Title page
Table of contents
Background of the study
Purpose of the study
Objective of the study
Significance of the study
Statement of the study
Scope of the study
Limitation of the study
Research Question
Definition of Term
Review of Literature
The Religious Riots in Nigeria
1980 till date a critical
1980 till date a critical
Population of the study
Sample and sampling teaching
Research instrument
Administrative of instrument
Statistical Data Analysis
Results Presentation and analysis of
Presentation of finding
Religions is generally an essential
part of human existence. It is according
to Idowu (1988) an in evitable and in escapable aspect of man little surprise
therefore that Mbiti (1985) see all healthy human being as being “Notorious
part of human existence. It is according
to Idowu (1988) an in evitable and in escapable aspect of man little surprise
therefore that Mbiti (1985) see all healthy human being as being “Notorious
Religion has been variously
definition by scholars, but as plethora as these definition might seem, each
definition seems to reflect each scholars position and biases.
definition by scholars, but as plethora as these definition might seem, each
definition seems to reflect each scholars position and biases.
According to Boz man (2016). Religion
can be defined as the acceptance of obligation towards powers higher than man
himself. With the belief that these
higher power are of personal nature, and not more blink force.
can be defined as the acceptance of obligation towards powers higher than man
himself. With the belief that these
higher power are of personal nature, and not more blink force.
To Karl Marx (1826). Religion is the
sign of the oppressed people that sentiment of a hear these world and the opium
of the people. However, another
definition was raised by Holm (1927) and according to him. Religion is believe
in a supreme being or beings.
sign of the oppressed people that sentiment of a hear these world and the opium
of the people. However, another
definition was raised by Holm (1927) and according to him. Religion is believe
in a supreme being or beings.
Religion has always been an important
phenomenon of human experience it has in fact been a universal phenomenon. There is evidence of Religion in maxis
thinking in one from or another these seems to be implemented deep in mans a
need to make sense of his world. To
affirm that there is a purpose in the unwires that is not of man’s making, the
structure of reality is some thing which belong to him.
phenomenon of human experience it has in fact been a universal phenomenon. There is evidence of Religion in maxis
thinking in one from or another these seems to be implemented deep in mans a
need to make sense of his world. To
affirm that there is a purpose in the unwires that is not of man’s making, the
structure of reality is some thing which belong to him.
Finally, each religion has it’s
pattern of customer and rituals e.g. the rite of passage convention about good
marriage etc. which form a frame work for the life of believer. These are thing that are “just there that are
taken for granted. Religion provides
security in time of crisis as well as giving members of community as sense of
solidarity and belonging. Religion is as
old as man himself the basis of Religion is the universal situation in which he
need of man satisfaction man find himself which confronted with formidable
problems and old with consequences of the physical universe in which he lives.
pattern of customer and rituals e.g. the rite of passage convention about good
marriage etc. which form a frame work for the life of believer. These are thing that are “just there that are
taken for granted. Religion provides
security in time of crisis as well as giving members of community as sense of
solidarity and belonging. Religion is as
old as man himself the basis of Religion is the universal situation in which he
need of man satisfaction man find himself which confronted with formidable
problems and old with consequences of the physical universe in which he lives.
Sigmund Trend (2016) believers that
he is perpetually in a loosing battle with weariness, failure, and always
threatened by the even disturbing fact of death. By a process of mental mechanism know as
projector he create for himself powers greater than himself, powers able to
control and believer He imagines a world of other than this one and imagine
also that there were Gods which exist in their world. Trend says that various gods came unto being
at just according to his own imagination.
Then these various gods merged into one.
Then man sees a God who the father as exalted father and
relationship. In short man had developed
a religion of father complex. Also in
the theory of Enhemers the Gods of his theology with special reference to Olympian
Gods could be traced to queens and nobles.
The deification may be one of the two ways some of them were exited to
the divine rank after their death and some of them by shaver force of
characterized themselves to the status before their death. The two came into the something. There is no doubt in the history of that
deification has taken place. Several
Roman emperors were defend or raised themselves to the statuse or by profanation
before their death also several queens in this country there are instance of
deification among the Yoruba. We have
the Oduduwa who has worshiped as a God and at the same time according to
history he was recognized as the ancestor of the Yoruba race so also sang he
solar and thunder divinity was the youthful Alafin of Oyo and he was a man
among men but in each case which we fined is that human being become defies
only by absorbing the dieing attribute of a heavenly divinity and displaced the
divinity either totally or partially in the panther.
he is perpetually in a loosing battle with weariness, failure, and always
threatened by the even disturbing fact of death. By a process of mental mechanism know as
projector he create for himself powers greater than himself, powers able to
control and believer He imagines a world of other than this one and imagine
also that there were Gods which exist in their world. Trend says that various gods came unto being
at just according to his own imagination.
