of the major tasks facing an organization in general is an understanding of the
working behaviours of the people that constitutes their organization. It is
also pertinent for an organization to identify the level of motivation existing
in the organization. This is not only necessary, but goes a long way in
enhancing and encouraging higher performance in the work place. This project
addressed the issue of effect of motivation o salesmen of “Nigerian Bottling
company Plc” and its impact on sales volume. The major instruments used for the
collection of data are questionnaire and seconding data. The data obtained were
analysed, using frequency percentage and chi-square.
of the major tasks facing an organization in general is an understanding of the
working behaviours of the people that constitutes their organization. It is
also pertinent for an organization to identify the level of motivation existing
in the organization. This is not only necessary, but goes a long way in
enhancing and encouraging higher performance in the work place. This project
addressed the issue of effect of motivation o salesmen of “Nigerian Bottling
company Plc” and its impact on sales volume. The major instruments used for the
collection of data are questionnaire and seconding data. The data obtained were
analysed, using frequency percentage and chi-square.
findings shows that motivation of salesman has really helped in enhancing
better performance in the work place and increasing the company sales volume,
which resulted in high revenue generation while it is considered that
motivation is a very important issue which when conducted in-depth and
independently trigger human behaviour and affect sales volume positively.
findings shows that motivation of salesman has really helped in enhancing
better performance in the work place and increasing the company sales volume,
which resulted in high revenue generation while it is considered that
motivation is a very important issue which when conducted in-depth and
independently trigger human behaviour and affect sales volume positively.
Title Pages
Table of contents
1.1 Background
of the Study
of the Study
1.2 Statement
of the Study
of the Study
1.3 Objective
of the Study
of the Study
1.4 Research
1.5 Significance
of the Study
of the Study
1.6 Scope
of the Study
of the Study
1.7 Limitations
of the study
of the study
1.8 Definition
of terms
of terms
1.9 Historical
background of the case Study
background of the case Study
2.1 Introduction
2.2 How
to Motivate Salesman
to Motivate Salesman
2.3 Theoretical
2.4 Job
2.5 Job
2.6 Job
3.1 Research
3.2 Area
of Study
of Study
3.3 Population
of Study
of Study
3.3.1 Sample
of Study
of Study
3.3.2 Sampling
3.4 Research
3.5 Design
of Questionnaire
of Questionnaire
3.6 Reliability
of the Research Instrument
of the Research Instrument
3.7 Problems
Encountered on Questionnaire Administration
Encountered on Questionnaire Administration
3.8 Statistical
Tool Applied
Tool Applied
3.9 Procedure
for Data Collection
for Data Collection
3.10 Procedure
for Data Analysis
for Data Analysis
4.1 Analysis
and Qualitative Interpretation of Questionnaire
and Qualitative Interpretation of Questionnaire
4.2 Analysis
of Statistical Data Collected from Respondent
of Statistical Data Collected from Respondent
5.1 Summary
of Finding
of Finding
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation
5.4 Suggestion
for further Studies
for further Studies
question of motivation in an organizations has engaged the attention of
academicians for as long as the process of managing organizations has been the
subject of speculative inquiry. This should not come as a surprise in view of
the nature of the phenomenon. It is a widely held belief that motivation
processes, if applied appropriately and correctly play a tremendous role in
enhancing sales performance. Salesman motivation involves a clear understanding
of each individual salesmen’s needs (internal) and emotions all in a bid to
providing inducements which will result in men and women putting their full
abilities in their works.
question of motivation in an organizations has engaged the attention of
academicians for as long as the process of managing organizations has been the
subject of speculative inquiry. This should not come as a surprise in view of
the nature of the phenomenon. It is a widely held belief that motivation
processes, if applied appropriately and correctly play a tremendous role in
enhancing sales performance. Salesman motivation involves a clear understanding
of each individual salesmen’s needs (internal) and emotions all in a bid to
providing inducements which will result in men and women putting their full
abilities in their works.
