is a description of observable outcome of teacher and student performance in
different activities of institutions. Behavior may be positive or negative and
effective or ineffective. Effective behavior produces the requisite results. Behavior
is an action, which is different at different time. There are three types of
behavior, thinking, feeling and doing. Mostly behavior is also known as
cognitive, affective and psychomotor.
is a description of observable outcome of teacher and student performance in
different activities of institutions. Behavior may be positive or negative and
effective or ineffective. Effective behavior produces the requisite results. Behavior
is an action, which is different at different time. There are three types of
behavior, thinking, feeling and doing. Mostly behavior is also known as
cognitive, affective and psychomotor.
Cognitive behavior involves the learner in thinking process,
remembering, evaluating and problem solving.
remembering, evaluating and problem solving.
Affective behavior values the learner’s feelings and
Psychomotor behaviors are those involving the learner, in
some kind of muscular activity.
some kind of muscular activity.
The way in which the teacher allocates time to spend on
academic content affects student achievement.
Good classroom management is a skill that can lead to high student
achievement. It involves planning effectively, establishing rules that are
reasonable and not excessive in number, and arranging the classroom so that
instruction goes smoothly. Skills that
are necessary for maintaining a well-managed classroom include group alerting,
wittiness, overlapping, using the principle of least intervention, and creating
smooth transitions.
academic content affects student achievement.
Good classroom management is a skill that can lead to high student
achievement. It involves planning effectively, establishing rules that are
reasonable and not excessive in number, and arranging the classroom so that
instruction goes smoothly. Skills that
are necessary for maintaining a well-managed classroom include group alerting,
wittiness, overlapping, using the principle of least intervention, and creating
smooth transitions.
A good teacher is expected to be committed to his work,
would have the ability to take the initiative. Teacher’s personality in the
attitudinal sense is a significant factor in teacher’s behavior and it has
great impact on student’s achievement. The teachers as a professional must know
the art of communication, understanding others and ability to learn from the
experiences. They should be able to facilitate learning effectively.
would have the ability to take the initiative. Teacher’s personality in the
attitudinal sense is a significant factor in teacher’s behavior and it has
great impact on student’s achievement. The teachers as a professional must know
the art of communication, understanding others and ability to learn from the
experiences. They should be able to facilitate learning effectively.
Education is
now universally recognized to be prime key of moral, cultural, political and
socio-economic development of a nation. The nations, which have been taken
major initiatives, made revolutionary advances and performed miracles in the
last decades. No doubt, this great achievement is based on their effective
educational system, Ahmad. It is stated
“educational system of any country can provide the guarantee of success and
prosperity for their nations”. The achievement of a comprehensive and effective
educational system is necessary for the survival of nation.
now universally recognized to be prime key of moral, cultural, political and
socio-economic development of a nation. The nations, which have been taken
major initiatives, made revolutionary advances and performed miracles in the
last decades. No doubt, this great achievement is based on their effective
educational system, Ahmad. It is stated
“educational system of any country can provide the guarantee of success and
prosperity for their nations”. The achievement of a comprehensive and effective
educational system is necessary for the survival of nation.
system particularly, teachers bring the qualitative change and raise the
standards of education which ensures the welfare, progress and prosperity of
the nation. For this purpose, teachers are prepared professionally and develop
these competencies in teacher training institutions.
system particularly, teachers bring the qualitative change and raise the
standards of education which ensures the welfare, progress and prosperity of
the nation. For this purpose, teachers are prepared professionally and develop
these competencies in teacher training institutions.
No system of education is better than his personnel and no
system of education above the standard of its teacher. It means, the quality of
any system depends upon the standard of its personnel. If the personnel are
well qualified, well trained and have effective behavior, the organization will
achieve its objectives successfully. Particularly the leader of the institution
can improve the quality of their teachers and students with his effective
system of education above the standard of its teacher. It means, the quality of
any system depends upon the standard of its personnel. If the personnel are
well qualified, well trained and have effective behavior, the organization will
achieve its objectives successfully. Particularly the leader of the institution
can improve the quality of their teachers and students with his effective
Teachers who
possess professional and interpersonal skills are more effective in their
classrooms in terms of student’s behavior, attitude and achievement. Every
individual has a variety of attitudes, which might be positive or negative and
can vary according to their favorability and un-favorability for various
attitudinal objects. Professional attitude serves in many valuable ways and
knowing these attitudes can also serve a lot.
possess professional and interpersonal skills are more effective in their
classrooms in terms of student’s behavior, attitude and achievement. Every
individual has a variety of attitudes, which might be positive or negative and
can vary according to their favorability and un-favorability for various
attitudinal objects. Professional attitude serves in many valuable ways and
knowing these attitudes can also serve a lot.
Behavior is a response which an individual shows to his
environment at different times. Various authors have defined it in different
words: Allport (1989) stated that “the meaning of behavior is conduct or carry
oneself or behavior is what we do, especially in response to outside stimuli”.
environment at different times. Various authors have defined it in different
words: Allport (1989) stated that “the meaning of behavior is conduct or carry
oneself or behavior is what we do, especially in response to outside stimuli”.
