Table of
CHAPTER ONE: Introduction
Background of
the study…………………………………
the study…………………………………
Statement of the
Questions …………..………………………….
Questions …………..………………………….
Objectives of
the Study………………………………….
the Study………………………………….
Significance of
the Study………………………………..
the Study………………………………..
Delimitation of
the Study …………………….…………
the Study …………………….…………
CHAPTER TWO: Literature Review
Attitude and Performance………………………………
Factors Influencing the Performance of Students in
Factors Influencing Teacher’s Attitude toward
Economics ……….
Economics ……….
Factors Influencing Students Attitude towards
Summary of the Literature Review ………………………………..
CHAPTER THREE: Methodology
Design ……………………………………………
Design ……………………………………………
of the Study …………………………………….
of the Study …………………………………….
and Sampling Procedure ………….………………..
and Sampling Procedure ………….………………..
Instrument ……………………………………..…
Instrument ……………………………………..…
of the Instrument …………………………………
of the Instrument …………………………………
of the Instrument ……………………………
of the Instrument ……………………………
Analysis Techniques……………………………………
Analysis Techniques……………………………………
CHAPTER FOUR: Presentation and Analysis
of Data
of Data
of the Results ………………………………….. 33
of the Results ………………………………….. 33
CHAPTER FIVE: Conclusion and
… ….………..…………………………..…………
… ….………..…………………………..…………
REFERENCES ………………………………….…………
purpose of this study is to investigate the attitude of secondary school
teachers toward Economics in both private and public secondary schools in Akure
Local Government Area of Ondo State. The
sample for the study were selected from 5 private and 6 public secondary
schools in Akure South Local Government Area of Ondo State while the sample
consisted 110 teachers randomly selected from the schools through stratified random
sampling technique. Questionnaire was designed to collect necessary information
on factors that affect teacher’s attitude toward Economics. Copies of the
questionnaire were administered to the selected respondent in the selected
schools. The data collected were analyzed using simple percentage and
frequency. The finding indicated that the respondents express both passive and
remote causes of the observed attitude of secondary school teachers toward
Economics in both private and public secondary schools. Based on the finding of
the study, it is recommended that pupils, parents, governmental and
organization have role to play to motivate the teacher’s to develop their
interest in Economics and live up to expectation in the subject.
purpose of this study is to investigate the attitude of secondary school
teachers toward Economics in both private and public secondary schools in Akure
Local Government Area of Ondo State. The
sample for the study were selected from 5 private and 6 public secondary
schools in Akure South Local Government Area of Ondo State while the sample
consisted 110 teachers randomly selected from the schools through stratified random
sampling technique. Questionnaire was designed to collect necessary information
on factors that affect teacher’s attitude toward Economics. Copies of the
questionnaire were administered to the selected respondent in the selected
schools. The data collected were analyzed using simple percentage and
frequency. The finding indicated that the respondents express both passive and
remote causes of the observed attitude of secondary school teachers toward
Economics in both private and public secondary schools. Based on the finding of
the study, it is recommended that pupils, parents, governmental and
organization have role to play to motivate the teacher’s to develop their
interest in Economics and live up to expectation in the subject.
Background of the Study
can be defined as a process through which we acquire knowledge, skills and
experience and elicit attitude of positive value which makes us positively
functional in our environment, and society. The process as a view of education
is that which is acquire intentionally through a systematic and organized
procedure (Ballard, 2009).
can be defined as a process through which we acquire knowledge, skills and
experience and elicit attitude of positive value which makes us positively
functional in our environment, and society. The process as a view of education
is that which is acquire intentionally through a systematic and organized
procedure (Ballard, 2009).
Education is an important activity of
any society, an instrument of socio-economic upliftment and political
mobilization. Education can be seen as a moving force in societal development
any society, an instrument of socio-economic upliftment and political
mobilization. Education can be seen as a moving force in societal development
major controversy among analysts and policy makers concerns what the objectives
of education should be is that some have suggested that for a person or attain
develop full potential and personality in education, it should be provided for
its own sake, as a means of enhancing an individual’s knowledge. This concept
of education has continuously influenced policies in some advanced countries of
the world. Others on the other hand, hold that education, seeks to prepare
people to functions that are essential for transformation of their environment.
The two point of view can be related in term of the conflict between regarding
education as a consumer good and regarding it as a capital good. As long been
conceived, Nigeria is in a developmental stage in which education is both a consumer
good and capital good. (Second National Development Plan) 1970-1975. When the
concept of education as a capital good is rooted in the concept of education as
a capital which attaches high premium to human skills as a factor of production
in a development process. A corollary is that human skill or productivity is
just an important input in the process of development as a finance, natural
wealth and physical plant. Given that education plays important role in the
creation and improvement of human capital, its relevance and important to
economic growth and development planning cannot be under played. Experience of
some developing countries during the rest decades has indicated that the in-depth
storage of talent and skills needed for developmental process can be acquire
through good education (World Bank, 2010).
major controversy among analysts and policy makers concerns what the objectives
of education should be is that some have suggested that for a person or attain
develop full potential and personality in education, it should be provided for
its own sake, as a means of enhancing an individual’s knowledge. This concept
of education has continuously influenced policies in some advanced countries of
the world. Others on the other hand, hold that education, seeks to prepare
people to functions that are essential for transformation of their environment.
