permanent, it is necessary that
instructional must be used. Therefore this study has the problem of finding out
the relevance and effects of instructional materials in teaching and learning
of business studies in sensior secondary schools in Ikere local government
Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of the
study was to determine the relevance and effect of instructional materials in
teaching aid and learning of business studies in senior secondary schools in
Ikere local government area of Ekiti state. Specifically, the study aimed:
1. To determine the relevance of
instructional materials to teachers and learners.
2. To examine the factors affecting the use of instructional
materials in business studies.
3. To determine the impacts of
instructional materials on the academic performance of secondary schools
students in business studies in Ikere local government area of Ekiti state.
4.To determine the effect of fund on the
use of instructional materials 
Significance of the Study
`The findings of the study
will be of much help to students, researcher and teachers in secondary schools.
This is so because the report of this study will serve as a good reference
document to learners when conducting 
research on the impact of instructional materials in teaching and
learning to raise it as an issue during parents-teachers meeting in school.
Scope of the Study
The main focus of this study
is the impact of instructional materials on the teaching and learning of business
studies in senior secondary schools in Ikere local government Area.
Research Questions
The researcher provided
answers to the following questions:
1.     What is the relevance of instructional materials to teaching and
2.     What is the attitude of students towards the use of instructional
3.     What is the impact of instructional materials on teachers’ task
and academic achievement?
4.     What is the impact of instructional materials on the academic
performance of students?
5.     What are effect of fund on the use of the instructional materials?
Assumptions of the Study
The researcher assumed that
instructional materials in business studies are not used in most secondary
schools in Ikere local government area of Ekiti state. Most of the schools do
not have knowledge about the relevance of instructional materials in business
studies and this is really affecting the teaching and learning in most secondary
Literature Review
Relevant literature to this
study will be reviewed under the following sub-headings
Concept of Teaching and Learning among Secondary School Students
Teaching and learning
The impact of instructional materials
in the academic performance of secondary school students
The factor affecting the use of instructional
materials in business studies
Effect of instructional
materials on effective teaching and learning of business studies among
secondary schools


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