Then these various gods merged into one.
Then man sees a God who the father as exalted father and
relationship. In short man had developed
a religion of father complex. Also in
the theory of Enhemers the Gods of his theology with special reference to Olympian
Gods could be traced to queens and nobles.
The deification may be one of the two ways some of them were exited to
the divine rank after their death and some of them by shaver force of
characterized themselves to the status before their death. The two came into the something. There is no doubt in the history of that
deification has taken place. Several
Roman emperors were defend or raised themselves to the statuse or by profanation
before their death also several queens in this country there are instance of
deification among the Yoruba. We have
the Oduduwa who has worshiped as a God and at the same time according to
history he was recognized as the ancestor of the Yoruba race so also sang he
solar and thunder divinity was the youthful Alafin of Oyo and he was a man
among men but in each case which we fined is that human being become defies
only by absorbing the dieing attribute of a heavenly divinity and displaced the
divinity either totally or partially in the panther.
The soil from evil deals and mind
from doubles strengthen the characters and correct the think them the
connection of man.
from doubles strengthen the characters and correct the think them the
connection of man.
According to the manifest junction of
religion is to:
religion is to:
or it services as unity among the people living in a country.
or it services as unity among the people living in a country.
bring harmony in the society
bring harmony in the society
acts as harmony in the society
acts as harmony in the society
improve or provide meaning to even man ought to happen.
improve or provide meaning to even man ought to happen.
promotes a sense of brother hold
promotes a sense of brother hold
provides for leadership
provides for leadership
encourage people to accumulate wealth and wealthy.
encourage people to accumulate wealth and wealthy.
sometimes serves as a yardstick used in determining or deciding those to pick
as friends. In this case, this is seen
as one of the problems of religion as it may hinder free association of an
individual in the society. Religion also
reveal, it problem in the occupation as well as it may hinder some people
employment opportunity although it may serve as an advantage for some as their
religion may serve a positive factor in their employment and also admission
into instituting derive. It also, the
however noted that where religion is allowed to offer occupational there may
not be security in the labour force, it may also hinder the employment of
competent hands and person. This
unhealthy religion rivalry which the art may more than progress of the job
environment as well as the achievement of the goals and objective of the
sometimes serves as a yardstick used in determining or deciding those to pick
as friends. In this case, this is seen
as one of the problems of religion as it may hinder free association of an
individual in the society. Religion also
reveal, it problem in the occupation as well as it may hinder some people
employment opportunity although it may serve as an advantage for some as their
religion may serve a positive factor in their employment and also admission
into instituting derive. It also, the
however noted that where religion is allowed to offer occupational there may
not be security in the labour force, it may also hinder the employment of
competent hands and person. This
unhealthy religion rivalry which the art may more than progress of the job
environment as well as the achievement of the goals and objective of the
Background of the study
Religion appears to have been
essentially associate with man’s time consciences made him aware of his
mortality, this causing sense of fundamental in security do prompting guest for
post mortar security it is universally recognized that religion is in escapable
as it permeates the whole of human believe and activities. Every nation has gone through are form of
religion development or another depending, on the intellectual growth cultural,
development and spiritual education of the nation or race. Each nations or race has throughout the ages,
interpreted religious experience according to it spiritual discernment culture
background and that is why have today a be wildering variety of religion. Because, having known the origin of religion
we can ask ourselves how many types of religious organization in Africa like
Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddlusm Toaism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Traditional,
Lutheranism and African Traditional religion among others etc. but in Nigeria
there are the traditional religion Christianity is the religion which is
centered on Jesus Christ as the supreme revelation of God and as lord of his
followers, and based upon is teaching.
essentially associate with man’s time consciences made him aware of his
mortality, this causing sense of fundamental in security do prompting guest for
post mortar security it is universally recognized that religion is in escapable
as it permeates the whole of human believe and activities. Every nation has gone through are form of
religion development or another depending, on the intellectual growth cultural,
development and spiritual education of the nation or race. Each nations or race has throughout the ages,
interpreted religious experience according to it spiritual discernment culture
background and that is why have today a be wildering variety of religion. Because, having known the origin of religion
we can ask ourselves how many types of religious organization in Africa like
Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddlusm Toaism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Traditional,
Lutheranism and African Traditional religion among others etc. but in Nigeria
there are the traditional religion Christianity is the religion which is
centered on Jesus Christ as the supreme revelation of God and as lord of his
followers, and based upon is teaching.