is not an understatement to state that there is a direct relationship between
salesman motivation and sales performance. Many establishments that make use of
sales personnel often have tendencies to ignore motivating them without
considering the eventual consequence. Based on the forgoing, it is pertinent
therefore, for any organization who decides to have a good and effective sales
force / salesman to incorporate the motivation element such that they are drive
to a point where their abilities are fully optimized.
is not an understatement to state that there is a direct relationship between
salesman motivation and sales performance. Many establishments that make use of
sales personnel often have tendencies to ignore motivating them without
considering the eventual consequence. Based on the forgoing, it is pertinent
therefore, for any organization who decides to have a good and effective sales
force / salesman to incorporate the motivation element such that they are drive
to a point where their abilities are fully optimized.
study seeks to survey the relationship between the salesmen’s motivation and
its impact on organizational sales performance. This emphasize that
motivational drive is one major characteristics that the sales manager has to
come to term with, because it dictates the salesmen behaviour in order to
utilize this to the overall advantage of the organization.
study seeks to survey the relationship between the salesmen’s motivation and
its impact on organizational sales performance. This emphasize that
motivational drive is one major characteristics that the sales manager has to
come to term with, because it dictates the salesmen behaviour in order to
utilize this to the overall advantage of the organization.
Nigerian Bottling Company Plc is one organization that has a reputation or
salesmen’s motivation as it has make or marred their sales performance.
Achieving an enhanced sales performance can be justifiably pursued if workers /
salesmen’s are well motivated particularly in the areas of on the job training,
recognition, promotions and so forth. This and many other reasons culminate
into the survey of salesman motivation and sales performance as it affects organizations
Nigerian Bottling Company Plc is one organization that has a reputation or
salesmen’s motivation as it has make or marred their sales performance.
Achieving an enhanced sales performance can be justifiably pursued if workers /
salesmen’s are well motivated particularly in the areas of on the job training,
recognition, promotions and so forth. This and many other reasons culminate
into the survey of salesman motivation and sales performance as it affects organizations
salesman is usually the arrowhead of an organization. The organization has
realized that if they get the process of obtaining good salesman wrong, it
might spell a doom for them. In view of this, necessary attention is given to
the recruitment, selection, training, management and compensation plan of
salesman then, this study find answers to the following problems;
salesman is usually the arrowhead of an organization. The organization has
realized that if they get the process of obtaining good salesman wrong, it
might spell a doom for them. In view of this, necessary attention is given to
the recruitment, selection, training, management and compensation plan of
salesman then, this study find answers to the following problems;
1. To what extent is job performance
influenced by perceived level of motivation in an organization?
influenced by perceived level of motivation in an organization?
2. What impact does motivation have on
salesman and if it affects their performance on the job?
salesman and if it affects their performance on the job?
3. How can I motivate and retain the level
of motivation of my sales force?
of motivation of my sales force?
4. What effect has salesman motivation on
organisation’s sales performance?
organisation’s sales performance?
5. Does
salesman motivation result in financial wastages?
salesman motivation result in financial wastages?
1. To investigate how effective and
efficient the motivation concept has been in relation to salesman and
organizational sales performance
efficient the motivation concept has been in relation to salesman and
organizational sales performance
2. To
identify the motivating variables existing in the organisation
identify the motivating variables existing in the organisation
3. To analyze the level at which workers and
employees are motivated at a particular period towards improved sales
employees are motivated at a particular period towards improved sales
4. To establish how an incentive program is
designed to lift the performance outputs of a group of people engaged in some activities
by increasing their motivation.
designed to lift the performance outputs of a group of people engaged in some activities
by increasing their motivation.
5. To ascertain measurable results in
allowing the organisation to track performance and measures the overall success
of the program
allowing the organisation to track performance and measures the overall success
of the program
Ho: That
motivation is of no importance to salesmen
motivation is of no importance to salesmen
Hi: That
motivation is of importance to salesmen
motivation is of importance to salesmen
Ho: That sales performance is not influenced by
perceived level of salesmen motivation in the organisation
perceived level of salesmen motivation in the organisation
Hi: That sales performance is influenced by
perceived by level of salesman motivation in the orgnaisation.
perceived by level of salesman motivation in the orgnaisation.
