Title Page
Approval Page
Table of Contents
List of Tables
Background of the Study
Statement of the Problem
Purpose of the Study
Significance of the Study
Research Question
Delimitation of the Study
Limitation of the study
Assumption of the study
Definition of Terms
Review of Literature
Research Design
Area of the Study
Sample of the Study
Instrument of Data Collection
Validation of the Instrument
Administration of the Instrument
Data Analysis Techniques
Presentation and Analysis of Data
Summary, Conclusion and
Implication of the Study
used in teaching agriculture in secondary schools
used in teaching agriculture in secondary schools
facilities needed for teaching learning practical agriculture
facilities needed for teaching learning practical agriculture
activities needed by the student
activities needed by the student
length of time needed for practical
length of time needed for practical
personnel to be involved in teaching practical
personnel to be involved in teaching practical
The study focused on assessing the
extent of practical agricultural practices in selected sciences secondary
schools in Ekiti State. Questionnaires were administered
to students and teachers of agriculture science in sampled sciences secondary
schools and collected by hand. The sample of the study consisted of sixty-four
respondents. Sixty student and four teachers. The data collected was analyzed
percentage means and frequency. The method of teaching agriculture in secondary
schools include role playing, project method and problem solving facilities
needed for teaching practical agriculture include school farm, farmland,
poultry farm, labouratory practical activities needed by the student include
activities in general agriculture identification of farm tools and their uses.
The length of time need for practical range from an hour to two hours. The
personnel to be involved in teaching practical agriculture are N.C.E Holder,
and B.Sc Holder. The following recommendation are made for the finding of this
study. Government should provide financial support to the school so that they
can purchase modern tools and equipment and other farm tools needed for
effective agriculture production. Activities in soil and animal science should
be for student by teachers of agriculture. School farm should be used for
teaching agriculture skill during practical rather than for punishing student.
Student should be given shares from the farm produce for encouragement. School
should organized agricultural week where agricultural produce from the farm
would be exhibited and probably sold to the public for financial purpose.
extent of practical agricultural practices in selected sciences secondary
schools in Ekiti State. Questionnaires were administered
to students and teachers of agriculture science in sampled sciences secondary
schools and collected by hand. The sample of the study consisted of sixty-four
respondents. Sixty student and four teachers. The data collected was analyzed
percentage means and frequency. The method of teaching agriculture in secondary
schools include role playing, project method and problem solving facilities
needed for teaching practical agriculture include school farm, farmland,
poultry farm, labouratory practical activities needed by the student include
activities in general agriculture identification of farm tools and their uses.
The length of time need for practical range from an hour to two hours. The
personnel to be involved in teaching practical agriculture are N.C.E Holder,
and B.Sc Holder. The following recommendation are made for the finding of this
study. Government should provide financial support to the school so that they
can purchase modern tools and equipment and other farm tools needed for
effective agriculture production. Activities in soil and animal science should
be for student by teachers of agriculture. School farm should be used for
teaching agriculture skill during practical rather than for punishing student.
Student should be given shares from the farm produce for encouragement. School
should organized agricultural week where agricultural produce from the farm
would be exhibited and probably sold to the public for financial purpose.
Background of the Study
Practical in Agriculture centre much
on food production. Practical Agriculture carried out either on the field/farm
or in laboratories all gear toward food production for man, feed for livestock
and raw materials for industries
on food production. Practical Agriculture carried out either on the field/farm
or in laboratories all gear toward food production for man, feed for livestock
and raw materials for industries
Agriculture being one of the oldest
industries has its origin traced to the earlier human societies who depended on
the collection of wild fruits, roots and cutting grass for bush meat for food.
As time went on domestication of crop become the order of the day which is the
beginning of modern agriculture.
industries has its origin traced to the earlier human societies who depended on
the collection of wild fruits, roots and cutting grass for bush meat for food.
As time went on domestication of crop become the order of the day which is the
beginning of modern agriculture.
Agriculture occupies a strategies
position in the social economics and political development of any nation. A
nation that cannot feed its citizen is not only weak but has no basis for
continued existence.
position in the social economics and political development of any nation. A
nation that cannot feed its citizen is not only weak but has no basis for
continued existence.