Religion means psychological knot and
complexes sublimates his instincts and aspiration and disciplines his desires
and the whole course of life it improvise his knowledge’s of God the highest
truth in the uniserse and of ourself, it teaches truth him about secret of life
and the nature and how to treat them about good and evil about right and
wrong. It purifies probably the major
area where religion problems is well pronounced is marriage. Not only is marriage constricts are prevented
between loves who are in adherent of the same set or group also feel the
punch. This act has caused a lot of
problems which are too enormous to mention ranging from heart – irreaking, mental
injury, permanent death, divorce and host of others.
complexes sublimates his instincts and aspiration and disciplines his desires
and the whole course of life it improvise his knowledge’s of God the highest
truth in the uniserse and of ourself, it teaches truth him about secret of life
and the nature and how to treat them about good and evil about right and
wrong. It purifies probably the major
area where religion problems is well pronounced is marriage. Not only is marriage constricts are prevented
between loves who are in adherent of the same set or group also feel the
punch. This act has caused a lot of
problems which are too enormous to mention ranging from heart – irreaking, mental
injury, permanent death, divorce and host of others.
Where marriage are contracted between
lovers different religion or sect, another may be through which religion
problems tries to rear its ugly head is which line with the child or children
fellow. How are the issues of the
marriage be oriented, there is no doubt that another virtue and believes are easily
picked up by the children to the father who may not want to be seen as a week
head of the family may insist that the children will follow his religious
doctrine. In fact this led to problems,
unrest and eventual collapse of many hither to peaceful family, society and the
country as a whole.
lovers different religion or sect, another may be through which religion
problems tries to rear its ugly head is which line with the child or children
fellow. How are the issues of the
marriage be oriented, there is no doubt that another virtue and believes are easily
picked up by the children to the father who may not want to be seen as a week
head of the family may insist that the children will follow his religious
doctrine. In fact this led to problems,
unrest and eventual collapse of many hither to peaceful family, society and the
country as a whole.
Purpose of the study
study aims at studying the factors that constantly aid and reinforce religious
crisis in Nigeria.
study aims at studying the factors that constantly aid and reinforce religious
crisis in Nigeria.
Religious crisis in Nigeria is clearly known to have repeatedly
experience in Nigeria. Based on the above point, it is conspicuous
that the way or ways of curbing this social unrest or adversities and the age
of destruction caused religious crisis should be sought out hence the man aim
of the research the finding and suggestions of this research will serve as the
tonic needed to save society in this illness.
experience in Nigeria. Based on the above point, it is conspicuous
that the way or ways of curbing this social unrest or adversities and the age
of destruction caused religious crisis should be sought out hence the man aim
of the research the finding and suggestions of this research will serve as the
tonic needed to save society in this illness.
Objective of the study
main objective of this study is to examine the effects of Religion crisis in Nigeria in Ilorin
metropolis Area of Kwara State specifically, the study is out to:
main objective of this study is to examine the effects of Religion crisis in Nigeria in Ilorin
metropolis Area of Kwara State specifically, the study is out to:
and examine the factors the contributing to the religious crisis in Ilorin Kwara
and examine the factors the contributing to the religious crisis in Ilorin Kwara
and examine the role of (CAN) Christian Association of Nigeria against the
religion crisis in Nigeria,
in Ilorin metropolis in Kwara State.
and examine the role of (CAN) Christian Association of Nigeria against the
religion crisis in Nigeria,
in Ilorin metropolis in Kwara State.
the possible solution to the problem facing the religion crisis in Ilorin Kwara
the possible solution to the problem facing the religion crisis in Ilorin Kwara
The Significance of the study
significance of the study is to end the destruction of the lives and
properties, to act the seemingly unending proliferation of religious
institution and to act the abuse by office.
Favouritism based on Religious factors and also undue politicalization
of religion by some religious leaders, to end the properties, to act the
distortions made to the original stipulated of the mother religion under the
guise of farming the new denomination and sects. To also bring people that should be more
tolerance and accommodating of one another religion beliefs and practice and
the religion difference should be de-emphasized and also to the our advised to
be just on religious matter and be seen to and should effectively and justly
mete – out punishment to religions rioters and who attributed remotely. Therefore the problems is seen and should be
treated with national mind in other to avert future occurrences.
significance of the study is to end the destruction of the lives and
properties, to act the seemingly unending proliferation of religious
institution and to act the abuse by office.