UNESCO (1986) documented that “anything that an organism
does that involves action and response to stimulation”. Joyce (1980) also defined that “behavior is
lawful and subject to variables in the environment”. He further defined that
“behavior is an observable, identifiable phenomenon”.
does that involves action and response to stimulation”. Joyce (1980) also defined that “behavior is
lawful and subject to variables in the environment”. He further defined that
“behavior is an observable, identifiable phenomenon”.
pedagogical cycle describes the interaction between the teacher and students.
The four steps of the cycle are (a) structure, (b) question, (c) respond (d)
react. The structure must give students a clear understanding of what they are
expected to learn. Both higher- order and lower -order questions should be
asked by the teacher. Teachers need to remember to wait 3 to 5 second after
asking a question (wait time 1) and before reacting to a student answer (wait
time 2). Teachers also need to be thoughtful in the way in which they react to
student comments. Generally teachers react by using praise, acceptance,
remediation, or criticism in responding to the student.
pedagogical cycle describes the interaction between the teacher and students.
The four steps of the cycle are (a) structure, (b) question, (c) respond (d)
react. The structure must give students a clear understanding of what they are
expected to learn. Both higher- order and lower -order questions should be
asked by the teacher. Teachers need to remember to wait 3 to 5 second after
asking a question (wait time 1) and before reacting to a student answer (wait
time 2). Teachers also need to be thoughtful in the way in which they react to
student comments. Generally teachers react by using praise, acceptance,
remediation, or criticism in responding to the student.
Four models
of instruction that can lead to high student achievement include
of instruction that can lead to high student achievement include
based instruction
based instruction
The principles of direct teaching include daily review,
presentation of new material in a clear manner, guided practice, teacher
feedback, independent practice, and weekly and monthly review.
presentation of new material in a clear manner, guided practice, teacher
feedback, independent practice, and weekly and monthly review.
In a cooperative learning classroom, students work in small
groups and rewards are based on the entire group’s performance.
groups and rewards are based on the entire group’s performance.
learning programs involve a specific objective that must be met, as indicated
by assessment. Typically students work at their own pace, going on to new
material only when mastery previous work has been demonstrated. Teachers often
play a central role in content and skill mastery.
learning programs involve a specific objective that must be met, as indicated
by assessment. Typically students work at their own pace, going on to new
material only when mastery previous work has been demonstrated. Teachers often
play a central role in content and skill mastery.
Project based
instruction stimulates students to explore authentic issues. Individually and
in small groups, student cross-traditional subject boundaries as they
investigate real-life problems and demonstrate what they have learned.
instruction stimulates students to explore authentic issues. Individually and
in small groups, student cross-traditional subject boundaries as they
investigate real-life problems and demonstrate what they have learned.
Teaching involves two distinct sets of skills. The first is
speaking ability. The second is interpersonal skills. Such skills allow one to
create the sort of warm, close relationships with one’s students that motivate
them to work independently. To become an excellent instructor, one must be
outstanding in one of these sets of skills and at least competent in the
speaking ability. The second is interpersonal skills. Such skills allow one to
create the sort of warm, close relationships with one’s students that motivate
them to work independently. To become an excellent instructor, one must be
outstanding in one of these sets of skills and at least competent in the
Teaching consists of leading the learner through a sequence
of statements and restatements of a problem or body of knowledge that increases
the learner’s ability to grasp, transform and transfer what he is learning.
of statements and restatements of a problem or body of knowledge that increases
the learner’s ability to grasp, transform and transfer what he is learning.
Balogun D.A et al (1981) says of
teaching that; It is the passing of knowledge, ideas and skills, attitudes,
beliefs and feelings to someone with the aim of bringing about particular
changes in the person. The changes should then lead to different behaviors.
Teaching also provides the necessary amount and the kind of practice so that
the changes become part of a person’s life.
Balogun D.A et al (1981) says of
teaching that; It is the passing of knowledge, ideas and skills, attitudes,
beliefs and feelings to someone with the aim of bringing about particular
changes in the person. The changes should then lead to different behaviors.
Teaching also provides the necessary amount and the kind of practice so that
the changes become part of a person’s life.
From the
various definitions of teaching, it is undisputable fact that teaching involves
helping someone else learn something; the teaching therefore possesses certain
competence such as knowledge of what he wants to teach competency in the
content area; knowledge of how to present the content to the learner taking
into the consideration of his age, interest, ability-competence in pedagogy.
The possession of ability to maintain the type of relationship and environment
that will enable the learner acquired the content is another competence called
rational competence.
various definitions of teaching, it is undisputable fact that teaching involves
helping someone else learn something; the teaching therefore possesses certain
competence such as knowledge of what he wants to teach competency in the
content area; knowledge of how to present the content to the learner taking
into the consideration of his age, interest, ability-competence in pedagogy.
