TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page i Approval page ii Certification iii Dedication iv Acknowledgement v Table of contents vi-vii Abstract viii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 Background of the study 1-2 Statement of the problem 3 Purpose of the study 3 Significance of the study 4 Scope of the study 5 Research questions 5 Hypothesis 5 Limitation of the study 6 Definition of terms 6-7 II REVIEW OF LITERATURE 8-19 III METHODOLOGY 20 Research Design 20 Area of the study 20 Population of the study 21 Sample and sampling techniques 21 Research Instrument 21 Validation of the instrument 21 Method of data collection 21 Method of data analysis 21 IV PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS OF DATA 22-27 V DISCUSSION OF RESULTS, CONCLUSION, RECOMMENDATION AND SUMMARY 28 Discussion of Result 28-29 Recommendations 29-30 Conclusion 30 Summary 30-32 Suggestions of further research 32 References 33 Appendices 34 ABSTRACT This
study investigate factors influencing teachers’ effectiveness in public
secondary school in Ekiti State. The study specifically examined
problems militating against effective teaching, function of effective
teaching and how the management can motivate their teachers’ to carry
out their duties effectively. In view of these, three research question
and two research hypotheses were formulated; This study employed
descriptive research of survey type which comprises in Ise-Ekiti Local
Government Area of Ekiti State. Simple random sampling technique was
used to select a total of 100 teachers. Questionnaire was used for data
collection, validated by supervisor and lecturers in the department of
accounting education. These data collected were analyzed using
descriptive statistics (percentage & mean) and inferential
statistics (t-test) at 0.05 of significance. The results show that
factor militating against effective teaching, include dilapidated
building, non-payment of teachers salary, lack of instructional
materials, school environment and inaprorpraite method of teaching. FOR COMPLETE PROJECT CALL 07064961036
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Teaching
as defined by chambers Universal Learners Dictionary (2004) means
guidance or instruction, thus teaching could better be understood as an
act which entails the teachers’ guiding and or instructing the learners
in the classroom. however the teachers role within the classroom setting
goes beyond giving instruction and guiding the learners, he equally has
to see to the proper upbringing of the learners as well. For a
teacher to be good, he or she must be a disciplinarian. This suggests
that he or she must be disciplined more so that he has to be a role
model before the students. A teacher has to see to the welfare of
the learners that are entrusted into his care, hence he or she has to
ensure the safety of the learners. To achieve this, the teacher as
“Local Parent” has to supervise his or her learners both at work and
play. A teacher can exhibit efficiency in the manner he/she gets
things done how he/she manages her class and her time in getting things
done. A good example where in a teacher can be called efficient is when
he/she always comes to her class and leave on time, with well prepared
lesson-plan, instructional materials, engaged time on task, and
everything is organized regardless of output or result produced in the
teaching learning process. A teacher is effective when he/she gives
her best in teaching and able to make her students listen, learn or
aster the skills and turned them meaningful, relevant and applicable in
real life situations. She is a teacher who reaches out to her students
and can make a difference in their lives. Recent research reveals
that most variation in overall school efficiency is due to classroom
level factors. For these reasons it is important to try to identify what
makes or influence a teacher efficiently. 1. Economic factor 2. Experience of teacher 3. Classroom environment 4. Subject matter 5. Parental expectation 6. Administrative policies 7. Skills 8. Educational qualification 9. Motivations of the teachers Statement of the Problem
Teachers ineffective in the schools system could be as a result of the
factors such as the lack of instructional materials, inadequate fund,
lack of teachers motivation, inadequate qualified teacher which equally
brings about poor academic performance of the students and others
problem in the schools system like teachers laziness, stress and high
tension when teachers are not well motivated, contribute to effective
teaching, and if it can be eliminated, then we can have what we called
effective teaching in public secondary schools in Ekiti State. Purpose of the Study
The main purpose of this study is basically to identify those factors
influencing teacher effectiveness in teaching and learning process in
public secondary schools in Ekiit State. Specifically, the study aimed
at the following: 1. To identify the problems working against effective teaching in public secondary schools in Ekiti State 2. To highlight functions of effective teaching that will improved student knowledge at all level in public secondary school. 3. To identify how the management of the public schools motivate their teachers in carryout their duties effectively. 4. To identify how the teachers influence teaching standard on their students in public secondary schools. The Significance of the Study The
significance of the study will be of benefit and useful to the
students, teachers, corporate union, and government who have desire to
invest in secondary schools. Among the benefits to the benefactors above
are as follow 1. If there is teachers effectiveness in the classroom, it will bring about the student effective academic performance 2.
If those factors influencing teacher effectiveness such as regular
salary, motivation, trainings etc are properly attempt to, then teachers
will be of immense benefit. 3. It will be of benefit to the government in order to know the factors influencing teachers effectiveness in the classroom. 4.
It will be of benefit to the corporate union in order to apply the
knowledge obtainable to acquainted with secondary schools system
Scope of the Study The
scope of the study covers an empirical examination of the factors
influencing teachers efficiency in public secondary schools in Ekiti
State, as well as the functions of the teacher; the study equally covers
the importance of teachers in our society. the problems facing teachers
and prospects or solution. Research Questions The following research questions will be used to guide this study. – What are the problems militating against effective teaching in public secondary schools in Ekiti State – What are the What are the functions of effective teaching – How does the management of the public schools motivate their teacher in carrying out their duties effectively Hypotheses Testing In
an attempt to empirically verify the factors influencing teacher
effectiveness in public secondary schools in Ekiti State. The hypothesis
of the study will be divided into null hypothesis and alternative
hypothesis which will be tested below.
H01: Teachers educational qualification does not significantly affect teachers’ effectiveness in public secondary schools H02: There is no significant effect of school environment on teachers effectiveness in public schools. Limitations of the Study Nigeria being an underdeveloped nation is faced with some constraints: i.
Data availability: The accuracy of the result obtained in this study
will depends to a large extent on the degree of biasedness reflected in
the secondary source of data collection. ii. The problem of funds which was insufficient in executing the research work. Definitions of Terms 1. Teacher: Lesson instructor and class manager in school (Okoh 2002) 2. Educational policy: Policy is a statement of government on education 3. Teachers education: The raining and retraining of teachers through further studies in institution of higher learning. 4. Teachers knowledge; information, understanding and skills that teachers gain through education or experience 5.
Administration: This is the act of planning, organizing and
coordination of human and materials resources in order to implement
government policy in secondary school. 6. School management: This is the act of getting things done through others to achieve the school goals.
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