This research project investigated the causes of mass failure in Financial accounting in four selected secondary schools in Ikorodu Local Government Area of Lagos State . To carry out the study, five research questions were reviewed in line with the purpose of the study. The study is a descriptive research design, the population of the study consisted of all students in three selected secondary schools in Ikorodu Local Area of Lagos State . 90 respondents were used for the study. Simple random sampling techniques was used to selected three secondary schools in Ikorodu Local Government Area of Lagos State . The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation. The finding of this study revealed that the causes of mass failure in accounting are Lack of commitment on the teacher part, poor working habit, poor attitude of teachers, lack of punctuality in class works among others are revealed in the study as teachers’ factors responsible for students poor performance in Financial accounting. The study recommend that, Effort should be geared towards making all teachers of accounts to be professionally trained. Refreshes course, seminars should be organized for practicing teachers of accounts to acquaint themselves with new technology and method of imparting knowledge to the students. Educational authorities should Endeavour to provide fund to procure some of the equipment needed for the teaching of book-keeping and accounts.
Title page
Table of contents
Background to the Study
Statement of the Problem
Purpose of the Study
Research Questions
Research hypothesis
Significance of the Study
Scope of the study
Historical background of accounting
Concepts of Financial accounting
Objectives of Financial accounting
Methods of teaching Financial accounting
The roles of instructional materials in teaching principle of
Teacher’s attitude and its effects on student’s performance in
Financial accounting
Students learning attitude and its effect on their performances
Factors responsible for mass failure in accounting
Empirical studies
Theoretical framework
Summary of literature review
Research design
Population of the study
Samples and sampling techniques
Instrument for data collection
Validation of the instrument
Reliability of the instrument
Administration of the instrument
Data analysis techniques
Descriptive analysis
Discussion of Findings
Limitation of the study
Suggestion for further studies
Background of the Study
It is true that many students in Accounting Education today do not have secondary school background in Accounting unlike Mathematics, Economics, “English, Government and so on therefore, they tend to have a negative attitude at the very beginning of the course at the university and assume that accounting is a very difficult course.
Students negative attitude toward accounting, considering it a difficult subject. This is usually manifested by their poor performance and high rate of failure in Principles of accounting.
Since Financial accounting has come to stay in Nigeria secondary school the factors that affect students’ performance in the subject becomes a necessity.
Factor that enhances academic performance among learners according to some findings is gender. That is to say that there are indications of gender bias in examination performance i.e. male tend to perform higher than females in examination due to certain extraneous factors ( Kabir 2009), In the same way to maintain the view that past performance was found to be related to future performance. This is also by Kalil (2008) where he maintained that students past performance in ‘0’ level examination was found to be related to their future performance The concept of learning environment is very broad and its effect on learning cannot be over-emphasized. Akinboye (2011) maintained that the physical environment is complex; its effects on learning are also complex. In the physical environment there are forces such as temperature, pressure, and humidity which affect individual and consequently his learning. He further stressed that learning is a product of an individual’s interaction, with his environment. This position maintained that, a conducive environment is necessary for effective learning.
For education in school to be effective the environment needs to be conducive to learning, allowing the pupils’ space and time to interact within the learning and teaching process. Creating and maintaining stimulating learning environment can be achieved through effective and classroom organization, interactive and whole school displays and a climate if innovation. It is important to note that good learning and teaching displays in classrooms and corridor reflecting a broad and balanced curriculum which is well matched to the needs of the pupils.
Therefore, if a good a well maintained learning environment is ensured, the students will appear to perform better and produce good result. But most of the schools in Lagos State do not meet the entire requirement for effective learning environment particularly in rural areas. Thus, greater parts of many primary schools have their roofs blown-off by wind. Therefore, children under this condition are forced to study without being free from the effect of weather, rain, sun, and wind. In a situation where the physical comfort of the children is not guaranteed it is then not ideal for learning. NT.I (2000) puts it together that conducive teaching-learning environment is a pre-requisite for effective learning in most secondary schools in Lagos State .
Previous research work on students’ success factors in accounting, such as Tailab (2013), Uyor and Gungornus (2011) and Adeleke, Binyuomote and Adoyinka (2013), examined the two extreme factors (students-related and teachers-related) with little or no consideration given to the factor that brings the symbolism between teachers and students (institutional factors). More so, although the high rate of students’ failure in principle of in Nigerian secondary schools is clearly observable, to the best of our knowledge, there are scanty empirical studies in Nigerian that have examined factors responsible for this poor students’ achievement. In order to close these existing gaps, this study is therefore aimed at investigating the factors and the effect of mass failure in Financial accounting in Nigeria secondary school
Statement of the Problem
Observations and reports from examining bodies like WAEC, NECO and JAMB revealed that a high percentage of secondary school students continue to perform poorly in Financial accounting. Despite the laudable efforts at developing an acceptable general accounting curriculum students’ performance in the subject appears to be declining over the years. Yet in the face of all these efforts put in place by various stake holder and curriculum planner the rate and degree of students’ poor performance in senior secondary school examination in Financial accounting must now be a problem of national concern. The question that readily comes to mind is; what are the factors responsible for mass failure in Financial accounting in secondary school examination? Are the teachers of Financial accounting adequately qualified and properly trained in the subject? Is the excessive workload and lack of teacher training facilities at the root of poor performances of student?
Purpose of the study
This study examines the factors responsible for mass failure in Financial accounting in three selected secondary schools in Ikorodu Local Government Area of Lagos State
Specifically, the study will;
- Determine if teachers’ attitude to teaching and learning of Financial accounting is one the major factors responsible for mass failure
- Determine if school environment contribute to mass failure in accounting
- To determine if students’ attitude and commitment towards Financial accounting constitute a significant problem in student’s performance in Financial accounting
- Find out if Teachers’ teaching methods contribute to mass failure in Financial accounting
- Find out if teachers’ use of instructional materials contribute to mass failure in accounting
Research Questions
To achieve the objective of the study, five research questions were raised.
- Does teachers’ and students attitude to the teaching of Financial accounting constitute a problem in the students’ performance?
- What is the nature of school environment in which teaching is done?
- Does teaching method constitute significant problem in students’ performance in Financial accounting?
- Does the students’ attitude and commitment towards Financial accounting constitute a significant problem in student’s performance in Financial accounting
- Does the lack of instructional materials, educational facilities and inadequate supervision constitute a significant problem in students’ performance in Financial accounting examination?
Research Hypothesis
The following null hypothesis were formulated to guide the study;
- teachers and students attitude does not have significance different on the causes of mass failure in accounting
- school environment does not have significance difference on students poor performance in accounting
- teaching method does not constitute significant effect on students’ performance in Financial accounting
- lack of instructional materials, educational facilities and inadequate supervision constitute does not significantly affect students’ performance in Financial accounting
Significance of Study
It is the sincere hope of the researcher that by carrying out this study of the factors responsible for mass failure in Accounting and proffering solutions, the findings and recommendations would be of a great help to all stakeholders who have anything to do with the success or failure of the child in school; school administrators, classroom teachers, psychologists, teacher trainers, theorists, examination bodies, curriculum designers and professional associations.
It will equally guide and guard government at all levels and ministries of education, school guidance counselors and parents. It is hoped that this study will help in improving the whole system in such a way as to induce better performance in accounting examination at the secondary school level.
Scope of study
The present study used three secondary schools in Ikorodu Local Government Area Of Lagos State . These schools present students for the senior secondary school certificate examinations conducted by both NECO and WAEC.The research work covered only four sampled selected schools in only one local government area. It also covered only public senior secondary schools.

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