The two point of view can be related in term of the conflict between regarding
education as a consumer good and regarding it as a capital good. As long been
conceived, Nigeria is in a developmental stage in which education is both a consumer
good and capital good. (Second National Development Plan) 1970-1975. When the
concept of education as a capital good is rooted in the concept of education as
a capital which attaches high premium to human skills as a factor of production
in a development process. A corollary is that human skill or productivity is
just an important input in the process of development as a finance, natural
wealth and physical plant. Given that education plays important role in the
creation and improvement of human capital, its relevance and important to
economic growth and development planning cannot be under played. Experience of
some developing countries during the rest decades has indicated that the in-depth
storage of talent and skills needed for developmental process can be acquire
through good education (World Bank, 2010).
Recognizing the importance of
education to National Development, in 1993, the Federal Government established
Education Tax Fund (ETF). The fund which is being managed by the Education Tax
Board is being disturbed to federal, state and local government institutions
including primary and secondary schools, due to the failure of the state and
local government to appropriately fund education.
education to National Development, in 1993, the Federal Government established
Education Tax Fund (ETF). The fund which is being managed by the Education Tax
Board is being disturbed to federal, state and local government institutions
including primary and secondary schools, due to the failure of the state and
local government to appropriately fund education.
In view of the importance period, the
government has spent a lot of money in formulating policy(ies) on education at
all levels and also provision of necessary personnel, infrastructural facilities
and incentives, not only for the
teachers but also for the learners (students), to ensure qualitative
education of her citizenry.
government has spent a lot of money in formulating policy(ies) on education at
all levels and also provision of necessary personnel, infrastructural facilities
and incentives, not only for the
teachers but also for the learners (students), to ensure qualitative
education of her citizenry.
The new National Policy of Education
establishment (2010) emphasized the integration of the individual to a sound
and greater tomorrow of effective citizen who will function well in the
society. The aims is training her citizen as a self-reliant being
establishment (2010) emphasized the integration of the individual to a sound
and greater tomorrow of effective citizen who will function well in the
society. The aims is training her citizen as a self-reliant being
The new 9-3-4 system of education
which was established in the year (2009) provided a unique opportunity for
adolescent adult to be gainful employed after their formal education, thus the
recipient would not rely solely on government for white collar job but
concentrate on what he could do for a living personally i.e. self-reliance. Thus
the Nigeria Policy on Education emphasized more on self-reliance, this is what
individual could do with his hand and be self-employed after leaving the formal
which was established in the year (2009) provided a unique opportunity for
adolescent adult to be gainful employed after their formal education, thus the
recipient would not rely solely on government for white collar job but
concentrate on what he could do for a living personally i.e. self-reliance. Thus
the Nigeria Policy on Education emphasized more on self-reliance, this is what
individual could do with his hand and be self-employed after leaving the formal
Economics is one of the major subjects
that the new National Policy of Education. It is a subject that cuts across all
fields. Economics has a long way from the 16th century, during its
early developmental days in hand of classical and Neo-classical economists.
Economics has become important and indispensable in our modern society. It
impacts on every aspect of our economic life in one form or the other and it is
one of the requirements for the success of any form of business, regardless of
size and type. The importance attaches to economics in recent times makes it
imperative for most people top seek knowledge in respect of the subject.
that the new National Policy of Education. It is a subject that cuts across all
fields. Economics has a long way from the 16th century, during its
early developmental days in hand of classical and Neo-classical economists.
Economics has become important and indispensable in our modern society. It
impacts on every aspect of our economic life in one form or the other and it is
one of the requirements for the success of any form of business, regardless of
size and type. The importance attaches to economics in recent times makes it
imperative for most people top seek knowledge in respect of the subject.
However, economics involve offering
management service for others who use such service for decision making in the
running of the affairs of their organization. In other words, whatever may be the
level of self-employment, a good business organization for success.
management service for others who use such service for decision making in the
running of the affairs of their organization. In other words, whatever may be the
level of self-employment, a good business organization for success.