It is the responsibility of the
school to train the youth with various skills involved in profitable farming
for them to become future literate farmers who will be able to understand and
adopt new innovation in farming. Inspite of all the effort of government to
train literate farmers the problem of food scarcity in Nigeria lingers
on the literate farmers do not want to engage in farming.
school to train the youth with various skills involved in profitable farming
for them to become future literate farmers who will be able to understand and
adopt new innovation in farming. Inspite of all the effort of government to
train literate farmers the problem of food scarcity in Nigeria lingers
on the literate farmers do not want to engage in farming.
The external debt owned to other
countries by Nigeria
accumulated mostly become of food important and if those debts are to be paid,
Nigerian must improve on practical agriculture. However Nigeria is primarily an agriculturally endowed
country, but the most challenging task in Nigeria today is to increase food
production so as to meet the ever-increasing food demand.
countries by Nigeria
accumulated mostly become of food important and if those debts are to be paid,
Nigerian must improve on practical agriculture. However Nigeria is primarily an agriculturally endowed
country, but the most challenging task in Nigeria today is to increase food
production so as to meet the ever-increasing food demand.
Several farming programmes were carried
out in Nigeria.
However the Ondo and Ekiti State Programme / Agricultural Development project
Niger Agriculture project, the North-West group farming scheme and other have
all been reported as possessing a poor level of effectiveness.
out in Nigeria.
However the Ondo and Ekiti State Programme / Agricultural Development project
Niger Agriculture project, the North-West group farming scheme and other have
all been reported as possessing a poor level of effectiveness.
Ogunrinde (1983) ask about the where
about of graduate of agricultural programmes run by the different institution.
He wondered why a significant proportion of the graduate do not go into
agriculture production.
about of graduate of agricultural programmes run by the different institution.
He wondered why a significant proportion of the graduate do not go into
agriculture production.
A critical look at the way teaching
and learning of agricultural science is being handle in secondary schools,
reveals that the teaching of the subject is not handled in such ways to
encourage the student to take it up as a vocation. Farm practical, is an aspect
of great importance in the learning of agricultural science and yet this aspect
has not been adequately addressed in the school curriculum required practical
skill are not the target of student. This is clearly evident in the poor
attitude of student taking up farming as a means of livelihood coupled with
their poor understanding of fundamental concept in practical agriculture. It is
also one of the major causes of student under achievement in agricultural
and learning of agricultural science is being handle in secondary schools,
reveals that the teaching of the subject is not handled in such ways to
encourage the student to take it up as a vocation. Farm practical, is an aspect
of great importance in the learning of agricultural science and yet this aspect
has not been adequately addressed in the school curriculum required practical
skill are not the target of student. This is clearly evident in the poor
attitude of student taking up farming as a means of livelihood coupled with
their poor understanding of fundamental concept in practical agriculture. It is
also one of the major causes of student under achievement in agricultural
The introduction of agricultural
science into Nigerian schools was a step toward meeting food needs of the
science into Nigerian schools was a step toward meeting food needs of the
The essence of the introduction of
agricultural science into secondary school is to equip the student with the
right attitude, methods and techniques of modern agriculture so as to increase
agriculture productivity and provide raw materials for agro-owed industries.
agricultural science into secondary school is to equip the student with the
right attitude, methods and techniques of modern agriculture so as to increase
agriculture productivity and provide raw materials for agro-owed industries.
Statement of the Problem
The general low performance of
student in agricultural science in the school certificate examination in the
state is of great concern to all educational. The science secondary schools in Ekiti State,
however were established to produce science student thoroughly groomed in both
theory and practical, it is therefore important to assess the practical
activities to which these science students are exposed and determine the
student in agricultural science in the school certificate examination in the
state is of great concern to all educational. The science secondary schools in Ekiti State,
however were established to produce science student thoroughly groomed in both
theory and practical, it is therefore important to assess the practical
activities to which these science students are exposed and determine the
Purpose of the Study
The major purpose of this study is to
asses the extent of practical agriculture practice in science secondary school
in Ekiti State.
asses the extent of practical agriculture practice in science secondary school
in Ekiti State.
To achieve this aim the following
specific object are set out:
specific object are set out:
methods used in teaching practical agriculture in secondary schools.
methods used in teaching practical agriculture in secondary schools.
facilities needed for teaching learning practical activities in secondary
facilities needed for teaching learning practical activities in secondary
practical activities needed by the student
practical activities needed by the student
length of time needed for practical
length of time needed for practical
personnel to be involved in teaching practical etc.
personnel to be involved in teaching practical etc.
Significance of the Study
In order to understand the principle
and application of the knowledge gained in science subject, practical
experience is very achieve the desired learning resect.
and application of the knowledge gained in science subject, practical
experience is very achieve the desired learning resect.
