to the study
to the study
The innovations that have taken place
world-wide on the area of information communication technology have broken all
national and international barriers and tuned the world into a global village,
since it has made information available to organization and individuals
everywhere and at anytime. Consequently, this has affected the nature,
procedure and forms of equipment used in in daily business.
world-wide on the area of information communication technology have broken all
national and international barriers and tuned the world into a global village,
since it has made information available to organization and individuals
everywhere and at anytime. Consequently, this has affected the nature,
procedure and forms of equipment used in in daily business.
The use of new technology facilities in teaching and learning process is
not a new phenomenon in promoting education, especially in those developed
countries, all over the world. Presently, some higher institutions of learning
in Nigeria are using information and communication technology (ICT) facilities
for modern achievement. Computer and communication technologies have offered
tremendous opportunities for teaching by electronic means (Rogina, 2012). The
use of new multimedia technologies and internet in teaching is seen as a
strategy to improve accessibility, efficiency and quality of education by
facilitating access to resources and services as well as remote exchanges and
not a new phenomenon in promoting education, especially in those developed
countries, all over the world. Presently, some higher institutions of learning
in Nigeria are using information and communication technology (ICT) facilities
for modern achievement. Computer and communication technologies have offered
tremendous opportunities for teaching by electronic means (Rogina, 2012). The
use of new multimedia technologies and internet in teaching is seen as a
strategy to improve accessibility, efficiency and quality of education by
facilitating access to resources and services as well as remote exchanges and
Colleges and universities have generally been quick to adopt
new technologies, often even before their educational value has been proven.
Throughout its history, higher education has experimented with technological
advances as diverse as the blackboard and the personal computer. Some
technologies have become permanent parts of the higher education enterprise.
Others, such as the slide rule and the 16-millimeter movie projector, have been
replaced as more sophisticated or more cost-effective technologies have emerged
to take their place.
new technologies, often even before their educational value has been proven.
Throughout its history, higher education has experimented with technological
advances as diverse as the blackboard and the personal computer. Some
technologies have become permanent parts of the higher education enterprise.
Others, such as the slide rule and the 16-millimeter movie projector, have been
replaced as more sophisticated or more cost-effective technologies have emerged
to take their place.
the dawn of the twenty-first century, new and rapidly improving technologies
are in the process of transforming higher education. Each year since 1994, the
Campus Computing Survey has shown increased use in college classrooms of
technology-dependent resources such as e-mail, the Internet, course web pages,
and computer simulations. Technology has the potential to revolutionize the
traditional teaching and learning process. It can eliminate the barriers to
education imposed by space and time and dramatically expand access to lifelong
learning. Students no longer have to meet in the same place at the same time to
learn together from an instructor. Fundamentally, modern technologies have the
ability to change the conception of a higher education institution. No longer
is a higher education institution necessarily a physical place with classrooms
and residence halls where students come to pursue an advanced education. Thanks
to recent developments in technology, the standard American image of a college
or university as a collection of ivycovered buildings may need to be revised
for the first time since the founding of Harvard in 1636.
the dawn of the twenty-first century, new and rapidly improving technologies
are in the process of transforming higher education. Each year since 1994, the
Campus Computing Survey has shown increased use in college classrooms of
technology-dependent resources such as e-mail, the Internet, course web pages,
and computer simulations. Technology has the potential to revolutionize the
traditional teaching and learning process. It can eliminate the barriers to
education imposed by space and time and dramatically expand access to lifelong
learning. Students no longer have to meet in the same place at the same time to
learn together from an instructor. Fundamentally, modern technologies have the
ability to change the conception of a higher education institution. No longer
is a higher education institution necessarily a physical place with classrooms
and residence halls where students come to pursue an advanced education. Thanks
to recent developments in technology, the standard American image of a college
or university as a collection of ivycovered buildings may need to be revised
for the first time since the founding of Harvard in 1636.
and telecommunications are the principal technologies reshaping higher
education. Due to advances in each of these domains, electronic mail, fax
machines, the World Wide Web, CDROMs, and commercially developed simulations
and courseware are altering the daily operations and expanding the missions of
colleges and universities.
and telecommunications are the principal technologies reshaping higher
education. Due to advances in each of these domains, electronic mail, fax
machines, the World Wide Web, CDROMs, and commercially developed simulations
and courseware are altering the daily operations and expanding the missions of
colleges and universities.
(2014) highlighted that information and communication technology does not refer
to only internet and telephone but include the satellite, radio, television, video
tapes, tape recorders, compact disc, etc. ICT have revolutionary impact on
educational methodology globally, for effective teaching processes. According
to Yusuf (2005), teachers need training not only in computer literacy but also
in the application of various kinds of software packages in teaching and
learning. Teacher training in ICT is inevitable and crucial because information
and communication facilities are tools that help them to take full advantage to
enhance teaching and learning process.