Education funding affects the
development of teaching and learning process with optimum allocation of scarce
resources in a national development. The impact of Education Trust Fund to all
field of enquiry such as social sciences, engineering, science, agriculture,
education as well as pure and applied science warrants adequate funding. Given
this background, it is therefore correct to state that the idea of the impact
of Education Trust Fund facilitate either at the primary school level,
secondary school level or tertiary education level given that economics as a
subject cuts across all field of study, it then becomes imperative to study the
impact of secondary school teachers and student toward economics. This is
necessary as attitude is a major determinant of performance. Education funding
is important because it will aid the development of teaching/learning
experience. Impact of education funding provides incentives to education are favorable
or unfavorable. Therefore, the performance of any students in tertiary level is
a function of the quality of the foundation in the subject at the secondary
school level. The primary purpose of this study is to examine the attitude of
secondary school teachers towards economics. To guide this is the study, it is
important to ask pertinent questions relating to teachers and students attitude
towards the subjects’, economics.
development of teaching and learning process with optimum allocation of scarce
resources in a national development. The impact of Education Trust Fund to all
field of enquiry such as social sciences, engineering, science, agriculture,
education as well as pure and applied science warrants adequate funding. Given
this background, it is therefore correct to state that the idea of the impact
of Education Trust Fund facilitate either at the primary school level,
secondary school level or tertiary education level given that economics as a
subject cuts across all field of study, it then becomes imperative to study the
impact of secondary school teachers and student toward economics. This is
necessary as attitude is a major determinant of performance. Education funding
is important because it will aid the development of teaching/learning
experience. Impact of education funding provides incentives to education are favorable
or unfavorable. Therefore, the performance of any students in tertiary level is
a function of the quality of the foundation in the subject at the secondary
school level. The primary purpose of this study is to examine the attitude of
secondary school teachers towards economics. To guide this is the study, it is
important to ask pertinent questions relating to teachers and students attitude
towards the subjects’, economics.
Statement of the Problem
The issue of education funding has
been identified in the literature in the past. Funding of the sector is the
prerequisite for the attainment of the qualitative education as emphasized in
the National Policy, (1984). The funding determines the proper and right
attitude of the teachers and learners through the development of
infrastructure, incentives and training. Stakeholders such as government and
private organization fail to provide an enabling environment for the attainment
qualitative education
been identified in the literature in the past. Funding of the sector is the
prerequisite for the attainment of the qualitative education as emphasized in
the National Policy, (1984). The funding determines the proper and right
attitude of the teachers and learners through the development of
infrastructure, incentives and training. Stakeholders such as government and
private organization fail to provide an enabling environment for the attainment
qualitative education
The major problem of this research
work is to find out the attitude of secondary schools teachers towards
economics and analyze the factors that contribute to the observed attitude.
work is to find out the attitude of secondary schools teachers towards
economics and analyze the factors that contribute to the observed attitude.
Research Questions
Based on the problem stated above, the
following question are raised.
following question are raised.
1. Do
secondary school teachers have positive or negative attitudes towards
secondary school teachers have positive or negative attitudes towards
2. What
are the factors that influence the attitude of the teachers toward the subject?
are the factors that influence the attitude of the teachers toward the subject?
Objectives of Study
The general objective of this study is
to analyze the attitude of secondary school teachers towards economics which
are to compare the number of economics teachers in relation to the other
teachers in each school and student may come and study economics. It is also to
study and analyze the interest and attitude of teachers towards teaching and
learning economics and to make policy recommendation, on the basic of the
finding in the study.
to analyze the attitude of secondary school teachers towards economics which
are to compare the number of economics teachers in relation to the other
teachers in each school and student may come and study economics. It is also to
study and analyze the interest and attitude of teachers towards teaching and
learning economics and to make policy recommendation, on the basic of the
finding in the study.
It is then worth While taking a look
at attitude of teachers in economics subject, as teacher‘s attitude will affect
student interest and performance in subject. Therefore the general objective of
the study is to examine the attitude of secondary schools teachers and students
towards the economics as a subject.
at attitude of teachers in economics subject, as teacher‘s attitude will affect
student interest and performance in subject. Therefore the general objective of
the study is to examine the attitude of secondary schools teachers and students
towards the economics as a subject.
Also, the specific objectives for the
study includes:
study includes:
1. To
know the positive and negative attitude of secondary schools teachers towards
know the positive and negative attitude of secondary schools teachers towards
2. To
access the factors that influence the attitude of teachers and students towards
the subject
access the factors that influence the attitude of teachers and students towards
the subject
Significance of the Study
This study is significant in that, it
will help to identify the factor, responsible for lack of interest in Economics
by secondary school teachers and students, thus provide solution to such
problem through recommendations
will help to identify the factor, responsible for lack of interest in Economics
by secondary school teachers and students, thus provide solution to such
problem through recommendations
Delimitation of the Society
This research work will be delimited
to few schools in both private and public schools in Akure south local
government area, Ondo state. Due to limited materials and limited time, however
collection of adequate, relevant and accurate information would be ensured. The
limitation of the study will be resolve by guiding the respondents on how to
fill the questionnaire.
to few schools in both private and public schools in Akure south local
government area, Ondo state. Due to limited materials and limited time, however
collection of adequate, relevant and accurate information would be ensured. The
limitation of the study will be resolve by guiding the respondents on how to
fill the questionnaire.

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