Ho: That salesman compensation does not
facilitate easy recruitment and maintenance of competent sales force.
facilitate easy recruitment and maintenance of competent sales force.
Hi. That
salesman compensation facilitates easy recruitment and maintenance of competent sales force.
salesman compensation facilitates easy recruitment and maintenance of competent sales force.
Ho: That
salary plus commission is not a financial device used to motivate the sales force.
salary plus commission is not a financial device used to motivate the sales force.
Hi: That
salary plus commission is a financial device used to motivate the sales force.
salary plus commission is a financial device used to motivate the sales force.
managers of organizations may find this study very relevant in that it serves
as a point of reference.
managers of organizations may find this study very relevant in that it serves
as a point of reference.
study impact positively on how an organisation can easily determines its
performance and sales volume.
study impact positively on how an organisation can easily determines its
performance and sales volume.
study intends to bring illumination to the dark places of sales performance as
it affects an organisation through motivation
study intends to bring illumination to the dark places of sales performance as
it affects an organisation through motivation
areas of coverage of this research work evolves around the bottling industry in
the city of Lagos.
The personnel department, sales department and production department are the
critical areas to be covered in the organisation of enquiry.
areas of coverage of this research work evolves around the bottling industry in
the city of Lagos.
The personnel department, sales department and production department are the
critical areas to be covered in the organisation of enquiry.
study of this kind naturally posed some challenges. A few of the challenges
anticipated are:
study of this kind naturally posed some challenges. A few of the challenges
anticipated are:
1. Inability
to access vital information / records for secrecy purpose
to access vital information / records for secrecy purpose
2. Shortage
of time to complete project work / time limit
of time to complete project work / time limit
3. Uncooperative
attitudes of some respondents
attitudes of some respondents
4. Lack
of finance
of finance
5. Political
instability e.g Boken Haken
instability e.g Boken Haken
Cole (1996), Motivation is the term used to described those processes, both
instinctive and rational, by which people seek to satisfy the basic drives,
perceived needs and personal goals which trigger human behaviour.
Cole (1996), Motivation is the term used to described those processes, both
instinctive and rational, by which people seek to satisfy the basic drives,
perceived needs and personal goals which trigger human behaviour.
(1988), identifies motivation as an energizing force that induces or compels
and maintains behaviour. It is an internal psychological process whose presence
or absence is inferred from the observed performance.
(1988), identifies motivation as an energizing force that induces or compels
and maintains behaviour. It is an internal psychological process whose presence
or absence is inferred from the observed performance.
(1984), defines motivation as the way in which urges, desires, aspiration, and
needs influence the choice of alternative in the behaviour of human being.
(1984), defines motivation as the way in which urges, desires, aspiration, and
needs influence the choice of alternative in the behaviour of human being.
Mitchall (1988), The contribution of two or more people working co-operatively
towards the achievement of the company’s objectives.
Mitchall (1988), The contribution of two or more people working co-operatively
towards the achievement of the company’s objectives.
(2008), A system that co-ordinates people, jobs, financial resources, and
managerial practices to achieve performance goals. It is an entities which process
inputs by transforming them into specifies outputs of goods and services
desired by the society’s
(2008), A system that co-ordinates people, jobs, financial resources, and
managerial practices to achieve performance goals. It is an entities which process
inputs by transforming them into specifies outputs of goods and services
desired by the society’s
Salesmen / Salesforce: Kotler (1998), Employees in a company serving as intermediary
between the company and its customers. In selling the products of an
organisation. Salesmen is referred to as the “arrow head” of an organisation.
between the company and its customers. In selling the products of an
organisation. Salesmen is referred to as the “arrow head” of an organisation.
Goal: An
unrealized state or condition that the organisation deems desirable.
unrealized state or condition that the organisation deems desirable.