This study is very important in the
sense that it provides way of assessing practical agriculture in schools, it
also help to determines number and quality of equipment and tools available for
the student to use in practical agriculture. It help to investigate the
attitude of the student toward practical agriculture and also reveals the role
of school head and government in assessing practical agriculture in science
secondary schools as well as create their areas for future interest researchers
in the field.
sense that it provides way of assessing practical agriculture in schools, it
also help to determines number and quality of equipment and tools available for
the student to use in practical agriculture. It help to investigate the
attitude of the student toward practical agriculture and also reveals the role
of school head and government in assessing practical agriculture in science
secondary schools as well as create their areas for future interest researchers
in the field.
Research Question
The research question for this study
are as follows:
are as follows:
are the method used in teaching practical agriculture in secondary schools?
are the method used in teaching practical agriculture in secondary schools?
are the facilities needed for teaching learning practical agriculture in
secondary schools?
are the facilities needed for teaching learning practical agriculture in
secondary schools?
are the practical activities needed by the students?
are the practical activities needed by the students?
are the length of time needed for practical?
are the length of time needed for practical?
are the personnel to be involved in teaching practical etc?
are the personnel to be involved in teaching practical etc?
Delimitation of the Study
This study focuses on the assessing
the extent of practical agriculture practices in science secondary schools.
the extent of practical agriculture practices in science secondary schools.
The researcher try to look at various
method of teaching practical agriculture and also problem militating against
the extent of practical agriculture in science secondary schools.
method of teaching practical agriculture and also problem militating against
the extent of practical agriculture in science secondary schools.
Limitation of the Study
The study was limited to three
schools due to having of three science secondary schools in Ekiti State.
schools due to having of three science secondary schools in Ekiti State.
The questionnaire was administered by
hand there by consuming much time to complete the collection of data.
hand there by consuming much time to complete the collection of data.
Assumption of the Study
is assumed the population selected is a representative of the general
is assumed the population selected is a representative of the general
is also assumed that the questionnaire items are understandable by the
is also assumed that the questionnaire items are understandable by the
is assumed that majority of the teacher administered questionnaire are matured
to give accurate response to the questionnaire
is assumed that majority of the teacher administered questionnaire are matured
to give accurate response to the questionnaire
is assumed that the result of the finding could be generalized to other science
secondary schools not caused by this study.
is assumed that the result of the finding could be generalized to other science
secondary schools not caused by this study.
Definition of Terms
Agriculture Science:- Is a broad multidisciplinary field that encompasses
the parts of exact, natural, economic and social science that are used in the
practice and understanding of agriculture.
Agriculture Science:- Is a broad multidisciplinary field that encompasses
the parts of exact, natural, economic and social science that are used in the
practice and understanding of agriculture.
Agriculture:- Is the cultivation of animals plant, fungi and other life form for food,
fiber drug and others product used to sustain and enhance human life.
Agriculture:- Is the cultivation of animals plant, fungi and other life form for food,
fiber drug and others product used to sustain and enhance human life.
Farm Practical:– Agricultural practical
concerning the raising or growing of plant and animals
Farm Practical:– Agricultural practical
concerning the raising or growing of plant and animals
Equipment:- These include movable apparatus such as machines,
book, handbooks, mode charts which aid learning but not consumable
Equipment:- These include movable apparatus such as machines,
book, handbooks, mode charts which aid learning but not consumable
Decide the amount or value of estimate the worth or likehood.
Decide the amount or value of estimate the worth or likehood.
Facilities:- These are fixed, non-movable apparatus such as farm lands, livestock
house laboratories, that are necessary for enhancing the teacher learning
Facilities:- These are fixed, non-movable apparatus such as farm lands, livestock
house laboratories, that are necessary for enhancing the teacher learning
Field Trip:–
A planned visit to place outside the regular classroom to obtain information
directly and study real situation .
Field Trip:–
A planned visit to place outside the regular classroom to obtain information
directly and study real situation .
Vocation Skill:- Skill required as a result of
undergoing a vocational training
Vocation Skill:- Skill required as a result of
undergoing a vocational training
Supervised Practice:- This involves groups of pupils under the supervision of the
teacher learning to improve individual proficiency on skills or to solve a
problem or extend their knowledge of subject.
Supervised Practice:- This involves groups of pupils under the supervision of the
teacher learning to improve individual proficiency on skills or to solve a
problem or extend their knowledge of subject.
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