The study examined the effectiveness of adult literacy programme on learners in Ado-Ekiti Local Government. The study also cover the impact of literacy programme on learners in the community and to study the various sources if funding available in the centre and to ensure the proper management of adult literacy programme in Ado –Ekiti Local Government Area of Ekiti State.
The study employed the descriptive research design types. The population of the study consisted all instructors, learners and officials in the department of adult and non formal education in Ado-Ekiti Local Government. The techniques adopted for the sample selection was the random sampling technique which was achieved through the ballot system to select six (6) administrators, four (4) instructors and ninety (90) learners .
Results shows that government play the major role in financing literacy centres, tuition fees and other miscellaneous paid by the students were also used for funding the centre and that host community also contribute reasonably towards the financing of literacy centres
Based on the findings of the study, the following recommendation were made; that policy makers in the civic service should see adult education as an importance part of educational system rather than see it as a job best left to volunteers. Government should recruit enough qualified instructors and the salaries, remuneration and other bonuses should be paid at the appropriate time to bring about the best in them. Instructors should use all necessary measures available to motivate learners to learn due to the important role play by literacy in the development of the community. Classroom should be provided for literacy programme, this will enable learners to learn in a conducive environment.
Title Page
Title Page
Table of Contents
Background to the study
Statement of the Problem
Purpose of the Study
Research Questions
Significance of the Study
Delimitation of the Study
Definitions of Terms
Concept of Adult Literacy
Literacy Education
Adult Education
Effectiveness of Adult Literacy Programme and Learners Performance
Problem of Adult Literacy in Ekiti State
Studies of Adult Literacy Porgramme ineKITI State and
Ado-Ekiti in Particular
Research Design
Population of the Study
Sample and Sampling Techniques
Data Instrument
Validity of the Instrument
Reliability of the Instrument
Administration of the research Instrument
Data Analysis
Background to the Study
Literacy is the ability to read, write and to use symbols that are fundamental to learning and teaching for the purpose of comprehending and composing for the purpose of making and communicating meaning and knowledge.
Education is the process of impacting or acquiring general knowledge developing the power of reasoning and judgment and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life.
Developing countries of the world are blessed with natural resources. Most third world nations are poor because of their low literacy level, low capital formation, poor health care facilities and ignorance. The power of literacy lies not only in the ability to read and write, but rather in an individual to put these skills to work in shaping the course of his or her life literacy is a fundamental human right and the foundation for lifelong learning. It is fully essential to social and human development in its abilities to transform lives for individual, families, and societies alike, it is an instrument of empowerment to improve one’s health, one’s income and one’s relationship with the world.
Adult literacy can be seen as a means by which others members of the society take advantage of education in order to increase their level of awareness and participation in their in community. Adult literacy is no an end in itself it is vehicle for obtaining further information for modifying attitude and behavior in order to achieve better quality of life for the recipients.
Literacy could be seen as tool that empower and enrich the wellbeing of an individual, families, communities and the nations the set of benefits associated with the literacy provides the national for recognizing literacy as a right. UNESCO (2013) identify a multitude to interrelated benefits of literacy which can be categorized into human benefits of illiteracy are those that are intrinsically valuable as well as instrumental in realizing other benefits. I have more confidence is a typical statement after completing a literacy training programme. Many studies have find positive impact of literacy on self-esteem, including reports from Brazil, India, Nigeria and United State of American and South Asian countries. Literacy empower learners to have more control over the lives and to take individual or collective action in the household the work place or in the community. The empowerment effect of literacy is especially potent for women, who make up two third of the world’s literate population UNESCO (2011). Being literate also endows political benefit and skills, which faster the development of thriving societies in trade union and local national polities, those with an education are more likely to vote and voice more to leant attitudes and democratic values for instance women who took part in literacy programme participated more in community organization and voted more than the illiterate women. Similarly literate women in Nigeria reported being confident enough to participate in community meeting unlike illiterate women. The cultural benefit that literacy bring with it are harder to identify and measure than benefits in terms of political participation. However, it is likely that adult literacy programme can be central in preserving and promoting cultural openness and diversity. This may be done by making their own culture. It is interesting to imagine how literacy may change a culture and potentially transform attitudes, behavioural, patterns, norms and values. However, evidence from this kind of culture transformation arising from literacy programme is limited.