Needs: Maslow
(1984), Are the cause of actions and are classified into basic psychological
and social needs.
(1984), Are the cause of actions and are classified into basic psychological
and social needs.
Job Rotation:
Kotler (1998), the switching of salesmen from undemanding jobs to demanding
Kotler (1998), the switching of salesmen from undemanding jobs to demanding
Job Enlargement: Herbert (1991), refers to adding extra tasks, it’s a horizontal
extension of job.
extension of job.
Salaries: This
is a definite salary paid to the salesman without any linkage to his sales
is a definite salary paid to the salesman without any linkage to his sales
Oladele (2009), The amount due out of what the company receive as sales from
the salesman
Oladele (2009), The amount due out of what the company receive as sales from
the salesman
Bonus: Oladele
(2009) Extra Remuneration paid to the salesman for performing non-selling
functions especially functions that are more of marketing than selling.
(2009) Extra Remuneration paid to the salesman for performing non-selling
functions especially functions that are more of marketing than selling.
Sales Budget: This is the periodic estimate of the sales
expected to be realized by the organisation e.g. monthly sales, weekly sales or
yearly sales.
expected to be realized by the organisation e.g. monthly sales, weekly sales or
yearly sales.
Nigerian Bottling Company Plc (NBC) was incorporated in November 1951, as a
subsidiary of the A.G. Leventis Group with the franchise to bottle and sell
coca-cola products in Nigeria.
From a humble beginning as a family business,
the company has grown to become a predominant bottler of non-alcoholic
beverages in Nigeria,
responsible for the manufacture and sales of over 33 different coca-cola brands.
Other popular brands of beverage produced by the company are Eva water, five
alive fruit juice and the newly introduced Burn energy drinks.
Nigerian Bottling Company Plc (NBC) was incorporated in November 1951, as a
subsidiary of the A.G. Leventis Group with the franchise to bottle and sell
coca-cola products in Nigeria.
From a humble beginning as a family business,
the company has grown to become a predominant bottler of non-alcoholic
beverages in Nigeria,
responsible for the manufacture and sales of over 33 different coca-cola brands.
Other popular brands of beverage produced by the company are Eva water, five
alive fruit juice and the newly introduced Burn energy drinks.
company presently has 13 bottling facilities and over 80 distribution
warehouses located across the country. Since production started, NBC Plc has
remained the largest bottler of non-alcoholic beverages in the country in terms
of sales volume, with about 1.8 billion bottles sold per year, making it the
second largest market in Africa.
company presently has 13 bottling facilities and over 80 distribution
warehouses located across the country. Since production started, NBC Plc has
remained the largest bottler of non-alcoholic beverages in the country in terms
of sales volume, with about 1.8 billion bottles sold per year, making it the
second largest market in Africa.
the company is part of the Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company (CCHBC), one of
Coca Cola Company’s largest anchor bottlers worldwide. CCHBC operates in 28
countries, serving 540 million consumers and selling over 1.3 billion unit
cases of beverage annually.
the company is part of the Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company (CCHBC), one of
Coca Cola Company’s largest anchor bottlers worldwide. CCHBC operates in 28
countries, serving 540 million consumers and selling over 1.3 billion unit
cases of beverage annually.
Company recently embarked on a restructuring exercise to expand further its
market share and growth profit. It invested in a new state of the art can
filling and packing line at the Apapa plant. The plant has since begun to
produce the “first soft drink can that is wholly packaged in Nigeria”. This
is in addition to a new bottling plant in Abuja,
investment in the upgrade of other manufacturing infrastructure, distribution
and delivery facilities.
Company recently embarked on a restructuring exercise to expand further its
market share and growth profit. It invested in a new state of the art can
filling and packing line at the Apapa plant. The plant has since begun to
produce the “first soft drink can that is wholly packaged in Nigeria”. This
is in addition to a new bottling plant in Abuja,
investment in the upgrade of other manufacturing infrastructure, distribution
and delivery facilities.