(2014) highlighted that information and communication technology does not refer
to only internet and telephone but include the satellite, radio, television, video
tapes, tape recorders, compact disc, etc. ICT have revolutionary impact on
educational methodology globally, for effective teaching processes. According
to Yusuf (2005), teachers need training not only in computer literacy but also
in the application of various kinds of software packages in teaching and
learning. Teacher training in ICT is inevitable and crucial because information
and communication facilities are tools that help them to take full advantage to
enhance teaching and learning process.
Subsequently, the use of ICT facilities
in educational system facilitate learner – centered collaborative environment
which emphasizes the importance of intrinsic learning through social
interaction. While according to the
vygotsky (1978) cited in the write up on mobile learning by Geddes (2005),
learner – centered interaction result in learners being more engaged and helps
to develop personal intellectual structures that foster deeper understanding
and allow students to discuss complex situation and resolve ambiguities with
international commonality of communication over the internet. Therefore, ICT
facilities provide learners with secondary access to environment, and
international learning facilitators which they would otherwise be unable to
access, as wireless ICT facilities become more common and accessible. Students
will be able to participate in international communication. Utilization of ICT
devices has greatly brought about rapid changes in today’s classroom, as video
cassette recorders, compact disc recorders, cell phones, network computers and
computer software have brought some changes in classroom teaching by
supplementing and complementing some aspect of teaching processes for
educational quality (James, 2005).
in educational system facilitate learner – centered collaborative environment
which emphasizes the importance of intrinsic learning through social
interaction. While according to the
vygotsky (1978) cited in the write up on mobile learning by Geddes (2005),
learner – centered interaction result in learners being more engaged and helps
to develop personal intellectual structures that foster deeper understanding
and allow students to discuss complex situation and resolve ambiguities with
international commonality of communication over the internet. Therefore, ICT
facilities provide learners with secondary access to environment, and
international learning facilitators which they would otherwise be unable to
access, as wireless ICT facilities become more common and accessible. Students
will be able to participate in international communication. Utilization of ICT
devices has greatly brought about rapid changes in today’s classroom, as video
cassette recorders, compact disc recorders, cell phones, network computers and
computer software have brought some changes in classroom teaching by
supplementing and complementing some aspect of teaching processes for
educational quality (James, 2005).
of the problem
of the problem
spite of its nearly irresistible appeal, technology presents higher education
with difficult challenges. Systematic planning of technological enhancements to
educational programs is difficult when technology changes so quickly and
unpredictably. Academic planners are continually playing catch-up to implement
new technology applications that appear more quickly than a careful planning
process can anticipate. Similarly, paying for new technologies with exciting
educational applications remains troublesome for institutions with more needs
than resources. Most education researchers who wrestle with the funding issues
raised by technology argue that new budgeting strategies are necessary to keep
institutions from lurching from one technology-funding crisis to the next.
Institutions must view technology as a routine expense, not an exceptional
special expenditure.
spite of its nearly irresistible appeal, technology presents higher education
with difficult challenges. Systematic planning of technological enhancements to
educational programs is difficult when technology changes so quickly and
unpredictably. Academic planners are continually playing catch-up to implement
new technology applications that appear more quickly than a careful planning
process can anticipate. Similarly, paying for new technologies with exciting
educational applications remains troublesome for institutions with more needs
than resources. Most education researchers who wrestle with the funding issues
raised by technology argue that new budgeting strategies are necessary to keep
institutions from lurching from one technology-funding crisis to the next.
Institutions must view technology as a routine expense, not an exceptional
special expenditure.
The present lectuers that were trained and had been working in
school system many years ago particularly before the introduction of modern
technologies in teaching and learning finding it difficult to use moden
technology in teaching and learing s. These teachers were not trained with
modern technologies and facilities. This
suggests that the training they received seems to be irrelevant to the present
curriculum because of technological changes taking place in work places where
the students will find themselves after graduation. The inefficiency of lecturers
in imparting ICT skills to students has been noticed in the students’ inability
to do well in work places.
school system many years ago particularly before the introduction of modern
technologies in teaching and learning finding it difficult to use moden
technology in teaching and learing s. These teachers were not trained with
modern technologies and facilities. This
suggests that the training they received seems to be irrelevant to the present
curriculum because of technological changes taking place in work places where
the students will find themselves after graduation. The inefficiency of lecturers
in imparting ICT skills to students has been noticed in the students’ inability
to do well in work places.