Favouritism based on Religious factors and also undue politicalization
of religion by some religious leaders, to end the properties, to act the
distortions made to the original stipulated of the mother religion under the
guise of farming the new denomination and sects. To also bring people that should be more
tolerance and accommodating of one another religion beliefs and practice and
the religion difference should be de-emphasized and also to the our advised to
be just on religious matter and be seen to and should effectively and justly
mete – out punishment to religions rioters and who attributed remotely. Therefore the problems is seen and should be
treated with national mind in other to avert future occurrences.
Statement of the Problem
carrying out an exercise of this nature, the following questions will be
carrying out an exercise of this nature, the following questions will be
it possible that lack of adequate knowledge of the genuine teaching of Islamic
and Christianity by the two religion cause religion crisis or not.
it possible that lack of adequate knowledge of the genuine teaching of Islamic
and Christianity by the two religion cause religion crisis or not.
it possible that lack of mutual respect of one another religions etiquette,
belief and culture cause the religious crisis.
it possible that lack of mutual respect of one another religions etiquette,
belief and culture cause the religious crisis.
what extent that the aggressive and millitatit preaching and evangelism cause
the religion crisis in Nigeria.
what extent that the aggressive and millitatit preaching and evangelism cause
the religion crisis in Nigeria.
what extent and how is it true that proliferation of religion denomination and
sect in Nigeria
cause religion crisis.
what extent and how is it true that proliferation of religion denomination and
sect in Nigeria
cause religion crisis.
what extent does the religious crisis affect the people in Nigeria.
what extent does the religious crisis affect the people in Nigeria.
Scope of the study
project is limited to Religious crisis in Ilorin
metropolis of Kwara
State to limited time.
project is limited to Religious crisis in Ilorin
metropolis of Kwara
State to limited time.
Limitation of the study
research is limited to the study of religious crisis in Ilorin
metropolis of Kwara
State for reasons of
marking the research well convenient and manageable for me. Although there are many town and village in Kwara State
nonetheless, the study is limited to three local Government in Ilorin metropolis because
of the following reasons.
research is limited to the study of religious crisis in Ilorin
metropolis of Kwara
State for reasons of
marking the research well convenient and manageable for me. Although there are many town and village in Kwara State
nonetheless, the study is limited to three local Government in Ilorin metropolis because
of the following reasons.
Research Question
there any significant different between the preaching Religion leader and their
there any significant different between the preaching Religion leader and their
there any significant different between the commercialization of religious and
guest for materializen by different religion?
there any significant different between the commercialization of religious and
guest for materializen by different religion?
there any significant different between non – Educated people and Educated
there any significant different between non – Educated people and Educated
there any significant different between men and women jointly involve in
causing religious crisis in Nigeria?
there any significant different between men and women jointly involve in
causing religious crisis in Nigeria?
there any significant in Christian activities and Islamic activities often as a
result in religion crisis in Nigeria?
there any significant in Christian activities and Islamic activities often as a
result in religion crisis in Nigeria?
Definition of Terms
certain words as they are used in this study where defined by the writer to
enhance easy understanding of the word by the reader.
certain words as they are used in this study where defined by the writer to
enhance easy understanding of the word by the reader.
means embraces a reference to the ritual, transcendental reality of faith as
well as the ritual and common with the ultimate reality.
means embraces a reference to the ritual, transcendental reality of faith as
well as the ritual and common with the ultimate reality.
deals with the learning of the unseen supernatural God. It also stress on the moral upbringing of the
societies e.g. church and mosque.
deals with the learning of the unseen supernatural God. It also stress on the moral upbringing of the
societies e.g. church and mosque.
is an organized group of people who came together by reasons of common belief
people in Nigeria
believe in God. But this believe are
expressed in different way.
is an organized group of people who came together by reasons of common belief
people in Nigeria
believe in God. But this believe are
expressed in different way.
is a total submission to the will of God.
is a total submission to the will of God.
Religion: This religion means “peace” as an Arabic word which means peace total
submission to the will of Allah and belief in scripture (A1 – Quran) and
prophet Muhammad.
Religion: This religion means “peace” as an Arabic word which means peace total
submission to the will of Allah and belief in scripture (A1 – Quran) and
prophet Muhammad.
Religion: This refers to the indigenous religious of the African which the
people practice from life immemorial.
Religion: This refers to the indigenous religious of the African which the
people practice from life immemorial.

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