Literacy opens up a space in which people could begin to questions, challenge, resist and renegotiate value and their own roles. Perhaps some of the most powerful benefits of literacy are the social benefits which include the effects of health education and gender equality. Infant mortality was significantly lower among mother who had participated in an adult literacy campaign compared to those who had not. Study have shown that women who attended literacy and basic education are more likely to see medical help for themselves and their sick children and adopt preventive health measures such as immunization and family planning method. More broadly, there is strong evidence that education (especially that of females) reduces fertility rate. Literacy is inextricably linked to education and enables independent and like long learning. Furthermore, parents who are educated, whether through schooling or adult literacy programme are more likely to send their children during their schooling.
On human, political culture, social and economic basic literacy skills support and individual live hood and feeds into a society’s development and growth. The uses of literacy for the exchange of knowledge are constantly evolving along with advance in technology from the internet to text massaging the very wider availability of communication makes for great social and political participation. A literate community is a dynamic community, one that exchange ideals and engage in technological development. Illiteracy however, is an obstacle to a better quality of life and can even breed exclusion and violence to achieve the purpose above, government at federal and state level has stepped up adult literacy programme. Indeed it is hoped that Nigeria and Ekiti State in particular will be able to achieve to a reasonable high percent of literacy in the country in spite of effort by government in sitting up adult literacy centres. Unconfirmed reports showed the centre may be faced with diverse problems that could militate against this background that the study investigate the effectiveness of adult literacy programme in Ado-Ekiti Local Government Area of Ekiti State.
Statement of the Problem
Adult literacy programme has been badly organized and poorly funded over the year by the federal, state and local government. This has led to the programme to lose it spark and success recorded in other countries. The few literacy centres that are available are managed by people who don’t know about adult literacy programme while most of the instructors are not professionals in the field of adult education at most centres.
In the course of this study the following questions were raised;
- Can better funding improve the quality of literacy program?
- To what extent will professional facilities or instructors increase turnout to the learners?
- How can the available and adequacy of learning materials enhance learners academic performance in the literacy programme?
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study is to identify effectiveness of adult literacy programme on learners in Ado-Ekiti Local Government.
The study will also cover the impact of literacy programme on learners in the community and to study the various sources of funding available in the centre and to ensure the proper management of adult lite act programme in Ado –Ekiti Local Government Area of Ekiti State.
Research Questions
The following research question were raised for the purpose of this study;
- Who are the organisers and administrators of literacy programme
in your community
- What are the various source of funding available to literacy centers in your community
- How adequate are the learning materials in your centre?
- What are the impacts of literacy programe in learners in your community?
- What is the problems encountered by the literacy centre’s in your communities?
Significance of the Study
The study would bring to light the extent to which literacy has influence adult learners academic performance. It will provide the learners the opportunity of seeing themselves potentials of good success and also being able to contribute meaningful input in the society. The study would critically access the connection between adult literacy and societal development by demonstrating its role in rural transformation and social mobilization to both adult learners and the community. The study would also help the government to know the area they need to improve on the adult literacy programme. The study would add to the existing body of literature on adult literacy. The study would be of great importance to adult education agencies and institutions by making them to be aware of the challenges facing adult literacy programme and ways to combat these challenges.
Delimitation of the Study
This study will be delimited to 90 recipients from 4 functional literacy centres in Ado –Local Government Area of Ekiti State. The study would be restricted to the information gathered in the literacy centre in Ado Local Government.
Definition of Terms
In this study the following words are defined as they are used in the study;
Literacy: Literacy is the ability to read, write and to used symbols that are fundamental to learning and teaching for the purpose of comprehending and composing for the purpose of making and communicating meaning and knowledge.
Adult Education: A programme, a process, a social movement and a discipline designed to improve the skills, technical abilities and quality of life of individuals.
Effectiveness: Is a relatively vague, non –quantitative concept mainly concerned with achieving objectives without wasting time money or energy in adult and non-formal education.
Instructors: A person whose job is to guide some body or group of people a practical skill especially in adult and non-formal educaton programme.
Recipient: A person who receive learning or educational instruction to develop skills and attitude.

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