The researcher observed that many students after
graduation find it difficult to uaw modern technology particularly those who
had no opportunity for further training. Those who tried to work in organzation
where information is processed with modern technologies found it difficult to
manipulate computers and other ICT equipment. Olufemi and Onyenu (2010)
affirmed that the influence of technologies has rendered manual skills
inadequate for the world of work while creating needs for new sophisticated
skills. Therefore, the study in
investigate the technology used in teaching and leaing in tertiary institution
graduation find it difficult to uaw modern technology particularly those who
had no opportunity for further training. Those who tried to work in organzation
where information is processed with modern technologies found it difficult to
manipulate computers and other ICT equipment. Olufemi and Onyenu (2010)
affirmed that the influence of technologies has rendered manual skills
inadequate for the world of work while creating needs for new sophisticated
skills. Therefore, the study in
investigate the technology used in teaching and leaing in tertiary institution
Purpose of the study
The main purpose of the study is to
determine teachers awareness and utilization of ICT facilities for the teaching
of business studies in junior secondary schools in Ijebu Ode local government
are of Ogun State
determine teachers awareness and utilization of ICT facilities for the teaching
of business studies in junior secondary schools in Ijebu Ode local government
are of Ogun State
The is study specifically to seek for the
determine if Lectuers have the awareness
on the use of modern technology teaching
and learning in higer institution
determine if Lectuers have the awareness
on the use of modern technology teaching
and learning in higer institution
Ascertain the extent to which Lecturer utilize ICT
facilities in teaching
Ascertain the extent to which Lecturer utilize ICT
facilities in teaching
To find out
problems faced with ICT utilization in teaching
To find out
problems faced with ICT utilization in teaching
To find out
the availability of Modern technologies facilities in the selected Higher Instituttion .
To find out
the availability of Modern technologies facilities in the selected Higher Instituttion .
To find out
the possible strategies for improving the teaching of and learning using modern
To find out
the possible strategies for improving the teaching of and learning using modern
Research Question
following research questions were raised to guide the conduct of the study;
following research questions were raised to guide the conduct of the study;
Does Lectuers
have the awareness about the utilization
of modern Technology in teaching in
tertiary institution?
Does Lectuers
have the awareness about the utilization
of modern Technology in teaching in
tertiary institution?
To what
extent does Lectuers utilize ICT facilities in teaching?
To what
extent does Lectuers utilize ICT facilities in teaching?
What are
the problems faced with Modern Technology utilization in teaching and learning?
What are
the problems faced with Modern Technology utilization in teaching and learning?
adequate are modern technology facilities in the selected higher institution
adequate are modern technology facilities in the selected higher institution
are the possible strategies that will improve the teaching using modern
are the possible strategies that will improve the teaching using modern
of Study
of Study
The result of this study would be
valuable in the following specific ways;
valuable in the following specific ways;
The students would benefit from the
result of this study as they will be adequately trained and equipped with
necessary skills and knowledge which will manifest after graduation and the
result may also be useful for the students carrying out research.
result of this study as they will be adequately trained and equipped with
necessary skills and knowledge which will manifest after graduation and the
result may also be useful for the students carrying out research.
The Lecturer will benefit from the
result of the study if utilized, by gaining more knowledge, skills and
experience of delivering instruction through the use of ICT facilities.
result of the study if utilized, by gaining more knowledge, skills and
experience of delivering instruction through the use of ICT facilities.
The result of this study will also be
useful to the educational institutions as the result provides information
necessary for improving the teaching processes.
useful to the educational institutions as the result provides information
necessary for improving the teaching processes.
Employers of labor will derive the
advantage if opportune to employ such students who are well trained and
equipped with necessary knowledge and skills through the use of ICT facilities
which would result to maximum productivity of an organization.
advantage if opportune to employ such students who are well trained and
equipped with necessary knowledge and skills through the use of ICT facilities
which would result to maximum productivity of an organization.
of the study
of the study
This study covers all the students and lecturers in Osun State University, The
study will also cover three faculties in the selected institution.
study will also cover three faculties in the selected institution.
of Terms
of Terms
Teacher – centered mode of instruction; is the
process of teaching whereby the teacher verbally delivers a pre-planned body of
knowledge to his students while students listen and jot down points.
process of teaching whereby the teacher verbally delivers a pre-planned body of
knowledge to his students while students listen and jot down points.
Student – centered mode of instruction; is the
process in which the students learn all on his own a field of study or topic
broken into bits according to his interest and ability, and consult teachers
only when he needs him.
process in which the students learn all on his own a field of study or topic
broken into bits according to his interest and ability, and consult teachers
only when he needs him.
Information – Can simply be defined as a processed
data, while data is a raw facts about an entity.
data, while data is a raw facts about an entity.
Technology – Is the application of basic
scientific knowledge in providing solution to problems around us.
scientific knowledge in providing solution to problems around us.
information and communication
information and communication

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