The possession of ability to maintain the type of relationship and environment
that will enable the learner acquired the content is another competence called
rational competence.
on the other hand has many competitive definitions. However the divergence in
the definition concept has some skills and competency, the skills can be
acquired consciously or unconsciously and they may be in a formal educational
environment or in a non-formal situation.
on the other hand has many competitive definitions. However the divergence in
the definition concept has some skills and competency, the skills can be
acquired consciously or unconsciously and they may be in a formal educational
environment or in a non-formal situation.
It is very
important to find the characteristic of teacher’s behavior, attitude,
knowledge, skills and its impact on the academic achievement of the secondary
school students, in Ekiti. Therefore, at the secondary school level teachers
positive behavior, interaction, teaching experience, good laboratory
equipment, student’s own capabilities
and the school environment all plays a critical role for strengthening the
potential required for better academic achievement of secondary school
students. Teachers should be able to facilitate learning effectively.
important to find the characteristic of teacher’s behavior, attitude,
knowledge, skills and its impact on the academic achievement of the secondary
school students, in Ekiti. Therefore, at the secondary school level teachers
positive behavior, interaction, teaching experience, good laboratory
equipment, student’s own capabilities
and the school environment all plays a critical role for strengthening the
potential required for better academic achievement of secondary school
students. Teachers should be able to facilitate learning effectively.
The study sought
to determine the effect of teachers behavior in teaching and learning in some
selected secondary schools in Ido-Osi Local Government Area of Ekiti State. Based
on the findings, recommendations were made that were anticipated would guide
teachers and students to enhance academic performance in chemistry.
to determine the effect of teachers behavior in teaching and learning in some
selected secondary schools in Ido-Osi Local Government Area of Ekiti State. Based
on the findings, recommendations were made that were anticipated would guide
teachers and students to enhance academic performance in chemistry.
It is very
important to find the characteristics of teacher’s behavior, attitudes,
knowledge, skills and its impact on the academic achievement of students.
Therefore, at secondary level teacher’s positive behavior, interaction with
students, professional competencies, teaching skills, parental involvement,
students own capabilities and school environment, all play critical role for
strengthening the potential required for better academic achievement of
students. So present study was designed
to sort out the relationship between teacher’s behavior and academic
achievement of secondary school students in Ido-Osi local government area of
Ekiti state. The study has significance for both future professional practice
and further research for other levels. The results of this study explore
information that would enable school administrators and helping the teachers to
achieve skills, needed to succeed. Students may use the results to increase
their understanding of what types of study habits and organizational skills are
important for academic achievement. This research may provide a pavement for
future research studies in the same field.
important to find the characteristics of teacher’s behavior, attitudes,
knowledge, skills and its impact on the academic achievement of students.
Therefore, at secondary level teacher’s positive behavior, interaction with
students, professional competencies, teaching skills, parental involvement,
students own capabilities and school environment, all play critical role for
strengthening the potential required for better academic achievement of
students. So present study was designed
to sort out the relationship between teacher’s behavior and academic
achievement of secondary school students in Ido-Osi local government area of
Ekiti state. The study has significance for both future professional practice
and further research for other levels. The results of this study explore
information that would enable school administrators and helping the teachers to
achieve skills, needed to succeed. Students may use the results to increase
their understanding of what types of study habits and organizational skills are
important for academic achievement. This research may provide a pavement for
future research studies in the same field.
Specifically the study intend:
examine the academic achievement of the secondary students as a result of
teachers behavior.
examine the academic achievement of the secondary students as a result of
teachers behavior.
find out the extent attitude and competencies of chemistry teachers affects the
reality of the classroom.
find out the extent attitude and competencies of chemistry teachers affects the
reality of the classroom.
find out the extent chemistry laboratory affects student’s academic performance
in public secondary schools and recommend strategies for improvement of
teacher’s behavior.
find out the extent chemistry laboratory affects student’s academic performance
in public secondary schools and recommend strategies for improvement of
teacher’s behavior.
1) Does teacher’s
behavior, attitude and competencies determine academic performance of chemistry
behavior, attitude and competencies determine academic performance of chemistry
2) Is there any
relationship between school laboratory and student’s academic performance?
relationship between school laboratory and student’s academic performance?
3) What are the
procedure for improving teacher’s behavior in teaching and learning of
chemistry in secondary schools?
procedure for improving teacher’s behavior in teaching and learning of
chemistry in secondary schools?
behavior, attitude and competencies has significant effect on student’s
behavior, attitude and competencies has significant effect on student’s
use of Laboratory and teachers commitment enhances chemistry student’s academic
use of Laboratory and teachers commitment enhances chemistry student’s academic
promotion and timely payment of salaries improves teacher’s attitude towards
the responsibility saddled
promotion and timely payment of salaries improves teacher’s attitude towards
the responsibility saddled
Due to limited time and available resources
with the researcher, the study was delimited to the following:
with the researcher, the study was delimited to the following:
1. Five Public secondary
2. Students who offers chemistry as
a subject in 2016/2017 session 3. Relevant teachers in 2016/2017 session. All within Ido-Osi Local Government Area of
Ekiti State
a subject in 2016/2017 session 3. Relevant teachers in 2016/2017 session. All within Ido-Osi Local Government Area of
Ekiti State

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