Seminar paper on
This study investigated the effect of the emission of topics in the teacjing of biology in senior secondary schools in Porthacourt. The study is a descriptive research of survey type which the researchers purposively selected twenty (20) teachers and eighty (80) students from 5 senior secondary schools . four research questions were formulated in line with the purpose of the study. The result revealed that there is significant effect of emission of topics in the teaching of biology in senior secondary schools in Porthacourt Local Government Area. Also most of the students find some biology topics difficult to learn. The study also revealed that teachers qualification have effect in teaching biology in secondary school. Lastly appropriate use of various method of teaching enhance effective teaching and learning of biology. Based on the findings, the following recommendation were made. The School management should make sure the employe qualify teachers to teach biology and Appropriate method of teaching should be adopted to teach newly introduce topic or difficult topics in biology
The significance of biology in our society needs to be understood. Thus biological studies stimulate and discipline the mind of individuals. Biological studies of even very simple organism help us to understand ourselves better. We are able to discover more clearly factor affecting our survival such as drugs and sanitation for our health, food requirement and various other products for our shelter and comfort.
Moreover, biology also investigates the environmental factors that surround the living beings and by means of conservation, it seeks for effective ways to understand the variation or new conditions of the environment that can threaten the existence of living beings on our planet
The importance of Science cannot be over emphasized; many factors have helped to enlighten people in the world over, the importance of science and the need to teach science right from primary to the university level.
However in spite of all the effort by the federal government to facilitate the production of man power needs of the country, there is still this fact that there are some topics which seems difficult to the students of biology, thereby resulting in the poor performances of students and drift towards art subjects in preferences to science in our secondary schools
Biology is front page news, so it is important that teachers teach students to make connections between what they learn in the classroom and what they see in everyday life. As biology researchers, we recognize the negative implications of doing science in a vacuum as we are increasingly asked to communicate effectively with local and national legislators. As biology instructors, however, we may choose to teach biology devoid of social context, believing that students can make these connections on their own. But students model their instructors’ behaviors, and follow their lead. If we integrate social issues into the biology curriculum, we model social responsibility for biology majors, and we demonstrate the need for biological literacy for nonmajors.
With an ever expanding biology curriculum, some instructors may wonder how they will find space to bring in social issues, and what biological content may be omitted in the process. By strategically embedding social context into those topics that are traditionally reviewed in multiple biology courses we sacrifice little time and content, and allow students to reflect on that social context more than once. By extending the Biological Concepts Framework (Khodar , 2004 ) to issues of social relevance, we may improve student learning retention, since each concept has multiple points of entry, and therefore, multiple points of interest that can serve as avenues for the retrieval of information. Using real-world problems to thread a number of biological concepts together encourages students to move away from seeing biology as a collection of disparate concepts, subject areas, or chapters from textbooks that are far removed from society. This cues them to make connections to biology during their study of nonbiological disciplines. This approach leads to reinforcement of the social connection and to the development of a habit of mind that students can carry forward as they progress through a 4-yr curriculum and beyond.
According to Tayo (2016) In teaching and identifying topic in biology for instance, attention must be paid in biology textbooks used in classroom teaching and laboratory work. The biology curriculum in schools is defined not only by topic of study but also by textbook will reflect the current topic to identify like Animal kingdom, plants, bacteria, fungi, plant, cell, ecosystem, living and non – living things, skeletons, reproduction and many others. These topics should be identify by names and classify by the student in senior secondary schools.
Statement of the problem
It has been perceived generally that students’ behaviour and attitude towards science subjects such as biology, chemistry and physics are negative, regardless of the school in question
Once teachers have difficulty in understanding certain biology topics, he will not be able to teach such topics to the good understanding of the students, hence such teacher is likely to avoid such topics and students are likely not understand the area of the biology curriculum not taught by the teachers and the students may even not prepare well for external examination in such topics. These might lead to poor performance in the senior secondary certificate examination as the syllabus and questions are based on the senior secondary education curriculum.
Based on this premise, the study was set out to determine the effect of emission of topics in the teaching of biology in senior secondary schools
Objective of the study
The purpose of the study is to find out the effect of emission of topics in the teaching of biology in senior secondary school in Portharcourt city local government
Specifically this seminar will
- Determine effect of emission (release) of topics in the teaching of biology in senior secondary schools
- Find out how biology students find biology topic difficult to learn
- To determine the effect of teachers qualification on biology teaching
- To investigate the method used by teachers to teach difficult topics in biology
Research Question
The following research question were formulated to guide the study
- What are the effect of emission of topics in the teaching of biology
- To what extent does students perceived biology topic
- Does teachers qualification have effects in teaching biology
- What are the method used by teachers to teach difficult topics in biology

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